Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 195 Cloud Sea Immortal Gate

Chapter 195 Cloud Sea Immortal Gate (Happy Children's Day!)
"Nine yin and nine yang, Taiyin and sun!"

With the fusion of the two unique schools, the Nine Yin True Essence was also driven by the Nine Yang True Essence, and soon the two forces were on par after a few cycles. With the assistance of the system, Yuan Wuji completely ignored the conflict between the two opposing forces .

"Yin and Yang bipolar, unite!"

Accompanied by Yuan Wuji's low shout, two strands of black and white zhenqi burst out of his body, one is hot and white with a golden glow, the other is cold and black with a silver glow.

Under Yuan Wuji's control, the two strands of true energy turned into a giant Yin-Yang map. The Yin-Yang map slowly rotated, attracting the energy and gravitational force of the surrounding world, distorting the space.

"From now on, this exercise is called—Yin Yang Shun Ni Jing!"

Huafuluo's yin and yang diagram gradually shrunk, and then turned into a speck of light and imprinted on the center of the eyebrows, and the divine light disappeared, becoming invisible.

At the same moment, the nine yin and nine yang in Yuan Wuji's body suddenly merged into one, turning into a Taiji diagram. Two yin and yang fish eyes, one gold and one silver, swirled on the yin and yang diagram, appearing extremely flexible.

The breath gradually calmed down, Yuan Wuji's realm did not break through, but his foundation was strengthened a lot, and he was able to use the Yin-Yang bipolar body in an instant, more precisely, it should be the Yin-Yang Taiji body, saving decades of effort .

The most important thing is the balance of yin and yang in the body, yin in yang, yang in yin, and the unity of yin and yang, which makes his body more perfect and lays the foundation for him to continue to break through.

At this moment, Yuan Wuji completely healed from the injuries he suffered in the previous battle with the Ghost Qi Lord.

After doing all this, Yuan Wuji set his sights on the last two chances to draw immortal martial arts.

On the night of Yuan Wuji's retreat and cultivation, the assistant body had already quietly left the strange city of mountains and seas.

The Vientiane Wuxiang cooperates with the ghost element of the ghost unicorn, and the secondary body has another change-ghost appearance.

With the power of the ghost clan combined with the Bone Senluo Fan, the breath is more perfect than last time.

If it is said that the last time was the secret relationship between the ghost Qi master and Jiu Ying, Jiu Ying had no way of doubting it.

But now, even if Jiuying has some doubts, he will temporarily dispel it when he feels the familiar atmosphere.

What's more, the current Nether Realm is in dire straits and needs the return of the 'Ghost Qi Master' to provoke the main beam. Even if Jiuying has doubts again one day, he can only suppress it.


At this moment, within the Netherworld.

Nine infants stand opposite to infinity.

"Liu Wu, why did you come back so late this time? Where's Yi'er?"

Looking at Infinity with a calm face in front of him, Jiuying had a subtle feeling in his heart. He always felt that the Infinity who returned again was a little different from before he left a few days ago.

But this kind of difference, but can't tell where the difference is.

In this regard, Jiuying could only suppress it.

"Holy Mother, Suzaku Yi was left by me in Jiangshan Building. I believe that with her ability, this matter will be facilitated."

The infinite expression remained unchanged, and he said with determination.

"Oh? That's it!" Jiuying nodded slightly, but she didn't doubt anything. After all, she didn't even know what she would do next. "Then you came back just in time. , the target is directed at Youjie, three days later, you will go to Bifang Mountain for me to see what he is planning."

"Cambrian? He's not..." Hearing this name, Infinity was a little surprised. After all, this person had disappeared a long time ago, and now it suddenly appeared, and it was at this timing, which is unavoidably surprising.

Jiuying sighed, with a sad face, "Yes! Now the Demon Lord has not fully recovered, and the battle strength in the Nether Realm is insufficient. Now we can only rely on you. Besides, I have already contacted the Ghost Qi Lord. If the Demon Lord cannot be here Recovering before the war, I can only break the oath and invite the Ghost Qi Lord to enter the Nether Realm again."

"Holy Mother, rest assured, I will bring back definite news."

Unlimited solemnly nodded, and after turning around, a glint of darkness flashed in his half-closed eyes, "Devil Lord? If we follow the current situation, will the scene we saw in the book of panic happen?"

Even though he thought so, there was no real evidence at the moment, so he could only be on guard secretly.

In short, the scene of prophecy at the beginning has already separated him from the Virgin Mary and even the Nether Realm.

But he hoped that what he saw was just the calculation of someone with a heart.


Beyond the Immortal Gate of the Sea of ​​Clouds.

Under the misty clouds.

Tianji sports the secret trick of the immortal sect, and wants to climb the Nine Profound Sky Rank.

"Dian Tianxuan, enter Kaiyang, point the dipper to the north."

"Ten Wings Misty Cloud Walk!"

I saw the wonderful steps of the heavenly traces, which contained the changes of the five palaces and eight trigrams, and the golden steps suddenly appeared in the void under the feet, heading straight to the giant clouds in the sky.

But this light scale is nothing in the eyes of outsiders, and there is no mystery, which makes people full of doubts.

"Dingxuan step, open the fairy gate!"

"Get up!" With the wave of the jade whisk in Tianji's hand, only the sea of ​​clouds opened the way, the holy aura was rising, and the brilliance suddenly appeared.

