Chapter 189 Closing the city (Second update on guarantee)

Boom boom boom!
The huge roar continued, and the entire world was destroyed.

The battle with the outside world had stopped at this time, and the smoke and dust filled the air, making it impossible to see the internal situation clearly.

At this time, in the center of the battlefield, in the center of the huge pit, the two fell to the ground miserably.

The bone fan in Ghost Qizhu's hand flew out, and the holy sword was also stuck aside.

On the other side, Yuan Wuji was also covered in blood and his breath was weak.

But Yuan Wuji grinned, and suddenly said to the unmoving Ghost Qizhu: "Ghost Qizhu, don't try to find an opportunity to escape, this place has already been laid by Zonghengzi for a long time, your space transfer technique It cannot be easily cast."

"Ahem..." Accompanied by a cough, Yue Jiaozi staggered to his feet, laughed loudly, stared at Yuan Wuji and said coldly: "Whether you are Mr. Yuan or Guan Jiuzhou, you will definitely regret what you did today!"

"Mr. Yuan has never regretted anything in his life."

As soon as the words fell, the blazing true energy in Yuan Wuji's body turned into an anode to generate yin, which turned into an icy force, filling his whole body again, "To die under this palm will not be in vain for your life's reputation."

Following Yuan Wuji's roar, he harvested the life of Yue Jiaozi with the most extreme knowledge that has never been seen in this world, "Floating Hand Extreme Style Reversing Chaos Yin and Yang!"

With a palm strike, it didn't form any majestic power, but directly mobilized the opponent's internal strength, causing the yin and yang to become disharmony and burst into a charge.

Yuan Wuji knew that this energy had returned to human consciousness.

Yuan Wuji heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of the system improving in his mind. He guessed right, although the arrogant son and the extraordinary monarch are one, but killing the arrogant son will also yield gains.

Yuan Wuji was not overjoyed at the end of the human-feeling side body, because at the last moment, the opponent knew that it was difficult to escape, so he retained his strength and took back the power of the side body. The very king who takes back this power will become even stronger.

Of course, with the power of recovery, Mr. Fei may also be able to reshape the secondary body.

Yuan Wuji may not be able to do things that Yuan Wuji can do. Although he does not have a system, how can it be so simple after countless years of practice.

Seeing that the smoke and dust were about to clear away, Yuan Wuji waved his hand casually, and the Bone Senluo Fan and Tianke Mingjian disappeared.

As Yuan Wuji staggered out of the battlefield, Zonghengzi and others also went up to him, "Where is the master of Guiqi?"

Yi Zhan Mo Wan and Huo Tianwei already knew that the situation was not right, so they left first.

"What the hell is going on here?"

At this moment, Tianji and Jun Fengtian suddenly arrived, and the next moment, a yellow figure also appeared, which was just Renjue.

However, people felt that they were deeply scheming, and there was no strange expression on their face, they just looked at Yuan Wuji with a puzzled expression.

Soon, the underworld in the strange city of mountains and seas and the auxiliary body transformed into Guan Kyushu also came with them.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the battle at Nilin Peak would last only one day, and we would be reunited again!"

Di Ming chuckled and said lazily.

"The ghost unicorn waited for an opportunity to invade, and now I have wiped it out, ahem..."

After Yuan Wuji finished speaking, he coughed violently, and the auxiliary body appeared behind Yuan Wuji in an instant, making a gesture of healing.

"Ghost Qi Lord is dead?"

Tianji showed an expression of disbelief. You must know that they had spent a lot of effort to kill the ghost unicorn master. Hearing these words now, it always feels so unbelievable.

"Perhaps, after I killed him, he turned into a cloud of black gas and disappeared. Maybe he still has some backup, but at least he shouldn't be able to come out to make trouble during this period of time."

As he said that, Yuan Wuji spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, the deputy stood up and said calmly: "Everyone, the strange city of mountains and seas will be closed from today, everyone, please!"

"Shanhai Qicheng is really injured after this incident, and needs to recuperate, so I won't bother you any more."

Very Jun also stood up and smiled slightly.

"In this case, we will leave first."

Tianji and Jun Fengtian also nodded, expressing their understanding.

Soon, Di Ming also left behind a meaningful laugh, which disappeared without a trace.

"Suiwu, Hate Wufeng, if you come to Shanhai Qicheng in ten days, you will meet the person you want to meet as you wish, and within these ten days, Shanhai Qicheng will be completely sealed off."

