Chapter 188

Yuan Wuji held up a finger and shook it slightly, with a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth, "This son will be your end."

Following Yuan Wuji's step down, the surrounding world changed dramatically, and the two of them were separated by a space, and they were already in the sea of ​​clouds.

"Your spatial transfer has been restricted here. In today's battle, only one of you and I can leave alive."

"You are very courageous, one-on-one, you will definitely die!"

Ghost Qizhu glanced around, looking at the different space with only two people, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Who will live and who will die is still unknown, Ghost Qi Lord, you are too confident!"

To completely seal off the ghost unicorn master's retreat, Yuan Wuji has already made preparations for this battle to completely kill the human body, and it doesn't matter even if some secrets are revealed.

Because, whether it is the soul-dividing secret method or the use of blood to create life, he urgently needs it, and for these, only relying on the system is the fastest shortcut, and using the system can only be exchanged with the life of a master.

"Kill you, the ghost has such confidence."

With Gui Qizhu's sinister smile, the figure collapsed, and the person appeared behind Yuan Wuji.

"Floating Hands First Form Raising Hands to Poor Waves!"

Yuan Wuji didn't move, raised his hands slightly, the invisible gravitational force enveloped the whole space, the Ghost Qi Lord suddenly felt stagnant, but the killing palm still pierced through.

Turning around and palming, the two of them retreated three steps each, but in the next moment, their figures transformed at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, ten moves had been passed, the moves were powerful, and the sea of ​​clouds turned into huge waves.


With a single kill, the two continued to forcefully move, shaking their respective foundations.

"Young master Yuan has such a deep foundation?"

During the Vietnam War, the ghost unicorn master was more frightened. At this moment, he had already transformed the power of the super king in his own body. Few people in the world can match his cultivation base, but Yuan Wuji on the opposite side has the same strong foundation, far surpassing that of Zonghengzi and Zonghengzi at the beginning. The revelations of the First World War are shocking and suspicious.

"Are you surprised?"

Yuan Wuji yelled softly, clasping his palms together on his chest, "This is my real strength!"

With a shout, the invisible gravitational force is stronger, even though the ghost unicorn master is on guard, he still can't help but stagnate, wanting to float into the air, taking this opportunity, Yuan Wuji rushed to kill him.

Clapping palms together again, Ghost Qizhu stepped back a few steps before standing still.

"Your floating hand is so powerful?" Gui Qizhu looked surprised. Although he had never fought Yuan Wuji before, he had also heard about this unique skill. The characteristic is that even he will be suppressed.

"Not only that!" The corners of Yuan Wuji's mouth twitched slightly. Floating hands were his foundation. As his cultivation level improved, he would naturally deduce it meticulously, which was already far beyond the past.

With today's power, it is not surprising.

"Heavenly Blood Order."

After being ridiculed again and again, Lord Guiqi became even more annoyed, and the imprints of his hands changed. Amidst the roar of heaven and earth, an arrow wrapped in blood-red light pierced through the sea of ​​clouds and appeared directly in front of Yuan Wuji.

"The clouds are gloomy!"

Yuan Wuji reappeared the extremely mysterious move of Paiyun Palm, a flat palm, seemingly weak, but it was a blowing smashing killer move, counterattacking the ghost unicorn.

"Ghost Qi Lord, come up with your real unique move, otherwise, you will have no chance to fight back!" Yuan Wuji's figure flashed thousands of times, and he came to surprise by the sea of ​​clouds that filled the entire space, "The first change of the floating hand · cloud mountain fog disturb."

The killer move is continuous, the clouds are permeating, and the mirage appears at the same time. The ghost unicorn seems to be in the center of the mirage, surrounded by mountains, buildings, and people.

It is already difficult to tell where Yuan Wuji is, because Yuan Wuji has merged with these thousands of phantoms, and any one of them may be Yuan Wuji's real body.

"Duotian ghosts sing and thousands of souls mourn."

The ghost unicorn was under pressure all over his body, unable to escape, and then he let out a low drink, and held the holy sword high for a moment, thousands of holy lights shot up into the sky, accompanied by evil ghosts, the power of the holy and evil erupted at the same time, powerfully shattering the mirage.

