Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 191 Snow Washing Mink Qiu·Gan Wuhen

Chapter 191 Snow Washing Mink Qiu·Gan Wuhen
On the other side, Ji Tan said that he was on his way to the Court of Inquiry, but was stopped by Le Xunyuan and Tianzhizhu.

Le Xunyuan's strength is not inferior to Yuanzheng in the previous drama, not to mention the help of Tianzhizhu, the father who hates fantasy.

Ji Tan said that he was anxious and angry, and he didn't hold back his hands, but he was still tightly entangled by the two of them, and it was difficult to break away.

At the same moment, in another direction, a figure dressed in a furry animal robe, leather boots, and a short cape was slung over his shoulders, with a long knife and short blade hidden under the cape, a figure dressed in a desert style also ran in a hurry.

"The inquisition court that the man said should be in this direction, I must hurry up!"

"Old Chu is in danger and cannot be delayed..."

"I can be resurrected at this time, it must be God who arranged for me to save Lao Chu!"


"kill me?"

"a ha ha ha……"

At this moment, Yue Qianxun suddenly had an evil energy in his body, and he slammed back Duan Tianlu with his palm,
At this moment, Yue Qianxun's gaze became cold and stern, and his cultivation became stronger in an instant, making him a completely different person from before.

"Huh? I didn't expect you to bite back."

Duan Tiantu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered, "However, your master Ghost Qizhu is probably dead at this moment, and the ending is destined to be changed."

"is it?"

Yue Qianxun gave a ghostly laugh, because at this moment, people feel that they are performing Jixin decisive killing from the air, possessing Yue Qianxun.

"You can't change anything!"

Yue Qianxun's eyes were treacherous, and he said harshly: "Looking at what Jiuzhou has done, today I will first recover the interest from you."

With a sharp palm, the foundation is far better than before. After the first battle with Ni Shenyang, Duan Tiantu's skills were not complete, so he couldn't help stalemate.

At this moment, Yue Qianxun suddenly shouted loudly, "If you haven't appeared yet, I'm afraid this calculation will come to nothing."

As Yue Qianxun's voice fell, the world changed again.

Immediately, a sound of horseshoes sounded from the sky, and a figure with long orange-red hair fluttering, standing on top of the carriage holding a scepter of ghost truth, accompanied by a chant, slowly fell, "Eternal night is the light that reflects eternal life, baptizing all peoples, Hall of Glory."

The person who came was Di Ming, or in other words, Di Ming once stayed in the three-thousand-foot human shell of Huangquan, a secondary body of the playwright of Yong Ye who has the ability to function similar to one soul and two bodies.

Duan Tiantu was between the two, surrounded by two powerful men, the situation suddenly fell into danger.

"Earth Ming..."

Duan Tiantu gritted his teeth, and popped out two words from between his teeth.

"I know that powerful people always have their own ideas, don't you think so—Ghost Qi Lord!" Di Ming said, his eyes fell on Yue Qianxun who was opposite him, and there was a light smile on the corner of his mouth, as if everything was in vain. in mastery.

"Huh?" Yue Qianxun was suspicious, his eyes flickered, and then he sneered: "That's true, so you and I should work together to eliminate the hidden danger of the strange city of mountains and seas before we can achieve our respective goals."

"In front of my face, I want to destroy my strange city of mountains and seas, you two, who gave you the confidence!"

Duan Tiantu suddenly made a sound, the Fire Lin sword was unsheathed, hot flames flowed like magma on the blade, and a phantom of a flaming unicorn condensed behind him, accompanied by bursts of beast roars, shocking all spirits.

"Not bad for courage!"

Read Qianxun's negative voice, and the next moment, the killing palm will come again.

Duan Tiantu smiled arrogantly, the fire lin burned the sky, and the pervasive flames covered his eyes. The next moment, he shifted his shape, and the person appeared behind Yue Qianxun, piercing his heart with a sword.


Accompanied by a maniacal laugh, the energy of the thousand-year-old burst forth, Duan Tiantu was not aware of it for a while, and was immediately injured. Facing the fearless physical injury and playing with injuries for injuries, Duan Tiantu suddenly fell into crisis.

