Chapter 192 Changes

But before the extreme confrontation between the two, Yue Qianxun, who was imprisoned, and Gan Wuhen, who came overnight, also reached the extreme.

The long and short Mingsha knives were unsheathed at the same time, and the poisonous palm and fierce knives collided again and again.

"Singing Sand Ten Breaks."

Gan Wuhen's long knife blocked Yue Qianxun's ultimate move, but the short blade quickly pierced through Yue Qianxun, leaving behind a cross killing blade.

"After listening to the sound of sand, life will end."

"Hahaha, you are finished!" Gan Wuhen laughed loudly, because of the special nature of Mingsha Dao, there was almost no cure for it.

But at this moment, Yue Qianxun ignored the fatal injury, and slammed his palm on Gan Wuhen who was stunned. Gan Wuhen's strong body was thrown out immediately, and he couldn't help spurting a mouthful of blood amidst the surge of energy and blood.

"The art of sending souls!"

At this time, Gan Wuhen finally understood why he had given the opponent several fatal blows, but the opponent seemed to be unknown, but became stronger and stronger.

"Suffer to death!"

Yue Qianxun sneered, ignoring his own danger, exchanging kills for injuries, unleashing a series of killing moves, not giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

Without a move, Gan Wuhen suddenly became dangerous.

"Who is he? Why did he save me?"

Chu Tianxing was tied to the torture tool, and he turned his head to look at the two fighting men, his gaze was even more complicated.

Especially Duan Tiantu, he couldn't guess the other party's mind.

Because he was originally captured by them, and now, this person came to rescue him again, causing conflicts everywhere, making it incomprehensible.

"Sand blowing and black storm at twelve o'clock."

But at this time, Gan Wuhen finally gathered his strength to force back Yue Qianxun's continuous killing move with one blow, and then he shouted angrily, sank down at the same time, on one side of his body, the long knife was raised obliquely behind, condensing the supreme sword energy.

In an instant, a black storm swept across, accompanied by the sound of sand, like a hurricane.

"Ye Mei Tian Cries Ten Desolate Hidden Kills."

Yue Qianxun also appeared the ultimate move of the ghost unicorn master, and suddenly the ghost and evil spirit enveloped the whole field, accompanied by the sound of ghosts crying, the ultimate move flashed in the dark.

After the forceful move, Gan Wuhen retreated dozens of steps and stood on the ground with a knife, but he could not fall down by force, but the blood flowing from his mouth and chest meant that he had been seriously injured.

On the other hand, Yue Qianxun looked more like being killed by thousands of blades. There was hardly a piece of intact skin, but the evil spirit in his eyes remained undiminished, and there was a gloomy ghostly smile on his blood-drenched face. Let's be buried with you!"

On the other side, Di Ming and Duan Tiantu's unique moves were the same, and they were shocking.

With a forceful move to counteract, the entire Jiexing Lake rioted violently, stirring up huge waves.

"Guan Jiuzhou can create a master like you with the method of exchanging blood with me. It seems that he has spent a lot of resources!"

Di Ming's mouth was splashed with vermilion, and he retreated dozens of steps, but his expression was still calm, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but the murderous intent in his words was horrifying, "If I kill you, I don't know if Guan Jiuzhou will feel distressed?"

"Then try it!"

Duan Tiantu vomited blood as soon as he opened his mouth, his fiery red clothes were stained dark red by the blood, his breath was sluggish, but the expression on his face became more arrogant.

"In this way—" Di Ming's eyes turned cold, "Your wish will be fulfilled."

As soon as the words fell, he moved again, threatening his life with a palm.

But at this time, suddenly the Buddha's light descended, and Tan Hua emerged.

Then I heard a clear and firm poetic voice, "Looking at the world of mortals, there is no time for a moment, participating in the illusion of Tanhua. Asking the magic pearl Xuanxuan, the square inch has changed, and listening to the silent sword talking about Zen."

"Old Tan!"

Seeing the person coming, Chu Tianxing, who was tied to the torture tool, finally relaxed his nervous expression.

And Duan Tiantu also moved his eyes, and murmured: "It's finally here."

The person who came was Jitan who finally defeated Le Xunyuan and Tianzhizhu.

"Evil still dares to run rampant!"

