Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 163 The Plague of the Underworld

Chapter 163 The Plague of the Underworld (seeking order)
Yuan Wuji, who knew Tianji's temperament well, smiled disapprovingly, "Ji Xuangu is polite."

Yes, the future sage and Confucianist Wushuang Jixuangu is the new incarnation of Yuan Wuji.

The reason for preparing this incarnation is also because as the decisive battle with Ni Shenyang is approaching, the identity of Guan Jiuzhou may not take long, and even the identity of Shengtian Banzi has too much hatred, and may have to go into the dark, in order to continue To make waves on the stage can only change to a more decent identity.

"Jixuan Valley?"

Jun Fengtian frowned, his eyes full of doubts.

"Are you the one who saved Dongmen Xuande and Du Shanghuai?" Qin Jiaxian asked suddenly at this moment.

"Dongmen Xuande?"

Ji Xuangu pretended to be puzzled, but after a while he showed a sudden look, "He said lightly: I did save two people on the way here, but it was just a matter of effort."

"Oh! Dongmen Xuande mentioned you to me before. He said that with your deep skills, you might be able to withstand the plague and successfully produce antibodies. It's just that I don't know how to contact you, so I just gave up."

"Ha!" Ji Xuangu chuckled lightly, "It seems that it is indeed destined!"

"Hmm... that's fine." At this time, Tianji squinted his eyes, pondered for a while, then looked at Jixuangu, and said inexplicably, "Then I would like to thank my friend."

"Learning for salvation is the way of a sage. As a disciple of Confucianism, it is right to follow the teachings of the sages, help the poor, and save the common people."


Ji Xuangu flicked his sleeve robe, and said righteous words, combined with the pure aura around him, people couldn't help but feel a sense of approval.

As Ji Xuangu left, Tianji looked at Jun Fengtian and asked, "Fengtian, you don't know this person?"

Jun Fengtian shook his head slightly, "Although Confucianism is now dominated by morality and ancient ways, but behind it are intertwined, and there are countless schools. I will go back to Haozheng Wudao to ask Emperor Confucianism about this matter."

"Senior Huangru?" Tianji nodded, and then said to Qin Jiaxian: "The third person in the world, you should also follow."

"Understood, leave it to Russia, don't worry." Qin Jiaxian patted his heart with the feather fan, and said vowedly.


"It seems that Renjue really didn't show up this time, but I don't know what reason he will miss this time?"

On the way, Ji Xuangu, who Yuan Wuji had transformed into, thought about it, then he shook his head and said: "After all, it's just self-injury, and the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth."

"This time I want to absorb the plague and get in touch with Ni Shenyang at close range. It seems that the rare treasure 'Xiagu Danxin' is useful, and I can also take this opportunity to experience the strength of Ni Shenyang and the characteristics of the elf Jinyuan. Prepare for the next battle."

Wind gallops.

Soon, Jixuangu transformed by Yuan Wuji came to the root base of Tan Wuyu, which is now occupied by the displeased Mr. Butterfly - Wuyutian.

"The third person in the world has been looking for someone for a while, and I don't know the result?" Dongmen Xuande's injury has recovered a lot, he looked at the sky, and said with a hint of worry.

"It is of course a good result to have Russia involved."

At this moment, Qin Jiaxian walked in swaggeringly, shaking a feather fan.

Mr. Butterfly was as arrogant as ever, "Since it's a good result, what about him?"

As soon as the words fell, I was shocked to see grain seeds falling from the sky, and then a hundred grains grew on the earth. Amidst the fragrance of life, a holy figure descended from the sky accompanied by a majestic poem title, "Set up a heart for the heaven and earth, a life for the living people, a legacy for the sages, and a All ages will bring peace. Confucian saints, Wugou, holy Confucianists, unparalleled."

"Wow..." Jian Suifeng raised his head in surprise.

At this time, Mr. Butterfly put his arm on Jian Suifeng's shoulder, and said, "Learn, this is the most popular way to appear on the stage now."

"It's you!"

Surprised by the person coming, Dongmen Xuande hastily stepped forward, "Thank you for your rescue yesterday."

"It's a small effort, don't worry about it." Ji Xuangu said lightly with his hands behind his back, giving people a feeling of being unattainable.

