Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 175 Single-edged sinner, dead

Chapter 175 Single-edged sinner, dead (monthly ticket plus 13)

"Earth Ming..."

Yuan Wuji murmured, and put away the blood dark spar casually.

After everything calmed down, Yuan Wuji had time to pay attention to the situation of the secondary body.

No, it can no longer be called a secondary body.

Now there is only one air mass left.

The breath is changeable, but the core is divided into three colors.

One is ethereal and changing like clouds, the other is dark red like blood and full of evil atmosphere, and the other is dark green and bewitching, revealing a spooky aura.

Misty cloud energy is the origin of his omnipotence and formlessness, the dark red power is the blood-dark power of the earth and the underworld, and the last one is the power of the ghost clan of the perverted qi lord.

"The greatest effect of the body of the Holy Spirit is to store these forces for me. Now, its mission has been completed. Without the body of the Holy Spirit, I should also condense the real Vientiane Formless Body."

"It can even condense the power of blood and darkness, ghost essence, and demon essence to form ghost appearances and demon appearances, so as to penetrate into ghost prisons and secluded worlds, making it impossible for people to see through my true appearance. Until the final condensed appearance, I have the power to be close to gods. "

Yuan Wuji whispered to himself, this is the path he had already determined after he obtained the Vientiane Qi and the Formless Kung Fu Body, and now, he is only gradually realizing his original idea.

After returning to the Wanxiang Heavenly Palace, Yuan Wuji lightly threw the constantly changing air mass in his hand into the Wanxiang Orb.

"The original source is still there, so use the source of the auxiliary body to fuse the Vientiane Orb. When the auxiliary body emerges, the core of the Immortal Martial Treasure of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace will also be fused with the auxiliary body. From then on, it will not distinguish between you and me, and the auxiliary body can be used at any time." The ability of Wanxiang Tiangong can also make the upper limit of the secondary body once again raised, making it stronger and more unpredictable."

"And the source of the auxiliary body remains in the orb. Although it cannot be condensed temporarily, it can transform the body with the Qi of all phenomena, and sit in the strange city of mountains and seas."

Seeing that the source of the auxiliary body is assimilating the Vientiane Orb, the core of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, Yuan Wuji nodded in satisfaction, "Let the auxiliary body recover first, and then hide in the dark. Now that the ghost unicorn is in trouble, maybe he will find a chance to destroy this auxiliary body." body, and the shadow of Pangu Leifeng appearing in the world, the matter about the jade left in the Forbidden City should also be put on the agenda."

"Since this is the case, it is reasonable to be seriously injured in Guan Jiuzhou. It should be the time when Mr. Yuan reappears in the world."

While speaking, Yuan Wuji's clothes changed, and his familiar face appeared again.

"Save the left morning star with one torch, and swallow hundreds of fish, dragons and monsters. Looking at Qi from the central plains at night, and there is Zhanlu sword leaning on the door."

With a familiar face and a familiar atmosphere, Mr. Yuan will step into the rivers and lakes with his own face.

"Congratulations, son!"

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Hurry who came from outside shouted happily.

Although he knew that Guan Kyushu was transformed by his son, but the unfamiliar face still made him feel uncomfortable.

Today, the young master has finally regained his original handsome appearance.

"Harry, how is Xi Duanhong these days?"

Yuan Wuji asked directly with one hand behind his back.

"My son, Xi Duanhong's aura has stabilized, and he will wake up after a few more treatments."

"You continue to stick to it, pay attention to guard Duanhong and Jing Chuyi, and don't let them make mistakes."

Yuan Wuji nodded slightly, and then gave solemn instructions.

"It's your son."

After hastily turning his face down, he raised his head and asked strangely, "Then you still want to leave?"

"It's time to completely eliminate some hidden dangers." Yuan Wuji put his hands behind his back, paused and said, "These three items are for you, and you should practice hard."

"This is……"

Hastily took three things, a cheat book, a purple long sword and a purple broken sword.

Ziyun Mind and Swordsmanship, Ziyun Sword and Broken Arm Sword.

Looking at the back of Yuan Wuji going away, his heart warmed in a hurry, the young master still cares about her, she doesn't ask for anything, as long as she can follow the young master.


Yuan Wuji did not leave Shanhai Qicheng directly, but turned to the backyard of Shanhai Qicheng.

This is the residence of Manli's mother and son.

As soon as Yuan Wuji stepped in, a petite figure staggered and fell in front of him.

"Relict jade."

Yuan Wuji chuckled, and picked up the jade from the Forbidden City, which seemed to be about four or five years old, "Go, go and see your foster mother."

