Chapter 186
Hate Wufeng broke through the formation, and a purple gold knife in his hand erupted with a fierce and fierce aura, and with a single knife cut down, it was like thousands of wolves slaying.

When the ultimate move came, the ghost unicorn smiled instead of being surprised.

"Are you underestimating the Ghost Qi Lord?"

With a sneer from the ghost unicorn, his robes fluttered, and the holy sword struck back, knocking back Hate Wufeng.

"I will never allow anyone to hurt Chu Yi, what you have done, you will only die." Hate Wufeng said firmly, holding the Heavenly Blade Saber tightly.

"In that case, then this time, I will send you to hell together!"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the ghost unicorn suddenly let out a deep drink, determined to give it a go, put his hands together in front of his chest, activated the spell, and attracted extremely evil power.

All of a sudden, the dark purple evil atmosphere is densely covered, and the strange and evil atmosphere covers the whole field, just like a ghost land.

"Tao Li Prison Dragon, come!"

Accompanied by the chuckle of the ghost unicorn, the prison dragon neighed in the dark and boundless sky. The shrill sound resounded through the sky, penetrating the nine heavens.


In the darkness, the gigantic ghostly shadow of the Prison Dragon loomed over, a berserk white-haired figure stood proudly in the clouds, and ghost thunders flickered all over his body, bombarding the sky.

"Different cuts open the way to prison, and the natural danger wards off demons. Life, only the sword. Death, only the sword."

But the invisible demon waved the iron chain on his arm, and the dark purple prison dragon descended from the sky with the iron chain hanging on it. Accompanied by the light of the vast sword and the aura of the heavenly sword, it split open the square chess formation and pierced into the battlefield on both sides. Sweep the world.

"Ghost Qi Master, is this your trump card?"

Zonghengzi stood up abruptly, with a serious expression on his face.

At this moment, the three people on the battlefield feel the same pressure, and they are very lucky.

"Use Destroy Shi Tian Void Slash for a moment!" With the magic sword in hand, Hate Wufeng condensed the supreme sword energy, venting without reservation.

At the same time, Ying Chaoyang yelled angrily, regardless of his physical injury, and performed the Jue Shi again—"Sword into Wujian and cut Hades!"

"The holy way stands on the edge of the sky."

Sui Wudu held the Golden Essence and Jade Soul Sword in his hand, and at the same time performed a unique move.

At the moment when the three of them resisted the berserk saber energy, the figure of Lord Guiqi moved instantly, and Tian Keming's sword pointed unprovoked, filling his chest.

"Kong Jue III has no match for the sword."

The moment the holy sword was approaching, a tyrannical sword energy appeared from behind Wuduan.

Gui Qizhu's holy sword deflected, defeating the sword energy, but the killing move was also blocked.

"Ming Ri Chang · Beast King Slaying the Sky Seal."

At the same time, another fierce punch came from behind, and the ghost unicorn roared angrily, staggering, "There are quite a few people dispatched in this round today!"

"That's natural, after all, this will be a funeral for your Ghost Qi Lord, how can you neglect it."

Zonghengzi said calmly with his hands behind his back.

This game was planned and completed by him from the beginning to the end, especially reproducing the name of Zonghengzi's magic machine.

"a ha ha ha!"

Ghost Qizhu laughed wildly, looked at Zonghengzi and said coldly: "From the moment you chose 'Luozi Wugui', the ghost knew that Qi Xie, a smart person like you, must not stay, but unfortunately I still hesitated at the beginning. , did not use all the strength to kill you, so that you have such a chance."

"Zonghengzi should be very honored to be praised by the legendary 'No. [-] Ghost Wisdom in the Three Realms', but are you really him?"

Zonghengzi chuckled and spoke indifferently.

"Is not it?"

The ghost unicorn smirked, but the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Ghost Qi Lord, pay for the sins of my clansmen who died in vain!"

The god of war, Yan, was already impatient, so he raised his beast fist, and made another ultimate move, "The sun will change, the sky will end!"

The God of War Ni forcefully urged the power of the underworld sun bestowed by Earth Ming, his body was already covered in blood before he made the move, but God of War Ni still refused to back down, this punch was full of his hatred and anger.

"This sword is the last thing I will do for the chess player."

Sighing strangely and pointing across the long front, the evil spirit in the sword was aroused, and with a slash of the sword, the sword and evil merged together, reappearing unparalleled killing power, "The only sigh of sword energy across the sky."

In an instant, the flames of war were rekindled, and outside the strange city of mountains and seas, dozens of top masters fought in a melee, and the powerful power erupted was immediately earth-shattering.

At this moment, countless powerhouses felt the power erupting here.

On the fairy feet, Tianji, Jun Fengtian, and Renjue had just finished talking about the creation of blood, the relationship between the earth and the underworld, and Renjue left first, as for Tianji, Jun Fengtian and others.

