Chapter 166

Three days passed in a flash.

The day of the decisive battle is also approaching.

In Wuyutian, Ji Xuangu transformed by Yuan Wuji finally reacted.

The hot air is overflowing, and the red light is flickering non-stop.

Qin Jiaxian took a step back and shouted in surprise: "What's the situation, isn't it going to burp?"

"It's time to end."

At this moment, Ji Xuangu, who Yuan Wuji transformed, also opened his eyes suddenly.

In three days, Yuan Wuji had already understood the changes of the elves in his body, and had a certain degree of resistance and resistance. Knowing himself and the enemy, he was victorious in every battle, which made him more confident in the battle against Ni Shenyang.

Dongmen Xuande and Du Shanghuai, who were guarding at the side, hurried forward to offer condolences.

"This is antibody serum."

Yuan Wuji pretended to be weak and said, then he opened his palm, poured a stream of pure blood into the pill bottle, and handed it to Qin Jiaxian.

"Oh, thank you this time!"

Taking the serum solemnly, Qin Jiaxian said loudly, not at all embarrassed about what he said earlier.

"Mr. Lao is here!"

Dongmen Xuande on the side was even more grateful. They had seen the danger of this matter with their own eyes, and they were able to disregard their own safety and take this risk to do this, which is enough to show that this person has a heart for the world.

"Doing things for the common people is what Ji Xuangu should do, and there is no need to thank him."

Although his face was pale, Yuan Wuji still said righteously.

After finishing speaking, he got up slowly, "This matter is over, I still have other matters, so I left first."

Yuan Wuji disregarded everyone's persuasion, and finally left Wuyutian.

"It really is a master of Confucianism!"

Watching Ji Xuangu leave, Dongmen Xuande couldn't help sighing. Afterwards, Huang Yang Yaoxue also entered the room, and proposed a way to solve the disaster faster by turning blood into rain. Qin Jiaxian and Dongmen Xuande followed suit. The soldiers were divided into two groups, one went to Jitan to talk, and the other went to Yuanji to prepare an antidote.

But at this moment, Jitan said that he had just come down from Xianjiao, but his doubts became heavier.

"Hundreds of times? Demonic Buddha with evil heart?"

Ji Tan said that he looked up at the sky, and said silently in his heart: I am me from the beginning to the end!
"Old Tan, do you want to go to Jiuchongtai to take a look?"

Seeing the preoccupied Ji Tan said, Chu Tianxing knew what he was worrying about, so he made a suggestion.

Ji Tan said that after hearing it, he pondered for a while, and then said: "The chess player announced the so-called twelve gods, I think the purpose is not simple."

"Are you worried that the content in it will be biased?"

"Yes, and no, but now that most of everything has been sorted out, even if I know the content, I can't easily change my cognition. Maybe it's time to go and have a try. Regardless of whether the content is true or not, maybe it can really provide me with something. Some useful information."


And today, Infinity and Suzaku Yi finally came to Yiqing Jiangshan Tower.

The Jiangshan Tower that was once burned down now stands again.

Hong Chenxue sat alone in the gazebo, the zither on the stone table was silent, it had not moved for a long time.

She stared blankly into the distance, caressing her lower abdomen with one hand, her face occasionally revealed a maternal brilliance, but more of it was incomparably complicated.

During the period of leaving the strange city of mountains and seas, it is rare to be away from the hustle and bustle of the world and the turmoil of the rivers and lakes again.

Everything was fine at first, practicing calligraphy and playing the piano, cleansing the soul.

It wasn't until she felt nausea and vomiting three days ago that she realized something was wrong.

Hongchenxue herself was proficient in medical theory, and soon realized that she was actually pregnant.

This made Hong Chenxue's already calm heart flustered for a moment, and even the calm lake surface was shocked.

However, Hongchenxue is not as cruel as Tianzhizhu after all, so she obviously has the opportunity to kill the child, but she can't do it, and she won't do it.


After a long time, Hong Chenxue let out a long sigh.

