Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 330 Signs of civil unrest

Chapter 330 Signs of civil unrest

"Hongchenxue! Yuan Wuji! Hmph..."

Back to the Three Realms Tower, Shadow snorted angrily, "The Cambrian's life has come to an end, even if I don't kill him, he won't live long, as for you..."

"Wait for me to undo the seal set by Di Ming and free the dragon head, and then come back to get it back!" Yin Ying's eyes flashed, and there were already two decisions in his heart.

For him now, Yuan Wuji is not his primary enemy at all, the most important thing is to undo his seal to restore his true self and strength, release the dragon head, and help the evil god return.

"Once the evil god returns, Yuan Wuji, no matter how much you know and how deep your calculations are, but in the face of absolute strength, you have no choice but to bow your head!"

After the decision was made, Shadow immediately prepared to contact the Forbidden City Remains Jade.

Although he had just fought with Hong Chenxue, the wife of the Forbidden City Jade, Shadow felt that the existence of the Lord Weaver would impress the Forbidden City Jade, forcing him to join hands with him. future enemy.


In a manor near Defeng Ancient Road.

Xi Wudu and Jian Zhiji accompany the amnesiac Xi Duanhong.

Looking at the mother who had recovered her girlish nature, Sui felt a little sad for no reason.

"How can my mother's memory be restored? Maybe I should ask Venerable Fengru for help. Venerable Fengru is good at spells, and there may be a way, but Venerable Fengru has not returned after leaving with Venerable Shengru last time, um... ...When the venerable Confucianism returns, I will go and ask."

Sui whispered to himself for no reason, with his dull temperament, naturally he didn't know that Mu Lingfeng was Feng Ruruthless.

If Sui Wuyuan is innocent, then Jian Zhiji's childhood experience made him dull.

At this moment, Xi Duanhong was playing around with Jian Zhiji, Jian Zhiji enjoyed this feeling a bit.

Because, this is his wish since he was a child, hoping that his mother can accompany him and play with him.

Although his mother has lost his memory now, it can be regarded as making up for the lack of his childhood. The period from the strange city of mountains and seas to the present is the happiest period of time for him.

But at this time, a drumbeat came from the Defeng Ancient Road, and Sui raised his head in a daze for no reason, and murmured: "It's the drumbeat of Confucianism's change calling everyone back."

Because he stayed here all the time, Sui Wudu didn't know what had happened to the Jade Lijing before. Hearing the sound of the drum, Sui Wudu got up immediately, "Brother, please take care of mother, I want to go back to the door."

"Don't worry!" Jian Zhiji nodded, expressing his understanding.

As Xi Duanhong left for no reason, Yuan Wuji also appeared outside the door, looking at Xi Duanhong's state, with a touch of luck on his face, "At present, Xi Duanhong has not shown any signs of pregnancy, I hope this will not happen! Alas, this It's all the trouble that Yupo brought me..."

"But now that the Confucianism Conference is about to be held, I will go to check it out."

Yuan Wuji disappeared in a flash, Xi Duanhong in the yard seemed to have sensed it, and glanced at the place where Yuan Wuji disappeared, but there was no one there, so he could only mutter 'strange' in a low voice.


But within the ancient path of Defeng, Jun Fengtian and Ji Xuangu brought their master back to Haozheng Five Paths.

Not long after, Master Ming finally woke up and told the cruel truth.

"At the beginning, the surviving dragon swordsmen were all polluted by the evil spirit of Baqi, and died in a frenzy. I was the last one left. Now, the dragon head returns, and the evil spirit is released again. Even if you are suppressed by your holy spirit, I am afraid It won't last long either."

Ji Xuangu also nodded slightly, and said solemnly: "If the evil has just been infected not long ago, with my strength attribute, I can forcefully eradicate it.

Now, the evil spirits and swordsmen are completely entangled with your body and soul. If you forcibly remove them, your life may be in danger. "

After finishing speaking, Ji Xuangu paused for a moment, and said again: "However, if you can keep from using force, you should be able to hold on for a while longer. Maybe we can find a solution during this time."

"Lao Dian, I don't care about these anymore, I just hope that I can find someone to inherit my sword soul during this period of time, so that my skills in this life will not be lost."

