Chapter 221
And in the strange city of mountains and seas.

Yuan Wuji came to the place where Furong Zhuke lived now.

Having too many women is sometimes a trouble, but after dealing with this matter, as long as he obtains a great array of immortal martial arts, he will leave again for a long time.

"Well, I'm quite used to living here."

Seeing Furong Zhuke, Yuan Wuji chuckled and asked.

Although Furong Zhuke's attitude towards Yuan Wuji has greatly changed, his character is still straightforward, "The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes are the same wherever they live, but he..."

Speaking of this, Furong Zhuke hesitated, Yuan Wuji knew who the 'he' was referring to, and calmly said: "Don't worry, I will go to see the people behind the scenes in three days, Zonghengzi will not be in danger."

"So...thank you!"

Furong Zhuke bowed her head to thank, although what Zonghengzi did made her very resentful, but after all, it is her brother, and these days are also running around for her, naturally she does not want Zonghengzi to have an accident.


German style ancient road.

Yuli Jing finally woke up, knowing that if he stayed for a while, countless people would be controlled by the borer pollution, so he calmed down a little, and led the Confucian sect to kill the blood borer cave in a mighty manner.

The Blood Nest Moth Cave has a strange aura, and the low chirping produced by countless moths makes people feel chills all over and dare not approach.

At this time, Yulijing, Faru Wuselfish, Fengru Wuqing, Tan Qiqi, Yu Junheng, Dongmen Xuande and others have come outside the Blood Nest Cave, and when they searched their minds, they found that there was a lot of trouble inside the Cave. Dense borers.

"This first battle is up to me!"

Feng Ru, who was wearing a red and white robe and a red veil on her face, took a step forward and said.

Just as Fengru was ruthlessly preparing to activate the magical method, two magical lights suddenly appeared in the sky, one black and one red, one evil and one mad.

Earth Pluto and Duan Tiantu who were under control came at the same time.

And behind the two of them, the army of puppet corpses from Yin Ruins, defeated from the strange city of mountains and seas, gathered again. The clown puppet, the master of weaving the sky, and Leng Mimiao came again. The only two missing were Le Xunyuan and Huang Yang Gengri. Where was it arranged to carry out what kind of conspiracy.

In addition, in the dark, the ghost unicorn transformed into the subjugated Yue Jiaozi, and the Yizhan Mowan holding the prison dragon slash also appeared.

"Jun Fengtian, today, can you survive this calamity!"

The sinister voice and icy eyes symbolize the murderous intent of Yue Jiaozi.

After knowing some past events of the ghost prison, Renjue seems to recall some past that has long been sealed away. That painful period made him hate the mother and child, almost surpassing his lifelong obsession—— the most.

Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity to kill or seriously injure Jun Fengtian, he will not let it go.

In comparison, even Yuan Wuji, who has sabotaged his plan several times, is not that important. Of course, the premise is that the other party will not stop him from taking revenge on the mother and child, otherwise...

At this time, with the appearance of Earth Ming, the atmosphere in the venue was tense for a moment.

"Master Faru, I can't easily let you do what you want."

Di Ming chuckled, raised his finger, and called with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth: "Cute little bug, come!"

With a sound of 'come', thousands of blood moths began to move, and the blood nest rose again, rushing towards the Confucian sect.


The moment Yuli Sutra exclaimed, Jun Fengtian took a step forward, and then showed his unrivaled cultivation, "The Holy Seal of Heaven!"

With one step down, a mighty golden light rose from the ground, unexpectedly it was the force of a single attack, and it was the first to attack thousands of blood moths.

"You and Venerable Fengru directly enter, this place, leave it to me!"

On one side of Jun Fengtian's body, he is alone against the two strong, and he is fearless.

"Yes!" Yu Lijing shouted firmly, and then rushed into the borehole with Feng Ru without hesitation, wanting to kill Zongzu as soon as possible and rush to help Yafu.

