Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 504 each with their own minds

Chapter 504 each with their own minds

But at this time, above the mountain peak, the flowers on the other side bloomed, and a refreshing fragrance came to the nostrils.

The blurred and soft voice suddenly sounded, making people feel uneasy.

The appearance of Baichuan Linghua also awakened Suzakuyi from her memories.

The refreshing fragrance hit the nostrils, and Suzaku Yi's face gradually showed a trace of obsession.

But immediately after, Suzakuyi's expression changed, his body became weak for a while, and he had no strength, and the true energy in his body was even more silent.

"Yes, poisonous!"

As soon as Zhu Quyi said two words, her body fell limply, but fortunately Yuan Wuji was beside her, so she held her in her arms so that she didn't fall to the ground.

"Little girl, although the fragrance of flowers is charming, you must have the corresponding strength to enjoy it!"

Bai Chuan Linghua smiled coquettishly, and a gust of breeze blew by while waving his sleeves, Suzaku Yi gradually regained his strength, after all, Bai Chuan Linghua didn't come here to fight with others.

As soon as he regained his strength, Zhu Quyi quickly broke free from Yuan Wuji's embrace, and stared at the two of them vigilantly, "Sure enough, none of you are good people."

"Good guy? Hahaha!" Bai Chuan Linghua covered her mouth and chuckled, "Little sister is so innocent and cute!"

Yuan Wuji didn't mind Bai Chuan Linghua's method, after all, the poison of the demon flower was useless to him, and at the same time he taught Zhuqueyi: "Yi'er, my father said that your experience in the world is too shallow. , Walking in a difficult situation will lose your life at any time."

Yuan Wuji sighed as he spoke, as if he was very tired, "Letting you follow as a father also allows you to gain some experience in the world. This time you understand that the world is dangerous, right?"

"Huh!" Suzakuyi just snorted, but the education of this period of time has made Zhuqueyi dare not offend Yuan Wuji easily, because it will only provoke a severe beating. Don't want to feel anymore.

After educating Suzaku Yi, Yuan Wuji came back to his senses and looked at Bai Chuan Linghua, who was swaying and radiant, "I don't seem to know Miss Linghua, what is the purpose of Miss Linghua wanting to see me?" Woolen cloth?"

"Master Yuan is humble. Master Yuan doesn't know Ling Hua, but Ling Hua has admired his name for a long time. So far, the first volume of "Spiritual Anxiety Volume" has proved that what he said is true. So what is the purpose of Ling Hua's invitation to come here?" It can be hidden from the young master's eyes."

Bai Chuan Linghua smiled slightly, red eye shadow, long and narrow eyes, even though they were solemn enough, they still gave people a temptation.

"Oh? It seems that you have really worked hard to understand me."

Yuan Wuji did not deny that his several incarnations are not only known to the world, but they have been heard of to a certain extent, as long as he spends a little effort, he can know everything in the past without any effort.

However, it is only from the beginning of the ancient original hegemony, and then it is already a chaos.

"If you don't understand, how dare you invite your son."

"Ha!" Yuan Wuji chuckled, looking at Bai Chuan Linghua with deep meaning in his eyes, that kind of feeling made Bai Chuan Linghua raise his brows slightly, and it was particularly twisted, as if in the eyes of the other party, he had no secrets, including his past, including his past. future.

After a long time, Yuan Wuji said quietly: "Since Hua Splashed Mo willingly became the Yasha Xiaowang, your fate has been doomed. Now, what do you want to change?"

"Challenge the evil god of Baqi? Or let Chi Luo comprehend the ultimate mystery of life and death? Or let you regain your freedom?"

Without waiting for Bai Chuan Linghua to answer, Yuan Wuji said to himself: "Unfortunately, Chi Luo needs to make a decision on all of this. The only thing I can help you is to force Chi Luo to complete the way of life and death."

Having said that, Yuan Wuji's voice paused, his eyes fell on Bai Chuan Linghua's face, and there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, "But, this requires you to pay a very high price."

"Huh?" Bai Chuan Linghua was suspicious, looked at Yuan Wuji with a confused face, wanted Chi Luo to take the initiative to kill herself, but even she couldn't do it herself, could the person in front of her really have a way?

The way of life and death must be to let Chi Luo really kill him in the most formal confrontation, not to play tricks.

However, when she first invited Yuan Wuji to meet with Duan Tiantu, perhaps she really thought that the other party might be able to do all this in her heart.

"Baichuan Linghua, when you make a decision, you can find me here."

Yuan Wuji didn't say any more, raised his hand and an ancient scroll fell into Bai Chuan Linghua's hands, and then left with the Suzaku clothes.

One of the two didn't say the price, and the other didn't ask.

When the day comes, you will know.

However, Bai Chuan Linghua understands that the price is definitely not light, "It seems that I really did not find the wrong person."

"What are you talking about? It's mysterious."

Suzaku Yi followed Yuan Wuji, he couldn't get rid of it, he could only accept his fate temporarily, and look for opportunities in the future. At the same time, during this period, he could better explore Yuan Wuji's secrets.

As for the matter of infinity, she didn't find any doubts after all. She felt that Yuan Wuji must be alarmist, and wanted to use this matter to threaten herself or the Holy Mother to achieve a certain purpose.

"You really want to know?"

Yuan Wuji walked slowly, and said without shaking his head: "But you know, once you know some secrets, you will never be able to leave my side."

"Ah? Forget it, who wants to know what you guys are going to say."

Zhu Quyi waved his hands repeatedly, and after finishing speaking, he made a face at Yuan Wuji's back, but said angrily in his heart: "If you don't tell me, sooner or later I will find out."


within the universe.

Just like the realm of majesty, the galaxy is bright and colorful.

The evil kings of the heavens dressed in black circulated their vast power, gradually eroding the broken seals in their bodies, and were about to completely liberate their souls and restore their strength.

"Xuanzun Jiutian, you can't trap me after all!"

As the evil kings of the heavens suddenly opened their eyes, the character 'sky' between their brows erupted with bright light, covering up all the light for a moment, leaving only a huge ball of light.

But at this time, at the peak of Xianjiao, Jun Fengtian came alone with the Dharma on his back.

Inside Yunhaixianmen, Jie Hongyan arranged for Rumengling and others to take care of Bingshao, and also decided to set off for the impermanent heaven of hell. Door.

Furong Zhuke also had a heavy expression in Wahuangyun Palace, and there were more dark purple light balls in her hands.

"The disaster of the Underworld Emperor finally came, but I didn't expect it to be opened by Tianji."

Furong Zhuke whispered to himself, his eyes flickering, "The sword and bow of the Underworld Emperor is now in the hands of the foster mother, and the meaning of Yuan Wuji's words before the Underworld Emperor Shanfeng and the Underworld Emperor's Spear has fallen into his hands. The last time He is asking me about the essence of the Underworld Emperor, what is his plan?"

Furong Zhuke didn't think that the person closest to him would be willing to help others. He must have other purposes for collecting the Underworld Emperor's blade, but Furong Zhuke didn't know whether it was for his own use or whether it was related to the evil kings of the heavens.

Same bed but different dreams.

"I'm afraid it's not just me who can't see through his mind, even Hong Chenxue and Man Li can't see through it, right? Maybe I should find a chance to go back."

After Jie Hongyan left Wahuangyun Palace, in the Crystal Palace of Queyuntai, the Bing Shao under the care of Rumengling and Linjiangxian also experienced inexplicable changes.

 Thank you: Dao Da Throne, Light Makes Other Gods, God Demon Saint Kings are all occupied, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xingchen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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