Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 181 The Battle of the Reverse Scale

Chapter 181 The Battle of the Reverse Scale (Various Requests)

The fall of the sky, the beginning of breaking the earth, the peak of Nilin, the battle of immortals and demons.

Yu Lijing led the Confucianists to stand outside the battlefield, waiting quietly for the coming decisive battle.

The clown puppet also isolated the peak.

As the time draws closer, finally...

"When you wake up and have a good dream, let it be cold in bamboo and pine. Xuanyuan's affairs, ancient and modern, are romantic and rivers and mountains. Intoxicated with a white head, you can relax and become a grand view. When you wake up, you are also in the world; in dreams, you are also in the world."

Accompanied by the golden rain and dew, Renjue very gentleman descended leisurely wearing a golden umbrella.

Then, another majestic voice sounded, "Justify what is wrong with heaven and earth, judge what is wrong with black and white, do not commit crimes that are committed by criminals and ghosts, and do not break what is broken by the sun and the moon. Confucianism and law, ruthless, law of Confucianism, and selflessness."

At this moment, another sonorous voice resounded through the entire Nilin Peak, "The heavens, the earth, and the common people are in my pocket, and the sea of ​​clouds in Kyushu is boundless."

In the deep night, a big sun appeared in the sky, and then a figure walked down from the big sun slowly.

The person who came was Yuan Wuji, but at this moment, he had turned into Guan Jiuzhou again.

"I didn't expect my friends to come too."

Very surprised, after all, the two met a few days ago, but never mentioned this matter.

"How can I miss such an eternal decision."

Yuan Wuji smiled lightly and said.

"Since we witnesses are here, it's time for the protagonist to appear, right?"

As the voice of the very gentleman fell, a fairy voice came down from the sky full of stars, "The wind is cold in the past, the moon is hooked, and the hero shines on the ancient city; the sky has its way, and the earth has no trace. How can a thousand years be swept away with a sword, and the spirit is at ease."

Accompanied by misty immortal energy, the heavenly trace and divine yuxiaoyao slowly landed in front of Jun Fengtian.


Jun Fengtian frowned, his eyes showed doubts.

Yuan Wuji looked at Tianji and chuckled lightly.

At this time, the very gentleman seemed to feel strange, and asked doubtfully, "Why is your honor so absent-minded."

"He..." Jun Fengtian hesitated for a moment, and then showed affirmative expression, "He is not Tianji."

At this time, the familiar poem sounded again above Xingyu, "The wind is cold, the moon is hooked, and the hero shines on the ancient city; the sky has its way, but the earth has no trace, how can a thousand years be swept away by a sword, and the spirit is at ease."

Same face, same outfit.

Shenyu Xiaoyao is against Shenyu Xiaoyao.

"Not much time, show your true body!"

Later, Tianji snorted coldly and spoke directly.

Tianji, who appeared first on the opposite side, suddenly laughed coldly when he heard the words, and then turned around, and his clothes changed suddenly.

And as Di Ming slowly lifted the mask on his face, everyone finally saw Di Ming's true face clearly.

"What? This face...why is it exactly the same as Tianji?"

The person opposite felt shocked and asked directly.

At this time, Jun Fengtian also suddenly remembered that the chapter he saw in the Xuanmai Baojian was also the chapter that was exchanged for the chess player.

Xuantian Nine Meridians Chapter 7—Blood Element Creates Life.

This method is to take the blood of the man of destiny, take his blood energy, absorb the essence of the heavens and the earth, and combine with the god of the fairyland of the sea of ​​clouds, so that miracles can be born early.

It is precisely because of the difficulty of performing this method, that is why Jun Fengtian exchanged it so easily to the chess player at the beginning, because he was sure that the chess player would not be able to succeed.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The chess player has now fallen, and even the scrolls of the gods that were once famous all over the world are scattered all over the world. There are even a few fragments in his hands.

"Blood element creates life!"

Thinking of this, Jun Fengtian couldn't help but speak.

Hearing these four words, Di Ming chuckled, and said proudly: "That's right, I am the real Son of Miracle."

"Hmph!" Tianji snorted coldly, and said indifferently, "No matter what you look like, it won't affect me!"

After the words fell, the two of them stopped talking.

With the promotion of profound Yuan Gong, the atmosphere is tense for a moment.

One is blood-dark and evil, and the other is pure and holy.

At this moment, the situation is turbulent, dark clouds cover the moon, and murderous intentions are everywhere.

With the first palm, the sky and the earth will be destroyed, and all the plants and trees will fly.

"What a powerful internal force, it really is a master of the world!"

Yu Lijing, who was watching the battle from the outside, showed surprise and said in a low voice.

One palm and three pairs, the probing move is already earth-shattering.

"There is no February!"

Tianji stepped on the footsteps, leaped high into the nine heavens, and embraced the power of Yuehua with his hands in his arms.

"Embrace the Solitary Day!"

Diming used his supernatural skills, but the mighty immortal energy around him turned into blood-dark power.

The unique skill of spiritual resemblance, and the trick of swallowing the moon.

In an instant, the moon was shining like frost, and the two moons paralleled the sky.

