Chapter 199 The Qilin Demon (seeking support)
Under the dark night, Di Ming, with long fluttering orange-red hair, was standing on the edge of the cliff with a scepter of ghost truth in his hand, looking up at the bright moon in the sky.

Not long after, the ghostly atmosphere came again, and a figure with a ghostly face appeared. It was the deceased Guiqi Lord Yue Jiaozi. Now, without the Bone Senluo Fan, he looked a bit shabby and desolate.

One came in a transformed human shell, and the other came again as a secondary body disguised.

Different means, the same full of calculations.

"Oh, 'Ghost Qizhu' is really a good means. He can get out of such a situation. He really deserves to be the person I value."

Di Ming turned around slowly, and said exaggeratedly, but above the word "ghost qi master", he emphasized his accent, obviously reminding him that he already knew that the other party was not the real ghost qi master.

Regarding this point, Yue Jiaozi naturally understood it, but he didn't take it seriously, "The betrayal of your allies will also affect your plan, and you won't be in a good mood if you want to come to Diming. It seems that we are about to stand on the same front again. "

"That's right." Di Ming nodded slightly, "The end of his so-called 'senior brother' chess player will also be his future end. The new script is already being written by Dazzler."

Di Ming looked at the opposite ghost Qizhu with a smile on his face, and said in a strange tone, "I hope we can cooperate happily, and the relationship between us will remain unchanged in the future, and will last forever."

"The Tianwen Monument will always open the door for you, please!" Yuejiaozi nodded in agreement, but both parties knew that when Guan Kyushu also came to an end, or when the situation changed and the other party lost its use value, it would mean that the two parties parted ways. When against the purpose.

Seeing the disappearance of the ghost unicorn, the smile on Di Ming's face disappeared, "Ghost unicorn? Who are you?"

"At the beginning, Zonghengzi cooperated with the Nine-Five Box to detonate the infighting in the Nether Realm, but the real Ghost Qi Lord is absolutely impossible to harm the Nether Realm, so your identity is clearly visible."

"Before, the holy sword and demon knife were all in your hands, representing the holy swords of the three religions, and the Benjue Chanlin Tu Temple was arranged by you alone. You designed me to destroy the Qinglao Mountain, so that the sword would be severely injured by blood, and you used the Holy Sword The sword suppresses the wound and controls the consciousness, so the single-handed criminal will always retain the blood and darkness when committing a crime, and can instead blame the dazzled."

"But how did the Dao Li Prison Dragon cross the boundaries of the Three Realms? It used Hate Wu Peak to practice swords, transform the beast king, destroy the beast veins, create the father of boasting illusions to slaughter elves, use Chu Tianxing to approach Jitan, and wanted to create the evil heart demon Buddha. , a series of layouts, what is your real purpose?"

"Tao Li Prison Dragon Slash can target Immortal Skills, while Elves have my layout. These two items seem to be aimed specifically at dazzlers!"

"It seems that on top of this, I should thank Guan Jiuzhou or the chess players. It was they who disrupted the situation and made the finger point directly at you, but you can keep in mind your calculations against the dazzler!"

"When the dazzler completely blows your bottom, then, it will also be your curtain call!"

On the other side, Yue Jiaozi, who left, was also secretly plotting.

"As a result of the previous battle, although the deputy has been rebuilt, his strength has declined compared to before. Watch Kyushu, Zonghengzi, Ying Chaoyang, this revenge, the ghost must avenge it!"

"As for Diming, he is not a long-term cooperation partner. I just hope that what Guan Jiuzhou has done can really arouse his anger and work together to cut off this scourge."

When it comes to watching Kyushu, there is an undisguised hatred in Yuejiaozi's eyes, "However, we must also beware of Diming's calculations. This person is not a kind person. Now it is just because of the common enemy that he is in a delicate balance. Once If this enemy disappears, he may turn his face and be ruthless at any time, and at that time, we can only see who has the upper hand."

"There are also three characters that are the most hated by others, and must also disappear."

"And Jun Fengtian and Ghost Prison!"

"Let's go and look for the Demon Slayer and Huo Tianwei first, cut off the outer wings of the strange city of mountains and seas, and wait for the opportunity to regain the heavenly mirror!"


Snow hides the old Jumang peak.

Leng Piaomiao was waiting for Huang Yang Yaoxue's return, and at this moment, Gui Ka came again, and a huge ghost card was like a portal, and a bumpy figure stepped out, it was the clown puppet.