But soon the two of them were startled by the power erupting in the direction of the strange city of mountains and seas.

"What happened?"

On such a scale, the two of them were dignified together, temporarily suppressing the matter of returning to the fairy gate, and heading towards the strange city of mountains and seas.

Naturally, Di Ming also felt this change, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but grew wider, "It seems that watching the game between Kyushu and Ghost Qizhu is difficult."

"Now that there is no one to stop the path of the evil heart demon Buddha, then I will go to the strange city of mountains and seas to explore the secrets hidden by my ally. Hahaha..."

With a chuckle, Di Ming's figure blurred.


"Ask the heart and cut it."

Yizhan Mowan is the legendary swordsman of Huangquan. He has a pair of "hands not to be used by hidden demons" banned by heaven and earth. His fingers are distorted and deformed, terrifying and weird.

Because of past experience, I feel that it is rare to trust in the world, so I imprison myself in the corner of my heart, exile myself, and pass the time.His words must be believed, his actions must be resolute, his lifelong loyalty and extreme emotions, and when he meets someone who trusts him, he will accompany him with his life.

And the ghost unicorn has won the trust of the devil slasher with the unworldly magic weapon, the power prison dragon slash, so he will never let anyone take the ghost unicorn's life, and for this reason, he exploded with shocking power.

"In a moment, use Destruction·Shitian Void Slash."

Hate Wufeng swung the Heavenly Blade Saber, and an unprecedented ferocity erupted, turning into a sky wolf roaring, competing with the dragon for glory.

The two inexhaustible magic knives collided, and the world suddenly exploded, each retreating dozens of steps.

"Swordsman, not bad!"

Yi Zhan Mowan's white hair danced wildly, and there was a touch of appreciation in his cold words, but immediately afterward, there was even more intense murderous intent, "Unfortunately, you are still going to die after all!"

"Looking back at the sky."

Yi Zhan Mowan tightly grasped the Prison Dragon Zhan, and urged Qiang Neng again, turning his head back with a slash, ending life and death.

"The Slash of Night Dhara."

Hate Wufeng let out a deep sigh, and used the sword together, the two confronted each other instantly, the sword was fast and fierce.

One is a lifelong belief, and it is to repay the trust of the ghost Qizhu.

One is for the love of his life and for the eternal safety of his wife.

The two are already irreconcilable, even Ying Chaoyang and Sui Wudu temporarily avoided the edge, and fought for Hate Wufeng.

Although the Heavenly Blade Saber is not as good as the Taili Prison Dragon Slash, it will not be broken easily, so the battle between the two swordsmen is particularly fierce.

On the other side, Huo Tianwei confronted Simo Qingchi, the sage of Confucianism, and the two swords clashed, which was equally shocking.

In order to avenge the annihilation of the clan, the God of War, regardless of the wounds, strongly urged the power of the dark sun, and the turmoil and true energy gushed out, and the fists shattered and boundless.

The ghost unicorn has a ghostly figure, and the holy sword in his hand is unrivaled. In just a few strokes, the God of War Ni was covered in blood.

"God of War, although you have recovered yourself, in the end it was I who changed you into an abandoned god and slaughtered your own people. If you want to fight back, it is undoubtedly a dream!"

The ghost unicorn master held a sword in one hand and a fan in the other, and sneered, showing disdain and arrogance.


God of War Yan raised his head to the sky and roared furiously. He would never let go of such an opportunity. The power of blood and darkness turned into a ghost blade, and the words of the God of War made his eyes bloodshot, and he no longer hesitated, "Today I will definitely kill you!"

The blood-dark blade erupted with unmatched evil power, and the god of war, Yan, ignored the violent power and devoured his own life, and finally showed the ultimate move, "Boundless battle map · Beastmaster's absolute blade."

"Ghost Electricity Gathering · Thunder Suppression."

The ghost unicorn held high the holy sword, and the sky and the earth thundered, and the blazing thunder light condensed on the sword, as if the sky and the earth were showing their power.

Thunder fell from the sky, and the world turned pale. God of War Yan knelt down on one knee, spilling blood wildly.

The blood-stained battle robe fluttered with the wind, and the wide-eyed eyes contained the unwillingness of the king.

"God of War, the power of the underworld is not so easy to borrow, your way is broken!"

On the opposite side, the ghost Qizhu also seeped blood from his shoulder, and his breath was sluggish, but when he let out a deep drink, his body suddenly increased a lot at this moment.

Immediately, the killing sword came to him.

 感谢:弃天帝(书友2017…^235)道友的万赏,加更放在明天;感谢:何人让我封剑、都天神煞周天星辰、神魔圣王都被占了、00被遗忘的我、书友151…… 8955、世经纶、回忆梦幻雪等道友的打赏!感谢各位道友票票的支持!

(End of this chapter)

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