Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 200 Fire Kirin VS Water Dragon

Chapter 200 Fire Kirin VS Water Dragon
After paying homage to the innocent people who died in Nongpipa and Lvgushanlang, Jitan said that he had decided to go to Zhanlong Bay and ask Shuilong for help.

Chu Tianxing also insisted on following.

But Jitan said that he no longer wanted anyone to be in danger because of him, so he declined, "Chu Tianxing, since your friend has found you, you should reminisce about the past, and let Zen Jianru walk alone for the rest of the road!"

"Impossible, without me, the conspirators will still continue to act. You are alone, and you are afraid of being calculated. I will never agree to this."

But Chu Tianxing directly refused, and there were only two friends he identified in this life.

One is Lang Lige, the other party died because of him, and now he is naturally happy to be resurrected, but it does not mean that he will give up another friend.

Chu Tianxing is well aware of the horror of the Ghost Qi Lord, so he will not let this happen.

"What are you mothers-in-law and mothers doing? Since Old Chu recognizes you as a friend, then you are also my friend. Let Lao Chu and I resolve this matter with you. In this way, the common people will be saved and the mission will be completed. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds. "

Although he was very dissatisfied with Ji Tan said that he shared the burden of his friends, Gan Wuhen was a person who didn't care about trivial matters, so he said it directly and loudly.


Jitan said he hesitated for a while, but seeing that Gan Wuhen was about to yell again, he nodded and said gratefully: "That Zen sword is like thank you for your help, we will go to Zhanlong Bay."


But when Jitan Shuo, Chu Tianxing, and Gan Wuhen were heading to Zhanlong Bay, the calm Zhanlong Bay suddenly burst into angry waves, and then an angry dragon chant came from the bottom of the river. The next moment, a huge water dragon broke through. Appeared on the surface of the water.

And above the water dragon, a red figure stood in the air. Behind him, a huge fire unicorn unscrupulously released the power of fiery flames, evaporating the entire water of Zhanlong Bay into steam, making the entire Zhanlong Bay shrouded in mist.

"Dragon... kill!"

The red eyes were irrational, as ferocious as a wild beast, spit out two words intermittently, and the scarlet killing sword slashed down on the head, as if to behead with a sword.

The provocative water dragon roared again, flicked the dragon's tail, and slammed it on the divine sword.

water and fire.

The opposing forces collided with each other suddenly, and there was an earth-shattering noise.

The water dragon mobilized the water source of the entire Zhanlong Bay to attack Duantiantu, which is possessed by demons.

As for Duan Tiantu, he also ignored the injuries on his body, his sword was sharp and his moves were fierce.

The two sides fell into a stalemate and fought for nearly an hour. At the moment when the breath of the water dragon changed and weakened, Duan Tiantu found a good opportunity.

The energy in the body is crazily input into the Fire Lin Sword, reproducing the unique style.

With one sword strike, it was like a huge fire unicorn devouring the sun, causing the world to be miserable for a while.

The majestic power suddenly fell on the huge dragon body of the water dragon, splitting the water dragon in two, leaving behind a sad and angry dragon chant, which fell into Zhanlong Bay and disappeared.

At this time, Ji Tan said that the three of them finally arrived, but they only saw the last scene.

"How could this be?"

Jitan said that he looked at the man in the sky with a look of shock and anger. After realizing that he was breaking the sky, he couldn't help being stunned. After all, it was the other party's attack that delayed Chu Tianxing's death and gave them a chance to save Chu Tianxing. .

"Duantiantu, what do you mean?"

Ji Tan said he leapt up, but what greeted him was only a fiery sword energy.

Jitan said that he flipped his palm and shattered the sword energy, and then he saw Jitan's state at the moment, "No, what happened to you?"

The doubts are not over, and the sword's edge is coming again.

Ji Tan said that he didn't want to kill him, but just evaded and resisted.

"This... his situation is wrong!"

At this time, Chu Tianxing also found something abnormal. Although they had not been together for a long time, they were very clear about Duan Tiantu's behavior before, but at this time, it seemed that they could not communicate at all, so they could tell at a glance that their state was wrong.

"Hey! That kid, why did he become like this after a few days of absence?"

