Chapter 505 Battle of Fate

When Bai Chuan Linghua returned to the corpse mountain, an evil order swirled in the air, and at the same time, an evil light enveloped Chi Luo, and Chi Luo's injuries gradually recovered.

"Sky Controller."

Bai Chuan Linghua murmured and stopped walking.

Not long after, Chi Luo slowly opened his eyes and looked at the evil order in the sky.

At this time, the voice of Yu Tianzhe also came out from within the evil order, but Bai Chuan Linghua didn't hear it, and only saw Chi Luo nodding.

Immediately, the evil order disappeared, and Bai Chuan Linghua walked in slowly.

"Did the Sky Master come to order again?" Bai Chuan Linghua asked calmly. Every time she saw Chi Luo being ordered by others, Bai Chuan Linghua felt very uncomfortable, and a certain idea in her heart gradually became firm, "Perhaps, It’s time to get rid of this bad relationship.”

"The return of the evil god has reached the last moment. I have to do something. You should stay at the corpse mountain and wait for me to come back!"

Chi Luo's deep voice came from behind the mask, but this time, it was full of determination, and Bai Chuan Linghua was not given a chance to follow.

Obviously, last time Bai Chuan Linghua almost fell, scaring Chi Luo, he didn't want Bai Chuan Linghua to be in danger again.

"Huh?" Bai Chuan Linghua narrowed her eyes slightly, which was rare, and this time, she did not refute.


Among the mountains beyond the Buddhist boundary of West Huang, the huge stone lotus is still there.

With the departure of Fawei King Kong and Liushenzi, several evil shadows reappeared.

"The last breath of the power of blood and darkness disappears here."

Le Xunyuan looked at Shi Lian with one hand behind his back and said, he once had a deal with Di Ming and was promoted by his blood-dark power, so he is more sensitive to this power than others.

Mianbian Jialuo and Zonghengzi were also on the sidelines. Obviously, their trip had no purpose other than checking the situation here.

"The news about Mr. Fei also disappeared here. It seems that something happened to him too."

Dianbian Jialuo glanced around, and could still feel some of the remaining breath in the mess left by the great battle.

"It's okay, we're gone, but we still have help near the Buddhist boundary of West Huang."

Zonghengzi said suddenly, and the gazes of several people fell on Zonghengzi without realizing it.

"I once heard from Mr. Fei that there is an entrance to the Yama Ghost Prison near the West Huang Buddhist Realm. This entrance was sealed by the West Huang Buddhist Realm and Jiutian Xuanzun and others, but the people in the Yama Ghost Prison have already sneaked into the miserable situation. Prepare to break the seal, we may seek their cooperation."

"After all, whether it is to unseal the dragon's head or the people of the ghost prison who want to unseal the seal of the ghost prison, what they want to move is the West Yellow Buddhist Realm. Since there is a common enemy, then everything is easy to talk about."

"Yan Luo Ghost Prison, I seem to have heard it mentioned by the Ghost Dragon King."

Dianbian Jialuo narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded after thinking for a while, "Okay, I will leave it to Zonghengzi to deal with it at this time, and I hope you can reach a cooperation before the Royal Skymaster gives the order."

"Please." Zonghengzi cupped his hands slightly, then turned and left.

And Le Xunyuan, who was beside Dianbian Jialuo, suddenly squinted his eyes, and said, "I might as well accompany Zonghengzi for a ride, in case of other accidents."

The relationship between Zonghengzi and Yuan Wuji has always been the reason why the Babu people could not fully trust, so Mianbian Jialuo directly agreed.

Le Xunyuan naturally has another purpose in doing this. Yuan Wuji is what he fears the most in his life. Therefore, he has always avoided the place where Yuan Wuji exists. Now that he has the opportunity to contact the other party's new forces, he will naturally not miss it. Perhaps, this is another help for him.

It has always been Le Xunyuan's policy to travel around and strengthen oneself.

From the Nishenyang, Diming, and Renjue back then to the current evil god, he has been able to nourish and live until now, and even become stronger and stronger, relying on his ability to do a job with ease among various forces.


the other side.

Anji took Yinyang Takiyahime, Tengu Hiei and Xuwadouzi who were reborn by the power of the evil god to the fairy gate of Yunhai.

Obviously, they have already explored the emptiness of Yunhai Xianmen, and they want to take this opportunity to break through. Before the evil god is born, they must first destroy the enemy and make great achievements. Only in this way can they be favored by the evil god. back to his brother.

On the Confucian side, there is the ghost dragon king to mediate.

But halfway through the journey, he meets his fateful enemy again.

"I don't hate that I don't see the ancients, but I hate that the ancients don't see me. Whoever solves the front is the wind, and the sword is defeated and sighs Dugu."

