Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 389 Sword Confucianism Bewitched [July Monthly Ticket 7]

Chapter 389 Sword Confucianism Bewitched [July Monthly Ticket 7]

Before the start of the Tianwu Canyon battle, Seth II, the incarnation of Qushan Blind Road Forest Diming, also started to act.

"It's a slap in the face... It's a gratifying thing for An Di and Mian Bian Jia Luo to learn to use their brains. However, righteous people are more cunning than you imagine, especially the Confucian sect. Be careful with them. Be careful and you will be killed instead!"

Seth II's finger brushed the corner of his lips, and his words were sarcasm.

But despite saying this, he activated the formation according to the plan, and then the evil spirit broke out suddenly, awakening the dragon head in the seal in an instant.

Chu Tianxing and Gan Wuhen, who stayed here temporarily waiting for a page of the book, rushed out immediately, but what they encountered was only the phantom of the Three Sects of Dianliu, instead they were temporarily trapped in the formation and could not get out for a while.

"Is it that simple?"

Seth II shook his head and laughed, but when he turned into the depths, a figure in front of him had already sat cross-legged with his back turned, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"A century of economics!"

Seeing the figure in front of him, Seth's face changed slightly. He didn't expect to meet a ruthless character.

"The world is like chess, the universe is unpredictable, and the heroes are all laughing!"

The familiar poem number, as the person slowly turned around, the familiar face, the familiar golden bumps brought strong pressure.

It is the one-page book of the Hundred Worlds Jinglun returned from the Buddhist boundary line of Xihuang.


The ancient road of Defeng, the place where people live, such as the sword is close, and the depth is endless.

After teaching the sword skills to Sui Wudu and Jian Zhiji, he ordered his master to sit under the gazebo to Xiao Tian.

With the recovery of the evil spirit of Baqi, the evil infection in the body became more and more serious.

Even with the suppression of Ji Xuangu's holy energy.

However, the evil poison that has been entangled for hundreds of years has long been deeply rooted. The revival of the evil god Baqi and the return of the dragon head of the evil source have caused the evil poison in Master Ming's body to intensify again and again, and the person is becoming thinner day by day.

But today, the battle of Tianwu Canyon started, the seal was loosened, and the spirit of the dragon head of the evil god sprang out again. In a daze, he ordered his master to sink into a nightmare, reappearing the old Baqi phantom, whispering like far away and near Echoing in the sea of ​​consciousness, the boiling evil poison was also torturing the dying old man in the sword.

In the dark, the very monarch who reappeared as the ghost unicorn master again, the source of the evil power in his hand disappeared. It was a gift from the dark truth, which can arouse the evil poison in Jiandian's body, and combined with the eruption of the dragon head's evil energy, it is enough to destroy Jiandian The suppressive force in the body.

I have to say that the ghost unicorn master is really a very useful identity. People feel that he is used to do dirty things, and Yuan Wuji is also used to do dirty things. Pots of dirty water are poured on the ghost unicorn master. , I don't know what expression the Ghost Qi Lord will have after his resurrection.

At this time, Master ordered the remaining holy energy and sword soul in his body to suppress the erosion of evil energy, but as the two dragon heads of Tianwu Canyon and Qushan Blind Road Forest erupted at the same time, the evil power skyrocketed unprecedentedly.

The evil spirit surged up, breaking through and invading Master Ming's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

Jian Dian, who closed his eyes tightly, opened his eyes angrily, bright green evil lights filled his eyes, and the sword energy around him dissipated, replaced by violent and unparalleled evil power.

At this moment, Master Jian Dianming is no longer the former Jian Ru Wuya, but a newborn—Yaoxie.

His sanity was also swallowed up, and the only thing in front of him was—kill!

"How could this be!"

Surprised to see the sudden change of Master Ming, although Sui Wuyuan was shocked, but he knew the condition of Master Ming's body, so he immediately thought of the reason, "It's the eruption of evil power, my lord, wake up!"


Jian Zhiji also yelled softly, but at this moment Master Ming has already been occupied by the evil spirit, without emotion and reason, "Don't try to stop the evil's way forward, die! Hahaha..."

Accompanied by a sneer, he ordered Master Xie Yuan to soar, and the sword was fierce and merciless.

In order to stop the sword from overcoming, Shen Wuyuan and Jian Zhiji had no choice but to block it forcefully. The battle between the swordsman and the evil Confucianism became fierce in an instant.

"Show frontal flow!"

The holy swords of the three religions are transported for no reason, and the aura of awe-inspiring comes out, and the swords on the side are also attacked by the same sword, and the brothers are united.

The majestic sword force was overwhelming, and he wanted to suppress Master Ming, who was falling into a sign of madness, but Master Ming, who was controlled by the evil soul, was extremely violent, and his attacks were even more merciless.

"A stupid move, the world is a sword!"

