Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 501 Meeting Lord Shenhui Again

Chapter 501 Meeting Lord Shenhui Again

Within the cold night killing environment outside the corpse mountain.

Standing side by side.

Let's talk about the peak with one sword and one sword.

As the momentum of the two reached its peak, the confrontation had already begun in the blink of an eye.

"Break · Death Break."

The evil naginata slashed down with force, like a god of death taking orders, never ending.

A dark red long sword appeared in Duan Tiantu's hand. It was fiery red in shape, and the sword frame was flame-shaped.

It is the sword of 'Fire', one of the seven fierce swords of the ancient sword Qitan Longyuan - Fen Ji!
As soon as the sword is released, the evil spirit soaring into the sky lingers around the body, and its ferocious power sweeps across the nine heavens and ten earths.

The evil blade and the fierce sword clashed, and the shock of the majestic force caused the two to fly back.

Chi Luo glanced at the bright red palms, and then said in a deep voice, "No wonder you have the courage to come to find me. It turns out that you have the help of a new magic weapon."

"Yasha Xiaowang, use all your strength, otherwise, you will have no chance."

After the first test of the edge, Duan Tiantu's confidence doubled.

The Fenji sword boosted his body, and although he lost the ability to restrain elves against Chi Luo, under the boost of the Fenji sword, his martial arts increased by [-]%, so he has no fear of Chi Luo.

"I want to reverse the outcome with a sword, today I will let you recognize the reality!"

Accompanied by a low shout, Chi Luo's Xieyuan rose wildly, and the evil knife in his hand erupted with a cold, cruel and bloodthirsty intention, "Hundred Ghosts Night Weeping Blood Wall."

Hundreds of ghosts howled together, and the scarlet knife net was as dense as a wall, covering all directions.

"Nirvana · All things return to ruins!"

Duan Tiantu swung his sword around, everything was destroyed, the world returned to ruins, and the forceful move suddenly turned into nothingness.

"Yegui·Phantom Blade Flow."

Chi Luo followed closely, turning hundreds of thousands of swords into pieces, and turning the virtual and the real.

Boom boom boom!
Duan Tiantu's sword moves were sharp and fierce, sending out continuous blows in an instant, and the void roared continuously.

The two fought for an instant and were inseparable.

Gao Feng under him also disintegrated inch by inch under the sword energy.


"Elves, that's all."

Behind Yuan Wuji's hands, the yin and yang bipolar true energy in his body reverted to its peak in an instant.

In other words, Yuan Wuji's current martial arts has a characteristic, which is somewhat similar to the Baqi evil god.

If one of the eight souls of the Eight Qi Cthulhu is greatly depleted, as long as a new soul appears, it will be another peak in an instant.

And if Yuan Wuji's anode true energy is seriously depleted, he will repeat the peak when he turns to cathode true energy, and even the rotation of yin and yang can speed up his recovery speed, making his stamina the best in adversity. Can't make it.

"is it?"

The wind is Xiaoxiao, and people are rustling.

Bu Junshang deserves to be called the God of War in Tianhu, and he is determined.

Even though he was covered in blood, he still struggled to get up from the ground.

The wolf Ye Xingdao in his hand pressed against the ground, and the fierceness remained undiminished.

"I will show you the pride of elves!"

Infantry Shang's hoarse voice came from his mouth, his shirt was stained red with blood, and the bloodthirsty madness in his eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented calmness.

"Then show all your strength and surprise me!"

Yuan Wuji stood on one side, and said indifferently.

Yuan Wuji disapproved of Bujun Shang's ability to stand up. Willpower is necessary for a top player in a difficult situation, and he can even counterattack and turn the tide of the battle.

However, in the face of absolute strength, everything is futile.

On the back of Bu Junshang's figure, Langye Xingdao was slightly slanted, and a powerful opportunity was ready to go.

A moment later, the furious fighting spirit erupted suddenly, Bu Junshang disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant, and reappeared behind Yuan Wuji, "Wolf howl ten directions!"

The cross knives criss-crossed, leaving no chance to dodge.

