Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 184 The Calamity of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 184 The Calamity of Mountains and Seas
And at the same time.

Go to the direction of the strange city of mountains and seas.

Ying Chaoyang walks alone.

The smoke of war permeates the whole body.

In his mind, the slanderous and seductive words exposed Ying Chaoyang's flaws, accompanied by the evil spirit of the holy sword entering his body, catalyzing the evil spirit that was left behind when he shared his soul with Evil Lai.

The triple calculation finally blinded Ying Chaoyang's mind.

As he got closer and closer to the strange city of mountains and seas, the murderous intent in Ying Chaoyang's eyes became stronger, and his mind became more and more deluded.

In the end, only ruthless killing intent remained.

"Mr. Lian Zhenxing?"

The Pleiades Chicken transformed by Pleiades had just met him, but what he was facing was a ruthless sword.

At the moment when the sword's edge was approaching, Subaru's Vientiane Qi erupted, forming a shield to block the fatal blow.

"You actually want to kill me?"

Pleiades got the pair of halberds, although he didn't know the reason, but he was not prepared to accept his fate like this, "Ying Chaoyang, in fact, I have wanted to kill you for a long time!"

Pleiades snorted coldly and said, although he was cast by Yuan Wuji to transform his soul into invincible, but his memory and consciousness still exist, and he just completely obeyed Yuan Wuji's orders.

Now that Ying Chaoyang is going to kill him, Mao Su'er will not sit still.

"Whoever stops me will die!"

Ying Chaoyang shouted angrily, his eyes flickered ruthlessly and coldly, and the killing was imminent.

The sharpness of the holy sword is unrivaled, just after three strokes, the double halberds broke.


With a trembling howl, both of Subaru's arms were severed, and the ground was stained red with blood.

The movement here quickly alarmed the Sage King who hastily and whose injuries have not yet recovered.


At this moment, Ying Chaoyang's eyes are only burning with hatred, and following the guidance of Guiqi Lord every step of the way, there is only killing in his heart.

In addition, his soul was not pure enough, and he was hiding a vicious nature, so the outbreak at this moment was even more turbulent.

Shengjunshi and Hurry have already noticed that Ying Chaoyang's state is not right, and the two besieged at the same time in order to delay time.

As for the changes in the strange city of mountains and seas, Yuan Wuji soon knew about it.

"Ghost Qi Master..."

Yuan Wuji whispered to himself, and with a thought, he had already connected with the origin of the secondary body in the Wanxiang Orb.

"It has swallowed most of it, and it will come out again in a moment. I hope they can block it."

Although Ying Chaoyang's strength has improved a lot compared to before, the most important thing is to hold the holy sword in his hand, which makes people unable to resist, so soon Shengjunshi and Zhuangzhuo are in danger.

Yuan Wuji's eyes kept flickering, and he sneered in his heart, "Ghost Qi master, ghost Qi master, don't you know that you are mistaken by your cleverness? You want to use Ying Chaoyang to test the strength of the strange city of mountains and seas, and realize your chain plan, but I don't know How can you not be on guard, this game is your final chapter!"


At this moment, the battle situation in the strange city of mountains and seas has reached an extremely dangerous situation.

Although it only needs to be restrained, Ying Chaoyang is still gradually approaching the residences of Xi Duanhong, Jing Chuyi, Man Li and others.

The blazing killing front ignited the flames, and the ruthless killing move made the other two dangerous.

But outside of the strange city of mountains and seas, the ghost unicorn walked with mysterious footwork and muttered words.

After a long time, the ghost unicorn stood still. He looked at the eight huge golden gates with a sneer in his eyes.

"Looking at Jiuzhou, you can't avoid the catastrophe of the strange city of mountains and seas today. When Sui Wudu and Hate Wufeng found out that their mother or wife died, can you bear their anger?"

"And if Ying Chaoyang dies at the hands of these two, can Hong Chenxue put aside her revenge for killing her father?"

"At that time, there will be civil strife in the strange city of mountains and seas. As the master of the strange city of mountains and seas, Guan Jiuzhou, how will you choose? Hahaha..."

With a sinister sneer, black lines appeared on the eight golden gates of the strange city of mountains and seas, and these lines gradually eroded the giant gates with evil spirits.

Apparently, the ghost unicorn master has found a way to break the protective formation of the strange city of mountains and seas.

And in the small woods ten miles away from the strange city of mountains and seas, Zonghengzi pinched the white pieces with one hand and black pieces with the other, playing chess with himself, and every time a piece landed on the chessboard, Fang Yuan's world seemed to undergo inexplicable changes.

