Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 180 The eve of the decisive battle

Chapter 180 The eve of the decisive battle
Watching the very gentleman leave, Yuan Wuji fell into deep thought, "What is the purpose of the very gentleman here today?"

"His purpose is definitely not for Ming Plague, could it be..."

Yuan Wuji rubbed his chin, "Could it be that he is reconfirming whether the chess player and Guan Jiuzhou are one soul and two bodies, or he is also exploring the power of the strange city of mountains and seas."

"That's right, this time the ghost unicorn suffered such a big loss, and with his character, he will definitely come back with revenge."

"Just, what method will he use?"

Thinking of this, Yuan Wuji's heart was already on guard, "If the mountains and seas are to be empty, I have to be absent, and I will go to the peak of Nilin to watch the battle, and he only has this chance."


Pangu Leifeng.

Gu Xinglei and Ziye Jixie both climbed to the top, and with the high praise of the unmanned list, the disaster star crossed the border, cracks appeared in the sky, and the shadow finally officially entered the mortal world.

The first target has been placed in the secluded world that has been silent for a long time.

It is also the old rival of the Cambrian, the body of the original demon king.

Within the Nine Vaults of Chaos, the Demon Lord, who suppressed the injuries in his body, seemed to sense something, his eyelids trembled slightly, and then he let out bursts of eager roars.

The movement here naturally alarmed Jiuying.

As Jiuying entered, a deep word appeared directly in Jiuying's mind, and there was eagerness in the words.

"What? The Cambrian is alive again?"

Hearing the name Cambrian again from the mouth of the Demon King, Jiuying's face also changed slightly.

In the battle of Jingyou back then, she fought together with the Demon Lord, so she naturally understood what the emergence of the Cambrian would bring to Youjie.

"It seems that the demon king must be recovered as soon as possible, otherwise the grievances between the Cambrian and Youjie will never be taken lightly!"

Jiuying, who had left the Chaos Nine Vaults, already had a hint of urgency in his heart.

"Look for the Ghost Qi Lord first, let him find a way to solve the injury of the Demon Lord as soon as possible!"

With a decision in his heart, Jiuying no longer hesitated, and sent a message to the method left by the ghost Qizhu transformed into the auxiliary body.

The secondary body in the strange city of mountains and seas received the message not long after.

"Jiuying actually called me back to the Netherworld?"

"Is it because of the shadow?"

Yuan Wuji murmured, and quickly guessed the reason.

After all, with Jiuying's character, if Yujie was not in crisis, he would never give up power easily, and now the only person who has a grudge against Yujie is Shadow.

Or the shadow of it—the Cambrian Period.

"It seems that the matter of the Demon Lord should be put on the agenda. In this case, after the battle between heaven and earth, we will start to resolve this matter."


On the other side, above the fairy feet.

Tianji also received a gift from Earth Ming.

The bloody head suddenly made Tianji feel anxious, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Di Ming, I will definitely kill you!"

Tianji was furious for the first time, and fell into a sign of madness. Regardless of his injuries, he was going to fight to the death.

At this moment, a ray of golden light suddenly flashed, accompanied by an angry shout, the righteous energy of heaven and earth impacted, and Tianji, who was in a daze, suddenly woke up.

At this time, it was Faru who arrived.

Facing the traces of the state of entry, only Faru can stop it and enlighten him to sobriety.

"Top of the Reverse Scale, I will definitely make Di Ming pay for everything he has done!"

Tianji clenched his fists and said solemnly.

It took a long time for Tianji to stabilize his mind and continue to recover from his injuries, intending to return to a perfect state before the battle at the peak of Nilin.

As the day of the decisive battle draws nearer, heaven, earth, man, and law cease to move, waiting for the imminent decisive battle of life and death.

Now, when the chivalrous conduct has been destroyed, the Confucian sect, under the leadership of Yu Lijing, opened up a barrier to rescue the common people who were turned into living corpses by borers and attacked humans.

Duan Tiantu also received Yuan Wuji's order to fully cooperate with Di Ming.

Master Tianzhi also calmed down again after seeing the chess master, but this made Leng Mimiao even more worried.

"The devil seed that Ni Shenyang said? Could it really be the influence of this thing? Find a chance to ask Xue Jue, I must remove this hidden danger for Poppy and Poppy, and I must not let her continue to sink."

And when Leng Mimiao left Yinxu City to look for Huang Yangyaoxue, Huang Yangyaoxue also came to the dilapidated Shouyu after resettling the people.

Soon, he learned the battle report from other people.

"Boss, Concubine Zi, Jing Ting..."

Huang Yang Yaoxue clenched her fists fiercely, full of hatred, "I will definitely avenge you!"

On the other side, Tan Qiqi and the injured Henwufeng wanted to part ways.

Not receiving the flying letter, sighed and pondered for a while, but did not return to Confucianism, but followed Hate Wu Peak towards the strange city of mountains and seas.

The death of the chess player made Sigh feel unreal, but he couldn't find any flaws.

After all, the chess player died before their eyes.

It is even more due to the joint efforts of Di Ming and Gui Qizhu. With the strength of those two, it is impossible to leave any life for the chess player.

Although his work for the chess player was just a deal, he almost died in the hands of the sword controlled by the ghost unicorn master. The enmity between life and death is not so easy to let go, not to mention, what is said in the letter, the strange city of mountains and seas is in danger , while his elder brother Wang Xiaoran is still in the strange city of mountains and seas.

Inside the Jiangshan Building, Ying Chaoyang left again.

The direction you are going is the strange city of mountains and seas.

Looking at Ying Chaoyang's gradually disappearing back, Hong Chenxue's eyes reveal hidden worries.

Hong Chenxue is very smart, she has faintly sensed that her father's mood is not right.

"Father, what happened to him?"

Hongchenxue murmured, although she was troubled in her heart, she had no time to leave at this moment.

And since her father chose to avoid her, there must be a reason.

"I can only hope that father is fine!"

After a long time, Hongchenxue sighed, and set her eyes on Yiyu who was still working hard to cultivate.


On the other hand, when Ji Tanshuo and Chu Tianxing rushed back to the Green Valley Mountain Corridor, they managed to restore their original appearance, and the popular Green Valley Mountain Corridor ushered in another catastrophe.

"That's right here, the accomplice that Jitan said is right here!"

"As you can see, the whole world is full of living corpses, but there is no trace of any living corpses near this place. Ji Tan must have said that this evil person urged the living corpses to avoid this place!"

Under the impetus of someone with a heart, the people around were suddenly furious, and rushed in wielding hoes and sickles.

"Uh ha ha ha..."

The ghost unicorn looked at the masterpiece in front of him and couldn't help laughing: "Jitan said, when you see the people who played the pipa and the green valley mountain corridor died tragically at the hands of the people you guarded, what choice will you make?"

"However, this is just the beginning. If their deaths still can't shake you, then the next step is—Chu Tianxing!"

"No one can escape my control safely. Even if you can, you must complete the tasks I entrusted to you. Whether you are active or passive, it will not affect the final result. My plan will continue unchanged."

"There is also the strange city of mountains and seas, and it is time to destroy it!"

"During the first battle against Lin, the situation of the whole world will change again!"

 Thanks: Daoists who are flirtatious, ugly need plastic surgery, gods and demons are all occupied, my name is 1507, etc., thank you for your support, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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