Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 187 Vientiane Battle Armor

Chapter 187 Vientiane Battle Armor (staying up late to save the manuscript)
The strange city of mountains and seas is waiting to be rebuilt.

Pleiadian's wound had stopped bleeding, but he was still in a coma.

Can't afford to be seriously injured, Man Li took care of him personally.

Sheng Junshi and Wang Xiaoran crossed their legs to heal their injuries.

The auxiliary body returned to Tiangong and continued to integrate power.

Although he was out of the customs before, he did not fully use his own power as he wished, but the powerful aura that erupted and Ying Chaoyang's 'success' made the ghost unicorn master no longer love to fight.

And at this time.

The defenseless strange city of mountains and seas once again ushered in a ghostly figure.

"Looking at Kyushu, let the dazzler see what secrets you hide here."

Diming's body was blurred, and he walked in the strange city like no one, enjoying the scenery of mountains and seas.

"This child has such a cultivation level at such a young age. He doesn't have the aura of an elf. He shouldn't be the child of Lord Tianzhi, so it should be—Mr. Yuan?"

"I heard that Mr. Yuan and Hongchenxue have the same relationship. It seems that Mr. Yuan is really a passionate person..."

Everyone in the strange city of mountains and seas came into view, and Di Ming retracted his gaze from Yuan Zheng. With a mysterious smile on his lips, he slowly raised his head to look at the huge palace with the aura of everything falling from the sky.

"The Vientiane Heavenly Palace is really not simple, it can resist my snooping, and it seems to have other uses..."

And in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, the body of the auxiliary body gradually condensed, and the joy in its eyes became more and more intense, and he laughed out loud, "So that's how it is, that's how it is!"

Yuan Wuji clenched his fists and whispered to himself, "It seems that I underestimated this treasure of immortal martial arts before, or I underestimated the true form of this treasure."

Using the Wanxiang Orb to reshape the body, the auxiliary body and the Wanxiang Tiangong became one. It was only at this time that Yuan Wuji came into contact with the real core secret of the Wanxiang Tiangong.

The current function of the Vientiane Temple is only because it is incomplete. When it is restored to its integrity, it will evolve into a treasure of divine power. At that time, the Vientiane Temple will no longer be a palace, but a truly powerful weapon or armor.

A battle armor similar to an invincible dragon.

This battle armor is divided into two forms. The primary form is the Vientiane Battle Armor, which can defend against most forces with the Vientiane Qi. If you want to break through, you can only use the special power that the Vientiane Qi cannot imitate, or the absolute crushing force. break in.

The second form is that the 49 palace masters in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace gather together to activate this battle armor. The battle armor can infinitely amplify the power and moves of a certain palace master, and it can completely confront the mythical existence head-on.

The first form may not be as good as the complete Invincible Battle Dragon, but in the second form, as long as the Lord of the 49 Palaces is strong enough, it can definitely surpass the Invincible Battle Dragon.

Of course, the limitations and difficulties are also obvious.

But even so, as long as you can play the first form, you can fight against the gods and travel through space. All kinds of mysteries are enough to surprise people.

"Then the next step is to go around to die, to withstand the power attacks of the powerful from all sides, to completely perfect the power of Vientiane, and thus catalyze the first form."

"Hmm..." Yuan Wuji rubbed his chin, "Why does it look a bit like Mei Yangyang (Liu Shi) who secretly learned the secret knowledge of the Three Teachings?"

While the assistant body was thinking, he suddenly felt a strange aura approaching, the assistant body immediately opened the door of the palace, and leaped out, "Since a person is here, it's probably unreasonable not to say hello to the master?"


Hearing the question, Di Ming let out a chuckle and released the state of virtualization, "I heard that the strange city of mountains and seas is in danger, and the dazzler was worried about the safety of his allies, so he came from a long way on purpose, but he didn't expect to cause a misunderstanding."

"So that's the case, then it seems that I want to thank my friend for your concern."

The auxiliary body laughed and said quietly.

"Since we are allies, we should help each other. Looking at you, my friend, it seems that you have already made complete preparations for the battle outside the city. You are too worried."

