Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 167: God's Rebellion

Chapter 167 God's Rebellion (Part [-])

And in the past few days, Ni Shenyang finally recovered his lost strength.

Before the decisive battle, he finally found a chance to rescue the people, and immediately returned to Shouyu with Huang Yang Yaoxue.

After the failure of the last Devil's Tears, and the discovery that the elf Jinyuan was unable to release the demon seeds in the bodies of the Lord of Weavers, the God of War and others.

This time, Ni Shenyang decided to help the Shouyu people get rid of hidden dangers first.

Because the Shouyu tribe was originally created by him with the elf Jinyuan, and they come from the same lineage, so it is also the most likely solution.

"Yaoxue, a shocking battle will break out in this place today. You go to the place where the people are, and when I succeed, you will take the people out of this place. Otherwise, if a big war breaks out, the people will die or be injured."

When approaching Shouyu, Ni Shenyang paused and said suddenly.

"This..." Huang Yang Yaoxue hesitated, "Boss, is it too dangerous for you alone?"

"Don't you believe in my strength?" Ni Shenyang turned sideways slightly, and then spoke solemnly, "Our goal this time is to rescue the people, and I can rest assured only if you gather them together!"

"I understand." Huang Yang Yaoxue nodded after being silent for a while, and said firmly, "I will lead the people to leave safely, but boss, you must also promise that I can come back safely."


Ni Shenyang put his arms behind his back, and then stepped towards the core of Shouyu.

Looking at Ni Shenyang's lonely but upright back, Huang Yang Yaoxue clenched his fists and murmured: "Boss, you must come back!"


The collapsed hometown of Xiheding.

Huang Yang Geng Ri, Huang Yang Ziwei, and Huang Yang Jing Ting sat quietly.

As a firm step approached, the three of them opened their eyes at the same time, "Ni Shen Yang, how dare you show up."

As soon as the words fell, Huang Yang Geng Ri, Jing Lei Zun, and Zi Concubine attacked directly.

Ni Shenyang, who already knew the reason, no longer hesitated at this moment, and knocked back the three of them with a strong palm, and then moved the forbidden yuan again, turning one into three, and rushing into the bodies of the three.

"Geng Ri, Jing Ting, and Concubine Zi, wake up!"

Jin Yuan urged wildly, and suddenly the three of them radiated blood light all over their bodies, and a demon-like thing in their bodies was shaking crazily, making the blood light more intense.

That was the rebellion of the demon seeds inside them.

But how can the passive seed resist the endless and powerful power of Nishenyang.


Accompanied by a cry of pain, the three spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the demon seeds in their bodies collapsed directly under the impact of powerful force, and the blood light all over the three of them also collapsed. They staggered back a few steps before gaining a foothold.

"I am?"

Huang Yang Geng Ri raised his head in a daze, and soon, scenes of memories emerged, and he couldn't help showing shame on his face, then he knelt down on one knee, and said with an ugly face: "Geng Ri made a big mistake, Wang Yangshen will punish him severely."

At this time, Huang Yang Jingting and Zi Concubine also knelt down in shame, and said in unison: "Please punish Yang Yang severely!"

"All right."

Ni Shenyang flicked his sleeve robe, his eyes were filled with joy, but his expression was still majestic, "You can't help yourself, you can recover now, the source of blood darkness will never sit back and watch this happen, now I want to drive out the demons for all the people seed."

"Then let us protect Yangshen!"

Huang Yang Yaoxue also showed a smile on his face when he saw his former comrades in arms recover.

On the other side, Duan Tiantu and Clown Puppet stood together.

"This is the plan you said? I hope you will not disappoint the God of the Underworld this time!"

The clown puppet looked at Ni Shenyang who started to urge Haoyuan to rescue the Huntu elves, and said coldly to Duan Tiantu beside him.

"It's not time yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

Duan Tiantu chuckled, and said lightly: "Accidents can make the story more beautiful and exciting, don't they?"

"I hope so!"

The clown puppet snorted, then turned into a magic card and disappeared.

And Duan Tiantu also flashed his figure, and he had already brought the master of weaving and the king of beasts to attack Shouyu.

"Huang Yang Geng Ri, you three dared to betray me, are you ready to die?"

The fire in Duan Tiantu's hand flashed, and the Fire Lin sword appeared.

"Yangshen, if you continue to rescue the people, we will stop them."

At the same time Huang Yang Geng Ri opened his mouth, the scepter in his hand suddenly plunged into the ground, and then the thaumaturgy reappeared.

"Did you stop it?"

Duan Tiantu sneered, swung his sword down, and the blazing fire covered the dark night sky, as if it was burning, Huang Yang Geng Ri immediately spurted blood and retreated.

"This is?"

"Restrain the scorching eyes of the elves, have you forgotten?"

