Chapter 182 Cruelty (For Order)
"Fengtian, why?"

Seeing Jun Fengtian's sudden termination, Tianji asked in surprise.

But as Jun Fengtian pointed out doubts, it cleared away the suspicion of Di Ming killing Xuanzun.

It also points out that the blood-dark energy in Diming's body is not innate, and it shows that the blood-dark energy has another source.

This made Di Ming's face change slightly, he snorted coldly, and retorted: "What nonsense, Xuanzun was killed by me!"

"Di Ming." Jun Fengtian turned to face Di Ming, and said directly: "Although you have been covering it up with blood-dark energy, what you are using is the secret science of the immortal sect."

"Heh!" Di Ming snorted coldly, "This only means that I have learned a lot from Tianji, if you want to seek revenge, just come to me, I have no objection to cleaning up Fengtian Xiaoyao at the same time today, what do you think——my ally?"

Di Ming turned his head slightly, looked at Yuan Wuji who was silent at the side, and said quietly.

"Hey!" Yuan Wuji smiled wryly, "Why bother... Forget it, it's up to you!"

"Everyone, calm down, calm down!"

At this time, Jun Fei also stepped forward to prevent the conflict from sparking again.

"Since someone interferes, let's come again next time, and I will wait for you forever, hahaha!"

Accompanied by Di Ming's cold and arrogant laughter, the person has disappeared invisible.

"Then everyone, I also bid farewell!"

Yuan Wuji glanced at the three of them, then nodded slightly, and disappeared instantly.

Soon, the entire Nilin Peak was empty.


On the other side, as Ji Tan said he approached the Green Valley Corridor, his expression changed suddenly.

"It smells bloody!"

As he said that, Ji Tan said to take a few steps quickly, and soon saw the blood splattered on the ground.

But when he and Chu Tianxing entered, what they saw was an extremely cruel scene.

The Green Valley Corridor, which had just regained some vitality, once again turned into a purgatory on earth.

Remnants of corpses were scattered all over the field, just like the evil deeds that the father of boasting had done back then, and as he continued to move forward, a figure sitting in a wheelchair was disheveled and covered in blood, and he was silent.

"Pipa girl..."

Ji Tan said with a roar, and his figure moved instantly, but at this moment, the beauty has already died.

Looking at the sky with wide-eyed eyes, it seems to be telling the injustice of the world.

"Old Tan, you must calm down!"

At this moment, Chu Tianxing also had a look of sadness in his eyes. How can he be without emotion after more than a month of walking together, but he knows the purpose of the scheming person behind him, so he can only endure his grief and exhort him, and he has already decided in his heart that he must not let that person achieve his goal.

"How could this be the case! Why do you treat them like this? They are also innocent!"

Ji Tan said as if he had never heard of it, full of sorrow, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, gathered his robe for the pipa, and slowly covered his eyes, at the same time a powerful breath burst out, and his white hair danced wildly, symbolizing the wrath of the cultivator, "People ——Why can you be so vicious!"

The fists were clenched suddenly, and the ground trembled at the same time.

At this moment, a roar like a beast came from a distance.

Not long after, a figure was seen hurrying towards the two of them like a wild beast.

The living corpses not only attacked them, but also devoured the bodies of other dead, Ji Tan, who was burning with anger, said that he would be merciless and clean up with one move.

Chu Tianxing also made a strong move in anger. After killing the living corpses, Yue Qianxun suddenly appeared again with the people.

Seeing the tragedy in front of him, Yue Qianxun snorted angrily, "What a Jitan said, it really is vicious and ruthless, it's fine if you don't treat the infected people here, but you even killed them, and this is the second time! "

Although it was a question, the meaning was self-evident, and the crime was directly placed on Ji Tanshuo's head.

"They have been controlled by locusts, people have already died and cannot be saved, killing them is also to prevent them from persecuting more people!"

Chu Tianxing looked angry, and his fists were already clenched.

Obviously, his good temper was also pushed by these people's actions.

"How do you know that there is no way to save it? You guys seem to know this bug very well..."

Yue Qianxun suddenly chuckled and said pointedly.

"Yue Qianxun, keep some morals in your mouth!" Chu Tianxing snorted angrily, but asked, "I still want to ask you who did the tragedy in the Green Valley Mountain Corridor?"

