Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 165 Layout of all parties

Chapter 165 Layout of all parties (seeking tickets)
No desire days.

Just when Yuan Wuji fell into a coma, his consciousness had already entered the system.

"Random immortal martial arts once, high martial arts randomly twice, the rewards for completing a major event for the first time are really rich, plus the rewards for killing Lieyan Zunxiao, a total of four chances."

"In that case, let's get started."

The four chances were all randomly selected. As Gao Wu used the three chances one after another, the voice of the system soon echoed in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the strange item—the Soul Stone."

"Congratulations to the host for getting the elixir—Dream Grass."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the exercise——Sacred King Art."

Soul Stone: Put this object into the opponent's body in advance. After death, when the soul dissipates, one soul can be kept. With this soul, a new soul can be conceived. Rebirth returns.

"This thing is interesting."

Yuan Wuji murmured, and then his eyes fell on the other two things.

Yumengcao: It can greatly develop the brain area and enter the half-sleep and half-awake state. As long as it is combined with the corresponding elixir, it will be better than ordinary people for 20 years after practicing for three days.

"And the Holy King's Art is the martial art of the Holy King in "Feng Yun"."

"Holy King?"

Yuan Wuji thought for a while, "The holy king, the inner sage and the outer king, who follow the Confucian philosophy, can just serve as part of the martial arts of Ji Xuangu's identity.

"What's next is the main event!"

As Xianwu draws opportunities, it begins.

The pointer rotates rapidly with fantastic colors, and the entire roulette becomes colorful.

After a long time, the system's notification sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Immortal Martial Rare Item——The Seed of Enlightenment."

"This is?"

While Yuan Wuji was puzzled, the system soon displayed the information of the 'Seed of Enlightenment'.

Seed of Enlightenment: Use your own soul to give birth to a complete spiritual soul, and you can pass on the martial arts you have learned, so that the newborn soul can quickly master it.

Seeing the brief introduction, Yuan Wuji was overjoyed.

"Finally got the treasure that breeds the soul!"

Yuan Wuji's voice was jerky, which he had long expected.

"With this thing, Duan Tiantu's body should have a soul that truly belongs to him!"

"Well... let's take this opportunity first to analyze the mystery of the elf forbidden element in the body, and then wake up when the decisive battle is over. The outside world will rely on the auxiliary body to control the situation."

"I believe that when I wake up, there will be a real battle, and it will be the end of everything."

"As for who will be the real winner..."

Yuan Wuji chuckled in his heart, no matter what the result was, he would guarantee his own interests.


Ji Tan said that at this time he would also send Nong Pipa, whose legs were broken, back to the Green Valley Corridor where he had recovered.

"Old Tan, is this what you did when you left alone?" Chu Tianxing looked surprised, he didn't expect Ji Tan to be so caring.


Nong Pipa looked at the recreated familiar scenery in front of him, tears rolled in his eyes, and the past disappeared like wind.

"You stay here first, and I will find something to heal your legs."

Several people chatted again for a while, an old farmer walked by, and after a while, Ji Tan said that he also got the original Hao Xing Tan Long.

The moment his hands touched the old object, the forgotten memory surged again in his mind.

Afterwards, Ji Tan said that he left the Green Valley Corridor and went to the Beast King's Mausoleum to find evidence.


After several days of recuperation, Yuejiaozi, the ghost unicorn master, finally pulled out the true yang energy in his body and recovered from his injuries.

"Guan Jiuzhou, the ghost has written down the revenge of this palm, and this time the battle with Ni Shenyang, the ghost will definitely give you a surprise."

Speaking of this, the Ghost Qi master's eyes moved, "There is also a chess player, he will not be absent in this battle, and it is time for him to call the curtain. Although I don't know how he hides the connection with the other body, but I don't know who he is. , then you can only borrow a knife to kill someone."

"From the mouth of Hate Wufeng, I have learned that what Guan Jiuzhou wants him to do may be available."

