Chapter 171 The Finale (Seeking Order)

Ji Tan said that he had just walked down from the summit.

Heavy heart.

"Old Tan, what did you see on it?"

Ji Tan said that as soon as he came down, Chu Tianxing couldn't wait to step forward to ask.

But Ji Tan said as if he had never heard of it, and he frowned in thought.

"Old Tan?"

"Old Tan?"

After yelling twice, Ji Tan said before waking up, "It's nothing, I just saw a few pictures and confirmed some things."

"So you've identified the person behind all this?"

"Maybe!" Ji Tan said, looking into the distance, "Tianji, Diming, similar faces, what is the relationship between you?"

Ji Tan said that what he saw on the above was not much, it was not because of his lack of strength, but because for some unknown reason, many pictures about him became blurred, and not many were clear.

He didn't know whether it was the case as stated above, or someone was planning.

Therefore, at this moment, he did not dare to make a rash decision.

It can be said that this trip did not gain much, but it made him more doubtful.

Ji Tan said that he had the ultimate destiny of man, so everything about him was full of accidents and unpredictability. Although Yuan Wuji had arranged the Divine Panic Scroll, it was also affected by some accidents.

Therefore, this is not Yuan Wuji's calculation, but the destiny of the most human beings.

Even though Yuan Wuji has changed a lot of things, those things will not involve the destiny, so this kind of thing never happened before.

"Huh? Jitan said..."

Infinity, Suzaku Yi, Ji Tan Shuo, and Chu Tianxing passed by, and after walking away, Infinity's eyes revealed contemplation, "The direction they came from is also Jiuzhongtai?"

"People from the Nether Realm, huh? The direction they are going - is Jiuzhongtai!"

Chu Tianxing also turned around and glanced at the direction where Infinity and Zhuqueyi disappeared, and murmured, but soon he didn't care.


"With just three of your chess pieces, are you trying to get out of the game?"

Ghost Qizhu sneered darkly, although he was in a predicament, he remained calm as usual.

During the operation of the rich ghost element, it covered the audience, and the ghost atmosphere permeated for a while.

"Lie Que Unbounded Taihuang Ghost Strike."

Ghost Qizhu's body changed into an illusion, and he appeared directly in front of Tan Xiqi, threatening his death with his condensed killing palm.

"Kong Jue III has no match for the sword."

Tan Xiqi's face changed slightly, the Tanlang sword in his hand had a condensed evil spirit, a sword that was unrivaled.

Make a strong move for a while, sigh and take three steps back, seeing vermilion in your mouth.

Although Sigh Qi is a top swordsman, the difference in cultivation between the two sides is too great.

Winning with one blow, the ghost unicorn sneered, and the ghost's figure flickered, and it appeared behind the God of War.

"Ye Mei Tian Cries Ten Desolate Hidden Kills."

"The beast king fights the sky seal."

Knowing the danger, God of War Yan collided his fists suddenly, and the battle marks on his back were condensed, blocking the killing move.

But a powerful move finally made him stagger forward, spitting blood.

"Not good!"

Zonghengzi noticed that Gui Qi's master's cultivation had doubled in an instant, his face changed suddenly, and the two swords suddenly joined together, attacking Gui Qi's master.

The Ghost Qi master made a strong move first, and then met the killing sword, and then took a step back to relieve the killing robbery for the God of War.

The moon does not return to sinking, very gentleman standing by the sea, looking into the distance, with his face turned away, revealing a touch of gloom.

"Diming! Watch Kyushu!"

The two names linger in my heart, which makes people feel deeply engraved.

After a long time, Jun Fei suddenly chuckled, and murmured: "In this case, let's deal with the chess player first, find out who his other body is, and then destroy the strange city of mountains and seas."

My mind is set.

The battle situation in the distance changed again.

Yuan Wuji's main body cooperates with Tianzhizhu and Leng Mimiao to play chess against the upper secondary body.

"The auxiliary body has already attracted enough attention and hatred. Today, let's take this opportunity to let the auxiliary body change its identity and hide in the dark."

Yuan Wuji also had a plan in his mind, at the moment of concentration, he suddenly suppressed the wounded, and then displayed his supernatural power.

"Brother, if you want to take advantage of my serious injuries and kill me, you are going to make a mistake!"

Yuan Wuji shouted angrily, green flames rose all over his body, and the fiery power was released without any scruples, "Ten suns are in the same sky, all things return to ruins."

The strong and decisive move was suddenly raised, and the world was suddenly in turmoil.

"Then senior brother, I will stay with you to the end. Let's see who our senior brother will end up with today!"

The assistant chess player smiled arrogantly, condensed his sword with both hands, and after forcefully forcing back the Heavenly Weaver Master and Leng Miu, he reproduced his unique style, "Wan Jian bows his head, and the sword energy returns to the sect!"