"I don't know your name? Du Shanghuai will remember this favor."

At this time, Du Shanghuai, whose face was pale and whose injuries had not yet healed, staggered forward and asked solemnly.

"My name is Ji Xuangu, the common people's life is what matters, let's get straight to the point."

The current Yuan Wuji has already used the 'Chivalrous Heart', and after using this thing again, his skills have been completely changed.

Even if he had seen Yuan Wuji or Ni Shenyang who had watched the Kyushu battle, he could not feel the same power from him.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the Nine Suns Divine Art is pure and pure Yang, which is similar to the noble spirit of Confucianism, so they cooperate with each other more perfectly.

In the past, even if Jun Fengtian and Tianji didn't notice it, they could know the effect.

Although this rare treasure cannot improve strength, to some extent, it is also at the level of immortal martial arts.

"Then are you ready?"

Ni Shenyang took a step forward and said solemnly: "I must first infect you with the plague, and then infiltrate the elf forbidden element, so as to create antibodies in your body. This process will be very painful, and even life-threatening. In this way, you Would you like to accept it?"

"It's about the danger of the common people, and Ji Xuangu is duty-bound."

Yuan Wuji put his hands behind his back, and said righteously.

Ni Shenyang continued to explain the danger of this matter, "This matter is not guaranteed to succeed. Once you fail, you will be infected with the plague and it will be difficult to recover. If so, are you willing to accept it?"

"If you're ready, let's get started!"

Yuan Wuji said directly without changing his expression.

"it is good!"

Ni Shen's eyes showed approval, and then he turned his sleeves, and countless bright green lights poured into Ji Xuangu's body.

Immediately, the mammoth elf Jin Yuan also filled his body,
Yuan Wuji circulated his kung fu to protect his viscera, and calmly endured the two forces of the plague and the elf's forbidden element, allowing them to shine in his body.

"Is this the Elf forbidden element?"

Yuan Wuji's eyes were slightly closed, and the strange color in his eyes was suppressed.

The Shouyu clan was created by Ni Shenyang with the spirit Jinyuan.

Being able to create a group of forbidden spirits and forbidden elements shows that it must have a powerful source of life and vast power.

Although a lot has been consumed in order to create the Shouyu clan, it is still a rare treasure.

Today, it is an extremely rare opportunity to experience the characteristics of the elf forbidden element at the closest distance without any danger.

"The creation power possessed by the elf Jinyuan is indeed very different from the creation power of the Nine Suns Divine Art."

"If it is said that the creation power of the Nine Suns Divine Art can only be used for assistance, or healing, or recovery; but the elf Jinyuan is the real creation of life.

But nothing is free. There are restrictions on those who use the spirit forbidden element, which will cause the body to be hard to bear. This is because Ni Shenyang is so powerful that he can use it so easily, but even so, he cannot exert his limit.

If you want to get rid of the restriction, you can only reverse the Jinyuan, but the opposite of creation is death. After reversing the Jinyuan, you liberate your power, but you are also consuming your own life. Every time you use your power, you will greatly shorten your life. Even if the forbidden element is not used, the body is already heading towards death, which cannot be recovered. "

"But no matter what the restrictions are, if you use this thing's ability to use blood to create life, you will definitely succeed!"

Yuan Wuji's heart moved slightly, and he had a plan in mind, but on the surface he remained calm.

Soon, as Haoli continued to pour into his body, even his body could feel a little bit of pain.

It's been a long time since I felt this way.

That was the pain that would only be felt when the body was unable to bear the burden when Ji Yang was activated before.

Now, he has cultivated into a body of true yang, even if the former nine extreme yang exploded in his body at the same time, he can bear it, but now, he feels swollen again.

This also shows the vastness of the spirit forbidden element.

However, it is also understandable that at this moment, in addition to enduring the forbidden element of the elves, he is also enduring the erosion of the infinite plague.

The pain became more and more severe, and beads of sweat gathered on Yuan Wuji's forehead, flowing down his cheeks.

 Thanks to: Xiaowu Biaoxue, Gods and Demons and Saint Kings are all occupied, Dutianshensha Zhoutian Xingchen, Tianxiang xtt, Yu Mo Chengji, Bu Zhenzhen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!Thank you fellow Taoists for your recommendation, monthly ticket support, new week, all kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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