"Ghost Qi Lord, today, this round is your end, this place will be your burial place, your legend should end!"

Zonghengzi looked calm, his eyes were as deep as an abyss, and he focused on the chessboard in front of him.


"Red Storm!"

The holy gentleman held a scimitar and activated the extreme posture, and a scarlet storm suddenly swept across, as if to tear apart all obstacles.

Ying Chaoyang let out a low growl, and pierced the ground with a sword. With a tremor, countless criss-crossed and brutal swords pierced out from the ground, smashing the storm directly, and killing the saints.

"Glowing starlight!"

The saber move changes again, the machete is swayed like a shining star, but the ultimate killer move is hidden in the splendor.

Although Ying Chaoyang has lost his ego, he has the instinct to move his sword, so he can forcefully recruit the same luck.

A sword shattered and boundless, and the killing front has arrived.

"Don't be in a hurry."

At a critical juncture, Hurriedly whipped the nine-section whip in his hand, but seeing Ying Chaoyang's sword move changed sharply, it was a sword cut "Farewell".

But Ying Chaoyang didn't stop walking, and appeared in front of Zhuozhuo in an instant, and at the moment when the holy sword killed his body, a mighty palm from beyond the sky struck.

Accompanied by a roar, Ying Chaoyang took a step back, and in front of him, there was already a figure with a Xingjun mask, and the person who came was none other than Wang Xiaoran's Nandou Tianji Palace Shangsheng Xingjun.

Wang Xiaoran, who had been in seclusion for a long time, came out again, finally lightening the burden of the saint king.

After all, Wang Xiaoran was the head teacher of the Wanzheng period, a figure who was as famous as Chong Yuzhi and Ying Wuqian, and he was the eldest brother of Sing Qi.

The strong true energy bombarded out, temporarily blocking the edge of the holy sword.

"His consciousness has been deluded into evil. If he is not guided to the right and allowed to wake up, he will continue to fight until he dies from exhaustion!"

Wang Xiaoran's expression was solemn, and he could see Ying Chaoyang's state at a glance.

"Hold on for a while, and never let him in!"

The scimitar of the holy king shone, and he shouted loudly.

Jing Chuyi was brought back by him, even if he risked his life, he still wanted to protect Mahatma's wife.

The two cooperate with each other and delay again.

"What a waste!"

Realizing that Ying Chaoyang was being blocked, the ghost unicorn cursed in a low voice, and then the bone fan turned over suddenly, the huge and majestic golden gate collapsed, and the ghost unicorn stepped in without hindrance.

The eight-door golden lock formation is only a high-level martial arts formation, and at this moment, it finally disintegrated under the intentional calculation.

The strange city of mountains and seas was exposed to everyone again.

With a slap on the back, Wang Xiaoran couldn't dodge in time, and immediately hit him hard, turning around to look, saw a rampant ghost walking into the strange city.

"Zeguo Jiangshan's battle plan, what is the life of the people? Leqiaosu. With Jun Mo's words, the title of the marquis will be dead."

The Senluo fan shakes gently, the ghost can roll wildly, and then retreat to the saint.

Without the two of them blocking him, Ying Chaoyang roared and disappeared in an instant.

"Three small characters, those who can work ghosts, you should be proud of them."

The ghost unicorn sneered, and suddenly pressed down the white bone Senluo fan in his hand, turning out three strange lights to kill the three of them.

Facing the person who could break through the eight-door golden lock formation, Wang Xiaoran did not dare to be negligent, and gave a deep drink, urging him to perform the Jue Shi, "Four teachings converging, Yifeng strikes."

Integrating the concepts of the three religions, and reappearing the powerful moves formed by the understanding of the original easy-to-teach, but facing the domineering power of the ghost unicorn, he was embarrassed, and vomited red red after just one move.

Just as the three of them were in danger, Ying Chaoyang had already broken through the obstacles and charged into the living quarters behind.

Jing Chusheng and Man Li, who had already heard the sound of battle, had gathered together.

With a kill, a sharp sword light swept across the two of them.

"Don't hurt my mother!"

At this moment, a childish voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a scarlet whip was slammed on the holy sword.

Then, a boy of twelve or thirteen stood in front of Man Li.

 Congratulations to 'Xiaowu Biaoxue' for being promoted to the hall master, adding more at the end of the month; thanks to: book friends 2018... 6825, glory days, memories of fantasy snow, eternal calamity, gods, demons, and kings are all occupied, all gods and stars , Aihe Anime, Xiaoren and other fellow daoist rewards, as well as monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from fellow daoists, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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