Chapter 185 (Continue to seek)

"Zheng'er, this place is dangerous, retreat!"

Man Li shouted anxiously, but the boy in front of him was determined, "Mother, don't worry, no one can hurt you with me."

As he spoke, Yuan Zheng held Taixu Guizang tightly with one hand, and condensed Yuan with the other.

Yuan Zheng was originally very talented, because Yuan Wuji didn't push the seedlings to encourage him, and his cultivation was the result of his hard work. Although his foundation was not as good as the top masters, it was still very comparable, and his strength was not necessarily weaker than some famous masters. It's just that the actual combat is still lacking.

But with the abundant real energy, it is not impossible to fight back.

Now facing Ying Chaoyang, Yuan Zheng's expression is dignified, but the Nine Suns in his body are already running at a very high speed, and the body-protecting energy is looming and covering his whole body.

The next moment, Ying Chaoyang charged again, and with the extreme speed of the holy sword, it seemed to turn into a beam of golden light.

"Be careful……"

Behind him, Man Li only had time to shout, and Jian Feng was already in front of Yuan Zheng.

With a flick of Yuan Zheng's wrist, the Taixu Guizang in his hands suddenly intertwined and became straight, blocking the invincible sharp edge.

"Broken Heart Confession."

The other hand was secretly accumulating palm strength, and a palm was printed on Ying Chaoyang's heart.

The battle between the two suddenly fell to extremes. Yuan Zheng's cultivation base and experience were not comparable to that of Ying Chaoyang, so he was quickly suppressed.


On the other side, Pleiades was dying after his arms were chopped off, and he was also unable to fight anymore after being hit hard in a hurry, while the saint king and Wang Xiaoran Xingjun were bloody in their battle robes, their masks had long since fallen off, and their breath had begun to wilt. The element loss is huge.

"If you can block me for a while, the two of you are proud enough. Now, die!"

A cry of death, cold and ruthless, accompanied by the ultimate move, unstoppable.

Just when life and death were intertwined, suddenly, a powerful aura erupted from the Tianji Shrine.

"The heavens, the earth and the common people are in my grasp, and the sea of ​​clouds in Kyushu is boundless."

Following the call of the proud poem, a powerful palm burst through the air.

Ghost Qizhu sneered, his figure exploded suddenly, turned into a cloud of black mist and disappeared in place, and at this moment, Ying Chaoyang returned from behind holding the blood-stained holy sword.


The auxiliary body's expression changed, and it suddenly rushed to the living place inside Qicheng. Immediately afterwards, a powerful aura erupted, accompanied by a roar that resounded through the sky.

"The plan is complete, withdraw!"

Gui Qizhu smiled proudly, grabbed Ying Chaoyang and rushed into the black hole vortex, disappearing in the strange city of mountains and seas.

Halfway through the journey, the invincible space transfer technique suddenly failed halfway, and the ghost unicorn and Ying Chaoyang fell at the same time.

"what happened?"

The ghost unicorn was startled, and saw that there was no wind in the peaceful grove, but the leaves were moving.

Mysterious lines suddenly appeared on the ground.It's like a huge net covering the world.

"Think across the seven dangers, touch the nine palaces, travel to the eight extremes, and cross the ten directions."

Accompanied by Qing Leng Shi Hao, the trees on both sides lined up automatically, revealing a stone table and a calm figure, "Ghost Qi Lord, long time no see!"


Seeing Zonghengzi, Gui Qizhu's eyes turned cold, and then said in a cold voice: "I haven't looked for you yet, you have cast yourself into a trap."

"You were wrong, now, you are the one who threw yourself into the trap!"

With the last piece of Zonghengzi falling, a huge net suddenly appeared in the four directions of the world, as if surrounding and isolating the world, forming a chess world.

"Zonghengzi, I already knew that you would not let go, how could the ghost be defenseless against you?"

Following the sneer of the ghost unicorn master, a cold sword energy from outside the sky suddenly stabbed at Zonghengzi, and then, a mad figure approached with a sword.

"People from the nether world!"

Zonghengzi murmured, and continued: "It seems that the death of the chess player was indeed done on purpose by you. This makes me very curious, why would you kill your allies?"

"Unless..." Zonghengzi's voice paused, and he looked at Gui Qizhu, "unless he has a secret that you don't know."

"Save it and go to hell to ask the chess players!" Ghost Qizhu's eyes turned cold, and Huo Tianwei had already approached Zonghengzi, his whole body was fused with evil and murderous aura, and the energy of the surrounding world fluctuated violently, "I heard that you also Shi Jian, now I give you a chance to use the sword, if you beat me, you will live, but if you can’t win, you——die!"