Master Ming waved his hand casually. He had already seen through this matter. The few people who survived died one by one, and Feng Mo, who stood side by side with his two peaks on the top of ten thousand swords, was no exception. He had already realized , can sustain until now, it was Huangru who helped him suppress the injury back then.

It's just a pity that during this period of time, I haven't encountered a worthy sword material.

After setting up Jianru, Jun Fengtian was silent for a while, and suddenly said to Jixuangu: "I'll go to see the Yuli Sutra first, and the outside affairs need to be handled by the sage."

Ji Xuangu nodded, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, Ji Xuangu won't let them mess around."

"Thank you!" Jun Fengtian thanked, looking into the depths of Haozheng Wudao, his gaze gradually became firm.


At this time, in the Misty Rain Jiting Pavilion, people from all branches and Defeng Ancient Road gathered.

Not long after, Sui Wudu and Mo Qingchi also returned together, and soon they knew the reason.

"How could this be? Someone must have plotted the mastermind!" Sui Wu was shocked for no reason, with an expression of disbelief.

Mo Qingchi on the side narrowed his eyes slightly, and said calmly: "I understand that Li Jing is a human being, and there must be a reason for it."

"Why?" Mo Pingxiao snorted coldly, "According to the letter, the Yulijing is the son of the ghost Qizhu. Heart of the people."

"Yes, Yu Lijing's life experience is a mystery, and now this kind of thing happened again, if you don't give everyone a clear answer, I am afraid that Yu Lijing will not be able to convince the public, and he will not be qualified to continue to be the leader. Don't worry about putting your wealth and life on someone who doesn't know his origin."

Shen Hengzhi also stood up and said loudly.

At this time, because Jun Fengtian and Ji Xuangu were not in the hall, they spoke a little recklessly.

"Can you all listen to me?"

Mu Lingfeng raised his brows, and after everyone calmed down, he said again: "If you have anything to do, you may as well wait until Master Yu wakes up. At that time, there will be two respected teachers, the Faru and the Sage, and I will definitely give you an answer."

"Hmph, who doesn't know that the Confucian Master Fa and Confucianism have a close relationship with Yu Lijing, and now even the Venerable Confucian Master is protecting him, this answer may not be convincing!"

Shen Hengzhi spoke again, he had been to the Ancient Defeng Road before, so he was more familiar with some things in the Ancient Defeng Road than others, especially when he broke into the Haozheng Five Paths and fought against Faru. It can be seen that Faru must release water on Yuli Sutra.

This point can be seen from Yulijing's respectful attitude towards Fa and Confucianism. Although Yulijing also respects other venerables, it is obviously different from facing Jun Fengtian.

"Even the origin of the sages is as mysterious. I see that the ancient path of Defeng has become a sieve." At this time, Zuo Qiumo also suddenly interjected.

On the current Defeng Ancient Road, the branches of the three parties jointly forced the palace, and there are already signs of civil strife.

As Yan Luo Ghost Prison's spy in the Confucianism sect, Zuo Qiumo naturally didn't mind pushing the boat along the way, splitting the Confucianism sect and clearing the way for the great cause of the ghost clan in the future.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yun Wanggui waited for Zuo Qiumo to snort angrily, "Sage Confucianism is recognized by Emperor Confucianism himself, and before that, he even killed the ghost who plotted against my Confucianism—Renjue Futi Yue Jiaozi and Di Ming, how can you allow doubts."

"Ha! Defeng Gudao is really getting more and more domineering, can't you tell me if you have any doubts?" Zuo Qiumo sneered and sneered.

"You!" Mu Lingfeng also showed sullen anger. Fortunately, he has practiced for countless years, and his mood is not bad, so he quickly suppressed the unknown fire in his heart.

It can't be said to be nameless, because this stock may come from Ji Xuangu, and she doesn't like people to slander Ji Xuangu.

Just at this time,

"If you have any doubts about me, you can speak up!"

A majestic voice came from afar, and then I saw Ji Xuangu striding forward, "Build a heart for the heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, inherit the unique learning for the sages, and create peace for all generations. Confucian saints, Wugou, holy Confucians , Wushuang."

 Monthly tickets are about to be caught up, everyone still has tickets to work harder!
(End of this chapter)

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