Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 168 God's Rebellion [Various Requests]

Chapter 168 God's Rebellion ([-]) [Various Requests]

"The tenth stage of Ming Qi Martial Arts—Exhaustive Style·No Style."

Le Xunyuan absorbed the endless cloud energy and transformed it into one palm.

Ni Shenyang encountered a conspiracy and was in deep danger, but he remained unruffled. The elf in his body, Jin Yuan, urged him again, forming a shield outside his body.

Accompanied by a huge roar, Ni Shenyang's protective energy was broken, and he rushed forward.

At this moment, Lord Tian Weaver and God of War Ni came to kill at the same time.

At the same time, Huang Yang Jingting and Huang Yang Zifei rushed forward suddenly, actually blocking Ni Shen Yang's trick.

But the two who were already severely injured also died instantly under the lore.

"Zifei, Jingting..."

The cruel scene was unexpected, Nishen raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, "Duantiantu, today I swear to kill you!"

"Surprised? Unexpected? The two of them were indeed relieved of their hidden dangers by you. It's a pity..."

Duan Tiantu let out a strange laugh, with a frenzied expression. Obviously, this spirit of sustenance has been corroded more and more deeply by the Qilin's demonic blood.

After all, this is just a spirit of sustenance. It is incomparable with Yuan Wuji's own soul, and it is normal to be eroded. If it is Yuan Wuji's real soul, Qilin Blood will never have this opportunity to erode his consciousness.

After Yuan Wuji took back the spirit of sustenance, he might spend time washing it, otherwise he would also be affected.


The sound of 'kill' symbolized that the hatred and anger in Ni Shenyang's heart had reached the extreme.

"It was the Lord Weaver and the God of War who killed them, why did you blame me?"

Duan Tiantu smiled lightly, but the movements in his hands were not slow at all. The powerful sword energy shot out, and the ground was cut into pieces.

"Against the God Art: Exhausting the Universe!"

At this moment, Ni Shenyang had Duan Tiantu alone in his eyes, with one hand held high, the most extreme moves of Ni Shenjue erupted, and Ni Shenyang himself was traumatized, bleeding all over his body.

This is a sign that the body is unable to bear the forbidden element.

"It seems to be serious!"

Duan Tiantu's expression became serious, the fire unicorn sword pierced into the ground suddenly, and then his hands formed seals, and the fierce fire burst out. Behind him, a huge unicorn burning with fierce magic fire emerged, and around the fire unicorn, twelve fierce unicorns appeared. The eyes swivel, reflecting a world of flames.

"Kirin Burns the World·Xuanyu Burns!"

With a burst of shouting, the twelve fierce eyes suddenly merged into the unicorn's body, and then the temperature of the surrounding flames rose again. The next moment, the huge fire unicorn roared like a god, and rushed towards Nishenyang stepping on the fire cloud.

An unprecedented extreme conflict broke out again.

Tianzhizhu, God of War Ni, Le Xunyuan and others were alarmed by the danger, and retreated instantly.

And the moment the strong move broke out, the world lost its color for a moment.

In an instant, the entire Shouyu was collapsing. Fortunately, the other Shouyu elves had already started to evacuate with Huang Yang Yaoxue after removing the demon seeds, avoiding the catastrophe.

But it is hard to return to the land of the Shouyu clan.

After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated, and a bottomless pit appeared in the center of the battlefield, and at both ends, one stood and the other knelt.

Standing is Ni Shenyang.

Although Ni Shenyang was covered in blood and his face was pale, he still overlooked the mortal world with his unworldly demeanor.

And Duan Tiantu, who was kneeling on the ground, was lifeless at this moment, his eyes were dim, and he was completely lost.

Because, the strength of this blow directly interrupted Yuan Wuji's technique of channeling spirits, and the spiritual consciousness entrusted to Duan Tiantu had already been scattered.

Yuan Wuji, who was rushing to Shuyu, had already turned into the appearance of contemplating Kyushu. At the moment when the spirit sending technique was interrupted, his soul suddenly felt a pain, like a needle prick, and blood oozed out of seven orifices at the same time.

"Ni Shen Yang, you are really strong!"

Instead of being angry, Yuan Wuji smiled, and then poured down a bottle of elixir.

This is the Jiuhua Yulu Pill that was exchanged earlier. Although it can't cure the injury of the soul, it can relieve the pain.

Following the entrance of the elixir, Yuan Wuji only felt a chill in his soul, and the sharp pain like acupuncture was weakened by a few minutes.

"The big net has been opened, and the bait has been cast. Di Ming and Yue Jiaozi, it depends on who of us will become the fish in the net and who will be the one who catches the net."

Yuan Wuji murmured, although the trauma of his soul was beyond his expectation, it was nothing. If he wanted to gain more, he would naturally have to pay some price.


After a long silence, Ni Shenyang also spit out a mouthful of bright red. Obviously, he was also injured internally by the extreme conflict.


At this moment, Le Xunyuan's eyes turned cold, and his killing palm came out.

The Skyweaver Lord and the Beastmaster were stunned for a moment, and then they also shot together.

The badly injured Ni Shenyang blocked the top three with one manpower, and spurted blood again in an instant.