During this period of time, the source of life was fused again, which made the Forbidden City Jade grow very fast, and also enhanced her life source and aptitude.

"Hehehe...Father, you haven't come to see us for a long time!"


At this moment, on the Tiandiqi, the ghost unicorn finally exported the terrifying and destructive power of the extreme sword energy in his body.

"Holy sword, magic knife, it seems that it's time to get it back!"

Standing up from the Tianwen Monument, Lord Guiqi had a gloomy expression.The step-by-step plan was disrupted, which is unforgivable to the ghost unicorn.

"Although the chess player is dead, his identity is still a mystery. Could it be that he is not alive or..."

The ghost unicorn stared, "Maybe he was transformed by a certain person in today's world."

"Is it Earth Phantom or Guan Kyushu?"

"No, if there are two of them, they will never just sit back and watch the deputy die like this, and the two of them don't have the same aura as the chess player, who would it be?"

"Hmm... Since Guan Kyushu and Chess Master are brothers, they must know better about the strange city of mountains and seas. It seems that I have to go once!"

It's not that the ghost unicorn has never doubted Guan Jiuzhou, after all, only these two people are currently related in the entire world.

But the ghost unicorn also firmly believes that his attainment of "one body and two souls" is unparalleled.

Coupled with the two life and death fights several times, a misunderstanding was formed.

At this moment, a sword qi with killing intent shot out suddenly.

"It's time to come!"

The ghost unicorn master was happy instead of angry, and jumped down.

The illusion of beacon fire reappears.

"The sword is so close, your whole life has been calculated by me. Now, Tian Ke Ming Jian has been cultivated, and you have made the best use of it!"

"You ~want~ to die..." Jian Zhiji paused every word, with a resolute expression on his face.

"The birds are all hidden, the rabbits are dead and the dogs are cooking, come on!"

Ghost Qizhu put one hand behind his back and said flatly.


There is no more to say at the sword, and the killing has come, because of her own misery, her anger at being teased, and her hatred for almost killing her mother.

The sword surged like a raging wave, unceasingly.


With a sweep of the sword, the mountain and rocks collapsed, and the ghost unicorn took advantage of the momentum to retreat, laughing wildly, "Hahaha... use all your strength to impress your master!"

The sword is no longer talking, but the sword moves become more and more violent, like dark clouds covering the sun, swallowing the ghost unicorn.

Master Guiqi waved his sleeves, sweeping away the strength of the sword, and at the same time said disdainfully: "Your single-edged swordsmanship was taught by me, and your name as a criminal was done by me. If you want to fight back, it's a dream!"


Jian Zhichi became more and more furious, but his cultivation base was completely different from that of the Ghost Qi Master. What's more, his sword skills were all passed down by the Ghost Qi Master, and his flaws and sword ways were well known. , is suppressed.

While retreating again and again, Jian Zhiji knew that the only way to have a chance was to abandon the past sword skills.

The sword moves were then dismantled and reintegrated, but they also became more extreme.

The scarlet sword energy swept across, shaking the earth.

The sword is so close as if possessed by a demon, disregarding his own safety, the sword is like a torrent, and his moves are dangerous.

"Very good, you are worthy of my cultivation!"

The ghost unicorn chuckled, and made seals with both hands. With a deep drink, Qingyan Guiyuan rushed out of his body, and the deep power gathered in his palms.

"Blue Mist Weeping Shadow Mountain Ghost Transformation."

The ghost unicorn master moves to the charming and evil move again, his body changes and moves, and he is close to the sword in an instant.

Swinging the sword so close to block it, the mighty ghost energy condensed, it was hard to block its strength, immediately backed up dozens of steps, vermilion gushed out of the mouth.

In the blink of an eye, Ghost Qizhu's body changed again, and he appeared directly behind Jian Zhiji, and when he pressed his palm, Jian Zhiji immediately knelt down on one knee, and his martial bones were shattered.

The place where the bone was broken pierced out of the body, and vermilion was sprinkled all over the ground.

"Poor one-sided sinner, who has been played with all his life, today, your way is broken!"

The ghost unicorn put away the Tianke Mingjian, and then spit out the palm force again, accompanied by the powerful ghost element invading the body, the sword was close and there was a cry of mourning, and the body was useless.

The fallen body, like a withered rotten leaf, is about to rot.

Just when Lord Guiqi was about to praise his ultimate move again, suddenly, a powerful sword aura struck from outside the sky.

 Thank you: Sheng Ge You Li, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen, Love and Anime, Four Extraordinary People, Unpredictable Le You You, Book Friends 2019^3643 and other Taoist friends for their rewards, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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