Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 331 Release the water [Add 910 for the leader 'Murong Wanderer Crossing Xiaoxiang'

Chapter 331 Release the water [Add 910 for the leader 'Murong Wanderer Crossing Xiaoxiang']

With the arrival of Ji Xuangu, the people who had different opinions suddenly fell silent.

"Sui Wudu, Yun Wanggui, Mo Qingchi, you go and take care of the master first, I will be in charge here."


Yun Wanggui and the others agreed, and the three of them withdrew.

Just when the others were about to go together, behind Ji Xuangu's one-handed back, a mighty aura charged, blocking everyone's footsteps, "The principal wakes up, don't you plan to give him some time to recover?"

"Everyone step back!"

Jing Tianhuai also said at this time, "As a member of Confucianism, how can we ignore etiquette, and we can talk about anything after we sort it out."

After Jing Tianhuai, one of the founders of the Ancient Defeng Road, Fang Yuheng, he did the right thing and was well-known to everyone. His opening made everyone calm down.

In fact, Jing Tianhuai would not have spoken to Ren Shenheng if he hadn't witnessed the changes in Yulijing with his own eyes.

After all, he is not someone who is greedy for power.

"I know you have doubts in your heart. Later, the chief will come to answer everyone's doubts in person. If you still confuse people with lies before that, don't blame Ji Xuangu for taking you down as someone with a heart!"

Ji Xuangu nodded slightly, glanced at the crowd, and said in a cold voice.

There was a sudden change in the ancient path of Defeng, and as the master of the ancient path of Defeng, Ji Xuangu naturally had the responsibility to protect the sect, not to mention, his power can sense righteousness and evil.

Although Yu Lijing is not a human race, he has a righteous heart and is Confucian orthodox. How can he allow others to wantonly splash dirty water.

The people on the other side were dissatisfied with Ji Xuangu's strength, but Ji Xuangu's ability to kill Juejue's side body several times and kill Diming with a single sword made people feel awe.

After all, this world still respects strength.

This is true even for Confucianists who talk about etiquette.


And in a meditation grotto in Defeng Ancient Road, the Jade Lijing is lying on the stone platform. With the effect of clearing the mind, the consciousness of the Jade Lijing gradually recovers.

At this time, around the stone platform, Jun Fengtian stood first, with a worried face, and behind him, Mo Qingchi, Sui Wudu, and Yun Wanggui rushed over.

"Ya... Ya father!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Yu Lijing saw Jun Fengtian, and couldn't help but say the name he dared not reveal in front of others.

Perhaps he was also panicked, and only Yafu could give him a sense of security.

"Well, ahem..."

Jun Fengtian covered his lips with one hand, and coughed a few times, as if reminding Yu Lijing that there are others here.

"Ya father?"

Sui opened his mouth in surprise for no reason, with a curious look on his face.

And Yun Wanggui wiped his sweat-free forehead unconsciously.

On the other hand, Mo Qingchi is indeed worthy of being one of the film kings who has experienced Gu Yuan, and he remains calm and unchanged.

"You are all here! Just pretend you didn't hear it!" Yu Lijing got up slowly, and he didn't think about hiding anything, he just hid his relationship with Yafu, but he didn't want people to think he was The position of the head is obtained by Yafu's prestige, and people talk about it to distract people's hearts.

"No, I didn't hear anything." Yun Wanggui directly disregarded himself, after all, Faru was his master, so he didn't dare to offend him.

On the contrary, Sui was stunned for no reason, and silently thought in his heart: "Mother is the righteous sister of the respected Faru, and the master is also called the sub-father of the respected Faru, so the master and I..."

However, Sui Wuyuan soon came to his senses, nodded again and again, saying that he didn't hear it, and his appearance was quite cute.

Afterwards, Yu Lijing said a few words briefly, and after Yun Wanggui and others left, and only him and Jun Fengtian were left in the cave, Yu Lijing finally told the truth.

Tell me about your meeting with the Ghost Qi Lord.

