Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 196 Immortal Martial Skills

Chapter 196 Immortal Martial Skills (various requests at the beginning of the month)

At the moment when Yun Huizi's explanation was on the rise, there was a sound of footsteps, Yun Huizi turned around slowly, and kept saying, "Just like the one in front of you, the proud student of Xuanzun Jiutian, the famous Xianxin Cangxuan Jade Xiaoyao, later changed to Shenyu Xiaoyao."

"It's my wife, my wife, my uncle, my wife, my wife, my uncle..."

"What madam, madam, uncle, isn't this too old?" Tian Ji had a depressed expression on his face.

On the side, Zaoxue said righteously: "Because we are the seventh generation of Yunsheng, we should be called like this according to our seniority."

Qiu Shui also continued to fill in the sword, "Also, Mr. Ji said that the name of Tianji should be an honor, but his wife, wife, and uncle used to have many shortcomings. He often doesn't write, just like Yu Xiao, he often does."

"What?" Yu Xiao raised her head in astonishment, and said blankly, "Do we have any homework?"

On the opposite side, Tian Ji also sighed, his face full of embarrassment.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Yun Huizi coughed a few times, and continued: "Didn't I also say that for an extremely important reason, you should also respect Tianji, right?"

"Ah? What's the reason?" Tianji asked curiously with a happy expression.

On the side, Zaoxue made up his sword again, "Because our most respected celestial light - Yuming Danxin Jun Fengtian will call you senior brother. Therefore, we must respect you as we respect him."

"Oh..." Tianji's voice weakened, "So my value is Fengtian's senior brother!"

"Haha..." Zuoxue, Qiushui, and Yu Xiao laughed lowly.

Seeing this, Yun Huizi's expression became serious, "Okay, let's stop here for today's class."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head with some doubts, "Huh? Did you tell me that I went to class? Forget it, the three of you go to study by yourself first."

As the three of them walked past Tianji one by one, Tianji's eyes first stayed on Yuxue, revealing a bit of doubt, and soon, his eyes fell on the last figure from the back.

"he is?"

Yun Huizi also glanced at Yu Xiao, and said calmly: "He is the son of Furong Zhuke, the adopted daughter of Grandma Grandma, what? Is there anything strange?"

"Well..." Tianji was a little puzzled, "This aura—I seem to have seen it somewhere."

After pondering for a while, but unable to remember, Tian Ji shook his head and stopped thinking about it, "Forget it, it's still important to get down to business!"


In the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, Yuan Wuji's eyes finally fell on the last two chances to draw immortal martial arts.

"Use Xianwu to draw randomly!"

As Yuan Wuji meditated, on the shimmering roulette, the pointer rotated rapidly.

After concentrating for a moment, the system's voice also sounded, "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Immortal Martial Art—Sacred Heart Art."

Sacred Heart Jue includes exercises: Zongyi Climbing Immortal Step, Nahai Sacred Heart Curse, Tiangong Phantom, Sacred Heart Four Jue (Han Tian Jue, Xuan Bing Jue, Wan Ren Chuan Yun, Di Tian Kuang Lei), Sacred Heart Four Tribulations (shocking Eye Jue, Evil Blood Tribulation, Heavenly Heart Tribulation, Killing God Tribulation).

Features: immortality, eternal youth, with the power of phoenix blood or dragon energy, can revive the body of the dead, if the soul is still there or recall the soul, it can revive the dead.

"Very good!" Seeing this exercise, Yuan Wuji couldn't help admiring, "Although my Nine Suns Creation Power has huge vitality, it can heal injuries and even replenish vitality, but the method of use is too rough , although it may not be comparable to the characteristics contained in Phoenix Blood and Dragon Yuan, but now that we have this technique, and then use this method to stimulate the true power of creation, even if it is not comparable to those two things, it is better than the previous method of use Stronger, this is the real best use of everything!"