All this was really surprising, she didn't even know why such things happened with Yuan Wuji in the first place.

The other party had a wife and son, which was not acceptable to Hong Chenxue at all, but at that moment, for some reason, he didn't forcefully refuse, which led to what happened later.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret, especially now, it's even more irreparable.

"Forget it, it's better not to let him know about it."

Just as Hongchenxue was murmuring, suddenly, a chilling tune came from the sky.

"Before infinity, you can only see pity!"

Not long after a feminine voice sounded, there was another voice of dissatisfaction the next moment, "Smelly callus, always such a stinky fart."

Soon, Dicoon Wuwu and Suzaku Yi approached.

"People from the nether world!"

Hong Chenxue frowned, then calmly looked at the two of them, "Why are you two coming to Jiangshan Building?"

"We would like to ask you to help us with a gunshot wound."

Suzakuyi spoke quickly, as if he had no intention of speaking.

Infinity on the side didn't say anything else, just looked at Hongchenxue, waiting for an answer.

"What gunshot wound?" Hong Chenxue picked up Pian Jinghong who had turned into a jade hairpin on the stone table, and asked strangely.

"It's the gunshot wound left on the Demon Lord's body during the Cambrian war in the Jingyou war. I hope you can come back to the Youjie with us, girl."

This matter cannot be concealed, so infinitely stated directly.

"Primitive Demon Lord?" Hong Chenxue murmured, then looked at Infinity, "So, the life trainee has already..."

"He was transformed from the source of life of the Demon Lord, and now he has returned to the Demon Lord, and the two are one."

"It turns out that this is his so-called destiny."

Hong Chenxue murmured, then looked at Di Cocoon and Suzaku Yi, but said firmly, "I refuse this matter."

Because Hong Chenxue understands that life trainees are life trainees, and the devil is the devil. The return of the devil will represent the demise of the life trainee. Yi Yuzhi's return, his return will only bring new disasters to the plight.

"Huh?" The infinite piano sound changed, his face turned slightly, his eyes showed a cold light, "Then I have no choice but to offend."

Hongchen Xueyu flicked the guqin on the table with her hand, and the sound of the qin was cold and sullen in response.


Just when the atmosphere between the two sides was tense, Suzaku Yi suddenly opened his arms and stood between them.

"Di cocoon, we are here to invite people, what are you doing?"

Zhu Quyi turned around and yelled at Infinity, then walked towards Hongchenxue with a smile on her face, and said pleadingly: "Sister, you should just think about it, this matter is really important to us."

Hong Chenxue frowned and did not answer.

After being silent for a while, infinitely squinted his eyes slightly, but said pointedly: "On the way here, I heard that the subjective Kyushu of Wanxiang Tiangong will face off against Ni Shenyang tomorrow. I hope you can carefully consider this matter."

"Huh?" Hongchenxue asked in deep doubt, a strange light appeared in her calm eyes.

"Okay little girl, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Infinity looked at Hongchenxue again, and said: "The matter of the Demon King is very important to the affairs of the Youjie, and we will come again."

Watching the two leave, Hong Chenxue walked back and forth in the stone pavilion.

The mood is disturbed again.

Others don't know the true relationship between Guan Jiuzhou and Mr. Yuan, but she knows it very well.

And she had heard about Ni Shenyang's strength for a long time, so she couldn't help being worried when she heard the news.

After all, there was still a relationship between the two, let alone in her belly...

"Should I go?"

Hongchen Xuexiu clenched her fists tightly, feeling tangled in her heart. After a long time, she finally relaxed, "With his methods, since he has done this, he should be sure of winning. What's more, I can't act recklessly now."

Saying that, Hong Chenxue rubbed her lower abdomen, the once heroic, sharp and decisive generation of Tianzi Qiang, now had to restrain herself for the safety of the fetus in her womb.

 The condition is very bad today, and there is a power outage in the afternoon, and there are not many codes. It is miserable...

  Additions such as monthly tickets are placed at the end of the month, and continue to save manuscripts in the last few days!
(End of this chapter)

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