All told, Yu Lijing has made up his mind to face everyone's accountability.

And as Yu Lijing left, Jun Fengtian fell silent, but he secretly made up his mind, "It seems that it is time to leave. There are sages in Confucianism, so they should take my place, and I will solve this matter for Li Jing." Afterwards, you can also solve the hidden dangers in Tianji's body with peace of mind."

Just when Jun Fengtian returned to Haozheng Five Ways and was about to go deeper, suddenly, a voiceless voice came, "Your Majesty, please stop."

"It's Yingshuangqing and Shengru!" Jun Fengtian turned around in doubt. At this moment, Mu Lingfeng had left the front hall and resumed Fengru's attire, while Ji Xuangu also returned together after temporarily stabilizing the situation strongly.

"Falucians don't have to be like this. With Ji Xuangu here, the mastermind behind my Confucian sect will definitely be found out. No matter if he is a real ghost Qi master or a fake ghost Qi master, I will give everyone an explanation. .”

Ji Xuangu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly.

Obviously, Ji Xuangu is quite displeased with the situation of civil strife and division in Confucianism today, because what he hates the most is this kind of villainous behavior behind the scenes.

And what I like the most is naturally a positive wave.

"Jun Fengtian, this is a test that Yuli must pass. He has grown up and doesn't need you to take care of him anymore!"

Mu Lingfeng, who turned into Fengru, also put away his blunt personality, turned into gentle again, and at the same time persuaded Tao.

"I've made up my mind!" Jun Fengtian hesitated for a moment, and then his expression became firm.

"Then do you know that if you want to leave here, you have to pass four tests before you can meet the emperor and Confucianism." Yingshuang asked again with a slight frown.

"Of course, now, please make moves!"

Jun Fengtian didn't want to delay, so he made a gesture of invitation directly.

Immediately, the atmosphere of Haozheng Wudao was serious.

"In that case, Yingshuangqing will be offended!" Mu Lingfeng was silent for a moment, then suddenly made a move.

After striking each other with palms, Mu Lingfeng stepped back a few steps, and after standing still, he turned his back and said, "Jun Fengtian, you have passed the test."

"Thank you, Fengru!" Jun Fengtian was taken aback for a moment, and then he thanked Ji Xuangu, "Honorable Confucianism, please!"

Ji Xuangu turned his back directly, and said flatly: "I never attack my companions."

After finishing speaking, just when Jun Fengtian was about to thank him, Ji Xuangu suddenly said again: "However, Emperor Confucianism likes peeping the most, and it's good for face. If that's the case, then I will make a move."

As soon as the words fell, a sword energy flew across the sky, avoiding Jun Fengtian directly, and landed on the floor behind him, "It's lost, helpless!"

The two released the water openly, and the two did not hide it at all, which made Huangru Wushang in Haozheng's fifth way secretly angry, "It's too really don't give face, even if you release the water, shouldn't you also save face?" Spend some time on kung fu, and a few tricks will kill you!"

"No, do you think it will be so easy? How much water you put in before, I will double it back, hum!"

Lin Tianxing snorted arrogantly, and secretly made up his mind that this kind of bad atmosphere must not be raised.

He is the boss of Haozheng Wudao, and if he put water in front of him, he simply didn't take him seriously as the boss. We must teach them a painful lesson to restore the majesty of the boss.


On the other hand, he ordered his master to walk alone on the ancient road of Defeng, which seemed to be nostalgic.

At this moment, he heard a burst of crisp laughter.

"Is there anyone living here?"

A hint of doubt appeared in Master Ming's eyes, and then he approached, came to the door, looked around, but saw a person, or a sword.

"What a fairy and devil sword fetus!"

At this moment, Master Ming only sees the sword so close, which is the joy of finally seeing it today after years of pursuit.

"This is the perfect sword talent I have been looking for for many years!"

I have been searching for many years, and I finally see it today. I ordered my master to step in without hesitation.

 The third change is added for the leader 'Murong Youzidu Xiaoxiang', 9/10.Ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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