Chapter 183 Captured (I also ask for encouragement)
"Adults and villains, what you say doesn't count."

Duan Tiantu shook his middle finger, and said triumphantly: "The victor has his say."

"Then you are doomed to fail!"

Chu Tianxing let out a deep drink, and burst out with energy.

Duan Tiantu smiled arrogantly, palming his luck together.

With a loud bang, Chu Tianxing took three steps back.

"You—" Duan Tiantu stretched out his thumb, and slowly turned it upside down, "It's far away!"

"Then try this palm - Hao Hai Tian Xing!"

Chu Tianxing's eyes were full of sullen anger, his merits were raised suddenly, and he gave a powerful palm like a stormy sea rolled up by the sea.

"The sea of ​​fire is boundless!"

Duan Tiantu gave a cold shout, and the scorching heat swept across the ten directions, and the heat flow was like a stormy sea, swallowing everything in an instant.

He couldn't help but have Qilin blood in his body, and he also fused the power of Lieyan Zunxiao, superimposed two by two, even Chu Tianxing would be inferior to him.

At this time, Ji Tan said that he pressed his palm down suddenly, and the spreading fire disappeared immediately.

Boom boom boom!
Three explosions in a row shook the entire Green Valley corridor, the battlefield between the two turned upside down, and scorched marks were densely covered with moisture.

At the same time, the thunder came again.

"Father of Fantasies, pay for your sins!"

Master Tianzhi held the blazing thunder knife in his hand, and slashed furiously with the knife, like a pillar of lightning.

The violent power descended from the sky, intending to blast Ji Tan Shuo into dross.

"There is no holy seal."

Facing Lord Tianzhi again, Jitan said that he knew he couldn't do anything better, so he could only put the pipa down, and then slowly got up, his voice was rare and cold, "Why are you so hard to persecute."

"Only if you die, can I wash away my humiliation!"

Lord Tianzhi snorted coldly, and said no more, holding the Thunder Saber, he was already killed.

Powerful power is condensed on the blade, and the moves are dangerous and fatal.

At the same time, Huang Yang Geng Ri and Leng Miu also waited for an opportunity to make a move.

Several times of involuntary siege, coupled with the impact of the deaths of Nong Pipa and the people in the Green Valley Mountain Corridor, Ji Tan said that he would not show mercy.

"Tanhuayinxiang Forest at the top of the peak."

The Buddha's palm is no longer merciful, and it bombards all directions with powerful and deep kung fu.

Although Tianzhizhu, Huangyang Gengri and Leng Miyu were unable to defeat Jitanshuo, they managed to delay Jitanshuo's progress.

On the other side, Duan Tiantu finally stopped playing, and finally performed the Jue Shi, Chu Tianxing tried his best to block and retreated a few steps, but at this moment, Le Xunyuan suddenly threw the slender rope, Chu Tianxing was tightly bound by the seemingly fragile rope.

Above the peak in the distance, the Ghost Qi Lord also moved at the same time. As the deep Guiyuan invaded the earth veins, Chu Tian's Xingyuan Kung Fu suddenly lost and was easily dragged away.

"Chu Tianxing, since you are merciful, then use your life to guide the evil demon Buddha on the right path! Hahaha..."

The ghost unicorn smirked, looked at Jitan below and said that he was filled with grief and anger, but he became more and more proud.

After a group of people achieved their goal and left the Green Valley Corridor, Ji Tan said that they were stopped by Duan Tiantu and others and could not pursue them.


On the other hand, after capturing Chu Tianxing, Le Xunyuan handed him over to Huang Yanggeng and left alone.

Soon, Le Xunyuan appeared on top of a peak, and in front of the cliff, a figure in black robe stood proudly motionless.

"Le Xunyuan, what do you think?"

At this time, the figure turned around slowly, revealing a dark white ghost face, it was the Ghost Qi Lord transformed by Yue Jiaozi.

"As long as you can help me destroy the strange city of mountains and seas, Xunyuan will help me!"

Le Xunyuan cupped his hands and said solemnly.

"Ha!" The ghost unicorn chuckled, and said in surprise: "You and Shanhai Qicheng are originally allies, but I didn't expect you to hate Shanhai Qicheng so much, it is puzzling..."