"Leng Piaomiao, now that Duan Tiantu has betrayed, the Lord of Weaving Heaven is in control of Nether Plague, and he is about to ascend to the position of leader of the alliance, launching a complete plan to exterminate human beings, why don't you go back and help?"

The strange tone echoed on the top of the mountain, Leng Mimiao stood up abruptly, her face changed suddenly, "What? Poppy and Poppy will become the commander of the Yinxu Alliance?"

"That's right, Mr. Xue doesn't look very happy? Hehehe..."

The clown puppet gave a strange laugh, looking like he was watching a good show.

At this time, Leng Piaomiao couldn't help saying to herself, "No one should know about Duantiantu here, so I will leave with the clown puppet first. If Yaoxue comes back, I should know where I am going. I must not let Poppy, Poppy Do so."

After thinking this through, Leng Miu has already made a decision, he raised his head and regained his composure, "In that case, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Clown Puppet squinted his eyes, his mouth still had a playful smile, and the two left Jumang Peak together.

But after the two left, a figure stepped onto the peak.

"What a long memory!" Looking at the snow-covered scenery everywhere, Di Ming sighed with emotion.

Then Di Ming walked into the cave deep in Jumang Peak, "The elves are really an ignorant race. How can your every move escape the eye of the dazzler."

"And your self-righteous actions are not the established script written by the dazzler."

Stepping into the cold cave, Di Ming saw at a glance that he was tied to the ice bed and sealed his cultivation.

Uncovering the cloth in Duan Tiantu's mouth, Di Ming couldn't help chuckling, "Duantiantu, Dazzler said, we will see you again soon, you see, Dazzler's words have become reality again, haven't they?"

"Hmph!" Duan Tiantu snorted angrily, still full of dissatisfaction and unyielding, "Falling into your hands, I don't want to live, I want to kill or cut, it's up to you!"

"Good backbone!"

Diming clapped his hands and praised, "The dazzler likes people with backbone the most. Only such people can make the dazzler's script more valuable."

At the same time as he spoke, Di Ming raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes on Duan Tianlu, and the dark power of blood in his body suddenly invaded the sea of ​​consciousness, "Look at what Kyushu is doing, and I will let you, a disciple, pay the interest first. From now on, you will be a dazzler!" The sharpest knife in your hand, no matter Guan Jiuzhou or Ghost Qizhu, will be your enemy!"

As the power of blood darkness invaded the body, Duan Tiantu's internal confinement was opened, and the blood of the unicorn in his body boiled, as if a berserk beast was roaring, the entire ice cave was melting, and soon it was melted into a water curtain cave.

"Huh? This blood originally contains magical and animal nature. It seems that what I have to do is even simpler!"

Aware of the characteristics of Qilin blood, the smile on the corner of Diming's mouth deepened, and then he mobilized the dark power of blood to stimulate and stimulate the Qilin blood, causing Duan Tiantu's consciousness to be affected by Qilin's ferocity.

The clear consciousness is gradually dusted, the eyes are bright, and the scarlet is crazy at this moment.


Accompanied by a roar of a beast, Di Ming backed away like a wind with majestic vigor, but Di Ming became more and more happy, "Very good, this is a truly brutal knife, as your first shot, Let’s get rid of the water dragon in Zhanlong Bay first.”

Following the order of the earth and the underworld, Duan Tiantu, who was possessed by the demon, turned into a fire unicorn and soared out.

Watching the violent Duan Tiantu leave, Di Ming showed a strange smile, "Jitan said that the demon Buddha who has not transformed his evil heart must use the Zhanlongwan water dragon to cooperate with the antidote to save the common people, but there are not enough dead people now. The dazzler will not allow you to succeed easily."

"Since Guan Jiuzhou ruined the mission of the dazzler, then I will use this unicorn demon to continue what I should have accomplished! Hahahaha..." Thinking of Guan Jiuzhou's ugly face, Di Ming couldn't help laughing.

 Thanks: Memories of Dream Snow, Book Friends 2018... 9344, Deficiency and Cold Error, Du Tian Shen Sha, Zhou Tian Xing Chen, Shen Mo Sheng Wang are all occupied and other rewards from Taoist friends. Recently saved manuscripts cannot be updated, and they have no face to ask for votes vote support!cry……

(End of this chapter)

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