Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 162: Unparalleled Saints and Confucians Jixuan Valley

Chapter 162: Unparalleled Saints and Confucians Jixuan Valley

"Build a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations. Confucian saints, Wugou, holy Confucians, unparalleled."

With the sound of the Qinglang Poetry Horn, the messy earth gave birth to five grains, and the fragrance of life filled the air, but an unworldly figure descended.

The visitor is wearing a platinum holy garment, with a hundred grains as embellishments on the side of the garment, long white hair tied up, a high platinum two-color crown on the top of the head, and a golden spike pattern of 'Ji' printed on the center of the eyebrows.

"Huh? Confucianist?"

Lord Tianzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, holding the Chi Lei Saber horizontally in his hand, and said in a concentrated voice.

"So threatening, why?"

The person turned his back, with one hand behind his back, and asked plainly.

Although he didn't move, the pure aura around him made people dignified.

"Playing tricks, kill!"

Lord Tian Weaver snorted coldly, and came first to kill, she had released Ming Plague, and now she was not satisfied with Duan Tiantu being the leader of the alliance, so she was vying for the first place everywhere.


With a sound of hesitation, a powerful aura rushed towards his face, and he actually forced the Lord of Heaven Weaver to retreat, "There is no killing in front of me, retreat!"

With a sound of 'retreat', a strong and powerful force squeezed them out. Lord Tianzhi, God of War and others felt powerless and retreated step by step.

"Thank you for saving your life!"

Seeing that the Yinxu Allied Forces were forcefully forced back, Dongmen Xuande spat out a mouthful of blood, then took a step forward and bowed slightly to thank him.

The mysterious man raised his arm and waved it, "It's easy, let's go!"

"Can you tell me Yuyin's name, so I can visit him someday and thank you."

"We will meet each other by fate, let's go!"

The mysterious man put his hands behind his back and said calmly.


Dongmen Xuande was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "Thank you, let's go!"

Afterwards, Dongmen Xuande helped the severely injured Du Huaishang and left.

Just when God of War Ji wanted to chase after him again, Duan Tiantu raised his hand to stop him, staring at the mysterious person solemnly, "It's just two remnants, now that the chivalry is gone, they can't make much of a difference. "

After speaking, everyone retreated slowly.

Seeing this, Tianzhizhu, Zhanshenyi and others stopped insisting.

One, Duan Tiantu's words are reasonable.

On the other hand, the mysterious people blocking the road are obviously difficult to deal with. Since they have nothing to do with the mission, they don't need to provoke them.


The seriously injured Dongmen Xuande and Du Shanghuai staggered to Wuyutian, just in time to meet Qin Jiaxian who was about to go to Xianjiao.

Soon, Mr. Butterfly and others also came and healed the two of them.

With the temporary pressure of the two injuries, Qin Jixian couldn't wait to ask: "What happened to you? What about the others?"

"The way of chivalry has been destroyed, and the other comrades have died in battle!" Dongmen Xuande sighed, and said with a sad face: "It is Yuyin who has no leadership and insufficient strength!"

After hearing what had happened, Qin Jiaxian slapped his thigh and said in a hateful voice: "This earth is really not a good thing, and there is Guan Kyushu, a strange city of mountains and seas. Thanks to the old Qin, he thought he was a decent person, but he was also a guy who helped the evildoers." !"

"Okay, I need to report this matter to Tianji as soon as possible, and let Tianji find someone who can withstand the plague from entering the body to create antibodies, then I will go first."

After finishing speaking, Qin Jiaxian waved his feather fan and disappeared swaggeringly.


As the Xingdao Terrace ignited a fire, the once-prosperous city was reduced to charcoal, the heroes sacrificed, and Lun Xingdao was officially declared dead. As the news spread to the martial arts world, it further fueled the Yinxu Alliance's vicious power.

At the same moment, Yuan Wuji also heard the long-lost voice from the system again.

"The host completes the event of destroying the door - leading the way of death theory."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the door-destroying event for the first time, and getting a special reward—a chivalrous heart; getting: one random chance for Xianwu, and two random chances for Gaowu."

"Heroic heart?"

"What is this? It sounds like the name fits this incident, but why does it always feel a little ironic?"

Chivalrous Heart: Strange thing. (After using it, you can change the aura of your body into the most pure and righteous aura from the essence. During the use period, the cultivation base will remain unchanged, but the martial arts will be suppressed to a certain extent; after stripping, it will return to normal.)
"Essentially changing, this is stronger than the imitation power of Vientiane Qi and Wuxiang Divine Art, but I thought it would be a true chivalry and loyalty, which would allow me to perform the method of blood fetus or the treasure of blood element creation , It seems that I overestimated."

Yuan Wuji put away the treasure and exited the system at the same time. He didn't rush to extract it, but went towards Xianjiao.

After all, this is an opportunity to draw immortal martial arts. From time travel to adversity, this is the third chance to draw immortal martial arts.


On the fairy feet.

Jun Fengtian took the golden pill he possessed as Tianji, which also made Tianji gradually recover from the injuries in his body.

Soon after, Qin Jiaxian came back and told what had happened in the past few days and who was looking for the antibody.

"Ni Shenyang actually found Di Ming at this time?"

"This kind of hell will not die. This annoying guy really has a lot of cards in his cards. It seems that I can only deal with him in a few days on the top of the reverse scale."

"You are finally going to have a decisive battle with the earth and the underworld."

"Well... besides that, Lun Xia Xing Dao was destroyed, Dongmen Xuande and Du Shanghuai were rescued by a mysterious person who seemed to be from Confucianism, and I don't know if this person is an enemy or a friend, and now you are injured again. And who should bear the responsibility for making antibodies?"

"Since the two of them were rescued, they might not be enemies in the first place. We'll wait until the matter of the earth and the underworld is dealt with." Tian Ji said with a pensive look, "As for the person who made the antibody?"

"I'll be the one to make the antibody!" At this moment, Jun Fengtian said, wanting to take on this responsibility.

"Ah!" To Jun Fengtian's behavior like this, Tianji sighed helplessly, "Fengtian, did you lose your mind today?"

"The Confucian School is currently experiencing troubled times. Without you in charge, it will be difficult to cope with the scriptures."

"This..." Jun Fengtian hesitated for a moment, and then said righteously: "If I don't take care of it, who else in the world can do it?"

"Let me come!"

At this moment, the earth grows a hundred grains, blossoms and bears ears, and then, a holy figure descends from the sky stepping on colorful auspicious clouds, "Build a heart for the heaven and earth, establish a life for the living people, inherit the unique learning for the sages, and create peace for all generations. , Wugou, sage and Confucianism, Wushuang."

The awe-inspiring righteousness rushed to the face, and the majestic aura enveloped the entire fairy feet. The haze was swept away for a while, and the night sky turned into day.

"Hey, go up the mountain, you don't need to turn on the lights!"

Tianji, who was sitting on the chair, let out a scream, pressed down his palm, and immediately melted into the night sky again.

Qin Jiaxian couldn't take it anymore, so he jumped out immediately, and said with a dissatisfied face: "Okay, you guys are done, is it time to discuss whether to turn on the lights or turn off the lights?"

 Suddenly found that because it was not on the shelves on the 1st, I lost three bonuses of about 1500 yuan for full attendance + newcomer best-selling list + Jianghu internal strength list!Moreover, I didn't get the recommended position today, and the plot was not smooth, and I had to go out to do some errands at night, and my mentality exploded!cry……


(End of this chapter)

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