"My friend's second praise! It's just in case, but if a friend doesn't pay attention to Ji Tan Shuo, isn't he afraid of being out of control?" The assistant showed a subtle smile, but said pointedly.


At this moment, the battle outside the city has reached its final juncture.

"Burning Heaven Canglong Seal!"

The ghost unicorn master absorbed the majestic evil power again, and blasted out with a palm. The ghost dragon burning with bright green phosphorous fire roared out, trying to devour the gods of war Ni and Tan Qiqi.

"Swordsmanship Dark Light Cosmic Transformation."

The Tanlang sword swirled extremely fast, the sword struck Yin and Yang, and the black and white sword marks emerged.

"Killing the sky and moving the sword."

But the ghost unicorn master didn't want to give the two of them another chance to react, and made a series of strong moves, breaking the seal with one sword, and the soaring power made the sword powerful, and the rest of his energy pierced the clouds and pierced the sun, killing and sighing.

"Chess tricks, a hundred pieces are vertical and horizontal."

At the moment of death, the vertical and horizontal pieces suddenly overturned the chessboard, and the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard flew out, and the next moment, the chess pieces turned into chess soldiers to attack the ghost unicorn.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the chess soldiers were instantly disintegrated and destroyed, and the powerful aftermath swept straight to the seriously injured God of War Ni and Tan Qiqi.

"Zonghengzi, as a chess player, you enter the game yourself, it seems that you are also at the end of your skills!"

Faced with Zonghengzi's attack, Ghost Qizhu is not surprised but happy.

"Zonghengzi is just a planner, not a chess player. You can only see him after passing my level!" Zonghengzi is black and white, starts with two swords, and then shows his power.

The ghost unicorn smiled sinisterly, but the strength around him became stronger and stronger.

"Very good, the ghost wants you to experience the real power of gods and ghosts today."

On the other side, the very gentleman sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, but the aura around him was gradually weakening. It was obvious that the power had already transformed the ghost element and enhanced the power of the ghost unicorn.

Although it cannot be compared to the state of unity, the superimposed power is equally astounding.

In an instant, the wind and cloud were terrified, the dark night sky was full of wind and lightning, thunder roared, and purple lightning shone like the end of the world.

"Ghost Lightning Gathering Lightning Annihilation!"

Thousands of divine thunders roared, and as the ghost unicorn held high the Bone Senluo Fan, the wild thunders in the night sky merged into one, turning into a sky-reaching thunder column and striking down.

Powerful and powerful, one blow shocked the world.

Zonghengzi's expression changed suddenly, feeling the pressure of death pressing him deeply, and then he stepped on the ground, the chess net on the earth reappeared, and a huge Great Wall rose up amidst the surging, as high as a mountain, blocking in front of him.

But at this moment, the towering Great Wall was blasted through like a piece of paper, and the Thunder Pillar's majestic power remained undiminished, striking down with irresistible power.

"There is no trace of the world forever if you are virtuous."

The Gong Yuan in Zonghengzi's body was transported to the limit, the two swords interlaced, and slashed down angrily.

The sword energy of the cross is like a rainbow, but facing the blow of the ghost unicorn master's belief in killing, the sword energy collapses, and the blazing thunder light covers everything in front of him.

Zonghengzi closed his eyes unconsciously, waiting for death to come, but after a long time, he didn't feel the imminent death.


Lord Guiqi flicked his robe, and looked at the person with his back in a cold voice.

"Taiye hooks Chen Rui and floats, and the palace flowers are decorated with five clouds. Zhanlu light cuts off the flying fox moon, and the weak wind calls Zhuolu autumn."

As the person turned around slowly, the azure blue robe was carved with clouds, and the blue unicorn mask was slowly removed, revealing a handsome face.

It was Yuan Wuji who rushed back.

"Master Yuan!"

Gui Qizhu's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly: "It seems that this is the last game for you."

 It will explode tomorrow, and I will start saving manuscripts recently!Those who don't save their manuscripts are miserable...

(End of this chapter)

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