The cold wind blows, white hair is blown, the sword is missing, and the devil's front of all crimes in his hand leans on the ground, blocking the gate.

Sen Leng's sword intent condensed around his body, blocking the way forward.

But behind Jian Shangque, Jian Langya and Gu Xinglei still followed each other.

After the last battle with Yuan Wuji, Jian Shangque's injury was finally healed, and he traced the aura of the dark truth again, so he came here.

"Front Demon!"

Seeing a moment missing from the sword, An Di knew that today's battle would be difficult.

It's not even an ordinary battle anymore, but a battle of life and death.

The grievances between the two can be traced back to when Xuanzun Jiutian started the Holy War.

At the beginning, he died at the hands of Feng Mo.

Meeting again now is an enemy of fate.

Andi's eyes flickered slightly, and then behind his hands, there was a murderous intent in his eyes, "I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you finally found it. Today, let's understand the grievances between you and me here!"

Jian Langya and Gu Xinglei naturally confronted the Mianliu Sanzong, leaving the real battlefield to this pair of fateful enemies.

"Today, you will surely die."

The sword was full of sinful magic fronts, and the blood-stained cloth wrapped around the sword body fell down, revealing the real cold magic front. The cold light shone, and the space seemed to be torn apart.

"Very good, then show your strength!" Following An Di's cold drink, his palm soared to the sky, the dark green vortex expanded, and then opened the third level of the dark world to absorb the infinite evil power of the universe.

"Eight wastes are all in the bag, only the evil is the only one!"

An Di's palms swirled, absorbing the evil power of the eight wastes for his own use, turning it into an extremely murderous style, and a series of eight bright green light clusters bombarded the sword.

But he saw the sword on the sword soaring to the sky, and with a swipe of his finger, he entered the realm of the human sword's power, "There is no end to the edge, and there is no end to the style!"

As the sword was missing and pointing, the magic front in front of him spun extremely fast, emitting streams of sword light, and collided with eight light spheres.

The two moves face each other, the sword energy disperses, the evil force recedes, and An Di draws in his palm, all the dispersed evil force enters the body, becoming stronger and stronger.

At this time, Jian Shangque suddenly grabbed the hilt and disappeared in place in an instant, "The sword reaches the world beyond form."

A final move, desperate to come.

The dark truth, the eight wildernesses and the evil forces are united, condensed in the palm, and the palms are continuous, which can't stop the demon front.

The two strong skills are raised to the limit, the body shape changes, and the magic sword and evil claw cut through the most extreme conflict.

This entanglement is like a stick of incense.

Until, one sword move is exhausted, and the evil power is eliminated.

The sword's edge pierces three inches before the palm, no matter how hard it is to penetrate.

Jian Shang Que looked calm, because this was just the beginning, his long hair was dancing in the wind, Jian Shang Que was still confident, "You are making good progress!"

"The enmity of many lifetimes must be ended at last."

Andi's deep voice came out, and the next moment, he spit out the strength of his palm, and the majestic monster force impacted, and each of them retreated.

"Come out with your most perfect move, otherwise, Fengmo will definitely break the sword here today."

"Then it's your bet, one move to win!"

One side of the body is missing from the sword, and when the sword is pointed behind, thousands of sword qi will manifest.

This is also the goal he wants to achieve, because his demon soul is just a rebirth. The last time he fought Yuan Wuji to the death, although his injuries have recovered, it is difficult for the demon soul to stay in the world for a long time.

After all, he was already a dead person, and without the help of a true god like Baqi evil god, it was not easy to return to the human world, but he no longer had too many regrets.

It is enough to be able to accompany my daughter for a period of time, but it is a pity that I failed to avenge the devil.

However, it was too late.

The lack of vision on the sword is certain, the awareness is already in the heart, and all distracting thoughts are cut off with one sword.

The last sword is not the end, it is the grudge!
On the other hand, the battles of Jian Langya, Gu Xinglei, and Mianliu were also affected by the battle of Jianshangque and Andi, and gradually stopped, keeping an eye on the battle situation.

"Father Devil!"

Jian Langya murmured, with a nervous expression on his face, clenched the bloody sword in his hand, showing his restless heart.

Gu Xinglei next to him opened his mouth, but he was speechless.

This is the case for warriors, who have never said anything about peace, they are on the road of fighting all their lives, and every moment, they are wandering between life and death.

Jian Langya understood the Demon Father's determination, so she didn't stop, let alone disturb, but just stared at the proud and unyielding back.

At this moment, she can only choose to believe in the undefeated swordsman in the legend of Youjie, her father—Fengmo·Jian Shangque!

(End of this chapter)

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