Speaking of this, the ghost unicorn paused for a moment, and then said: "Could it be that you have a deep affection for your nephew and uncle?"

"It's because you thought about Xunyuan too ruthlessly. Uncle's death was caused by Mr. Yuan. I have a mortal feud with Mr. Yuan, and Mr. Yuan is a man from a strange city of mountains and seas. I want to kill him completely." , Naturally, we must destroy the strange city of mountains and seas first!"

Le Xunyuan said awe-inspiringly, if he didn't know the other party's personality, ordinary people who don't know, might really be deceived by Le Xunyuan's appearance.

"Hehe... so righteous and awe-inspiring. Since this is the case, then we have a common goal. Jitan said that it will be a very good and sharp knife. This knife will depend on whether Kyushu can resist it." Already!"

As the ghost qi master's voice fell, the person was enveloped in a black vortex and disappeared.

Le Xun looked at Xingyu for a while, then suddenly sneered, shook his head and left.

I don't know what he just thought of.


After the battle at the Peak of the Reverse Scale.

Yuan Wuji went directly to Yiqing Jiangshan Tower.

Hongchenxue didn't come out, as if to avoid it.

Yuan Wuji shook his head, and directly took the jade from the Forbidden City aside.

Yumengcao Yuan Wuji had already been taken by the Forbidden City Jade, so in just two days, she has made rapid progress, surpassing others' achievements of more than ten years, the only thing lacking now is the lack of foundation and body.

"She hasn't taught you the last piece of the jade seal, she seems to be on guard against my purpose!"

Yuan Wuji touched his chin, thinking so.

With Hong Chenxue's intelligence, it was not surprising that he guessed that his target was the Demon Lord.

However, he must complete this matter.

Hong Chenxue's wishes could not stop his decision.

"Okay, I'll go find your mistress in person."

Rubbing the little guy's hair, Yuan Wuji walked slowly into Jiangshan Building.

Hongchenxue turned her back to the gate and did not turn around.

"What? Still angry?" Yuan Wuji chuckled and said softly.

"The reason why you brought the relic jade here is to acquire the jade seal and help the demon lord get rid of the gunshot wound?"

Hong Chenxue's voice was cold, and it seemed that there was a long distance between the two of them.

"You're only right about one point. It's not my goal to relieve the demon king from the gunshot wound, it's just a process."

Yuan Wuji said frankly that the Demon Lord is just a pawn in his eyes because of his majestic bearing.

"That's why I said, I'm not a fellow traveler with you, and I don't agree with you adding these things to Yi Yu."

Hong Chenxue turned around suddenly, and said sharply.

Facing Hongchenxue's anger, Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, and then slowly said: "That's just your wishful thinking. After all, the devil is also her half father. You don't have to save her, but she can't."


Hong Chenxue froze, wanting to refute, but the facts left her speechless.

"If you are worried that the devil will harm the martial arts world, you don't have to. I can release him, and naturally I can restrict him; if you are worried that Yiyu will become the devil's helper and fall into the devil's way, there is no need to worry. She is my disciple. She is my disciple. I have planned the road ahead, even the Demon Lord can't interfere, so..."

Yuan Wuji looked at Hongchenxue solemnly, and said: "I hope you will pass on the last piece of the jade seal to Yiyu. As for other matters, just leave it to me. Yiyu is also my disciple. You have to believe that I will not kill her!"

Hongchen Xuexiu clenched her fists tightly and fell into hesitation. Although he knew that Yuan Wuji was not a good person, he really had no calculations for the relatives around him. After a long time, she sighed and said: "Let me consider this matter."

"Yes, but I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible, because - time is running out!"

Yuan Wuji looked at the side of the stream outside the building, there were two figures playing around, one big and one small.

It was Suzaku clothes and the jade from the Forbidden City. Although the two parties did not know their relationship with each other, the attraction of blood made them very close.

 To be honest, I wanted to drastically change the plot and speed up the plot later on, but I was in a hurry when I wrote it, and I always felt that something was wrong, but I had to do it, alas... everyone, give me some encouragement, let me bite the bullet and write down!

(End of this chapter)

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