When the word 'death' falls, the catastrophe is coming, just like a ghost in the dark, no one can be seen, only a cruel knife mark remains.

"Front Flow Thousand Waterfalls."

At this moment, the sword like a waterfall suddenly blocked the evil spirit.

"Speak Jiuchen, wave your sleeves and the wind and clouds are exhausted, the mountains and rivers are sinking, follow Yixing, hold your hands and the universe will be fixed, the pale yellow is light."

Accompanied by Qinglang's poem title, Mo Qingchi stood in front of Zonghengzi holding the Mingyi Zhengsheng in his hand.

"Yufeng Qianliu."

At the same time, within the strange giant formation, a sword energy charged, and the next moment, Sui Wuyuan stepped into the chess formation holding a golden and jade long sword.

At the moment when Xuanwu appeared for no reason, Ying Chaoyang, who was behind the ghost lord, suddenly blazed with flames all over his body, "If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked."

Accompanied by Bing Xin's formula, Ying Chaoyang's eyes that were covered by evil spirits gradually regained clarity, and a sword that was burning with raging flames pierced fiercely at the vest of Lord Guiqi.

"Sword Into the Infinite Slashes the Ghost Hero."

The slaying sword stabbed out from the back of the ghost unicorn master, sensing the scorching breath behind him, the ghost unicorn master blocked it with a backhand, and the white bone Senluo fan blocked the holy sword's killing front.

"Reflecting the morning sun!"

Ghost Qizhu turned around and looked in surprise, "You can escape my control?"

The ghost qi master's eyes were gloomy, if he was just pretending, he would see through, but he could clearly feel that the previous Ying Chaoyang was indeed eroded by evil spirits, which cannot be pretended.

In the flash of his thoughts, the ghost unicorn activated the hidden power of Tianke Mingjian, forcing him to retreat to the rising sun in an instant, and the holy sword also melted into the white bone fan.

After all, this sword has been nurtured by him for countless years, and only he can really use it.

"Is that the ghost unicorn master?"

Although it is a clear lesson from the sky, it also removes hidden dangers for Ying Chaoyang, and the Jidao Sword also started, "You take advantage of the time when I miss Yunqian, mislead me into a demon with your spirit, and induce the remaining evil in my soul and body. You have a fierce spirit, so that I will be controlled by your evil spirit, but you are wrong, Ying Chaoyang is not as narrow-minded as you think."


Ghost Qizhu suddenly laughed wildly, "It's a game in the game, it seems that your appearance is intended to create opportunities for me, isn't it?"


Ying Chaoyang nodded and replied: "After being resurrected for so long, how can I not know who the body I occupy is, let alone Yunqian is my son."

"It's such a painstaking round, then let's do your best!"

At this point, everything is clear, and the atmosphere is tense to the extreme.

The moment Ye fell, two killing swords came at the same time.

The ghost unicorn snorted coldly in disdain, and used his fan to move the knife, and the battle situation became extreme in an instant.

The ghost qi master Xuanbu moved lightly, under the pincer attack of the two, he was still able to handle with ease, when the Senluo ghost fan flickered, the two of them were close to each other like knives, covered with bloodstains.

"Ghost Qi Lord, today I will settle the countless years of grievances between my family!"

Sui Wuyuan pointed across the long front, showing his unique move for the first time, "Qing Feng's voice is sure to last forever."

The pure holy sword energy condensed and turned into a sky-reaching sword light to kill the ghost unicorn.

"Burning the sky and refining the sky."

Ying Chaoyang held the pole in his hand, and showed the extreme move at the same time, the sword energy gushed out like a stream of flames.

Facing the two single-edged extreme swords, the Bone Senluo fan in the hands of the ghost unicorn master spun extremely fast, "Lie Que Wu Boundary Taihuang Ghost Strike."

Once the double fronts were broken, the main body of Guiqi moved between his palms, and the fire dragon took off.


Due to the gap in cultivation, Sui Wuyuan and Ying Chaoyang immediately retreated a few steps, vomiting vermilion at the mouth.

"You guys are too weak!"

The ghost unicorn gave a strange laugh, disdainful of ridicule.

"is it?"

At this moment, another sneer came, "Wolf Shadow Thousand Robbery Loot!"

 It's the end of the month, and I'm begging for everything!
(End of this chapter)

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