Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 170: God's Rebellion

Chapter 170 God's Rebellion ([-])

Suddenly, the illusion of beacon fire reappeared.

The sword is close to kill silently.

"Ghost Qi Lord, do you take the view of Kyushu too lightly? Only this is not enough!"

Yuan Wuji chuckled, even though half of the true energy in his body was suppressing the destructive forbidden energy, he was still fearless in the face of murder.

With a backhand pinch, the holy swords of the Three Religions were clamped by fingers together.

"So, add me?"

At this moment, a white-clothed and white-haired figure appeared out of nowhere, "You are so powerful that people cannot come freely, and the dragon and the phoenix are hard to stop. The house is full of flowers and drunken three thousand guests, and one sword is frosty and cold for fourteen states."

The person who came was the chess player. After he appeared, he put his eyes on Yuan Wuji and said with a chuckle, "My dear junior brother, it's time for you to end the curtain!"

At the same moment, the ghost atmosphere came again.

"Zeguo Jiangshan's battle plan, what is the life of the people? Leqiaosu. With Jun Mo's words, the title of the marquis will be dead."

The Ghost Lord with a ghostly face in black shook the Senluo Bone Fan lightly, and the cold light fell on Yuan Wuji's body.

The three divided into three directions, besieging Yuan Wuji in the center.

No matter how you look at it, Yuan Wuji's life is in danger today.


"At night, the wind and rain are flying wildly, and the eyes are bloody and bloody. The long sword is not a sealed wooden scabbard, and it will kill thousands of ghosts with a wave."

Black and white enter the Tao, Zhan Ran stays in the machine with two swords, full of murderous aura gathers behind the ghost unicorn.

The ghost unicorn turned his head slightly, and at some point, Zonghengzi had appeared.

"Zonghengzi, how dare you strike a sword at a ghost?" Ghost Qizhu snorted coldly, his strange tone full of murderous intent.

"Kill you, and all disasters will end."

Zonghengzi faced each other with two swords, his words were cold.

"Very well, then you also have to be prepared to die." Master Guiqi flicked his sleeves and said no more.


"It seems that there are quite a few entrants today..."

On the projection stage of the Eternal Night Theater, the battle of the ultimate Karuu is being shown.

"This game is fun."

The real Diming is wearing gorgeous costumes and covering his face with a mask, watching the chaotic situation with great interest.

Although the situation is chaotic, the murderous intention is even more serious, and if one is not careful, it will be the situation of falling.

"What should come will come after all!"

Yuan Wuji sighed, and the moment he raised his head, everything was icy cold, "In this case, today will draw the end of everything in the past."

At the same moment, another figure appeared outside the battlefield.

"Guyue is cold, Ye Daohan is cold, I hate invincible the most, my peak in the world!"

The icy magic knife was dragged on the ground, and a figure with gray and white messy hair and frowning appeared with heavy steps.

This time, is his goal to observe Kyushu, or the ghost unicorn master?

But outside the battlefield, while the Lord of Weavers, God of War, Le Xunyuan and others were waiting for the result, two flying letters suddenly fell into the hands of Master of Weaver and God of War.

"What? The ghost unicorn master is the one who transformed me?"

God of War Yan clenched his fists tightly, and the paper burst into pieces, "The enemy, I finally found it."

At this moment, the God of War Yan is like a wild beast, with scarlet eyes.

And Tianzhizhu also looked furious, gritted his teeth and said three words - Chess player!

"Poppy, Poppy, what happened?"

Leng Mimiao at the side noticed that the state of the Sky Weaver Lord was not right, and hurried forward.

Hearing the words, Lord Tianzhi suddenly turned around to stare at Leng Mimiao, and shouted sharply: "Leng Mimiao, today, you must help me kill the chess player!"

"Why is that so?" Leng Miu raised her brows, her eyes full of confusion.

"You don't need to worry about why, it's up to you to help or not, but if you don't take action, then from now on, you will never appear in front of me again."

Lord Tianzhi was furious, because what he said in the letter was that he was the man behind the scenes who was defiled by the life trainee who was reincarnated by the demon king when he turned into amber, and he was probably the chess player.

Tianzhizhu doesn't know whether the letter is true or not, but the chess player is indeed the most suspicious.

Few people knew about this matter, but they happened to be known by the other party, and told Leng Mimiao about it, and humiliated her in public.

