Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 172 What are the chances of winning?

Chapter 172 What are the chances of winning?
"Chess player, you can't run away."

Watching people disappear one after another, Master Tian Weaver was unwilling to let the enemy go, and chased after Leng Mimiao regardless of Leng Mimiao's obstruction.

"Hate Wufeng, although the ghost unicorn master is the mastermind behind all this, you are also to blame for helping the evil. If you can't kill the ghost unicorn master, I will take action."

At this moment, God of War Yan also turned around to look at Henwu Peak, and said in a cold voice.

"I'll accompany you to the end." Hate Wufeng paused, and then left the word plain, and headed towards Kuigu Mountain.

God of War Yan let out a cold snort, covered his wounds, joined Le Xunyuan and other Yin Ruins army who were pressing outside, and returned to Yin Ruins City to heal his wounds.

On the other side, Jian Zhiji, who was confused, recalled everything, and it even sounded that the ghost Qi master was his enemy, the enemy who caused his childhood tragedy.

It was also his manipulation that allowed him to accidentally injure his mother.

Hatred and anger welled up in my heart, and the sword was so close, the sword retreated, the ink poured into the pool, and Shen Wuyuan also went to the distance.

Mo Qingchi and Sui Wudu hurriedly greeted Yuan Wuji and chased after him.

Obviously a rare opportunity, they do not want to let go.

And Tan Qiqi rushed to the direction of Jiuchongtai with a serious expression on his face.

He had a hunch that today's matter was not over yet.

The originally lively battlefield became deserted.

Only Guan Jiuzhou and Zonghengzi, transformed by Yuan Wuji, remained at the original place.

"Do you want me to take you back to the strange city of mountains and seas?"

Zonghengzi put away his two swords, looked at Yuan Wuji, and said suddenly.

"Huh?" Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, then chuckled, "I'm not so weak."

"Well, I will come back to you after I finish dealing with the ghost unicorn master. I hope you don't forget your promise."

"Since I promise, I will naturally do it."

After the two finished speaking, they went in opposite directions.



Infinity ascends again, to the eighth.


Faru and Confucianism retain their moves, and they are perfect.

Unlimitedly erasing the bright red corners of the mouth, with both palms together, the demon king shocked the sky, "Mad Devil Purgatory·Chapter of Scourge!"

After blocking the move for a moment, Infinity, who had found the characteristics of Jiuzhongtai, disappeared suddenly and went straight to the top.

Without caring about healing, Wu Wu couldn't wait to hold the "Scroll of Divine Anxiety" on the stone platform.

At the moment of touching, three pictures flashed in my mind.

Suzaku's sorrow!

Unlimited hate!

Count the body!

The three pictures are the most important in Infinite Future.

"How could this be?"

"It's absolutely impossible..."

Infinity gave a low drink, his face full of shock.

At the moment when the supreme sword energy erupted, suddenly, a staggering figure descended from the sky, crossed the infinity, and had already grabbed the "Scroll of God's Anxiety".

"Fengdu road, martyrdom, tyrants bury their bones. The sky is silent, the earth is silent, how can mortals see the end of the world. Doomsday, atheism."

At this time, the real body of the earth and the underworld suddenly appeared. He held the Ghost Truth·Xingxiu Jie in one hand and the "Fate Planning Book" in the other, and directly boarded the Jiuzhongtai.

"Today, Dazzler will give another generous gift to the allies!"

In Di Ming's hand, Gui Di suddenly inserted into the stone platform, one palm hit the chess player's body, and at the same time, the fate planning book disappeared in the other hand, grabbing the corner of the "Spirit of Panic".

At the same moment, a black hole appeared out of thin air, and a hand holding the fan also grabbed the 'scroll of panic'.

The true power of the three parties circulated, and the strangely radiant spirit was wrapped up in the powerful force, and suddenly fell apart, turning into fragments floating in the sky.

At this moment, the three swept away at the same time, each collecting the debris in front of them, but some debris was still blown away by the wind.

Infinity raised his hand to grab a few fragments of the 'Scroll of God's Anxiety' floating towards him, and before the eyes of the three of them fell on him, he suddenly jumped off the nine-fold platform and disappeared.

"The Chaos Begins, Earth Demon King Order!"

"Heavenly Blood Order."

Diming and Ghost Qizhu looked at each other, and suddenly met their palms, and then they saw Diming's palm deflected, and with the move of turning the world around, they turned their palms on the body of the chess player.