At this moment, a voiceless voice suddenly appeared in the sky above the sea of ​​clouds, "After Xuanzun passed away, the Immortal Sect has strengthened its security, and only those who can activate the Nine Profound Soaring Heaven Step can enter the country. We will enforce the law according to the law, and please forgive me."

"The two saints are doing their best, so there is no need to worry about it." Tianji shook his head slightly, and continued: "Today I came back to pay homage to Xuanzun, and Yunmen is now——should Xiao Moyun be presiding over it?"

Speaking of this, Tianji asked a little strangely: "What about others?"

"At this time, Mr. Ji should be going to Beiming Youyu to teach." Linfeng Xuanji calmly replied.

"Mr. Trace?"

Tianji chuckled, "It's really a deliberate title, I'll come and meet him for a while."

After the words fell, the sky trace flew into the fairy island and disappeared.


Above the vast and mysterious fairy island, above Kun Guangchui, the sound of Lang Lang's poems could be heard from time to time, but there seemed to be a few indistinct ravings mixed in.

"There is a fish in the north, and its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot. It flies into a Peng. The Peng is so big that there are two barbecue grills."

Yu Xiao raised her head in a daze, wiped the saliva from the corners of her mouth, and opened her sleepy eyes, "Oh, I'm sorry, we're crossing the stage!"

Just at this time,

"The yushu melts into the sky and has a deep sense of immortality. Its light and vulgarity seem to have no heart. The long sorrow suddenly flies away like a crane. Where can I find a lonely cloud?"

As the poem sounded, a figure wearing a white robe, embroidered with black edges, carrying a sword bag of the same color, black hair, and holding a green jade wave descended from the sky.

"Bathing Snow..."

"Autumn Water..."


The last person got up in a hurry and accidentally knocked down the table and chair in front of him. The young man straightened up quickly, pretending to be calm and said: "Yu Xiao..."

"I have seen Mr. Ji!"

" two are very polite." Yun Huizi nodded to the submissive Zuoxue and Qiushui, and then his eyes fell on Yuxiao, "It's just you..."

"Mr. Ji, I am also very polite!"

Yu Xiao scratched her head, with a dazed look on her face, which was extremely deceptive.

"Forget it, let's give the lecture first." Yun Huizi waved Yutao to float the dust, but then his expression was stunned, "Oops, I forgot to copy the timetable."

Yun Huizi stepped closer and murmured, "In this class, are we going to study Shennong Xianyao? Or, innate spells?"

"Mr. Zhiji." On the side, Zaoxue shook his head solemnly and said, "Neither of them, this class is about defense against different magic arts."

"Different sorcery defense? Shennong immortal pharmacy? What about innate spells?" At the end, Yu Xiao looked bewildered and muttered in a low voice: "By the way, are there any of these lessons? How come I don't remember them?"

"Ahem!" Yun Huizi coughed twice, ignoring this ignorant guy, and continued: "So that's the case, do you know who created this class?"

"It's Xuanzun Jiutian." Zuoxue replied quickly.

"Yes, bonus points!" Yun Huizi nodded in satisfaction, which was much better than some uneasy guy, and then asked, "What's your name?"

"Zhanxue!" Zuoxue said solemnly.

"There is a cloud in ancient times, Tao Jun's writing is thoughtful, the most important thing is emptiness and tranquility, the spirit of sparseness and five treasures, and the spirit of bathing snow." Yun Huizi admired, "Good name, who chose it?"

"Uh..." Zuoxue scratched her head before hesitatingly said, "Mr. Zhiji, you took it."

"Ah?" Yun Huizi looked embarrassed, and then laughed dryly, admiring cheekily, "It turned out that I took it, no wonder it sounds so good."

At this time, Qiu Shui couldn't help but said: "My name is also taken by Mr. Ji, but the allusion comes from the Nanhua Sutra."

"And me, my name comes from Zheng Feng in the Book of Songs." Yu Xiao also raised her hands enthusiastically and said.

Yun Huizi nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, from the name, we can tell that the school's learning is mixed with Buddhism and Taoism, and full of Confucianism. It's as vast as the sea of ​​clouds, but you can't escape the art of ascending to immortality, you should study hard!"

"Yes!" Zuoxue and Qiushui said in unison, only Yuxiao muttered in a low voice, "But, this name was chosen by my mother!"

Yun Huizi chose to ignore this nagging little guy, and continued to preach: "Before teaching the defense against different magic arts, we need to start with the intention of Jiutian Xuanzun to establish the Yunhai Xianmen."

"Xuanzun cultivated countless talents, such as: Fengtian Xiaoyao, Yunji Seven Sons, Yutianhuangshen, Emei Kunlun, Jinghai Liutao, and even bestowed Fuxi Shen Tianxiang, etc..."

 Everyone who is not a child, fellow Taoists, happy holidays!
  Thanks: Ask Wu Tao, Wen Nuoa, the pot of cooking in the pot, the swastika that is not dyed every year, the swaying figure under the light, the four extraordinary people, the cool moon white porcelain, the gods and stars, the 12 yuan Chen, Rewards from book friends 160^7923, Faru Baba, Lin Deguang, Shi Jinglun, Jian and other fellow Taoists!

(End of this chapter)

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