The innate broken body and invisible sword energy reappeared at the fourth level.

For a moment, the world seemed to be frozen, and Fang Yuan's hundred miles of energy condensed into a sword, and then broke through the air, condensing in the fingers of the chess player.


The eyes of the two turned cold at the same time, as if they were really at odds and did not want to give life to each other.

When the palm and the sword face each other again, waves of dust rise up.

Extreme confrontation, the earth-shattering atmosphere makes people look sideways.

"The opportunity is here!"

A gleam of joy flashed across Gui Qi's eyes, waiting for the upcoming ending.


Yuan Wuji stepped back dozens of steps, knelt down on one knee, and covered his chest with his hands, as if he was in great pain.

On the opposite side of him, the assistant chess player was dressed in rags, his holy white robe was scorched, and his breath was equally sluggish, obviously worn out as well.

"Good junior brother, it seems that I won after all!"

The chess player stood up slowly, sneered, and was about to condense his sword again.

But at this moment, Master Tianzhi, who had been saving up for a long time, suddenly made a move, "Player, pay for your many calculations!"

"Chi Long Slash!"

The Lord of Heaven Weaving then invoked the Thunder of the Nine Heavens, slashed down with a single blow, and the silver thunder dragon reappeared.

"Xue Yin Tian Xiao Jian Wu Feng." Leng Mimiao didn't know why Tian Weaver Lord was so angry, but at this moment, he could only attack along with him.

"Wanjian Bodyguard!"

Thunder sword and snow sword arrive at the same time, the chess player's sword fingers condense again, dense sword energy condenses around his body, and revolves around his body.

Accompanied by two roars, the sword energy around the chess player collapsed, and at the moment when the sword energy in the body was cracked, a ghostly killing sword suddenly passed through the chess player's chest.

"Jiefeng Tianzhu."

The sword pierced into the body, and the gloomy ghost burst out, and the chess player was severely injured.

"Ghost tribe?"

The chess player's eyes turned cold, and with a single step, sword energy erupted from the ground, repelling the enemy behind him in an instant.

"Good brother, it seems that I won!"

Yuan Wuji's eyes flashed, he thought that it would be Hen Wufeng who would make the move in the end, but he didn't expect that Guiqi Lord unexpectedly invited his sworn brother Huo Tianwei, who was missing from the sword, at some point.

Of course, the ghost unicorn master doesn't think that the chess player knows Fu Tianwei at this moment, so he asks him to make a move, so that the fragile alliance between the two will not be obviously broken.

"However, nothing will affect the final layout!"

"Thousands of ghosts scream!"

When Huo Tianwei retreated, he waved the Shenhuang Youbu in his hand again, and thousands of skeletons appeared behind him, killing them with green flames.

He was rescued by the ghost unicorn, so he owed favors and promised to help three things in return.

In addition, he has an evil temperament, cold and ruthless, arrogant and easy to kill, so when he strikes, he is merciless.

"Can a demon horn hurt me?"

The chess player shouted angrily, and the invisible sword shattered into nothingness, sweeping away the ghost atmosphere.

Although Huo Tianwei's strength is not weak, he also fell to the ground after being severely injured in the face of the unreservedly explosive chess player.

"Guan Jiuzhou, you are lucky this time, next time I will kill you!"

Forcefully retreating three people in a row, the chess player stepped on the sword energy and left for a moment. Suddenly, Hate Wufeng made a sudden move.

The magic knife magnified in an instant, and slammed on the chess player's back.

The faraway chess player vomited blood again, and a bright red knife mark was engraved on his back. The power of the magic knife cannot be easily blocked.

Afterwards, Hate Wufeng's eyes fell on Guan Jiuzhou transformed by Yuan Wuji, "After this knife, save Chu Yi, and we will be clear from now on."

"As long as you let it go, you'll be fine."

Yuan Wuji stood up slowly while clutching his chest, and said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Hate Wufeng frowned and asked again, puzzled.

"You have to ask Ghost Qizhu and Jing Chusheng about this matter. Jing Chusheng poisoned Jing Chuyi at the beginning. If he can use a sword for him, Jing Chuyi can continue his life."

After Yuan Wuji finished speaking, Hate Wufeng looked angrily at Lord Guiqi.


The ghost unicorn chuckled lightly, and then said indifferently: "If you want to know the truth, then come to see me at Kuigu Mountain!"

After finishing speaking, the ghost unicorn lightly shook the white bone fan, and the black hole behind him condensed and swallowed it.

 Thank you: Shengge is finally separated, gods, demons and holy kings are all occupied, they are all filled with gods and stars, I am the sword master and other Taoist friends for their rewards, thank you for your support!Keep asking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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