"It's not good!" Qin Jiaxian, who was watching the battle, clapped his hands fiercely and shouted nervously.

At this moment, Earth and Darkness moved instantly, and a palm landed on the back of Duan Tiantu, and Duan Tiantu, who had not yet recovered, immediately vomited bright red again.

"It looks like it's dangerous this time."

Duan Tiantu wiped away the stagnant blood at the corner of his mouth, and after finishing speaking in a calm voice, just when everyone thought that Duan Tiantu was going to use a unique move, Duan Tiantu suddenly raised his head and shouted loudly: "If you wait any longer, Chu Tianxing will die! Forced!"

As soon as the words fell, a violent saber aura swept across, directly opening a bloody path from behind the crowd.

"Mei takes Hejing as a confidant, Bamboo takes Ziyou as a confidant, Stone takes Mi Dian as a confidant, Tea takes Jingling as a confidant, Banana takes Huai Su as a confidant, and Drum takes You Heng as a confidant. There is one person in the world who can be confidant. Hate—Xue Xie Diaoqiu Gan Wuhen!"

As the sound of the heroic poem fell, I saw a heroic figure dressed in a desert style striding forward, wearing a fur animal robe, leather boots, and a short cape on his shoulders. Under the cape was a long knife and a short blade.

"Who wants to kill Lao Chu, first ask the length and the sound of sand!"

Heroic words, bold people.

The long knife was unsheathed, and the yellow sand burst out, and the murderous aura filled the wind and sand, covering the entire Xing Xing Lake.

"The reinforcements are here again, this time Chu Tianxing should be considered saved!"

Seeing the attitude of the visitor, Qin Jiaxian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Another person looking for death!"

The trapped Yue Qianxun's eyes moved slightly, and then his body turned around. He had no hatred for Shang Gan, and left Duantiantu to Diming.

"Heh..." Di Ming chuckled, and naturally understood what Gui Qi's master was up to. He had to kill Duan Tiantu and express his position before the subsequent cooperation could start.

But it doesn't matter, Guan Jiuzhou's move is bad, it affects his mission, and it is irreversible.

"Dark Blood Ignorance!"

As soon as he makes a move, it is an extreme style. Duan Tianlu uses the fire and cloud palm together, and the powerful fire bursts out instantly, "Fire has no direction, clouds have no shape; when you are strong and strong, you can boil iron and melt gold!"

In an instant, the surrounding sea water was evaporated dry in an instant, but in the midst of seeing the ground moving, the Ghost Truth's scepter swung, "Yin and Yang cross fire, blood swallows the sky in darkness."

The Sword of Moment, the dark blood vortex distorts the void and strikes.

"The Red Cliff Copper Wall."

Facing the brute force move, Duan Tiantu shouted loudly, and the raging fire came out majesticly, and instantly condensed into a thousand-jin red copper wall in front of him.

But in the face of the power of the underworld, the copper wall pierced through with a bang, and the remaining power of the ultimate move was branded on Duan Tiantu's body.

The fiery blood spilled out, scorching the ground around him, and Duan Tiantu half-kneeled on the ground with a pale face.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for the fact that your body has not recovered, how could you allow you to be so aggressive!"

Duan Tiantu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, straightened up slowly, then held the Fire Lin Sword tightly, and shouted angrily: "However, even if my body has not recovered, I will never embarrass my master!"

"Fire Lin eclipses the sun, the sky is sad and the earth is miserable."

Raising the sword high, the remaining power in the body burst out. At this moment, it was like a huge fire unicorn swallowing the sun, and the world changed suddenly.

"Have courage, and the dazzler will pay you back!" Di Ming chuckled, his eyes showed appreciation, but his hands were merciless.

At this moment, the sky and the earth seemed to melt into the dark sky, and the blood color pervaded the darkness. At the same time, there was the sound of a funeral as if coming from under the Nine Netherworld, and the atmosphere was suddenly cold.

 The rudder master, Xiao Wu, was promoted to the hall master with blood, and a new chapter was added!
(End of this chapter)

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