"No, Di Ming, how dare you plot against me!"

The ghost unicorn roared in 'surprise and anger', making people mistakenly think that it was a conspiracy by the earth and the underworld to accidentally injure the allies.


Di Ming didn't bother to explain, chuckled lightly, and held his palm again.

"If you want to kill me, you should be buried together!"

The chess player shouted angrily, and then Di Ming and Gui Qi suddenly erupted from the scroll in their hands with an extremely sword energy.

In an instant, the sword energy returned to one, and an unprecedented shocking sword intent gathered in the sky.

This is the fifth level of innate body-breaking and invisible sword energy-the sword of breaking the pole!
"Ten Thousand Laws Return to the Source · All Things Transformation Sword!"

With one sword, ten thousand swords are transformed.

The surrounding energy, objects, vegetation and even creatures are all affected.

At this moment, it was as if a sword lotus suddenly bloomed on the Nine Layers Stage, emitting infinite sword energy towards the surroundings.

"Not good..."

The ghost unicorn's subject was terrified, and he waved his bone fan extremely in his hand, "Ghost electricity gathers and thunder strikes!"

The world is simmering with steam.Make the flames of the Dan Ting, the adoration of the Thunder.The strong sound of the gallop is in the sky, and the sound of the gallop is in the ground.

The mysterious method reappeared, and suddenly the vast sky thunder and lightning rushed, followed by the guidance of the ghost unicorn, and turned into a sky-reaching thunder pillar to strike down.

"It seems that before the battle at the top of the scale, I have to face you first!" Di Ming felt the same pressure, never thought that the opponent who was forced to die would have such a powerful move, the blood and darkness in his body instantly condensed, It exploded in an instant.

"Swallow the universe and make up the void."

Pressing down with one palm, the universe was swallowed up by a powerful force, as if only a dead void remained.

The unexpected extreme confrontation, the moment the powerful divine power erupted, the world was silent.

After a long time, there was an earth-shattering roar in the vastness.


Accompanied by a desolate laugh, Goodbye Infinity Sword Light pierced the clouds and pierced the sun towards the ten directions.

"Even if I die, I will still beat Tian Banzi. This fate will definitely be reversed as the scrolls are scattered!"

The chess player shouted angrily, and the fragments of the scroll in his hand were scattered in the ten directions despite the sword energy, and those who are destined will get them.

At this moment, Tianji, Jun Fengtian, Shadow, and the drowsy Mojun all seemed to feel something, and looked at the direction of Jiuzhongtai at the same time.


The ghost unicorn spewed out a stream of blood and flew out backwards, while the person flew directly into the black hole behind him and disappeared.

Such a hasty performance is obviously traumatized.

"What a chess player, your strength has amazed the dazzler!"

Di Ming wiped off the bright red corners of his mouth, pretending to be calm, "Unfortunately, your role is over!"

After finishing speaking, Di Ming left without hesitation, which also showed that Di Ming's current state was not as relaxed as he had shown.

As the two left, only a desolate figure remained on the nine-tiered platform that was covered with sword marks and was in dire straits.

The blood-stained messy hair fluttered in the wind, and a pair of dim eyes showed that the person was on the verge of death.

At this time, Tan Xiqi and Ren Pingsheng went on stage in silence, looking at the back of the one who had made all the plans in the past, silent for a while.

On the other side, Lord Tianzhi also came, but at the moment when he made a move, he was stopped by Tan Qiqi and Ren Pingsheng, "He has exhausted his strength and body, and his vitality is dead, why should he be so aggressive."

"That's because you don't know the grievances between me and him!" Lord Tianzhi snorted angrily, at this moment Leng Mimiao grabbed Master Tianzhi and shook his head, "Poppy, poppy!"

"What's the chance of winning? Let's fight for the first place? Hope the tiger takes the dragon, and the hero is here!" After a long time, a hoarse voice rang in my ears, "Let's not talk about him wielding his sword to eliminate violence, stealing the tripod and claiming respect. In the end, the game ends. A good dream becomes a thousand years of hatred!"

"A Thousand Years of Hate..."


Chess pieces were scattered all over the sky, and the chess players fell on their backs. The towering nine-fold platform seemed to have no support at this moment, and it shattered.

The ground cracked, and the corpses of the chess players were buried deep with the rocks.

On the same day, the two peerless powerhouses came to an end, and the similar burial methods told the same sadness of the brave and the calculating.

 It’s not too much to ask for tickets (shy)!

(End of this chapter)

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