"So, then I understand." Sui Wuyuan agreed after thinking for a while, he might as well wait for ten more days after waiting for such a long time, not to mention, Guan Jiuzhou and Mr. Yuan are both injured, and they are really powerless He cares.

"Ten days later, I will come again and return the knife to you."

Hate Wufeng still had a sad expression on his face, and said that he was throwing the Heavenly Blade Knife in his hand, but seeing the assistant waved his hand casually, the Heavenly Blade Knife fell into Hate Wufeng's hands again.

"The knife and the sword are all given to you." The assistant said calmly as he glanced over Hate Wufeng and the sword that was about to make a move.

"In that case, let's go."

Sighing thoughtfully, he glanced at the Heavenly Blade Sword in Hate Wufeng's hand and the Tanlang Sword in his own hand, because he felt the same aura from the Heavenly Blade Sword as the Tanlang Sword.

This made him doubt again, but on the surface he said to Mo Qingchi and Sui unreasonably.

Soon, the heroes left one by one.

Yuan Wuji, Futi and Ying Chaoyang returned to the strange city of mountains and seas.


"Ghost Qi Lord is dead?"

"Why is this so mysterious?"

Tianji shook his head, Zhijing couldn't believe it.

"If the ghost unicorn master is really dead, then there will be one less trouble in the difficult situation. If he is not dead, he will definitely come out to make troubles due to his nature. It is useless to consider these. I want to return to Haozheng Wudao now, so you can go back to Xianmen for me." Find out."

However, Jun Fengtian had a calm face. During the years of practicing Haozheng Wudao, he had already shown no signs of emotion or anger.

"That's right, the most important thing is to find out the murderer who killed Xuanzun. If that's the case, I'll go..."

Watching the sky disappear into the sea of ​​clouds, Jun Fengtian shook his head helplessly, and strode towards the ancient road of Defeng. At this moment, Jun Fengtian suddenly dared to breathe a familiar breath.

"This is?"

Turning around in doubt, an ordinary old tree stood in front of him, its luxuriant branches and leaves moving with the wind, making rustling noises.

"This is not a tree!"

With an affirmative expression on Jun Fengtian's face, he raised his sleeve robe, and the giant tree with luxuriant branches and leaves collapsed in front of him, turning into a familiar sword energy.

"It's the sword energy of a chess player." Jun Fengtian narrowed his eyes slightly, and the next moment, the sword energy collapsed, and three pieces of paper fell into his palm.

"Huh?" Jun Fengtian frowned slightly, and asked in doubt: "Could it be the fragments of the panic scroll?"

Just as Jun Fengtian was wondering, suddenly, one of the fragments lit up, and a familiar voice came again, "Jun Fengtian, these three fragments hide Xuanzun's death, your mother's true identity, and the coming of Shenzhou respectively." The three events of the great catastrophe can be regarded as my last gift to you "Blood Yuan Creates Life"."

As soon as the sound fell, something appeared from half of the fragments, "The haze is evil, the season of Dongying Hundred Demons Scrolling the Demon Emperor, invisible and invisible, shifting form through the fog, what it does is very strange, can eat people and demons."

After the image and text disappeared, this fragment also dissipated.

"Why are these contents suddenly displayed?" Jun Fengtian was puzzled, "Dongying Baiyao Scroll? I seem to have heard this name somewhere!"

At this moment, not only did Jun Fengtian not solve the doubts, but his doubts became more and more serious.

"According to what the chess player said, these three cards contain the death of Xuanzun, the secret of his mother, and the catastrophe of Shenzhou. If what he said is true, then what does this object represent?"

Jun Fengtian looked at the other two fragments in his hand, pondered for a while, put them away, and moved on.

"Mother? Is my mother really alive? Why did Xuanzun hide it from me..."

Full of doubts, unknowingly, there is a trace of anticipation and apprehension.

Because, his father Jiutian Xuanzun told him since he was a child that his mother died in childbirth in order to give birth to him.

Therefore, Jun Fengtian has never met his mother.

But there was a faint feeling that he was once in a warm embrace, and there was a gentle voice in his ear.

Perhaps this is an illusion, but he really longs for maternal love.

 Other updates in the afternoon Ha!All kinds of requests!If the monthly pass is not used, it will be emptied!

(End of this chapter)

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