"With one-on-two, facing the enemy from the back, Master Faru is really brave! But can you really fight back with one hand?"

Di Ming ignored Yu Li Jing and Feng Ru Wuqing who had entered the borehole, but applauded Jun Fengtian, but there was a gleam of coldness in his eyes.

Beside him, the bewitched Duan Tiantu roared like a wild beast, its fiery and ferocious power frightening the crowd.

"See? This is the price of betraying the God of the Underworld. No one can escape the script of the God of the Underworld."

As soon as the clown puppet looked at Duan Tiantu who looked like a wild beast, he sneered, and then his eyes flicked across Leng Mimiao and the others, obviously warning.

"Don't talk about anything else, as long as it can help me get revenge, I'm willing to pay any price!"

The Lord Weaver snorted and said directly.

Hatred has already made her no matter the cost, just to become stronger, just to get revenge.

Destroy the strange city of mountains and seas first, and then destroy the Demon Slayer Lord in the Nether Realm.

"The world is only me, and the law and Confucianism are selfless!"

Facing Diming's sneer, Jun Fengtian stretched out his sleeves, and with one hand behind his back, the majestic aura rose against the trend.

At this moment, there seems to be BGM added.

"Master Faru is so courageous!" Di Ming chuckled, his eyes inexplicably swept across the peak where the proud son turned into a ghost unicorn in the distance, and the smile on his mouth became wider, "It seems that this place today will become my dear Faru The burial place of adults!"

"Whose burial place will it be, you will know once you try it!" Jun Fengtian looked cold and serious, and with a step, life and death suddenly appeared, and the mysterious bronze inscriptions appeared in the air. Forbidden!
"Ha!" Di Ming smiled silently, seeing through Jun Fengtian's purpose, "Using this trick, do you want to die together?"

As soon as the words fell, the smile on Di Ming's face disappeared, "Then I will help you!"

After the last word fell, Duan Tiantu, who had long been impatient, rushed towards Jun Fengtian like a bloodthirsty beast.

The crisis added to his body, and he lost his mind, but the power after being possessed became more and more violent. With a punch, the fire dragon was furious, and Xingyu was shaken by the mighty power.


On the other side, Tan Xiqi, Dongmen Xuande and others led the Confucian masters to face the masters of the Yin Ruins Alliance, such as Shangtian Weaver and Leng Mimiao.

The furious Sky Weaver directly activated the Blazing Thunder Saber, and was amazed at the one holding the Greedy Wolf Sword.

Crazy thunder, sword evil, the strong fight against the strong, and the conflict suddenly reaches extremes.

With a strong breath, the mountains and rocks are turbulent, and the sky is full of dust.

Fierce battles and relentless opponents made this battle extremely dangerous.

And the other Confucian scholars of the Confucian School also met the puppet army led by the clown puppet, and they were killed indiscriminately for a while, with corpses everywhere.


At the same time, sensing the intrusion of outsiders, blood moths came out in groups, like a frenzied tide, eager to devour life.

Facing the crisis of blood tide, Feng Ru ruthlessly crossed the Yuli scriptures, and for the first time showed his mysterious ability, "Wan Lai relies on the wind to transform Yuan into one."

But seeing Fengru's wind and force, sweeping the surrounding area, the soft light spread, and the bloodthirsty insect swarm was confused, and he didn't feel the whereabouts of the two of them at once.

"This method can last for a moment, let's go!"

Feng Ru's voice fell, and then he and Yu Lijing rushed again, rushing to the depths of the blood tide core.

Not long after, the two people who passed through the swarm stopped, and Yu Lijing said suspiciously: "These locusts seem to be the same, so is the Zongzu the same as the general one?"

In the midst of doubts, Yu Lijing noticed that Feng Ru was different, followed Feng Ru's gaze, and saw a drowsy figure wearing a platinum holy robe on the stone platform several feet in front of him.

From time to time, a milky white light flashed around that figure, which seemed to be protecting, making people unable to see the specific appearance clearly.