Accompanied by the Buddha's words, the Three Eternals reappeared, the mighty righteousness settled the evil, and the awe-inspiring aura spread, and the evil soul in Yue Qianxun's body was immediately restrained, the art of sending the soul was broken, and then disappeared, and Yue Qianxun also suddenly disappeared Fell to the ground, no more sound.

"It seems that today's game can only end here."

Di Ming sighed, but his face didn't show much disappointment, and he didn't know what else he planned in his heart.

As the voice fell, the whole person turned into a pile of ghost cards and disappeared.


With the disappearance of the two strong men, Ji Tan said that he appeared in front of Chu Tianxing in an instant, broke the iron chain, and rescued him.

"Thank you to this strong man for helping me out!"

Chu Tianxing and Ji Tan expressed their gratitude to Gan Wuhen, then looked at Duan Tianlu aside, and asked puzzledly, "Why?"

Duan Tiantu withdrew his Fire Lin sword, staggered to his feet, shook his head, and murmured, "This place is really hard to deal with, people are almost beaten stupid."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the few people with a calm expression, "What I do depends on my mood. I have been upset with that maggot for a long time, so I killed him. Do you have any opinions?"

"Brother killed well, I, Lao Qin, have been unhappy with that maggot for a long time."

At this time, Qin Jixian also walked over with steps that his relatives did not recognize, patted his chest with a feather fan, and said loudly.

"Okay, since the matter here is over, I should leave too."

Just after taking half a step, Duan Tiantu turned around again, and said to the three of them again: "Jitan said, Chu Tianxing, and this Gan Wuhen is still called Lang Lige, since I saved you once, three Life, remember to pay it back!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Tiantu left in an instant.

But when he heard the three words Lang Li Ge, Chu Tianxing turned around suddenly and looked at Gan Wuhen, nervous, excited, apprehensive, doubtful, and his voice trembled, "You..."


"It's my fault!"

In the strange city of mountains and seas, after temporarily stabilizing everyone's injuries, Yuan Wuji returned to the Heavenly Palace to be alone.

He looked at the endless starry sky through the sky hole that guides Xinghua, and murmured: "I used to be too timid, I was just reborn, in order to obtain the treasures of the strange city of mountains and seas and win over experts, so that the plot would not change drastically. I lost my foresight, so I went with the general trend, not to mention losing a lot, but I also lost my integrity."

"After Ni Shenyang was born, he has been hesitant to follow the trend or help him, and in the end he saved first and then killed."

"In the face of Ghost Qizhu and Diming, I have always thought of hypocrisy and obedience, and benefited from the two, but I can't really let some avoidable things happen, which leads to conflicts everywhere."

"But how could these two be easily blackmailed? Instead of doing this, it's better to accumulate enough strength to directly overturn the chessboard and beat the enemy to death."

"Now, it's finally a happy time. Although Yue Jiaozi recovered his strength at the last moment and returned to his body, but without the identity of the ghost unicorn, let's see how you can still jump."

"But offending two calculating, ruthless masters, it seems that my situation is really dangerous. If so, then I have no choice but to find Tianji and Faru to beat you to death."

"As for the eight tribes..."

"Since you know who they are, why should you be afraid?"

After reviewing the things from the time travel to the present, Yuan Wuji suddenly felt refreshed.

"With my current strength, I really don't need to be timid. Even if I change my identity, it's just to experience a different life, or to do it rashly. It's a game, not a painstaking calculation for something."

"Being a villain who is black to the end, I still can't do it after all."

"Seeing that Xi Duanhong's mother and son are about to get together, they can't bear to be separated after all, and there are other regrets in previous dramas. If I travel here, if I still can't change some tragedies I don't like, then what is the meaning of existence?"

"And now, thinking about it, Duan Tiantu also saved Chu Tianxing. The most human being is the most human being, and the evil heart demon Buddha may not be the only way for him to pass. Destiny? It's just a joke!"


"Good and evil, who can decide?"

With a hearty laugh, Yuan Wuji felt that his mind was complete for a moment, and many incongruities and hidden dangers in his body suddenly dissipated or became mellow at this moment.

"System, let me see the harvest this time!"

 As I said before, after [-] recommendation tickets, a chapter will be added for every [-] more!

(End of this chapter)

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