Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 222 The Mystery of the Confucianism

Chapter 222 The Mystery of the Confucianism
And outside of the locust cave, Duan Tianlu, who had been possessed by demons, turned into a unicorn demon, recruiting ferociously, and exchanging kills for injuries.

Jun Fengtian is in defense of the earth, so he can't use his full strength lightly, so he can only respond with different moves.

"The sky moves the sun and the moon."

With a shout, Jun Fengtian reappeared the celestial sect's unique skills, and with a powerful palm, a vast force as if pushing the sun and the moon emerged, and Duan Tiantu roared. Although he lost his mind, his sense of martial arts was still amazing.

With a concentrated body of fire, accompanied by a punch, an incomparably huge fire unicorn came to kill with raging flames.

Facing palms fiercely, the vertical lines between Duan Tiantu's eyebrows revealed a coquettish red glow, and the unicorn blood in his body seemed to be burning, turning into a more violent force gushing out.


Jun Fengtian frowned, and shouted in a cold voice, "The devil's energy has entered the devil's way, no wonder!"

As the words fell, Jun Fengtian stepped on his footsteps, and Duan Tiantu was sent flying.

Although Duan Tiantu is powerful, he used to torture and kill elves, and was against Nishen Yangfang, but that was because he possessed the power of scorching eyes and restrained elves. Great increase, but still not an opponent.

"Oh, Master Faru, be careful. This one is a disciple of the man from Shanhai Qicheng. If you beat him to death, I'm afraid..."

Di Ming grinned, shook his head and said with emotion: "With that person's character of vengeance, I think Master Faru doesn't want to provoke a big enemy for Confucianism!"

"Confucianism is ruthless, and Confucianism is selfless. If you dare to invade Confucianism, no matter who you are, you must block the sword of righteousness!"

Facing the threat in Diming's words, Jun Fengtian refused to budge and spoke directly.

"Very well, then let the dazzler see how cruel Lord Faru is!"

With the sound of the earth and the underworld falling, Duan Tiantu entered the sky, borrowing the powerful dive force from top to bottom, combined with the ultimate form of the Fire Cloud Palm, it was like a meteorite burning with fiery fire descending from the sky, smashing hard at Jun Fengtian.

"Heavenly fire burns the city!"

The extremely condensed flames, carrying the incomparably powerful impact force, blasted down as if crushing the space.

Facing the extreme power, Jun Fengtian raised his eyebrows coldly, accompanied by Shen He, and made a strong move, "Tiangang Yuzhi."

Qingsheng Xianguang went against the trend and soared to the sky, Duan Tiantu's whole body was defeated, seeing vermilion in his mouth, although he was severely injured, his demonic nature remained, he was ferocious and bloodthirsty, and he would never die.

"Opportunity." At this moment, Di Ming's eyes lit up, his body appeared instantly, and he pressed his palm to Jun Fengtian's heart, revealing his life-threatening momentum.

"It's you who's waiting."

Facing the ultimate move, Jun Fengtian's expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected it, he changed his left palm and hit it with a bang, shocking hundreds of miles.

"Huh? Are you trying to lure me out?"

Diming understood Jun Fengtian's calculations in an instant, but he remained calm in the face of danger, "But do you really think that's all there is to it?"

As Di Ming's voice fell, a ghostly laugh came, and then, the holy sword reappeared, stabbing Jun Fengtian's back fiercely.

"It's you!"

In the face of the sudden appearance of the Ghost Qi Lord, Jun Fengtian seemed to be surprised, but he also seemed to have expected it, holding the law of balance in his hand, and unexpectedly blocked the killing sword.

"The Immortal Gate's body can block the holy sword's killing front, but can it block the magic knife?"

Accompanied by the sneer of the ghost unicorn, the prison dragon reappeared, and the power of the demon was earth-shattering.

Diming, Yuejiaozi, Yizhanmowan, and Duantiantu, the four masters, surrounded and killed Jun Fengtian, which was stronger than Yuan Wuji.

Even with the unparalleled power of Jun Fengtian in the world, he was mortally threatened.

"Heaven and Earth are Fa-rectifying!"