Moreover, the birth of her child was extremely secretive, yet someone knew about it and took the child away. The only person who had the best chance to do this was the stranger who had left Devil's Tears together, the Chess Player.

As for why she didn't doubt the source of the dark blood, she knew who the source of the dark blood was, and she would never bother to use such inferior means, and it was unnecessary.

Of course, in addition to this, another possibility is Guan Jiuzhou, especially when the other party gave her the source of life. Although it is said that she gave the other party the body of the gods when she transformed into amber, the reason is still far-fetched , but the two sides have no enmity, and are allies now, so now, she only has one target left.


In the ruined Shuyu, the will to fight and kill boiled.

The flames were ignited in an instant.

"Zonghengzi, it's a pity for our friendship back then. Since you insist on courting death today, the ghost will fulfill you."

With a sound of 'fulfillment', the Lord Guiqi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he swept the wind and cloud with his palm, pushing mountains and seas.

Zonghengzi unleashes both swords together, and then displays his powerful cultivation.

"Ghost Qi Lord, do you still remember me?"

At this moment, God of War Yan finally came to kill, with ferocious beast fists without reservation, intending to kill Ghost Qi Lord.

On the other side, Tianke Mingjian was clamped by Yuan Wuji's two fingers, and then Yuan Wuji stepped forward, and a palm fell on Jianzhichi's chest to penetrate the sword wound, and at the same time, a stream of pure yang essence rushed into his body along the wound.

In an instant, the pure yang qi and the blood-dark evil energy in Jian Zhiji's body collided with each other, and Jian Zhiji let out a cry of pain, and stepped back step by step.

Immediately afterwards, Sui Wudu and Mo Qingchi appeared, blocking the sword within a short distance.

"Now, it's just us."

A look of strangeness flashed in Yuan Wuji's eyes, just when he thought that this time he would try his best to play a big show with the vice body, at this time, Tian Weaver and Leng Miu also played chess against the vice body.

But this point was beyond his expectation, because he did not inform the two of them, obviously, this was what Di Ming meant.


"Ghost Qi Lord, you were the one who manipulated the sword to kill me, right?"

At this moment, Tan Xiqi, who was fighting Jian Zhiji, suddenly changed his sword move, and appeared behind the Ghost Qi Lord, and swung his sword towards him.

Ghost Qizhu waved his fan to block, and sneered in the gap, "Those who want to kill ghosts, this power is not enough!"

"Blue Mist Weeping Shadow Mountain Ghost Transformation."

The ghost unicorn master showed his evil trick again, and the surrounding area was filled with blue mist and ghost shadows.

Boom boom boom!
With three heavy blows in a row, Zonghengzi, Zhanshen Ni, and Tan Xiqi retreated a few steps at the same time.

"Burning Heaven Canglong Seal!"

Winning a good opportunity, the ghost unicorn made a series of powerful moves, and the fire dragon roared all over his body, and the top three will be joined together.

At this point, the battle situation is three points.

The chess player in the auxiliary body confronts the main body, the master of heaven weaving, and Leng Mimiao.

The ghost unicorn is the top three against Shang Zonghengzi, God of War Ni, and Tan Qiqi.

Jian Zhiji was rebelled by Yuan Wuji's pure yang qi, which made the power in his body unbalanced, and it was suppressed by Su Wuyuan and Mo Qingchi outside.

Besides the battle situation, there is also Hate Wufeng carrying the magic knife upside down, the purpose is unknown.

Le Xunyuan also watched the battle with his hands behind his back, ignoring the three parties.


"Today's drama is destined to end with someone else, Ni Shenyang is the first one, who will be next?"

Inside the Eternal Night Theater, Di Ming said softly with a mysterious smile on his lips.

But his eyes were already on the direction of Jiuzhongtai.

"Although the ghost unicorn master is weird, he is even more mysterious. Moreover, he knows too much, and he intends to let more people know some secrets. It seems that after Ni Shenyang's script is completed, the next one will be yours." ——Chess player!"

 Recently, the starting point self-inspection, the website comments and clicks have been closed; the APP has also crashed several times due to adjustments. This chapter says that it is temporarily closed, and it should be fine after a while!Wow wow wow... four books, three of them have been blocked, miserable...

(End of this chapter)

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