Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 502 Enemies meet, hatred is suppressed

Chapter 502 Enemies meet, hatred is suppressed

"Oh?" Yuan Wuji showed an interesting look, "Lord Shenhui, it depends on Bu Junshang's attitude. If he doesn't admit it, it's useless to keep it."

Bi Liuli turned to look at Bu Junshang, and then solemnly said: "Bu Junshang, the Lord of the Weavers of Heaven has already said this very clearly, the disasters in the world of the elves are all caused by the dark source of blood planting demon seeds, which affect the elves and lead to God of War. Yan and others were charged, and their deaths should be attributed to the source of all this, not others."

Bu Junshang remained silent.

But soon Bi Liuli's words came from within the sea of ​​consciousness.

Perhaps touched, Bu Junshang finally stopped insisting. He raised his head, looked at Yuan Wuji and said, "I will find out the facts again."

Yuan Wuji didn't speak, but just looked at Bi Liuli.

"Young Master Yuan, I will find an opportunity to have an in-depth discussion with Bu Junshang in the future, and he will understand."

Bi Liuli can only say this, no matter what, Bu Junshang is also the top expert in the world of elves, and he is also the last royal family of beasts, so there is no room for loss.

"Alright, for Lord Shenhui's sake, I will spare your life, let's go!"

Yuan Wuji thought for a while, nodded slightly, put his hands behind his back, and said proudly.

Afterwards, Yuan Wuji said to Suzakuyi behind him: "Daughter, let's go!"


Being called so in front of people, Suzaku went mad with fury, baring his teeth and claws at Yuan Wuji's back, but there was nothing he could do.

"Lord Shenhui, why not go together?"

Yuan Wuji made an invitation to Master Shenhui, so Bi Liuli could not do anything about it, she came here to rescue Bi Xueyan, of course, it is also possible that she has let go of the burden of being an elf, and will seek revenge on Yasha Xiaowang.

It is easy to persuade others to hate such things from the perspective of a bystander, but it is unknown whether Bi Liuli can suppress the hatred after seeing the murderer who killed Sheng Yuchen.

There are some things that only you know best when you encounter them, and sometimes you don't even know yourself.


On the other side, it was time for Chi Luo and Duan Tiantu to win.

"Your improvement is indeed not small, but in front of me, you can only lose."

Chi Luo wiped away the bright red corners of his mouth, and Xie Yuan urged him again, the thirteen strong moves were actually accommodated into one, erupting an unprecedented terrifying aura.

"Thirteen to one!"

Night weeping, sky eclipse, eclipse rain, crack, sky storm, hundred ghosts, night ghost, night po, demon killing, ghost wave and other strong moves are turned into extreme swords.

"Burning Silence · The universe is gone!"

Duan Tiantu yelled angrily, and with the ultimate trick, he burned a fiery evil fire in his hands, and the cold night killing environment was ignited like a piece of paper, and the figures of the two revealed the land of distress.

The majestic energy boiled, and Bai Chuanlinghua took Bi Xueyan away for a moment, and in an instant, the previous position of the two collapsed.

"It's so far!"

Bai Chuan Linghua murmured, with a look of solemnity between his brows, and his bare hands had unknowingly landed on the double knives at his waist.

Obviously, he is ready to shoot at any time.


Just when the two were on the verge of making a forceful move, suddenly, a huge palm force broke through the sky from outside the sky.

It was actually a powerful move to detonate the power of the two and terminate the lore.

Immediately, I heard the voice of the poem again, "Taiye hooks Chen Ruiwu, and the palace flowers are decorated with five clouds. Zhanlu light cuts off the flying fox moon, and the weak wind calls Zhuolu autumn."

At the same time, the divine light swayed, and a swift figure suddenly bypassed Bai Chuan Linghua, and then appeared on the opposite side with Bi Xueyan. At the same time, a cold voice sounded, "The bright feathers dye the bright moon, and Qixi is agile. The divine light protects the clouds, The world returns to dust."



Two voices came from Duan Tiantu and Bi Xueyan respectively.

Duan Tiantu's opponent is naturally Yuan Wuji, while Bi Xueyan's claim is Bi Liuli.

Bi Liuli didn't turn her head, her gaze had already fallen on Chi Luo's body, with hatred burning in her eyes.

He was able to tell Bu Junshang to let go of his hatred before, but when it comes to himself, it is equally difficult to let go.

"It turned out to be you, today's corpse mountain is really lively."

Chi Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the same time took a deep look at Yuan Wuji, and the evil naginata in his hand also disappeared, "Young Master Yuan, long time no see."

"Do you know?"

Bi Liuli suddenly looked at Yuan Wuji with doubts in her eyes.

Because if these two people are familiar with each other, many things may not be as simple as they appear on the surface.

He knew that if the Jade of the Forbidden City wants to be in power, there must be this person behind the scenes, and if the Jade of the Forbidden City is going to be in charge of the elf world, she and her brother-in-law Sheng Yuchen must be stumbling blocks.

Therefore, if Yuan Wuji really has a deep relationship with Chi Luo, it is very possible that everything that happens in the world of elves also has his shadow.

Chi Luo's words gave Bi Liuli a strong impact.

Yuan Wuji also saw through Chi Luo's intentions, but he didn't take it seriously, "Yasha Xiaowang, if you don't complete the task of the evil god of Baqi, you will have fun with the juniors!"

"Hmph, Mr. Yuan is a good apprentice."

Chi Luo snorted coldly, and then said: "Reserving your hand before is also repaying your previous kindness. From now on, neither will owe you anything."


After finishing speaking, Yuan Wuji said again: "Bi Xueyan is my disciple's friend, we also took her away."

"Okay, but next time she dares to attack me, I will kill her myself!"

With his hands behind his back, Chi Luo suddenly turned and left. Bai Chuan Linghua at the side winked at Duan Tiantu, and then followed him.

After the two disappeared, Yuan Wuji turned and looked at Bi Liuli, "Lord Shenhui, what do you mean?"

"Mr. Yuan, you just agreed without asking us what we mean. You really don't treat yourself as an outsider." Bi Liuli took a deep look at Yuan Wuji, with a touch of coldness in her words.

"Oh? So Lord Shenhui wants to continue fighting?"

"If my matter is not secure, you will be bothered. I will resolve the enmity between me and King Yesha Xiao with my own hands." After finishing speaking, Bi Liuli glanced at Bi Xueyan beside her, and said, "Mr. Yuan, I hope you won't let me Find evidence, otherwise..."

Yuan Wuji squinted his eyes, he saw the meaning of Lord Shenhui, he suspected that he ordered Chi Luo to kill Sheng Yuchen.

Bi Liuli took Bi Xueyan and left directly. In front of Yuan Wuji, Duan Tiantu didn't dare to chase after him, and it was obvious that Bi Liuli didn't welcome their master and apprentice.

"Master, Baichuan Linghua invited you to this place, this is the place where I recuperated."

Duan Tiantu presented the map in his hand, although Bai Chuan Linghua didn't speak before, but he already saw what the other party meant.


Yuan Wuji put away the map and said directly: "Okay, it's none of your business here, just do whatever you want."

"Thank you, Master."

Duan Tiantu replied happily.

And after Duan Tiantu also left, Zhu Quyi couldn't help shouting: "When are you going to let me go?"

"You?" Yuan Wuji glanced at Suzaku clothes.

Suzakuyi's eyes suddenly showed a flash of anger, his fists were clenched in his sleeves, he snorted, turned his head and didn't want to speak.

 Thanks: Pain, pain, pain, reward!

(End of this chapter)

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