Facing the sudden holy sword and demon knife, Jun Fengtian showed a solemn face, let out a deep drink, and raised his hands, startling a wave of dust. Immediately, the righteous sword appeared behind him, blocking the combined attack of the sword.

However, regardless of his own injuries, the ferocious Duan Tiantu charged again and slammed Jun Fengtian's back with a slap.

For the first time, the mighty and invincible Jun Fengtian vomited red.

"This trick will play the funeral music for you!"

Di Ming's eyes moved slightly, but his hands remained merciless, "Yong Ye Blood Dark · Burial Song Chapter."

The dark red evil power gathered into a vortex, poured it down with one palm, and then attacked Jun Fengtian.

The Holy Sword, Demon Saber, Blood, Darkness, Demonic Fire and four different powers are added to the body. Jun Fengtian, who cannot be distracted by the siege, is overwhelmed with both fists, and suddenly falls into a desperate situation.

However, Jun Fengtian's eyes showed decisiveness, and the powerful force surged again. A red line formed a circle around no one, surrounded everyone, and a violent force erupted from it.

"You want to die together?" Sensing what Jun Fengtian was thinking, Di Ming couldn't help snorting.

The Ghost Qi Master on the side also snorted angrily, "What a wishful thinking!"

Facing the disdainful words of Diming and Ghost Qizhu, Jun Fengtian had a calm face, a solemn and firm expression, "One exchange for four, no loss!"

Just when Jun Fengtian decided to die together, at this time, a gentle force that embraced all things suddenly burst out from within the cave.

This force seems gentle, but it is also domineering. It actually forcibly forced the four parties to join forces, and instantly resolved Jun Fengtian's crisis and the trend of returning together.

Duan Tiantu retreated three steps in a row, his irrational scarlet eyes flickered a few times under this force, showing signs of regaining his sanity.

In addition, the power spread to another battlefield, instantly separating the Confucianism Sect and the Yinxu Alliance.

"This power..."

Diming and Yuejiaozi's expressions changed, and they looked into the depths of the cave in surprise.

Because they can clearly feel the power of this breath, but they also know that this power is a breath they have never seen before.

Just when he was suspicious, he saw two figures stepping out of the cave.

"Huh? It seems that Zongzu is dead! But that power is..."

Diming's eyes moved slightly, and the sudden aura made him puzzled, which added more variables to his script, but with the return of Yulijing and Fengruruthlessly, this battle was destined to end.


Di Ming took a deep look at the Blood Nest Cave, his eyelids drooped slightly, covering up a strange color in his eyes, even though he didn't know what was going on inside, he still smiled calmly, "The Blood Nest Cave was arranged by me, It seems that during this period of time, other variables have appeared, or someone else has made arrangements, but..."

"Let's go!" Di Ming shook his head, didn't continue to think deeply, then turned around and disappeared with Duan Tiantu and the Yinxu Alliance.

And Yuejiaozi, who turned into the ghost unicorn master, also took a deep look into the depths of the cave, and at the same time snorted coldly, and said to Jun Fengtian gloomily: "Jun Fengtian, this time it's your fate."

"What means, Jun Fengtian will take over one by one."

With a flick of Jun Fengtian's robe, the righteous law was sheathed back, and the law of balance in his hands was closed at the same time, with a majestic look, a serious face, and no fear, as if no matter what happened, he had the confidence to cut through it with a sword.

"Then just wait! The ghost will make you regret..."

The ghost unicorn master's eyes swept across the Confucian people, and then his figure merged into the black hole vortex and disappeared.

And Yu Lijing, who walked out of the cave, looked at the place where the ghost unicorn master disappeared, but there was a hint of thought in his eyes, but soon he had no time to pay attention.

"What's going on inside?"

Jun Fengtian looked at Yulijing and Fengru Wuqing, and asked in doubt.

Afterwards, Yu Lijing reported the events in the locust cave, and told the mysterious person sleeping on the stone platform.

"Oh? There is such a thing."

Jun Fengtian frowned, and then with doubts, everyone walked into the cave together.

"It's him?"

Seeing the sleeping person on the stone platform, Jun Fengtian was surprised, "Why is he here?"

"Ya..." Yu Lijing instinctively wanted to call Yafu, but soon woke up again, "Your honor knows this person?"

"It's Mr. Ji."