Duan Tiantu chuckled, at this moment, he possesses the power of twelve burning eyes in his body, and superimposed with Qilin Zhenyan, the power is unpredictable, especially against the elves, relying on the powerful restraint ability, it is even easier to be able to Defeat and even kill it.

"I will never let you cross this line!"

Huang Yang Geng Ri looked resolute and forcibly gathered merit.

On the other side, the Heaven Weaving Master and the Beastmaster also crushed Huang Yang Jingting and Huang Yang Ziwei.

"You guys even betrayed our philosophy. If that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The Lord of Heaven Weaver let out an angry cry, and the blazing thunder knife in his hand shone with lightning, piercing through the sky for an instant.

"Chi Long Slash!"

The silver thunder dragon came into the world, and the Huangyang Ziwei flying sword appeared again, but after all, it was hard to stop the fierce power, and immediately vomited blood and flew away.

"Break it for me!"

At this time, Nishen Yang shouted angrily, and Jin Yuan urged again, and the demon seeds that had not been deeply planted in the bodies of all the people in Shouyu suddenly shattered.

"Dare to hurt my people, break the sky, today is your break."

Ni Shenyang suddenly received his power, but due to the continuous urging of Jin Yuan for the past few days, his figure shook slightly, but soon he pressed down on Duan Tiantu again with a powerful palm.

"Ni Shenyang, it's you who should leave!"

Duan Tiantu laughed, his eyes reappeared with blazing flames, powerful fire erupted, and at the same time he blocked this move, he also sent Huang Yang Geng Ri's palm flying.


Huo Jin entered his body, Huang Yang Geng Ri immediately vomited blood, and his life was in danger.

"Geng Ri!"

Ni Shenyang's face changed slightly, he grabbed Huang Yang Geng Ri, and at the same time input Jin Yuan to heal the injured body.


Huang Yang Geng Ri wiped off the bright red corners of his mouth, forced himself to stand up, and said firmly: "Yang Shen, don't worry about me, I can fight again."

"I said, with me here, there will be no more casualties for the elves."

Ni Shenyang flicked his sleeve robe, stood in front of Huang Yang Geng Ri, and faced Duan Tiantu, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

At this moment, suddenly a palm hit from behind, and then a scorching fire entered into the body, and Ni Shen was immediately as if being burned by fire.

"Geng Ri, you..."

Ni Shenyang turned around with difficulty, and saw Huang Yang Geng Ri shining with blood all over his body, his face full of murderous intent, "Ni Shenyang, your end has come."

Ni Shenyang stomped his feet, his energy fluttered, and Huang Yang Geng Ridun was forced to retreat, "How could this be? I have already helped him get rid of the devil's seeds, why is it still like this?"

"Want to know?"

Duan Tiantu sneered, opened the vertical eye pattern between his brows, and his surroundings suddenly turned into a burning hell, "You should go to hell with doubts!"

With a punch, the angry unicorn flew out. Ni Shenyang was in the Burning World Purgatory, his body was suppressed, and he was severely injured after being poured into his body with a fierce eye. His strength was less than [-]%.

After just a few fights, Ni Shenyang vomited blood.

"The last time I saved you from a catastrophe, but it only delayed your death for a while. Now, it's time for everything to get back on track!"

Duan Tiantu held the sword in one hand, and condensed his palm in the other. Fiery and ferocious fire force swayed like rain, and the light of the sword covered everything.

"Anti-God Art, Heaven and Earth Annihilation."

Ni Shenyang suppressed the injury of the burning eyes in his body, opened his arms slightly, and then closed his chest, suddenly the world was in turmoil, and the whole space was turned upside down.

"Dump Xuan Huang!"

Knowing that I was poured into my body by the nemesis Lieyan, it was difficult to perform my martial arts, and I was restrained by my martial arts, Ni Shenyang didn't delay any longer, and made continuous forceful moves.

Accompanied by a roar, the Burning World Purgatory burst into pieces.

Duan Tiantu's expression remained unchanged, and the Huolin sword was suddenly raised high, "Ni Shen Yang, you can't escape!"

Accompanied by the power of the burning eyes in the body gushing out like a waterfall, a vortex of flames has already condensed in the sky above the Huolin sword.

"go with!"

With a sound of 'go', the vortex expanded in an instant, and when it was close to Ni Shenyang, it had already turned into a size of several feet, trying to swallow Ni Shenyang and wrap it up.

Ni Shenyang let out a muffled snort, resisting the strength of the fire, at this moment, Tianwai slapped again.

 Thank you: I have no fate with you, the Four Extraordinary People, all the gods and gods, Zhou Tianxing and the stars, the gods and demons are all occupied, the doomsday has no life, memories of fantasy snow, book friends 2018^5070 and other Taoist friends for their rewards, and all Taoists Netizen's monthly ticket and recommendation ticket support, continue to ask for it!
(End of this chapter)

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