"This is……"

Yu Lijing was astonished, and said in a surprised voice: "How could there be a stranger in the borer cave, and it looks like it has not been attacked by borer insects, how is this possible?"

As for how to deal with borers and save the common people, Defeng Gudao naturally did a lot of research on the characteristics of borers, knowing that borers choose to eat people, no matter how strong they are, as long as they are unprepared, they will be attacked by borers.

Even strong people like them are not sure about passing through the insect swarm or staying in the insect swarm for a long time. Fengru can only stay for a short time by using spells to confuse the locusts' hearing.

But now, a person, lying in the depths of the borer hole like this, was completely unscathed by thousands of borer insects, which is surprising.

"There is not enough time, let's deal with Zongzu first!"

At this time, Feng Ru looked away and shouted at Yu Li Jing.


Yu Lijing nodded, but looking at the thousands of borers, he didn't know what to do for a while, so he couldn't help turning his head to Fengru again, "The antidote can't work on all the borers, but how can we find the Zongzu?"

"The Zongzu must be the object protected by all the locusts. After I activate the formation and gather the locusts, you will be able to find the core after you clean it up. But in order to maintain the formation, I can no longer act. The matter of killing the Zongzu is only I can leave it to you to take charge."

"Thank you!" Knowing that there was no further delay, Yu Lijing directly agreed with a solemn and firm expression.

"Okay!" Upon receiving the reply, Feng Ru ruthlessly shouted, "Holy Guardian of Haotian."

With a soft sound, Hao Jin raised it, and suddenly opened the holy formation to clear the area, and thousands of insects were stopped outside and gathered together.

"Bright fire."

At the same time, the Yuli Jing condensed Qi and shook Yuan, and endless flames suddenly lit up, sweeping away in all directions.

The blood moth was attacked, and instinctively, together with Bao Yuanzu, he surrounded the circle to protect him, and at the same time, the blood surged like a surge, killing Yu Lijing.

"Got you!"

Yu Lijing's face beamed with joy, waiting for this opportunity.

Immediately, Feng Ruwuqing folded his hands in a triangle in front of his chest, and a golden ball of light sank into Yulijing's body, forming a shield around Yulijing's body, "This qi can protect you, but with so many of them, I think you only have one." opportunity to recruit."

"I understand, thank you sir!"

Yu Lijing's eyes showed firmness, and then he flicked his sleeves and robes, the antidote spun around, dyed the long sword all over, and condensed his energy to strike, wanting to kill the source.

However, the tide of blood surged, thousands of borers were slaughtered, and the strength of the guard was broken.

"Yufeng Wentao!"

Yu Lijing knew that there was no time to delay, so he made a quick move, slashed down with his sword, and immediately cut a passage through the blood tide blocking his body, and then rushed in regardless of the danger.

At the moment when the sword was approaching, Yu Lijing stagnated suddenly, and a blood borer jumped into his body, and Yu Lijing was restrained for a while, and the Zongzu in front of the sword also let out a roar, and suddenly turned into a beast several feet away. The long giant worm was impacted by the monstrous evil spirit, and Yu Lijing retreated a few steps, his mouth was bright red.

At the moment of crisis, the sleeping unknown figure on the stone platform at the core of the cave suddenly erupted with a majestic aura.

This breath seemed to be able to contain everything, but it swept away the swarm of insects in an instant, and the borers in Yu Lijing's body were also swept away, and the body also regained control.

But, this is not enough, this force gushes out continuously, directly rushing out of the cave.


At the moment of recovery, Yu Lijing didn't care about thinking deeply, and stabbed out with a sword, killing the sword and Zongzu's life.

With the death of Zongzu, thousands of blood borers also fell down, and thousands of miles away, the skeletons controlled by the borers also died along with the borers in their bodies, gradually waking up.

 Suddenly found that the recommended votes were reduced by half compared to before...crying...


(End of this chapter)

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