Chapter 173 Pause (seeking support)

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Ren Pingsheng, Tan Xiqi, Tianzhizhu and others looked over, and saw a black-haired figure approaching with a wooden sail.


With a long sigh, he told the complicated mood of the visitor, "Brother, you know what the destiny is, but why can't you see it clearly?"

"Sheng Tian Banzi! Sheng Tian Banzi!"

"Even if you win the half son, so what?"

"After all, it's nothing more than a lie in the world, and it's just a foil in other people's scenes!"

With a wry smile, Guan Jiuzhou waved his sleeves, and the breeze blew the ground, blowing away the remaining traces invisible.

And without the knowledge of others, a constantly changing invisible air mass suddenly jumped into Yuan Wuji's body from under his feet.

Afterwards, Yuan Wuji turned around slowly, "One farewell to the school and three changes of fire, the world is full of mortals. A smile between life and death wipes away all grievances."

Yuan Wuji turned towards the strange city of mountains and seas, his back looked quite vicissitudes.

"There is no wave in the ancient well, and the festival is Qiuyun. The melancholy and lonely sails spread all night, and see off the pale moon and clouds. There is no need to frown with emerald eyebrows. Life is like a journey, and I am also a pedestrian."


In the distance, Mo Qingchi and Sui Wudu, who were chasing after the remaining traces of the sword, suddenly stopped, and then a blast of extreme sword energy struck the ground.

"There are other items in the sword energy."

Mo Qingchi's expression moved slightly, and he reached out his hand, and a blank piece of paper the size of a palm fell into his hand.

The moment he touched the piece of paper, Mo Qingchi looked shocked, and a broken picture flashed in front of his eyes. It was the scene of his life and death with Shen Wudu sword.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from next to his ear, and Mo Qingchi woke up suddenly, and immediately saw the fragments in his hand turned into flying ash and dissipated between the heaven and the earth as if they had no strength to support them.

What Mo Qingchi got was just one of the fragments, but there were dozens of them scattered all over the world by chess players, but some went deep into the land and mountains, and no one found it, and only a few seemed to fall in front of people with a purpose. , some appearing in the picture, some are silent.

And with Yuan Wuji's return to the strange city of mountains and seas, the journey to Duantian, who had just performed spiritual enlightenment, has long been waiting.

Duan Tiantu's spirit was conceived and raised by himself with his soul, and he inherited some of his profound arts. Therefore, he has a deeper understanding of Duan Tiantu than Duan Tiantu himself.

Moreover, the soul is just pregnant, the consciousness is still very immature, and it has not been eroded by the mad blood of the unicorn. It seems that everything is normal, at least in front of him.

"Master, the task has been completed."

Duan Tiantu knelt down on one knee, with an expression of reverence on his face.

After all, it was Yuan Wuji who created him.

Yuan Wuji nodded slightly, "Very well, you should go back to the Yinxu Alliance and wait for Diming to dispatch."


Duan Tiantu respectfully responded, and just as he was about to leave, Yuan Wuji suddenly spoke again, "Remember, no matter what you do, you must first ensure your own safety, and don't be treated as a knife by others, shame on me!"

Duan Tiantu's footsteps paused, a warm current surged in his heart, and he said firmly: "Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely not be ashamed of you."

Watching Duan Tiantu leave, Yuan Wuji then went to the depths of the Wanxiang Temple.

The main hall in the deepest part of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace is connected to a void world. Within the void world, there are 49 floating palaces, each representing a star.

Yuan Wuji directly entered the Great Hall of Longevity, one of the Supreme Twin Halls.

The inside of the hall is like an ice cellar, completely covered with frost. In the center of the hall, under the blue and white lights, several ice coffins lie horizontally.

Zui Gufu, Kui Yujiang and the recently deceased Ni Shenyang are all here.

And beside Ni Shenyang, there are two things, a red orb and a blue stubborn stone.

It is the source of the dawn that contains the forbidden element of the elf and the soul stone that Yuan Wuji broke into Ni Shenyang's body.

"If you want to use this thing to perform the method of blood element creation or blood fetus, you must twist it, and use its majestic life force to succeed."

As he said that, Yuan Wuji tightly grasped the source of dawn, and the suppressed elf Jinyuan in his body poured back.

The benefits of Yuan Wuji's previous exposure to the Plague of the Underworld and the Immortal Immortality of the Elves are shown here. Although he is not an elf, he can also mobilize a little bit of the power of the Forbidden Element.

Although it is useless to use against the enemy, it can return the suppressed forbidden power in the body.