He didn't like Yue Qianxun, a villain who went around going around, and even he was furious when faced with such a crime.

"Chu Tianxing, the people of the Green Valley Mountain Corridor protected you, and you have been tried by the angry people, and you deserve to die. Now you are the ones who killed the innocent people who were infected here." Yue Qianxun snorted coldly, but said forcefully.

But his words received unanimous praise from the people behind him, and they began to criticize the two of them one after another, all kinds of dirty water and conspiracy were pressed on the two of them.

"Jitan said, just admit it. The father of Kua Huan was originally transformed by you. You joined forces with Kui Yujiang and Ni Shenyang to persecute the human race. The facts are clear and unmistakable, and you are irrefutable!"

Sheng Daotian, who was behind Yue Qianxun, also stood up, and said righteously: "The Taoist sect will never allow a demon like you to poison the world."

"Is there a reason to die? Is there a reason to die? Hahaha..."

Ji Tan said that he held the dead body of Nong Pipa, looked up to the sky and let out a desolate laugh.

"They are both innocent people, how can you be so cruel!"

Ji Tan said that he suddenly turned around to look at Yue Qianxun and the others, and approached step by step with Nong Pipa's corpse in his arms, "Did you see that? The people here are so innocent. They are ordinary people just like you. They just want to live in peace, but You don't give them a chance!"

One step at a time, one sentence at a time.

However, what greeted him was only a sneer, "Jitan said, don't pretend to be in front of us, don't forget, you caused our family to be ruined, and now, we only charge a little interest."

"That's right, anyone who associates with demons should be killed. Letting them die so cheaply is already very kind!"

A thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy waved a wooden stick and shouted loudly.

There was no trace of remorse on her immature face, only hatred and —— excitement!
Seeing this scene, Ji Tan said that the anger had disappeared, and there was only endless sadness.

does it worth?
Is everything he's doing really worth it?
Just when Jitan said that his heart was in severe pain, suddenly a strong palm came out.

A moment of oversight, and in order to protect Pipa's body, Ji Tan said that he took a hard palm.

"What a hard body, my hand hurts from the beating!"

A young man in a fiery red cloak, with vertical pupils tattooed between his brows, grinned and shook his hands, but the strength overflowing from his body also clearly showed his extraordinary strength.

"It's the first time I set out on a mission and I ran into a hard stubble, I like it!"

The person who came was just going to break the sky.

After successfully enlightening the spirit, he has his own soul. It is not wrong that this is his first real mission.

"It's not good, the first time I officially appeared on the stage, I was so focused on beating people that I forgot to recite the poem. Doesn't this make me appear to be a demon character?"

"Do it all over again!"

Duan Tiantu shook his head and muttered in dissatisfaction. After finishing speaking, he jumped into the sky and turned into a cloud of fire. Then, accompanied by a proud voice, Duan Tiantu descended from the sky, "Fire Lin eclipses the sun and the world is miserable, Suzaku crows All sentient beings are sad; Nanlin Jianxiu is the leader, and the crime cannot be condemned to cut off the way of heaven."

"Everyone, let's make room. I'm young and uneducated. Give me some applause and some encouragement!"

Duan Tiantu applauded for himself with a smile on his face, seeing no response from the crowd, he couldn't help but sigh, "What a bunch of people who have no fun."

Duan Tiantu's soul was conceived by Yuan Wuji with the seed of spiritual enlightenment, which contains a lot of Yuan Wuji's understanding of things, but the newborn soul is after all a child's heart and is easily affected.

In front of Yuan Wuji, he is instinctively well-behaved in front of Yuan Wuji, who is like a father and a master, but in front of others, he appears crazy, no less than the Emperor Yin Xu who was transformed by Yuan Zheng in previous dramas.

"Are you just going to break the sky?"

Chu Tianxing raised his brows, he had heard about the Lord of the Yin Ruins Alliance, after he finished speaking, Chu Tianxing snorted coldly, and said mockingly: "It turns out that the hero of one party is just a villain who hurts people behind his back! "

 Thanks to: The cooking pot in Chaoguo, Borrowing from the Sky, Gods and Gods, Zhoutian and Stars, Gods and Demons and Kings Are All Occupied, Memories of Dream Snow, Thunderbolt World, God of Time and Space and Power, and other Taoist friends for their rewards.As well as the monthly tickets and push tickets from fellow Taoists, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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