"Besides, I have already drawn the phoenix blood, but the amount is a little small. If necessary, I can use the phoenix blood directly as a primer."

Yuan Wuji sighed in admiration, and set his eyes on the martial arts contained in the Sacred Heart Jue, "What's more, the martial arts contained in it are also not weak, and each has its own mystery."

"This 'Zongyi Climb to the Immortal Step' seems to shrink the ground to an inch after it is performed, faster than the speed of sound, but there will be no sound barrier, and it will not even sweep the wind. It is the only pretentious footwork."

"And the 'Nahai Sacred Heart Mantra', whether it is other internal energy or the internal energy absorbed from others, can be transformed into a part of one's own mind.

His essence lies in devouring, but his technique is not devouring, but assimilating.

Strictly speaking, this heart method will first transform part of the internal force of the Sacred Heart Jue into true energy similar to the target, blend it into it, then control it from the inside, and finally transform it into a part of the Sacred Heart Jue with the target, while still maintaining The essence of the original true energy is rare. "

"Such an exquisite method of manipulating zhenqi is indeed of great benefit to me, and it can also promote the use and even innovation of my other martial arts."

"And this 'Tiangong Phantom' can draw people's hearts with spiritual power, and create a false world like a fairyland in their hearts, trapping people in it. It is extremely mysterious, but it can be integrated into the changes of floating hands."

"Among them, the most powerful one is the Four Sacred Heart Tribulations, each move is extremely mysterious and unpredictable."

"The first catastrophe 'Stunning Eyes' can truly kill with eyes; the second catastrophe 'Evil Blood Tribulation' uses blood to draw blood, which can make the opponent die of blood.

If the first two calamities can only be used against ordinary masters, then the third calamity 'Heavenly Heart Tribulation' uses one's own heart to lead the enemy's heart, causing the opponent's heart to crack. When this kind of trick is used suddenly, even legendary masters will have to deal with it. It is greatly affected, and it may even be seriously injured.

The final fourth catastrophe "Killing the Gods" uses Yuanshen as a weapon, which can be said to be the most terrifying but also the most dangerous. In the original book of Fengyun, Di Shitian has never used it before being eliminated by the five thunders for a thousand years. "

After choosing "Sacred Heart Judgment" to study, Yuan Wuji's sea of ​​knowledge was once again impacted by the huge martial arts school.

However, after the realization of the three souls and seven souls, his power of the soul has been strengthened several times compared to before, and even the speed of learning is countless times faster. , completely become a part of himself.

This is the benefit of manifesting the three souls and seven souls. Tianhun inherits the innate nature, and the speed of learning and understanding is as fast as a machine.

After sorting out the newly harvested unique skills, Yuan Wuji finally looked at the last chance to draw a designated immortal martial arts.

"Pillions and treasures..."

Yuan Wuji's eyes were deep in thought, and he made up his mind after a long time, "Let's choose treasures. There are also treasures that can improve skills. Of course, it's best to extract the formation prohibition. Only in this way can we stabilize the rear and let the I act with no scruples."

The eight-door golden lock formation is a high-level martial arts formation, and it is impossible for ordinary masters to break through it. Even the ghost unicorn master came here as a human being first, and later developed a special method to break the large formation .

If it were replaced by the Immortal Martial Formation, even people would think it would be difficult to decipher it, and its power might not be inferior to the Great Formation of Protecting Sect of Yunhai Xianmen.

The moment the treasure is selected, the image and text of the property are also displayed in the six areas of different colors on the roulette.

 Because I have to go out in a few days, I will save the manuscript in the next few days, but please remember to vote for it!Recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and updates are still the same. The author decided to start from this month. If he can enter the top ten in the classified monthly ticket list at the end of the month, one chapter will be added, and one chapter will be added for each advancement (the last day shall prevail) , Judging from yesterday's explosive update, you can also see that I will follow my words, and it is everyone's ability to make me owe ten! !

(End of this chapter)

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