Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 177 Sword Slaying Ghost Qizhu

Chapter 177 Sword Slaying Ghost Qizhu (Monthly Ticket Plus 33)

Jiangshan Building.

Suzaku Yi, who was separated from Infinity, finally came again.

"What the hell is Unlimited doing? I was assigned here for no reason..."

"When I return to Youjie, I will definitely sue the Holy Mother for you."

Zhu Quyi said angrily, don't go, don't kick the stones on the side of the road.

As the Jiangshan Tower approached, a melodious piano sound came from afar.

"The new sound in the qin, the wind rings, the pen is drunk and the crows live on the wall. The jasper is so steep that the wine cup is flying, and the dream is lost, and the flowers in the abyss are fascinated."

"Sister Hongchenxue seems to be in a good mood!"

Suzakuyi ran in bouncing around, looking weird.

"You're here again, but I won't change my mind."

The sound of the piano gradually stopped, Hong Chenxue gently held the jade hairpin on the table, and said calmly.

"This matter is extremely important to the Holy Mother. I will not give up. I have decided to live here until you agree."

Suzakuyi walked in carelessly, and sat opposite Hongchenxue, with a look of no intention.

"Huh?" Hong Chenxue slightly turned her head, and after a pause, she didn't refute, she just said: "Then you are doomed to be useless."

Just now.

"Save the left morning star with one torch, and swallow hundreds of fish, dragons and monsters. Looking at Qi from the central plains at night, and there is Zhanlu sword leaning on the door."

Accompanied by Qinglang Poetry, a luxurious figure approached slowly.

Beside this figure, followed by a five or six-year-old girl with shofar braids.

The girl held Yuan Wuji's finger with her little hand, and looked around curiously as she walked, with a bewildered expression on her face.

"This is……"

Seeing the girl for a moment, Suzakuyi suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, and for no reason, he felt a sense of closeness.

"What a cute little girl!"

Suzaku Yi moved and appeared in front of the girl, but the little guy was frightened and hid behind Yuan Wuji.

But the blood was drawn to each other, and the little guy poked his head out of curiosity to look at Suzaku's clothes.

For Suzaku clothes here, Yuan Wuji was slightly surprised, but he didn't stop him.

"Is this—the legacy jade?"

Hong Chenxue hesitated for a moment, then slowly approached, looking at the little one beside Yuan Wuji.

"Yiyu, call her teacher's wife."

Yuan Wuji touched the small head that was poking out carefully behind him, but his eyes never left Hongchenxue.

The scorching gaze made Hong Chenxue feel as if she was on fire, and she couldn't help but avoid Yuan Wuji's gaze, and just focused on watching the Forbidden City Jade carefully walking out from behind Yuan Wuji.

"Yiyu has seen Master's Wife."

The childish voice sounded, and the little girl bent over cautiously, looking cute and cute.

"I will leave Yuyu to you for a while, I hope you can teach her marksmanship, and I will come here to teach her in a few days."

Knowing Hong Chenxue's character, it must be unacceptable for a while, so Yuan Wuji didn't stay any longer.

It's just that when passing by Zhuqueyi, Yuan Wuji left a sentence as if pointing, "It seems that Wuwu knows a lot, and it's really easy to calculate."

Regarding Yuan Wuji's departure, Hong Chenxue did not keep her. Just like before, she didn't know how to deal with it, especially the fetus in her womb. She didn't want Yuan Wuji to know, so she avoided it if she could.

Hongchenxue is not a weak woman, so Yuan Wuji did not realize that Hongchenxue was pregnant. After leaving Yiqing Jiangshan Tower, Yuan Wuji also went to the old place of the Valley of the Wind.


The lonely mountain.

Under the Shura Golem that exudes dark purple evil power.

A bleak, suppressed furious figure dragged the magic knife backwards.

"Ghost Qi Lord, what happened back then was all your scheme?"

He shouted and asked, containing unparalleled anger.

"Zeguo Jiangshan's battle plan, what is the life of the people? Leqiaosu. With Jun Mo's words, the title of the marquis will be dead."

The ghost unicorn master put his hands behind his back, and slowly fell from the Shura golem, "He is right, I gave the elixir that poisoned Jing Chuyi to Jing Chusheng, and Jing Chuyi's paralysis was also caused by me on purpose, you You really should be angry, now, let the ghost see how much anger you have?"

The moment the words fell, the magic knife had arrived, "Then pay the price for everything you have done!"

With a knife burning with fury, he vowed to kill the enemy he hated deeply in front of him, and to recover everything for his beloved wife who had been tortured for half of his life.