With the power of a sword, the world is peaceful.

The entire universe seemed to be collapsing, shattering from the inside out.

"Shattering the Void is interesting."

Facing the eruption of terrifying saber power, Yuan Wuji's expression was as calm as usual, he saw his palms swirling, with him as the center, the entire space was distorted and spread outward.

"Unfortunately, it's not enough!"

The space around Yuan Wuji was cracked and distorted inch by inch, as if he was in another time and space, while the original place turned into a black hole, swallowing all the fierce sword power.

"Yin and Yang are uncertain!"

Yuan Wuji swirled his palms in front of him, and a giant picture of yin and yang manifested in front of him. During the swirling, the space distorted.

With Yuan Wuji's figure spinning, the giant image of yin and yang turned into pure black, and the war space shattered, and the three of them reappeared on the land of distress, while Yuan Wuji flew up, collapsed the space with one palm, and stamped on the infantry.

The palm hadn't arrived, but the majestic force had arrived. The infantry soldier's clothes were flickering, and his face was distorted in the powerful air current.

With this palm, Bu Junshang would definitely die here.

"Be careful!" Suzakuyi exclaimed, it's not that she cares about Bu Junshang, she just hopes that Yuan Wuji's enemies can survive one by one, so that they can take revenge again in the future.

At the moment of death, a cold voice suddenly came.

"Yi Tian Wu Yi · World-shattering Shocking Waves!"

Under the strong pressure, one person turned around and danced, the jade hand was overturned, and it turned into a shocking blow.


Facing palms together, the powerful Yuan Gong impacted into the body, and Bi Liuli spit out blood immediately. Even though her foundation was extraordinary, she was still unable to catch Yuan Wuji's killer move.

At this moment, Bu Junshang waved his palm with all his strength, and the remaining Yuan Gong in his body poured into Shenhui's main body, and the two joined forces to barely block Yuan Wuji's killing palm.


Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he deflected his palm, and the mountain hundreds of meters behind them collapsed.

"Lord Shenhui, it's really a fate!"

With his hands behind his back, Yuan Wuji calmly looked at Bi Liuli in front of him, his eyes scrutinized.

"Why are you here? How did you fight?"

Bi Liuli avoided Yuan Wuji's gaze, then suppressed the injuries in her body, praised Yuan Gong for healing Bu Junshang, and asked at the same time.

"I came here, of course, for my disciples."

After Yuan Wuji finished speaking, he glanced at Bu Junshang, and said indifferently: "As for him, it's just a grievance between Jianghu and Jianghu. What? Is Lord Shenhui also intervening in this matter?"

The last sentence is already a question in language.

"Ba Junshang, what happened?"

Bi Liuli took a deep breath and looked at Bu Junshang.

At this time, Bu Junshang temporarily suppressed the injuries in his body, and then slowly opened his eyes, and said two words lightly, "Seeking revenge."

"Oh?" Bi Liuli was taken aback for a moment, then frowned slightly, and after a while, she seemed to think of something, and said, "Are you doing it for the revenge of God of War and the beast elves?"

Bu Junshang didn't speak, apparently acquiescing.

"Lord Shenhui, you have heard it too. Since I am the enemy of life and death, I don't like to leave future troubles. If you stop me, don't blame me for being hot-handed and destroying flowers!"

In the end, Yuan Wuji's calm words carried a touch of austerity.

Bi Liuli didn't like Yuan Wuji's superior attitude very much, but because the enemy was strong and we were weak, she could only suppress her anger and explained: "There may be some misunderstandings that have not been clarified. Now Yiyu is the master of the elves, and the infantry Shang also belongs to the elves, and has the name of Tianhu God of War, and has a great reputation among the elves. If you kill him, you will only weaken the elves' combat power, and will even make the status of the Forbidden City Relic Jade unstable and cause turmoil."

 Thanks: the thousand rewards that are not half-baked; thanks: the rewards of the characters of Gaoda Throne, and the rewards of fellow Taoists, such as Dutianshensha, Zhoutianxingchen, Gods, Demons, and Sacred Kings!
(End of this chapter)

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