"Hmm..." After pondering for a while, Lord Guiqi's eyes moved, "I don't think Diming will just sit back and watch this threat. It seems that this battle does not involve one or two people. I need to plan carefully."


In the strange city of mountains and seas, Zonghengzi, who had been injured by pulling out the floating hand, finally recovered.

At this time, the incarnation of Xinyuehu hurriedly appeared with a letter.

Opening the envelope and seeing the contents above, Zonghengzi looked pensive.

"In the battle with Ni Shenyang in three days, will the Ghost Qi Lord reappear?"

Zonghengzi was silent for a long time before he murmured: "Master Guiqi is vicious and vicious, and he has the intention to kill me. He also knows where Lingmei lives. If he knows that I come out again, he will never let me go." , and Guan Jiuzhou said, as long as I can finish this matter, when Mr. Yuan recovers, let him follow me to see Ling Mei, this matter..."

Thinking of Furong Zhuke, Zonghengzi hesitated again, "Sister Ling is not alone now, I can't make decisions for her in this matter, maybe that's the only way to go, I just hope that by doing this, she won't hate me even more. !"

As he said that, Zonghengzi looked into the distance, and turned the chess piece in his hand lightly, "Sister Ling, what my brother originally wanted was for you to be safe, but now I want you to be happy. Although I don't know if you will blame me, as long as he can treat you mother and child Be responsible, I am willing to give it a try.”


And in Youjie, the Ghost Qi Master disguised by the assistant chess player hides in the dark, carefully understands everything in Youjie, so as to deal with Jiuying and make him trust his identity more.

Of course, he was also playing with the idea of ​​the original demon.

After all, the source of life that conceives and transforms creatures in the Netherworld is not inferior to that of the elf Jinyuan. Most importantly, it is likely to contain some research secrets of Moshi.

Although the original demon king in the previous drama was not in a complete state, he still bears the name of the son of the prophecy of the netherworld.

It is very likely that there are calculations and expectations of Moshi in it.

And Jiuying also became much calmer after the tryst with the ghost unicorn master transformed into the auxiliary body.

She hasn't doubted the authenticity of the ghost unicorn master yet, after all, except for the two of them, no one knows that they have such a secret relationship.

In previous life dramas, even the devil only knew about it after he turned into the glass savior, the prodigal son. In this life, the devil has been sleeping for countless years, let alone know about it.

Jiuying doesn't have any feelings for the Demon Lord. What she wants is to be strong in the Nether Realm and become the master of the Nether Realm. She actively rescues the Demon Lord because the Demon Lord is strong enough to make the Nether Realm stronger.

And with a strong man like the Demon Lord sitting in charge, no one else dared to make plans for Youjie.

But if she has the strength or power to rival the Demon Lord, she will naturally not actively rescue the Demon Lord.

After all, the appearance and shape of the Demon Lord are indeed too exaggerated.

If it wasn't for the plan in her heart, she would not commit herself to the ugly devil.

Now, with the return of the ghost unicorn, she has added help by her side, and she is not as eager for the resurrection of the demon lord.

However, she did not reveal it on the surface, and she still looked active in saving the devil.

Jiuying never puts all eggs in one basket.

Just like when the matter between the ghost lord and the devil's concubine Huanling was revealed, which aroused the anger of the devil, but she still stayed by the devil's side, and was never suspected that she was having an affair with the ghost lord.

As long as you can achieve your own goals, all of this is nothing.

If necessary, she can even sacrifice her close relatives. Demons are inherently cold, and perhaps only the Demon King, Jiuying, Kui Yujiang and others are considered real demons.

Ruthless, vicious, aggressive.

Infinity and Suzaku Yi are too affectionate, no different from humans.

 Thanks to: book friends 2019^6825, love and animation, gods and demons are all occupied, memories of fantasy snow and other fellow daoists for their rewards, thank you fellow daoists for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!There was a power outage this afternoon, so a late update.awful……

(End of this chapter)

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