Chapter 176 Disciple (300 monthly ticket plus 23 more)

The figure of the ghost unicorn flashed, and he looked at the person coming.

"Ghost Qi Lord, pay for my family's injustice!"

Sui Wuyuan appeared in awe-inspiring manner, and immediately after seeing the tragic situation of Jianzhi, his expression changed wildly, and his anger became more intense.

"Sui Wuyuan, you came at the right time!"

The ghost unicorn sneered, the ghost yuan condensed again, and the killing palm came again.

Due to the destruction of various plans, the ghost unicorn master can no longer provoke people's hearts and kill people with a knife, so he can only do it himself.

Facing the Killing Palm of the Ghost Qi Master, Sui didn't dare to be distracted for no reason, and the sword move in his hand was sharp and straight, but with only three palms, the sword in his hand was broken inch by inch.

After all, although the sword in Sui Wudu's hand was far superior to ordinary swords, it was also incomparable with the famous swordsmen.

The ghost qi master's palm was printed on Wudu's chest, and the evil ghost yuan immediately invaded his body.

At the same moment, the sword energy from behind came again.

"Front Flow Thousand Waterfalls."

Unparalleled sword energy came pouring in like a waterfall, and the ghost unicorn master was startled by the murderous intent behind him, so he swung his backhand and took advantage of the situation to retreat.

"Unreasonable, we will meet again!"

Accompanied by a ghostly laugh, the ghost unicorn stepped into the black hole and disappeared.

"No reason, how are you?"

Mo Qingchi appeared in a blink of an eye, pressed his palm on the back of Sui Wuyou, Hao Ran's true energy entered his body, and instantly calmed the unsteady aura of Sui Wuyou.

"Saint... I'm fine, look at the sword so close."

Saying that, Sui Wudu had already staggered to the side of Jian Zhiji with dead eyes.

"The bones of the martial arts are broken, and the body is completely useless. I'm afraid..."

Mo Qingchi searched for a while, hesitated for a while, and still told the cruel truth truthfully.

"How could this be so? What should I do? If my mother wakes up, how should I face it..."

Sui Wu's face suddenly changed, panicked.

"Calm down!" Looking at Sui Wudu Liushen Wuzhu, Mo Qingchi gave a low shout, and the awe-inspiring aura rushed, and Sui Wudu quickly calmed down.

"Mother...waking up..."

Hearing the word mother, Jian Zhiji's eyes lit up, and he regained some of his spirit.

"Yes, with mother, we can go to the strange city of mountains and seas, and look for Kyushu. He will definitely have a way!"

As if he had come out of nowhere, he found a light in the darkness, with a determined expression, he put the sword on his back and walked towards the direction of the strange city of mountains and seas.

Mo Qingchi sighed, did not stop him, and followed closely behind.

As the two disappeared, the figure of the ghost unicorn reappeared on the Tianwen Monument, "Huh, Guan Jiuzhou, although you saved Xi Duanhong and Jing Chuyi, if they died in the strange city of mountains and seas, they would also become the same Your guilt, the ghost will arrange it for you, and the next step is..."

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the ghost unicorn master disappeared, leaving only a low voice that scattered with the wind, "The holy sword is in hand, and the next step is the magic knife!"

"Master Ghost Qi, after the chess player leaves the field in person, it means that he will also become a chess piece in the hands of others. The fate of the chess piece has already been doomed, and your end is coming soon. I am waiting for the moment when you show your flaws."

Above the peak in the distance, Zonghengzi secretly looked for an opportunity, looked coldly at the end of the two battles, and murmured.


Inside the City of Mountains and Seas.

Yuan Wuji held the dark blood crystal in his palm, activated the Nine Suns True Yuan, washed the spar inside and out, and vowed to eliminate all hidden dangers.

After a long time, Yuan Wuji gradually recovered his power.

At this moment, the blood dark crystal in his palm became more and more crystal clear, like a red gemstone without any magazines.

"Besides the normal evil spirit, there is no other backhand left behind. Could Di Ming really be so kind?"

Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, and rubbed his chin, "Diming's methods are weird and hard to guard against. You must not be careless. You must leave a restraint method. Then use it for Yiyu in a few days. During this time, I will use it for her." Let’s find some suitable exercises and talk about it.”

