Chapter 390

At this time, the battle in the Tianwu Canyon became more and more fierce as the good and evil sides emerged one after another.

"What a Confucian school, he is really insidious and despicable."

Bai Chuanlinghua's ghostly figure is erratic, and at the same time, she still doesn't forget to sneer.

Facing Bai Chuan Linghua's ridicule, Yu Lijing looked calm. As the master of Confucianism, Yu Lijing's seemingly pure face hides a heart that is not as simple as it appears on the surface. He chuckled directly at the contempt, Ironically: "Everyone is mutual."

"Looking at how confident the young master is, does he still have someone behind him? You might as well show it off, otherwise you might not have a chance!"

Bai Chuan Linghua's voice came from all directions, the strange sword technique and the exotic style made Yu Lijing unable to distract him for the time being.

Of course, this is also Yu Lijing's deliberate intention, "You say that, it proves that you still have a back hand, why don't you all uncover it together!"

Yu Lijing is also waiting for the revealing of Ba Buzhong's hole cards. At this moment, the two sides are fighting for the final backhand, and it depends on who has the deeper calculations and the stronger hole cards.

Outside the seal, Yu Lijing blocked the barrier alone. Even though Bai Chuanlinghua had a ghostly figure, he couldn't break through the defense and break into the inside.

But Yu Lijing didn't dare to be careless, because he knew that the current eight tribes hadn't used all their strength and had to be vigilant against the hidden enemies.

"Oh, the little master seems to be able to do a job with ease, does he look down on Ling Hua?"

And Bai Chuan Linghua just let out a coquettish smile, which made the two peaks tremble slightly, revealing a large area of ​​white snow, but Yu Lijing is a gentleman, and he does not look sideways.

On the other side, Jing Tianhuai was fighting alone against Bian Jialuo. Although Jing Tianhuai was strong, the evil power of Dian Bian Jialuo soared and gradually gained the upper hand.

On the other hand, in the battle between Mu Lingfeng and Yinyang Takiyahime, with Mu Lingfeng's foundation, he gradually gained the upper hand.

The situation seems to be a tie between good and evil, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil for a while.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

When Yu Lijing's figure was twirling, the junior's flaws were exposed for a moment, and he killed him suddenly with a cold and sharp knife.

After being surrounded and killed, Yu Lijing was immediately caught in a dead end.

"Leaving the peak and returning to the shadow!"

Facing the sudden change, Yuli remained calm, and Xuan Jingtian Huai stabbed out suddenly in his hand, blocking the killing knife behind him.

But in front of him, Bai Chuan Ling Hua's swords slashed across, leaving two bloodstains on Yu Li Jing's waist.


A contemptuous laugh came, and the evil mist cleared, revealing a figure with a face covered with a visor inside, "Millions of corpses stepping on the beacon fire, blood buried with dead bones next to mountains and rivers. When knives and halberds sink to sand, only ask Chi Luo."

"Eight tribes!" Although he had never seen it before, Yu Lijing's tone was very certain.

Regarding Yu Lijing's words, Chi Luo sneered, and said in a low voice: "Yesha Xiaowang Chi Luo sent the master of the Confucian sect back to the west!"

As soon as the words fell, Chi Luo urged again, "Heavenly Eclipse, Doomed Blood Skeleton!"

Countless blood skeletons appeared, wrapping the Jade Li Sutra with a shrill roar.

"Facing the siege of the two strong forces," Hao Yuan raised Yuli Jing violently, and the energy of the sword penetrated his whole body in an instant, and the sword energy surged out like a mighty river.


On the other side, at the moment when Mu Lingfeng defeated Yinyang Takiyahime, an evil figure appeared behind Mu Lingfeng, and slapped him hard, hitting the back of his heart.


I thought that the appearance of Chi Luo was all the combat power of the evil spirits, but Mu Lingfeng suddenly vomited blood, and an evil force invaded the body, flowing through the whole body along the meridians, and Mu Lingfeng's breath languished for a moment .

"It's not good, this is the power of the evil god that pollutes the venerable Sword Confucian!"

Mu Lingfeng's face changed, and the moment he turned around, he saw a figure with cold white hair, blood shadows in his eyes, and a black mask on his face.