With a shout, heaven and earth meet again.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the broken stones rained like rain.

"Huh?" Jun Fengtian frowned, and he was also a descendant of the immortal sect, so he naturally recognized at a glance that the secret knowledge of the immortal sect was not an imitation, but a real secret sect of the immortal sect. The power of darkness.

"The same trick?" Jun Fei was also full of doubts.

"It seems that the relationship between the two is indeed very close!"

Yuan Wuji on the side smiled faintly, holding the wisdom pearl.

After all, he is the only one who knows the relationship between heaven and earth at present.

Read the script, familiar with the plot.Shouldn't you be proud?

And on the battlefield, if the figure moves again, it will be another fierce battle in an instant.

Body staggered, blood dripping.

The killing intent of the sky and the earth is frenzied, and they move ruthlessly without leaving any room. The energy of the two is urged, making the situation on the top of Nilin change, and the whole space is distorted.

"Imitate my moves, does it make sense?"

Clapping palms again, the two took three steps back each, Tianji snorted coldly and said.

"Ha!" Di Ming chuckled, and said disdainfully, "You feel so good about yourself!"

Then the two snorted arrogantly at the same time, and finally showed their unique skills.

"Send the oracle!"

Tianji slapped the sword bag on his back, and a silver dragon flew out. After soaring in the sky, it turned into a silver-blue sword and fell into his palm.

"Send the oracle!"

At the same time, Di Ming shouted at the same time, and then the dark purple dragon descended from the sky, turning into a similar sword in Di Ming's hands.

Seeing this scene, Tianji looked annoyed, "You really imitated it thoroughly!"

"If you want to imitate, let's try it!" Di Ming said in a choked voice.

Tianji stopped talking, and angrily displayed the immortal style, "Tiangang Yuzhi!"

Immediately, the two of them seemed to be trapped in a dark whirlpool, the boulder wriggled under their feet, and at the same time, a shocking aura came to the divine sword to trigger
"Decree of the Earth Demon King!"

Diming is not inferior, different names, different powers, but the same tricks.

The sky is strong and the earth is evil, the jade decree is the king's decree, and the oracle is weeping.

The unworldly gods finally struck each other, and in an instant, the peak of Nilin was like a doomsday realm.

"Sacred Seal of Heaven."

Just as the Palace of Nilin collapsed, Jun Fengtian slipped his feet and showed his abilities again.

The golden divine pattern spread from the feet of Jun Fengtian to the surroundings, blocking the aftermath of the two people's destruction.

"Stand back, everyone!"

Outside the battlefield, Yu Lijing sensed the strength of both sides, so he stretched out his sleeves and led the Confucian sect to retreat again to avoid being affected.

As the smoke subsides.

The surroundings of Tianji and Diming are empty, and there is no obstacle.

The wind blows between the two.

At this moment, the breath was stagnant, and only Feng Xiao remained.

And the invisible fighting spirit ignited wildly in each other's hearts, only waiting for the moment of explosion.

"The last trick is to force you to kill Xuanzun!"

After a while of silence, Tianji held the oracle tightly and spoke coldly.

"Ha ha……"

Di Ming sneered, the God Weeping sword in his hand suddenly plunged into the ground, and then he made a tactic with both hands, the blood condensed a little, and tapped into the God Weeping Sword.

"Heavenly Sword Saint Jue!"

The Tianji long sword stood upright, and with the palm of his hand volleying in the air, the oracle spun rapidly, and golden sword threads sprayed out like sparks, filling the sky and the earth.


Jun Fengtian looked at the tricks of the two, his expression was stunned, his eyes were full of shock.

"What's wrong?" Wei Jun asked strangely.

Yuan Wuji squinted his eyes and didn't say much.

Outside the battlefield, Yu Lijing was puzzled and asked himself: "Tianji? Why do you always make me so familiar?"

But at this time, the Heavenly Trace and the Earthly Darkness both made a decisive move, and with a single 'kill', the sky and the earth turned pale, and the powerful aura made the void appear to collapse.

Just when the two swords were clashing, and the outcome was at stake, unexpectedly, a righteous and dignified figure blocked it, blocking the heaven and earth at the same time.

As Jun Fengtian turned his palms and turned his palm strength, the killing moves of both sides reversed and turned to another place.

"What a move to turn the world around!"

Yuan Wuji sighed in admiration, the secret technique of the immortal sect is really extraordinary.

However, he is not envious, he also possesses the move of shifting attacks, such as Star Move, Yin Yang Great Move, both have this effect, combined with his strength, it is not inferior.

Martial arts are ultimately developed by humans. It is not that some martial arts are not powerful, but the limitations of the world and users allow him to only display such power.

But it's different in a difficult situation, not to mention his tyrannical cultivation base, even an ordinary finger can exert the power to destroy the world, other martial arts with profound martial arts but limited There are no restrictions in the hands of nature.

 Recently, the calvin is serious, the state is not good, and the writing is always unsatisfactory. I have revised it many times, and I have a headache...

  I said before that after 400 monthly tickets, one change will be added every [-], plus a total of two changes due to the [-] monthly tickets already owed, and I will try my best to pay it off at the end of the month!Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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