"Then come!" the ghost unicorn said contemptuously, showing disdain, "Use all your strength and let the ghost see how you have improved over the years."

The power of the sword's palm erupted vigorously, and the rocks were shattered. Facing the violent and ferocious magic sword, the ghost unicorn master remained calm as usual, easily blocking the move and kill.

In the moment of wrong body, Hate Wufeng reproduced the lore move, "In a moment, Indra's slash!"

The majestic sword energy merged into the magic sword, and the prison dragon cut suddenly reproduced the dazzling purple light, and the scales flew away, but the beautiful picture contained the ability to kill gods and ghosts.

Seeing this, the ghost unicorn made a wrong step, jumped onto the head of Shura statue, and turned his hands around, and took the nine-day thunder for urgent use.

Immediately, he absorbed all the wind and thunder with one palm, and swooped down with the power to destroy the world.

At the moment when the wrong creatures meet, the ghost unicorn master unexpectedly absorbs the prison dragon knife energy, and severely injures Hate Wufeng with one move.


Ghost Qizhu chuckled, "Yulong Zhan has devoured blood in your hand so far, and it is almost perfect, but you never know that this knife only recognizes me as the master. From the very beginning, you are destined to be just a pawn for me to raise the knife. Can never resist."

With the palm of the Ghost Qi Master flipping slightly, the prison dragon cut upside down on the ground turned into purple scales, blended into the Ghost Qi Master Sen Luo's fan and disappeared.

"I will never forgive you!"

Kneeling on one knee, Hate Wufeng let out a roar of unwillingness, and then grasped Ling Ye forcefully, pushing the knife to the limit, "In a moment, use Destroy·Shitian Void Slash."

"The end of the crossbow!"

The ghost unicorn snorted coldly in disdain, and then flipped his palm, and the black air spread in all directions, "Miaoming weeps."

Facing the ultimate move of gambling, Gui Qi's main bone fan was like a knife, and he pressed against Hate Wufeng, and said coldly: "Your knife skills have regressed!"

Just as the ghost unicorn master praised the killing palm again, suddenly a fierce sword energy pierced through the air.

"Kong Jue III has no match for the sword!"

The golden glow hides evil spirits, and there is no match for a sword.

"Another person looking for death!"

The ghost unicorn master turned his body and grasped the strength in his palm, but the sword energy was reversed and returned.

"Wan Jian returns to its place!"

Facing the double return to kill the sword, Tan Qiqi rediscovered the unique skills of the former chess player for the first time.

Immediately, the surrounding invisible energy gathered into a sword, surrounding the whole body, forming an indestructible sword energy.

"Hmph! The remnants of a chess player!"

The ghost lord snorted coldly, and the holy sword suddenly appeared in his hand, "You escaped this sword last time, this time, return to your destiny!"

Tian Keming reappeared, the Immortal Holy Sword fell into the claws of demons, but its sharpness was even more frightening.

"Magic Sword Network!"

The holy sword is enchanted, and its shocking power can shock the universe. With the sword of the ghost Qizhu, the dense sword energy is like a fishing net, covering the strangeness.

Faced with endless killer moves, he sighed in surprise and pointed across the long front, reappearing the old Jiuchongtai's reserved moves.

"Swordsmanship Dark Light Cosmic Transformation!"

Sighing the condensed power, the energy of the world is inspired by it. At this moment, the whole world is changed, as if it is drawn into the universe, only darkness and light shine.


Following a slash of the sword, darkness and light distort each other, turning into a black and white two-color Wuji sword seal, which is suddenly printed towards the ghost unicorn.

Boom boom boom!
Countless magic front sword qi pierced into the Wuji sword seal like ten thousand swords.


Surprised by the strength of the Ghost Qi Lord, Sigh Qiqi no longer loves to fight, and Henwufeng, who was seriously injured, hurriedly retreated.

"Sigh, I hate my peak..."

Seeing the two disappear, the ghost unicorn shattered the sword seal and murmured, then snorted coldly, "But they are all pawns, now it's time to prepare a big gift for Guan Jiuzhou, and Jun Fengtian..."

Speaking of the three words Jun Fengtian, Lord Guiqi's eyes turned hard, and a broken page flashed in his hand, it was a fragment of the panic scroll.

Although the Divine Anxiety scroll was shattered and many contents disappeared immediately, but the remaining fragments still left many secrets.

 I said before that one chapter will be added for every 100 monthly tickets, and now I have fulfilled the promise.

(End of this chapter)

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