Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 503 Communication with Suzaku Yi [September Monthly Pass 9]

Chapter 503 Communication with Suzaku Yi [September Monthly Pass 9]

In the corpse mountain.

As soon as Chi Luo returned, his face suddenly turned pale, and a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But there was a strange excitement in his mouth, "It really is a formidable opponent."

Of course, Chi Luo was not referring to Duan Tiantu, although Duan Tiantu was strong, even with the help of a divine weapon, he was not much inferior to him, but his master Yuan Wuji was even stronger.

"It makes you feel powerful, which makes people curious."

Bai Chuan Linghua supported Chi Luo on the throne, with a touch of curiosity in his words.

Know yourself and know your enemy.

This also allows her to add a bit of background in the meeting later.

"I can feel that the only way to kill him is the sword of life and death." Chi Luo said faintly, the sword of life and death made him in a trance for a moment.

Bai Chuan Linghua was stunned at the same time, then smiled and said: "That is really a formidable opponent, as long as you kill me, you will have a chance to complete the highest level of this sword."

Dragon Mie Thirteen: The Way of Life and Death was first passed on by Bai Chuan Linghua to Chi Luo's predecessor, Hua Splash Mo. At that time, she was still Fengdu demon actress Qian Xueluo.

And to complete the highest state of this sword, one must be ruthless and ruthless. She killed her master with this sword at the beginning, and this is also the fate of the way of life and death.

Therefore, Bai Chuan Linghua always hoped that Chi Luo could kill herself with this sword, end her life of neither human nor demon, and fulfill Chi Luo in the same way, and walk to a higher realm.

Regarding Bai Chuan Linghua's words of begging for death, Chi Luo closed his eyes and remained silent. That was his master and the love of his life. He chose to become a member of the Eight Tribes to live for his master or his lover. How could he give up now? .

Bai Chuan Linghua also knew it was impossible, but his mind was on Yuan Wuji, and he thought to himself: "Perhaps with his help, we can accomplish this."

Soon after, Baichuan Linghua disappeared in the corpse mountain.

Chi Luo only moved his eyelids and ignored it.

He doesn't need to know what Bai Chuan Linghua wants to do, because no matter what he does, what he wants will never change, he only wants her to live.


After leaving the corpse mountain, Bi Liuli lowered her head and said: "Master, I will trouble you this time."

Speaking of this, Bi Liuli suddenly raised her head again, wondering: "Master, don't you sit in the world of elves? And what do you mean by what you said to the master of Duan Tiantu?"

Bi Xueyan knew that Master, as the master of the world of elves, could not leave the world of elves, so she was a little surprised and had a bad feeling.

Bi Liuli sighed, and fondled Bi Xueyan's hair, "You don't need to take care of the affairs of the elf world for the time being, and I will personally take care of the affairs of King Yasha Xiao."

Bi Liuli didn't reveal her guess, because it was just a guess, and if she said it, it might cause a bigger blow to Bi Xueyan.

But such a statement aroused Bi Xueyan's curiosity and worry even more, but she had experienced many things, Bi Xueyan did not ask directly, but decided to investigate secretly.

Her father died, and she couldn't let the last relative in the world have an accident.


On the other side, Yuan Wuji quickly appeared at the place Duan Tiantu told him with the Suzaku clothes.

At this moment, Baichuan Linghua has not yet arrived.

Yuan Wuji looked at the sea of ​​clouds unfurling, and after a long time, he suddenly asked: "Yi'er, has Infinity ever gone back recently?"

"Don't call me that." Suzaku said angrily.

"Huh?" Yuan Wuji's voice sank, "Looks like your ass is itching again."

Hearing this, Zhu Quyi couldn't help taking a step back, thinking of the shame of being beaten for being disobedient before, she couldn't help but take a deep breath, and decided to ignore the address that made her goosebumps all over, "Go back naturally, you asked this What are you doing?"

"Then do you ever feel that there is something different about him?"

Suzaku Yi is Unlimited's younger sister, who knows Unlimited's character and style the most. Therefore, from her, perhaps a more accurate answer can be obtained.

As for Jiuying.

Yuan Wuji couldn't believe it, but if Wu Wuji really made a mistake, it is not impossible to say that Jiuying conspired with others. In Jiuying's eyes, the importance of children is far less than his own power and status.

Therefore, Suzaku clothing is a good choice.

In any case, although Suzakuyi likes to beat and scold his elder brother, the relationship between the two of them far surpasses the relationship between the parents of the original demon king and Jiuying for their children.

"A different place?"

Suzakuyi frowned, kicked the stones under his feet casually, and said disapprovingly, "It's nothing different."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Quyi suddenly paused, and Yuan Wuji also turned around to look at Zhu Quyi, thinking that Zhu Quyi had found something, but heard Zhu Quyi snorted, and said dissatisfiedly: "Without you, I, Infinity and the Holy Mother There won’t be so many gaps between them, and Wuwu doesn’t need to run around to do things for others, and he doesn’t even have time to accompany me.”

"Oh? Why don't I accompany you..." Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, lost in thought.

Suzaku Yi on the side said vigilantly: "I can tell you, you are not allowed to pay infinite attention, don't let him do bad things for you."

"Ha!" Yuan Wuji chuckled, "Don't worry, Wu Wuji is also my half son, how could I harm him."

"You are so hateful!" It was called again, which made Suzaku go crazy, and the smile of the person in front of him was like a devil.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." After laughing for a while, Yuan Wuji's expression turned serious, and he turned his back and said, "You should know that Wu Wuji was almost taken away by someone back then, right?"

"What do you mean by that?" Suzaku Yi really knew that she was also involved in this matter at the beginning, and only then did she solve her infinite worries.

Back then, she had a good impression of Yuan Wuji and thought he was a good person, but she never expected...

Thinking of what happened between the other party and the Virgin, Zhu Quyi couldn't help but secretly scolded herself for being blind and believing that he was a good person.

Yuan Wuji ignored the thoughts in Zhu Quyi's mind, and directly expressed his doubts, "In the depths of the secluded world, there is also the old lair of the person who seized the infinite, and there may not be other souls left in his lair, but Possessing the pupil of the devil in the infinite body is an indispensable step in his plan.

So, you have to think carefully about what Infinity has done differently recently. If you are not careful, Infinity will surely fly away. Now, his life and death are in your hands, so don't take it as a joke. "

"After all, Infinity and I have no blood relationship, but he is your elder brother."

The last sentence was full of deep meaning, and it was enough for Suzaku Yi to understand the importance of the matter.

At this time, Suzaku Yi stopped making trouble, and after panicking, he frowned, thinking about all the things he had with Infinity before.

But this time, Moshi will not leave any loopholes, and will indeed imitate infinitely wonderfully.

Even when they competed for the dark blood crystals, Yuan Wuji felt a little strange just because he had cultivated five-sense enhancement techniques such as Tianzi Wangqi, not because he was sure that there was a problem.

In the Nether Realm, he also pursues an infinite personality in doing things, otherwise he would not have agreed to accompany Suzaku Yi for a night when he obtained the Duotai Shaved Coffin.

Show the younger sister to the fullest.

Therefore, even Suzaku Yi didn't notice anything strange for a while.

 The third change, during the double monthly pass period, do you still have tickets?
(End of this chapter)

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