The person who came was Yuan Zheng who had incarnated as Fengdu Xie Shao.

"Such a big movement, it seems that this time is fun!"

Yuan Zheng laughed evilly, and then struck again with a strong palm. In the move, the power of evil contamination was hidden, and gradually penetrated into Mu Lingfeng's body.

In an instant, everyone in the Confucian sect fell into a greater crisis.

However, this was only the beginning of Confucianism's downfall.

"Six Paths of Forbidden Form One: Evil Burial Sun and Moon!"

Just when Yulijing was blocking Chi Luo and Baichuan Linghua, the majestic evil current bombarded Yulijing's back in an instant. I thought that the evil spirits had already exerted their full strength, but I didn't expect that there were still masters hiding in the dark. , Yu Lijing was severely injured and vomited blood immediately.

"Son of Confucianism, you are still careless after all." The dark truth appeared, and at the same time, "The evil of Yuwu·Go up to the world·Dark my world, open!"

In an instant, the entire Tianwu Canyon turned into a doomsday cemetery.

With the blessing of the majestic force, all the strong on one's own side can be enhanced, and under the dark world, all Confucian people's skills are suppressed.

Onmyo Takiyahime and others, who were originally at a disadvantage, were boosted, turning the situation around in an instant.

And Jing Tianhuai, who was fighting against Mian Bian Jia Luo, was even hit with several knives in a row, and blood was spilled all over the place.

"It seems that here today, the Defeng Ancient Road will wipe out the entire army!"

Andi's hoarse voice came, and the three parties killed Yulijing at the same time.

"Be careful out of scriptures!"

Yun Wanggui exclaimed, and the sword moves in his hand became more and more violent, but Tiangu Feiying, who was blessed by the dark truth and the dark world, became much stronger in an instant, and could not get rid of the entanglement at all.

"I didn't expect that you didn't die!" Seeing the appearance of An Di, Yu Li Jing was surprised, but this was not the time to think about it, because he was surrounded and his life was in danger.

But Yu Lijing was unyielding, reaching out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and snorted coldly, "Since you have already used all your combat power, it's time for us to make a move."

As the voice of Yu Li Jing fell, the moment everyone was waiting for.

An unprecedented holy light suddenly descended.

"Glory to all beings!"

Familiar voice, familiar moves and that familiar light.

The white light born out of thin air illuminates the great thousand mountains and rivers.

"Huh? The fourth level of the Dark My Realm!" Shocked by the powerful attack, Andi's face changed slightly, and then he worked hard to drive the Dark Black Unbounded to the limit. With the evil blessing of the dragon head behind him, the suppression of the Dark My Realm was stronger. .

But that ray of light pierced through the sky like a divine sword, standing directly in the Diablo Realm, and at the same time, countless holy lights erupted around it, dispelling the evil power, and it actually strongly offset the suppression of the Confucianists in the Diablo Realm .

"Build a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations. Confucian saints, Wugou, holy Confucians, unparalleled."

As soon as Ji Xuangu appeared, his eyes swept over Mu Lingfeng first, suppressing the worries in his heart, and finally fell on Andi and the others, and shouted coldly, "Evil, don't dare to be rampant!"

At the same time as the words were spoken, Ji Xuangu pointed to the sky and repeated the Jue Shi, "Five-color leftover move, the red sun is in the sky!"

Above the sky, a round of red sun condensed in an instant, and the rays of light were like sword energy, covering all the evil spirits.

"His power has such restraint power against us!"

An Di's face changed slightly, and the fourth layer of the Dark My World was directly restrained, which made him shocked beyond words.

At this moment, not only Andi, but Dian Bian Jia Luo and Chi Luo, who sensed the power of restraint, all looked slightly condensed.

"This person must not stay!"

On the other side, Yuan Zheng, who was facing Mu Lingfeng, also spoke.

He has the power of evil dyeing, and he is more sensitive to this power. The opponent is definitely his nemesis, or the nemesis of the evil god, at least not inferior to the original Jiutian Xuanzun and Zhanlongbajian.

 It seems that I can't stay up late recently, and I feel weak when I wake up today. I won't say much else, and try to update the second one before 12 o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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