Master Ming let out a loud shout, merged his palms, raised his head high, and then the huge sword element swirled out, smashing the double strong sword energy, and then turned into ten thousand swords, covering the sky and covering the earth in all directions.

"Wan Jian returns to the sect!" Facing the infinite sword energy, Jian Zhiji's expression changed, and at the same time, his sword moves also changed. He carried out the martial arts that Yuan Wuji had taught him, and in an instant, his whole body condensed the majestic sword energy, and came out in a counterattack. .

Boom boom boom!
All of a sudden, the rocks collapsed, the gazebo and the house were shattered at the same time, and Fang Yuan Shuli suffered an unprecedented baptism of sword energy.

The entire Confucianism sect experienced unprecedented shocks.

Just at this time, Xi Duanhong, who was aware of the movement, also walked out of the room, and was pierced by a Heaven-reaching Evil Sword.


The two brothers Sui Wudu and Jianzhichi were startled to see this scene, their faces changed wildly, and their sword moves also changed accordingly. traumatized.

"Little Wudu, Xiaohuo..." Although Xi Duanhong had forgotten his past, he had lived with Jian Zhiji and Sui Wudu for a long time, and when he saw the two were injured, his eyes immediately showed urgency and worry.

"Die! Hahaha..." At the same time as Jian Dian laughed wildly, the sword energy also approached Xi Duanhong's eyebrows in an instant, and came with a deadly blow.

Just as the evil sword pierced through the brain, a huge palm force from Tianwai suddenly defeated most of the sword energy, only a ray of sword light jumped into Xi Duanhong's sea of ​​consciousness, Xi Duanhong immediately rolled his eyes and collapsed backwards.

"Huh? It's Mr. Yuan..."

Seeing their mother poured into Yuan Wuji's arms, Sui Wuduan and Jian Zhiji were both complicated, but they also breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, as long as their mother is safe.

But at this time, Master Ming had already let out an evil laugh and disappeared without a trace.

"It's not good, respect him..."

Seeing the disappearance of Master Ming, Sui Wuyuan's expression changed, and his eyes showed worry, but looking at his mother's condition, he was caught in a dilemma.

At this time, Mo Qingchi followed closely.

Seeing the scene in front of him, his face couldn't help but change, "Could it be that Jianru respected him..."

Mo Qingchi's expression suddenly became gloomy, "It's not good, it seems that the Eight Tribes have already plotted, and they are in danger."

At this time, the man in the dark felt that the plan of the king had been fulfilled, he gave an evil smile, and then disappeared into the woods, "I ordered Master to be controlled by evil forces, and Confucianism is in trouble. It depends on how you get through this difficult time."

"Why don't you let me and Mo Qingchi chase after Jianru!"

Yuan Wuji handed the unconscious Xi Duanhong to Jian Zhichi, and said suddenly.


Sui Wuyuan's eyes showed hesitation, and his eyes unconsciously looked at Mo Qingchi.

"There is no reason to help the master, and Jian Zhiji stays to look after Xi Duanhong, and Mr. Jianru will be intercepted by me and Mr. Yuan first." After thinking about it for a while, Mo Qingchi's eyes fixed, and he made an arrangement.

Although Jian Zhiji was also worried about killing his wife, but his mother was in a coma but he had to be taken care of, so he could only ask a few people to be careful.


On the other side, Infinity, who took the Suzaku clothes and temporarily lived in seclusion while improving himself, suddenly shed tears of blood.

With a scream, Infinity suddenly fell to the ground, with blood and tears in his eyes, which was more serious than the previous few times.

"Infinity, what's going on? What did you see again?"

Suzaku Yi's face was tense, and the infinite aura at this moment was sluggish to the extreme, and the devil blood in his body seemed to be swallowed by the eyes of the future, turning into the power to spy on the future.

"Evil misfortune... Youjie... Mr. Yuan... No!"

With a scream, Infinity finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell into a coma for a moment.

"Hey! Hey! Please make it clear!" Suzaku Yi shook Infinity, but Infinity didn't respond. In a flash, Suzaku Yi sensed the situation in Infinity's body, "The magic blood is exhausted, how can this happen?"

Zhu Quyi said in a startled voice, both angry and distressed, "Smelly Infinity, and you said to take care of me, but your eyes bleed every day, and now the blood is almost gone, making you lazy to open your eyes every day, and now you are hurt by these eyes!"

Although he was making complaints, Suzaku Yi had already carried Infinity on his back proficiently, "In the current situation, I am afraid that my blood alone is not enough to save the stinky cocoon. It seems that there will only be a secluded world to find the Virgin. Although the Virgin has changed, I want to come. You won't just watch Unlimited have an accident, will you?"

Although it was doubtful, Suzakuyi had no other choice, "If the Holy Mother doesn't save people, I'll go and beg her, and the Holy Mother will definitely soften her heart."

After murmuring in a low voice for a while, Suzaku Yi was already heading towards Youjie.

 The third update, but half of the content was written when the follow-up plot was sorted out last time!Ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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