Gan Wuhen pulled out the Mingsha Long Saber, entangled Duan Tiantu with his hands, and at the same time shouted loudly, "Aren't you crazy a few days ago? You seem to be crazy now!"

"There is no holy seal."

Ji Tan said that he was out of his spare time, turned on the Buddha Yuan, and pressed down with one palm.

The mighty Buddha's light condenses into a Buddha's seal, wrapping the broken sky, trying to purify evil spirits.

But at this moment, the evil energy in Duan Tiantu's body surged violently, his strength also exploded, he let out a beast-like roar, and smashed the Buddha's seal with a sword, turned around and disappeared.

"Let him run away!"

Hate Wufeng shook his head in disappointment, then inserted the long knife back and landed on the shore.

"This matter is different, it seems that we need to inform Shanhai Qicheng." Ji Tan said slowly, and continued: "I have sensed the water dragon. At this moment, the water dragon's spirit has been injured, and I am afraid it will not be able to help us for the time being."

"Now we can only divide into two groups, one way to the strange city of mountains and seas, and the other way to stay here, in case Duan Tiantu makes another surprise attack."

Chu Tianxing also expressed his understanding. After thinking for a while, he said again: "Guan Jiuzhou has an ambiguous attitude and contradictory behaviors, making it impossible to guess his real purpose. Up to now, he still doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a friend. This time, I will let you know." Go to Shanhai Qicheng to tell him the news, and at the same time ask him why he saved me, I hope this is no longer a plot against you."

"How can you do it alone, I must accompany you!"

At this time, Gan Wuhen said dissatisfiedly.

Chu Tianxing wanted to dissuade him, but Ji Tan said, "That's fine, you haven't recovered, and it's safer for the two of you. I can guard here alone. I believe that the conspirators have their own schemes, so I dare not show up here." in front of me."

"This..." Chu Tianxing hesitated for a moment, with a wry smile on his face, "That's fine, this will save you trouble."

Although he said this, Chu Tianxing didn't really care about it. When he said this, he looked at Jitan and suddenly chuckled, "Speaking of which, your status as the best person is really attracting bees and butterflies!"


On the other side, in the city of Yin Ruins, the ceremony was grand.

"Following the oracle of the god of the underworld: Duan Tianlu betrayed, and was removed from the post of commander. Tianzhi presided over the blood dark disaster map to release the plague, made outstanding achievements, was promoted to the commander of the alliance, and took charge of all affairs of the Yinxu alliance. The harmonious home of the elves work together!"

The clown puppet stood in a high position, looked around, and announced loudly.

At this time, the serious atmosphere finally disappeared, and Huang Yang Geng Ri cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to Master Tianzhi for ascent."

"Congratulations!" Le Xunyuan also smiled.

There was a burst of applause from around.

At this moment, Lord Tianzhi was full of complacency, with a black crown on his head and black gauze mopping the floor, he slowly climbed up the steps, and turned around in an instant, showing the majesty of the queen.

"Everyone, the God of War was used by others to kill the strange city of Shanhai, and the Yin Ruins Alliance will avenge this revenge. I have manipulated the skeletons to besiege the strange city of Shanhai, everyone, get ready to fight at any time!"


As the audience shouted loudly, the fighting spirit boiled over, which made Tian Zhizhu very satisfied, as if he had returned to the days when he was invariable and high-spirited in the Forbidden City.

At this moment, only Leng Mimiao looked worried.

He had already dissuaded Tianzhizhu before, but Tianzhizhu seemed to be old-fashioned and did not listen to his advice at all.

Perhaps it is also because of the excessive hatred.

After all, when Duan Tiantu was in power, she was unable to enter the Nether Realm to take revenge, but now, she has a chance to take charge of the Yinxu Alliance.

"First is the strange city of mountains and seas, and then there is the secluded world. Use human beings as soldiers to eliminate the enemy. The enemy and the enemy will consume each other, but you will not lose a single soldier, hahaha..."

After being insulted like that, releasing the plague, and now becoming the coach, this made Lord Tianzhi even more extreme than in his previous life.

 Two hundred chapters, another integer, all kinds of requests!
(End of this chapter)

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