In an instant, Yuan Wuji appeared in front of the ghost unicorn through a phantom, and then he turned his palm and slapped the ghost unicorn again.

Accompanied by a roar, the ghost face of the ghost unicorn master collapsed, finally revealing his true face.

"Huh? This face..."

Yuan Wuji pretended to be puzzled, and eased his palm.


The person who showed his true face, Yuejiaozi, snorted coldly, swung the holy sword, and thousands of killers came immediately.

"The battle turns and the stars move, against the yin and against the yang."

Yuan Wuji stepped back half a step, using both palms to transform the yin and yang, the yin and yang reversed for a moment, and the thousands of sharp swords reversed and turned back.

"The prison is different." Yuejiaozi's holy sword disappeared, and the sword energy collapsed.

The dual anti-war situation is stuck in a stalemate again.

After a long time, Yuan Wuji spoke first, "You know? What I hate the most is procrastinating the plot. Things that are originally very simple, have to be procrastinated..."

"If you don't die today, I will kill myself on the spot!"

As soon as Yuan Wuji's killing words came out, the atmosphere was suddenly cold and threatening, and murderous intent shrouded the entire space, symbolizing the young master's determination to never die.

"That's ruthless, since you want to seek death, then the arrogant son will give you a ride."

Yue Jiaozi sneered, his face was also full of murderous intent, and then he shouted, "Zhou Tian Yi Qi."

With a palm soaring to the sky, all the wind and clouds are absorbed into one palm, and then the powerful energy erupts, and the space seems to be distorted.

"Xie Yun is uncertain."

Yuan Wuji used cloud energy to transform yin and yang, and the misty cloud energy also erupted with great power, shaking the waves with his palm.

"The last palm, I respect your determination!"

The ghost unicorn stepped on his feet, leaped high into the sky, folded his mysterious handprints with his palms, and was shocked by the wind, "Heaven and man are two different. Return and one perish."

In an instant, the majestic ghost energy erupted, an unprecedented force condensed, and the entire sea of ​​clouds and strange land was distorted.

"Then, one move will determine life and death!"

Yuan Wuji's expression froze, and finally he didn't hold back any more. The Nine Suns Divine Art erupted loudly, and the green and green flames surrounded his body, causing the void to turmoil in an instant.

"This trick is..."

The ghost unicorn's expression froze for a moment, and then he snorted angrily, "It really is you—Guan Jiuzhou!"

Already understood who the opponent was, but the ultimate move was on the verge of launching, a life-and-death battle, it didn't matter at this moment.

Yuan Wuji no longer cares about exposing his identity, because what he wants now is enough opportunities to draw. The more arrogant person is just a secondary body of human perception, but with his strength and influence on the plot, he can definitely bring him enough harvest .

"Fire Sun Knife."

At this moment, Yuan Wuji raised his palms high, using his body as a knife, with the intention of piercing the sky. In fact, at the same time, like a peerless magic knife, he was suppressing the opponent's aura and cutting the opponent's body protection energy.

"Fire Cloud Palm."

Yuan Wuji yelled again, his figure swayed, and he charged forward fiercely, the powerful fire force penetrated into Yuejiaozi's body through the gap opened by the Lieyang knife.

"Yin and Yang are greatly shifted."

The moment the scorching fire force enters the body, it actually wants to reverse the ghost Qi's inner strength and blood.

"Nine Suns Excalibur."

Under Yuan Wuji's pointing, the sword energy blasted into Yuejiaozi's defense, but remained silent, and with the last palm cover, it exploded.

"Five Absolutes Return to One, Heaven Shatters and Earth Destroys!"

In an instant, like a big sun explosion, the dazzling light pierced through the space without any hindrance, illuminating everything and destroying everything.

In the same way, Yue Jiaozi stretched out both palms together, condensing into a black hole, releasing an icy and destructive force.

Peerless recruited the same luck, and suddenly the entire sea of ​​clouds exploded, and powerful forces swept out centered on the two of them.

 Thanks: Four Extraordinary Middlemen, Memories of Dream Snow and other Taoist friends for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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