Just when Yuan Wuji had made up his mind and was about to leave, the Golden Gate opened again, and Mo Qingchi appeared afterward.

Soon, Yuan Wuji learned about Jian Zhiji's condition, and once again put Sui Wudu and Jian Zhiji with a blank expression on his back in.

"Immortal and Demon Sword Embryo?"

Yuan Wuji pretended to be surprised, then his expression became slightly concentrated, and he came to the back of Jian Zhiji.

"The bones of the martial arts are shattered, and the cultivation base is completely destroyed. What a cruel method."

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Wuji pressed his palm on the back of Jian Zhichi, and the true power of creation reappeared. With the profound energy entering the body, the dense white bones outside Jian Zhichi's body were instantly squeezed back into the body.

As the injuries in his body were repaired, although his martial bones hadn't recovered yet, at least his life was no longer in danger.

"Sir, his martial bones..."

Jian Zhichi looked hesitant, but before he finished speaking, he heard Jian Zhiji hum, spit out two words intermittently, "Mother... Dear..."

"You want to see Xi Duanhong?"

Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, then shook his head, "If Xi Duanhong sees you like this, I'm afraid it will only make her more sad."

"What? Mother, she..." Sui Wudu's face brightened, and he was about to ask about his mother's condition, but Mo Qingchi who was at the side suddenly grabbed Sui Wudu's arm and stopped him from speaking.

At this time, Sui Wuyuan also realized that although he is simple, it does not mean that he is stupid.

He immediately understood that Yuan Wuji's words were probably in An Jianzhi's heart. If Jian Zhichi knew that his mother was still seriously injured and comatose after being struck by his sword, it would also affect his recovery.

Hearing the words, Jian Zhichi looked at his current misery, his eyes darkened, and then he shook his head violently, obviously he didn't want his mother to see him like this.

"I already understand your condition. You have a fairy-devil sword fetus, and you have an excellent sword repair physique. I will cure you. However, if you want to regain your peak or even become stronger, it is not easy. Here is a way to do it." Help you, but this is my master's unique knowledge, and I will not pass it on lightly, you are willing to become my disciple."

Yuan Wuji put his hands behind his back, solemnly looked at Jian Zhichi, who was covered in blood and looked embarrassed, and asked.


Sui Wudu and Mo Qingchi were startled at the same time, they didn't expect Yuan Wuji to ask this question suddenly.

Jian Zhiji also opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Yuan Wuji was not surprised, and said again: "It's okay, I will give you time to think about it, after I heal your injury, I will send you to see Xi Duanhong."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Wuji summoned Pleiades, who was transformed into a Pleiades chicken, and took Jian Yiji down for cultivation.

After Jian Zhichi left, Yuan Wuji looked at Sui Wudu and Mo Qingchi.

"Sir, is my mother okay?"

As Jian Zhiji left, Sui Wuyuan lost all scruples and asked impatiently.

"With two more treatments, the injury should recover, so follow me."

Yuan Wuji brought Sui Wudu to the room where Xi Duanhong was placed, seeing Xi Duanhong whose complexion had returned to rosy, Sui Wudu also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Stay with your mother."

After bringing Sui Wuyuan to him, Yuan Wuji withdrew. At this moment, only Yuan Wuji and Mo Qingchi were left in the courtyard.

After a while of silence, Yuan Wuji took the initiative to stir up the topic, "Is there nothing you want to say, Shengsi?"

Mo Qingchi narrowed his eyes slightly, but suddenly asked: "Will it really take some time to save Xi Duanhong?"

"What? Shengsi thinks I have some thoughts about Xi Duanhong or some calculations about Xi Wuyuan?" Yuan Wuji chuckled lightly, playing around.

"No." Mo Qingchi shook his head, "It's just that with your strength, this matter may not be so time-consuming."

"Isn't it time-consuming? At least I saved her life. If there was no me, she might have died under the scheme of the ghost unicorn."

After saying this, Yuan Wuji left a pointed sentence, "Mo Qingchi, you should be grateful to me!"

"At least your death is spared!" Yuan Wuji didn't say this, but said silently in his heart.

After sending Sui Wuduan and Mo Qingchi away from the strange city of mountains and seas, Yuan Wuji also left with the jade from the Forbidden City.

 In the turmoil of the starting point, many building posts in the comment area are gone. Once I go back to the past, it is miserable...

(End of this chapter)

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