Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 193 An Unprecedented Harvest

Chapter 193 An Unprecedented Harvest

Feel the sea and the maze.

Feelings have returned.

Looking at the tide surging under the night, I was full of thoughts for a while.

"Looking at Jiuzhou and Mr. Yuan, it doesn't seem as simple as sharing identities, but more like one soul and two bodies."

Jun Fei squinted his eyes and murmured: "The difference from one soul and two bodies is that his body seems to be able to switch at will, and he didn't have the characteristic of one soul and two bodies, if one is improved, the other body will be weakened. "

"The former reminds me of a chess player, the latter..."

Speaking of this, Mr. Fei suddenly raised his head, "They all appeared during the Gu Yuan struggle for hegemony. Could it be that the three of them are one body?"

"He first exchanged one soul and two bodies with me as a chess player, and then he really had two identities. Later, Mr. Yuan and Guan Jiuzhou never appeared at the same time. The only time the three appeared at the same time was when Zongheng The battle between Master Yuan and Mr. Yuan's sky fan, but when Guan Jiuzhou appeared, Mr. Yuan was no longer alive, so..."

Thinking about this, Very Jun's face instantly became gloomy, "Maybe he used some thaumaturgy back then, he knew my true identity, and everything he did before was most likely acting."

"Heh..." Mr. Fei suddenly chuckled, "I never thought that, after a lifetime of planning and acting, one day I would be trapped by someone else's drama. It's really interesting!"

"Hey! It seems that I have to prepare with both hands, but before I tear myself apart, I should meet with him for a while and see what he wants to do."

"Playing chess, watching Kyushu, Mr. Yuan..."

"Which one is your real identity? Or, neither!"

Very Jun raised his palm, and there were several fragments in his palm.

"But how do you know these secrets of the Three Realms? You must know that some secrets are only known by two or three people, and it is impossible for others to know them. Could it be that there is really a mysterious teacher behind you? You can spy on the secrets and secrets of the Three Realms. future?"

"If everything is your calculation, then these fragments should also be your layout."

"Even so, I still want to see what you want me to see!"

Unexpectedly, the very gentleman moved his kung fu, and seven fragments floated up. After a while, two of them lit up, and then, a picture flashed.

"This is?"

A familiar face, except for the clothes and hair color, was exactly the same as him. At this moment, that person was kneeling under the throne.

The other one is inside the cave, where Xi Yan'er is bound to a wooden frame, smiling calmly, pure and flawless, and with a palm of the heavenly spirit, it ends everything.

The first one is very unclear to you, but the second one is already very clear.

"Will I personally kill Xi Yan'er in the future?"

Very Jun murmured, it was the fate of the ghost body, it was already doomed, but he had never thought about it, and now, this scene revealed the scene he least wanted to think about.


In the Eternal Night Theater, the returned Earth Underworld Avatar also learned what happened in Jiexing Lake.

"A city of mountains and seas..."

"It seems that we are destined to be enemies!"

"There is also the Ghost Qi Lord, it seems that he also has a lot of secrets!"

Di Ming also looked pensive at this time, "But the power that exploded at that time... Guan Jiuzhou, it seems that we were all fooled by you back then."

"Now that you dare to expose it in a high-profile manner, do you have the confidence to fight against us?"

Di Ming chuckled, and with a few more fragments in his hand, he murmured, "The chess player..."

As Di Ming spat out all his strength, the fragments from the scroll in his hand suddenly shattered into crumbs, "If you read the calculations of someone with a heart, you will only be misled. I prefer to design and arrange the script myself."

Di Ming made a quick move, and the fate planning book and quill pen appeared, and soon, there was only rustling in the entire hall.


"Congratulations to the host, the god of war died early, the plot changed, and he got a chance to draw as designated by Gao Wu."

Seeing the first item, Yuan Wuji shook his head slightly, "It seems that the God of War Yan overused the power of the dark sun, just like the Emperor Yuliang back then, and was eventually swallowed by the power."

With a sigh of emotion, Yuan Wuji continued to look down.

"Congratulations to the host, defeating the important character Ghost Qizhu (Human Jue's side body), greatly changing the plot, and getting a chance to draw a designated fairy martial arts."


"Sure enough, before the final blow, people feel that they have already retracted the core source of strength and auxiliary body through the air. Although rebuilding the body will be more labor-intensive, it is not to the point of hurting the bones after all."

"According to the current display of the system, if you really kill important characters such as heaven, earth, people, and law, I am afraid that you will get a chance to draw at the level of a god."

"From this point of view, there is also a big gap in Shenwu, but it is also understandable that if you want to use or practice Shenwu-level items or exercises, there are fixed requirements."

Yuan Wuji thought of Wanxiang Tiangong and Tianjing.

The Vientiane Heavenly Palace has not been promoted at this time, and if it wants to truly perform, it needs the 49 palace masters to work together.

And Tianjing must have a benevolent heart, otherwise she will be forced to move, and she will be counterattacked by the magic soldiers.

One must know that Tianjing was refined from five-color sky-replenishing stones and part of the flesh and blood of God Nuwa, and Yuan Wuji's counterattack might not be able to withstand it.

Yuan Wuji didn't think about it anymore, after all, he didn't have a chance to draw a magic weapon at the moment, so he couldn't verify it, so he continued to look down.

"Congratulations to the host, Chu Tianxing's plot has changed, and he will get a chance to draw Gao Wu randomly."

"Congratulations to the host, the path of the evil heart demon Buddha has been affected, the fate has changed slightly, and you will get a random chance to draw a fairy martial arts."

"Due to the host's forcible intervention, the plot has undergone unknown changes. Special reward: Thaumaturgy—the method of manifesting three souls and seven souls."

After reading all the gains, Yuan Wuji's eyes fell on the last item, "It seems that there are indeed a lot of changes this time. After all, my intervention can destroy the plans of human consciousness and earth darkness at any time, and their Planning is the main line of these two parts, and Di Ming's planning also involves the main line of the next few steps."

"And this thaumaturgy?"

Yuan Wuji chose to use it directly, and as a huge flow of information exploded in his mind, Yuan Wuji couldn't help but let out a muffled snort. Following the visualization, he could clearly feel some kind of change in his body.

Especially in the sea of ​​consciousness, the three miniature versions of themselves sat cross-legged with different expressions.

One soul is pure and holy, and has innate authenticity, it is the soul of heaven.

A soul that changes in a dynamic way and possesses the acquired mind is the soul of the earth.

A soul is turbid, chaotic, and miscellaneous, containing the six desires of a person, and it is a human soul.

Among them, the human soul is the most complicated. He is also called the lust soul, which dominates a person's desires. Most of these desires are biased toward negative emotions such as evil desires and lust.

"What is the effect of manifesting the three souls and seven souls?"

After manifesting the three souls and seven souls, Yuan Wuji tried to mobilize them, but no matter whether it was the three souls or the seven souls, they were like a master, and ignored any of his actions.

"It seems that it is a set of not taking soft things!"

With a murmur, Yuan Wuji suddenly channeled his real power and burst out his mind power at the same time. At this moment, the three souls and seven souls moved slightly.

But that's all, because after shaking a bit, there is no more movement.

Yuan Wuji wiped away the blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth due to the turmoil of the three souls and seven souls, and closed his eyes to study again.

 The sixth update of Liver Explosion, please support me a lot and let me buy a few more bottles of Red Bull!
(End of this chapter)

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