"The heavens, the earth and the common people are in my grasp, and the sea of ​​clouds in Kyushu is boundless."

At the same time, Yuan Wuji's view of Kyushu also appeared with the title of "Ang Ran Poetry".

"You are finally here, where is the source of blood darkness?"

Ni Shenyang tried his best to swing away the besieged three people, his eyes fell on Yuan Wuji, his voice was low but full of determination.

"I promised him once that I would help him clean up your rebellious chess piece. Although I really don't want to do anything to you, it's a pity that people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes. I can only say to you——sorry!"

With an apology, Yuan Wuji covered Duantiantu Tianling with his palm, and the spiritual enlightenment seeds that had been conceived by him were immediately poured into Duantiantu's empty sea of ​​consciousness.

"In that case, then I will kill you first, and then the source of blood darkness!"

Enlightened in his heart, Nishen shouted angrily, the elf Jinyuan in his body reversed, the restricted spirit Jinyuan was lifted, and the power of creation turned into the power of destruction, which skyrocketed several times in an instant. Under the power, he was forced out of the body in an instant.

After all, only one is poured into the body, so it is far less powerful than two to suppress, which also gives Ni Shenyang a chance to counterattack.

"Having confidence is a good thing, but you must have the corresponding strength!"

Yuan Wuji chuckled, and when he raised his hand, Ziyan burned all over his body.

This is the external manifestation of the double realm of ten yangs.

The powerful and scorching force roasted the earth, making Fang Yuan's hundred miles like a furnace.

"Angry Yang hits mountains and rivers!"

Ni Shenyang didn't say any more, and let out a deep drink, the ultimate move was the first in the world, and then the unlimited powerful force spewed out. With one punch, mountains and rivers were broken, and the world was boundless.

"Ni Shenyang has become stronger!" Le Xunyuan's eyes froze and his complexion changed suddenly.

With the powerful impact, the three of Le Xunyuan, Tianzhizhu, and Beastmaster retreated hundreds of feet and completely exited the battle circle.

"If we are facing Ni Shenyang at this time, I'm afraid..." God of War Yan murmured, no longer fighting.

"Ten suns in the same sky, all things return to the ruins."

The sun in Yuan Wuji's body erupted loudly, and the whole body released bright and strong light, and a light mask loomed on the surface of his body, just like the sun.

"go with!"

Accompanied by Yuan Wuji's palm blast, all the strong light around his body returned to the palm of his hand, turning into a big sun and bombarding out.

No matter how hard the move is, the earth collapses, and the place where the two are located has become an abyss.

This battle is a battle that many caring people have been waiting for.

Above the peak, Di Ming looked at the script in his hand, and slowly wrote with a quill in his hand, "Ni Shen Yang, your ending has already been doomed, and Dazzler is looking forward to your amazing performance, to complete another set of scripts for Dazzler."

"As for Guan Jiuzhou... Dazzler would like to thank you for forcing Ni Shenyang to reverse Jinyuan and go to a dead end, but unfortunately, no matter who it is, no one can escape my control."

On the other side, the ghost unicorn also appeared, shaking the Bone Senluo Fan lightly in his hand, and looked at the two people who were fighting with a pair of cold eyes.

"Guan Jiuzhou, since you dare to seriously injure me, it's time for you to pay the price." Then, Ghost Qizhu suddenly sneered, and said harshly: "Whether you are watching Jiuzhou or playing chess, soon, you will all One by one, it will become a thing of the past."

"Preparation is complete, only the last east wind is owed, and the plan to kill with a knife is complete!"

After a gloomy ghostly laugh, the place fell into silence again.

At the same time, the assistant chess player also arrived.

In the strange city of mountains and seas, Zonghengzi had already left. At this moment, even the Confucianism sect had made a move.

In order to capture the sword and recover the holy sword, the top three, Mo Qingchi, Su Wuyuan, and Tan Qiqi, acted together again.

Jun Fengtian came to the old land of the Valley of the Wind, approached the Desert Goshawk, and had a long talk.

In Confucianism, only Yuli Jing guards.

But after Wu Wu left from Yiqing Jiangshan Tower, he and Suzaku Yi transferred to Jiuchong Terrace.

"Smelly cocoon, why are we going there?" Suzaku Yi jumped up and said, but his face was full of curiosity.

"In addition to the known healing methods for the injury of the Demon Lord, perhaps the answer can also be found from the Jiuzhongtai."

Unlimited said plainly, but his eyes showed deep thought, "What's the secret of the Twelve Gods? And Youjie is also listed on it, so there must be something unknown, and Kui Yujiang looked at it at the beginning. What's up?"

"Last time, in order to avoid exposure, I didn't do my best. This time I need to go up and find out."

Infinite said to himself in his heart that the mysterious person who first stepped onto the Nine Layers Stage and climbed to the fourth stage was Di Cocoon Infinite. He had an experience once, and this time Infinite had the idea that he must go there.

In particular, the series of events that happened after Kui Yujiang ascended to Jiuchongtai made him extremely curious about the secrets hidden inside.

But now, everyone's eyes are attracted by the battle of Guan Kyushu and Ni Shenyang, chess players and others will never sit idly by, and others are solving the plague of the underworld. Therefore, this is a rare opportunity to appear on stage.

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(End of this chapter)

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