After a long time, Yuan Wuji's pale face returned to rosy, and the source of dawn in his hand returned to normal again, "This power is really not enough, which is expected, let me make some preparations, and then correct it."

Although it is impossible to straighten it now, the injuries in Yuan Wuji's body have been reduced by more than half, and with his physique, he will be able to recover soon.

Putting away the source of dawn, Yuan Wuji held the soul stone again. The only function of the soul stone is to keep one of the three souls of the dying person. Can be used to summon other souls back to life in the future.

But now, what is left behind by the Soul Retaining Stone is Ni Shenyang's soul.

"It seems that if you want to do these things as soon as possible, you still have to rely on the system."

Yuan Wuji murmured, and his mind entered the system again.

Ni Shenyang's death, Shouyu's defeat and destruction, and certain changes in the plot brought Yuan Wuji another generous reward.

Needless to say, the strength of Ni Shenyang, the combat power and cultivation of the legendary level, the creation of the ancestors of Shuyu, the creation of Shuyu Yangshen, who once overwhelmed Kuahuan, Kui Yujiang, and after the ancient hegemony, the sky, the earth, the people, and the law have not yet come. Now the number one master in the past, the number one master in the elves.

All kinds of names gave Ni Shenyang a legendary color, which is an indelible glory.

Therefore, his death brought Yuan Wuji a special chance to draw.

The disintegration of Shouyu, the shock of Huangyang, and the accidental death of Ziwei Huangyang also brought Yuan Wuji two random chances to draw high martial arts.

"This is just the beginning, and soon, God of War, you will all be leaving, and Lord Ghost Qi, you should be unlucky too."

At this time, on the Tiandiqi, the Ghost Qi Lord sat cross-legged on the top of the stone tablet, circulating the shocking ghost energy to heal his injuries.

The assistant chess player finally unleashed the ultimate sword hidden in the panic volume. Although Di Ming shared the pressure, the ghost Qi master was also uncomfortable.

After a long time, Gui Qizhu opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely gloomy, "Damn chess player, I will definitely find out your body and make you pay the price!"

At this time, a steadfast and indifferent swordsman is coming towards Tiandiqi.

Besides, Zonghengzi had already appeared nearby, waiting coldly for the next round.


"Holy Mother... Could this be true?"

On the other side, the two pieces of broken paper disappeared in the hands of Infinite who was about to return to the Netherworld, and his eyes became blurred for a moment.

"Smelly cocoon, what bad idea are you planning?"

At this time, Suzaku Yi on the side seemed to feel that infinite emotions were wrong, and couldn't help asking strangely.

"It's nothing." Infinite came back to his senses, and smiled slightly at Suzaku Yi, but there was a flash of determination in his closed eyes, and he said silently in his heart: Whether it's true or not, you can't gamble with the little girl's life.

Thinking of this, Infinite no longer hesitated, "Little sister."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Suzakuyi turned around and looked at Infinity in surprise.

"Don't you want to share the worries for the Holy Mother?" Infinite said with a smile on his lips, "I want you to go to Jiangshan Tower now and find a way to stay there until Hongchenxue agrees to relieve the demon king's gunshot wound. Return to the Nether Realm and return to life."

"What... I still want to accompany the Virgin!" Suzakuyi pouted dissatisfiedly, looking very upset.

"Okay, if you can bring Hong Chenxue back, I think the Holy Mother will be even happier."

"Hmph! Smelly cocoon, I have no ability, so I still have to rely on me!"

Suzakuyi snorted arrogantly, patted her sizeable chest, and agreed.

In this regard, Infinity just smiled slightly, but there was a touch of complexity in his eyes, "Holy Mother, I hope all this is false."

But the matter of Kuiyu and Xinjiang is ahead, so there is no limit to being cautious.


Ji Tan said that after leaving Jiuchongtai with Chu Tianxing, he wanted to find out the reason behind the Devil's Tears.

On the way, they met a living corpse blocking the way.

Chu Tianxing swept away all the living corpses, and soon, Yue Qianxun and others led the people to show up, accusing Jitan again.

Ji Tan, who was influenced by the Lingzhu of a book, said that his Buddha nature was deeply planted, and he was unwilling to refute, let alone make a move, so he could only choose to leave.

Not long after the two left, a mysterious figure appeared, massacred a large number of people, and after some misinterpretation and dissemination of martial arts by Yue Qianxun, added another crime to Jitanshuo.

 Thank you: Shengge Youli, Evil Emperor Sage, God Demon Sage King are all occupied, I am the master of swordsmanship, book friend 2018...5630 and other fellow daoist rewards, as well as the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets of all daoist friends, Thanks!Continue to erupt today!

(End of this chapter)

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