At this time, Dongmen Xuande also took a step forward and recognized the identity of that person.

"Oh?" Yu Lijing's eyes showed doubts, and then he seemed to think of something, "Could it be that he is the person who was given the antidote by the injection of the plague that Mr. Dongmen said a few days ago?"

"That's right, it was Mr. who put his life at risk in the first place to have the antidote we are using today."

Dongmen Xuande nodded, and seemed to highly respect Ji Xuangu.

"It is indeed him, but his aura has changed a bit, as if it is more pure, benevolent, and broad than before!"

Jun Fengtian noticed the difference between Ji Xuangu and the last time at a glance, but he didn't think too much about it, because this power can be felt by anyone, and only evil people can use it.

In particular, the benevolence and broad-mindedness in it spread out uncontrollably, but anyone with evil thoughts in their hearts must be restrained, even Jun Fengtian was affected to some extent.

However, Jun Fengtian inherited the position of Faru and Confucianism, and he acted openly and aboveboard all his life, so this influence did not constitute any harm or suppression to him.

Because this power is only aimed at those with evil thoughts.

"It's such a special power. Do you know the origin of this person?"

Fengru couldn't help sighing ruthlessly, and a pair of eyes fell on Ji Xuangu's body from time to time, revealing a touch of curiosity and inquiry.

Hearing Fengru's question, Jun Fengtian frowned slightly, and shook his head, "He called himself Ji Xuangu, and said he came from the Confucian sect, but I don't know which lineage he came from. , but these days are full of trivial matters, but I have no time to take care of them."

"You don't even know about Faru Zunjia. It seems that you can only ask Huangru Zunjia about this matter." Feng Ru said without emotion.

"Well..." Jun Fengtian nodded slightly, and then said: "Although this person's origin is a mystery, judging from his aura and his previous actions, he should not be evil, but why did he sleep in the blood nest? Cave is a question."

After finishing speaking, Jun Fengtian looked at Fengru Wuqing again, and asked: "Honor Fengru, you are good at medicine and art, have you ever seen anything?"

"Hmm..." Feng Ru pondered for a moment, then took a step forward, "I can only give it a try."

As soon as the words fell, Feng Ru ruthlessly raised his bare hands, reproducing the mysterious fairy art, "Xuanji Shenglin."

In an instant, the holy rain fell from the sky and melted into Ji Xuangu's body with the fragrance of life. However, like Mu Xianlin entering his body, Ji Xuangu did not have any reaction.

"Is there a problem with the consciousness and soul?"

Seeing this scene, Feng Ru ruthlessly raised her eyebrows and frowned slightly, her pretty face under the pink veil showed a dignified look, and then she stepped on the mysterious step again, and practiced thaumaturgy with her bare hands.

"Tracing the source of the flow, seeking the wind pass, reappearing the mental image, returning the consciousness!"

Mysterious footwork combined with mysterious thaumaturgy, accompanied by Fengru's ruthless pointing between Ji Xuangu's eyebrows, Ji Xuangu's body suddenly trembled, and then his eyes suddenly opened.

In an instant, the eyes met, and Feng Ruwuqing's eyes blurred, as if he had entered a milky white space, and saw a small man with his legs crossed and his eyes closed, and that man had the same appearance as Ji Xuangu, but his whole body seemed to be bound by milky white chains , and with the introduction of a familiar force, these chains gradually broke.

"This is? His sea of ​​consciousness? Could it be that those chains made him fall into a deep sleep?"

And amidst Fengru's ruthless doubts, a blur appeared in front of his eyes again, and he had already returned to his body. In front of him, Ji Xuangu also closed his eyes again, but his face also returned to ruddy at this time, which was different from before .

As soon as he returned, Feng Ru Wuqing only felt weak all over, and fell on Ji Xuangu's body. His magnificent chest was even more coincidental and he covered Ji Xuangu's head. With her profound cultivation base, she regained her strength in an instant, and stood up as if nothing had happened.

 Save some more today, and make up the manuscript tomorrow, and I’m almost four chapters behind!And everyone has votes to continue to vote. Currently, our monthly ticket ranks sixth. If we can maintain sixth at the end of the month, we will add five more chapters!

(End of this chapter)

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