Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 506 The Tragedy of the Front Demon【Added for the rudder master 'Gundam Throne'】

Chapter 506 The Tragedy of the Front Demon【Added for the rudder master 'Gundam Throne'】

"Win the king and lose the bandit, the king has no regrets."

Against Feng Mo again, An Di will not back down at all, losing once is a disgrace, and losing the second time is incompetence.

He had already suffered enough losses in Jixuan Valley, and now facing Shang Fengmo, he must not let the evil god down again.

An Di's mind is fixed, and the distracting thoughts in his mind also disappear, leaving only a strong fighting and killing intent.

"One Life, One Sword, Ultimate Sword, Perfect!"

There is no robe on the sword, the long hair dances wildly, the sword mark between the brows shines with magic light, the cold eyes only focus on the opponent in front of him, "I, I swear to kill you!"

"For the sake of my little brother, I will kill you!" Andi roared, and suddenly raised his palms, reappearing the fourth level of the dark world, with bright green currents shining all over his body, covering the sky densely, "Forbidden Heaven and Burning Earth, Destroying Gods!"

With Andi holding both palms, endless demonic and evil power enters the body, Andi reappears the evil appearance of a hundred demons, and turns into a rakshasa with a height of several feet and a hideous appearance. war.

The entire sky is in the palm of your hand.


Que on the sword let out a deep cry, and the magic front pointed directly at An Di, and during the extremely fast rotation, he absorbed infinite sword energy for use.

"One sword in this life, one defeat in the sword, sigh Dugu!"

The sword of sacrificing one's life, returning to the original, don't ask the world, you are invincible.

With the palm missing on the sword, he spit out the strength of the sword, condensing the whole body's energy into the sword, turning into a series of sword spirit shadows, holding the sharp sword in his hand and impacting on the Baiyao Rakshasa one by one.

Immediately there was no end to the roar.

I saw that the Hundred Demon Rakshasa transformed by the Dark Truth took half a step back, without any injuries on his body.

"How could this be?"

Jian Langya, who was watching the battle, shouted in surprise, it would be shocking that the devil father who had used all his strength could injure his opponent half a point.

However, facing the dark truth in the wild laughter, Jian Shangque only frowned, and the killing intent burst out. The next moment, his figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he appeared in the sky above the Baiyao Raksha, with the head of a sword owl.


Faced with a life-threatening crisis, An Di Yao twisted his body to avoid the lore sword, but saw that the missing sword on the sword changed, and a sword pierced through the heart.

At the same moment, Baiyao Raksha roared, and the giant palm suddenly bombarded the heart missing from the sword.

Que spouted a mouthful of blood from the sword, and flew back upside down, making a deep hole on the ground, while Baiyao Luocha was also beaten back to its original shape, An Di rolled to the ground, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and sprayed from his heart. The blood even stained the ground red.

"Father Devil!"

"Master Yuxie King!"

In an instant, Jian Langya and Mianliu Sanzong, who were watching the battle, suddenly separated the two sides, and at the same time stared at the opposing team with murderous intent.

"Uh hahaha..."

Andi knelt down on one knee, stabilized his body, and opened his mouth to let out a strange laugh. Blood kept gushing from his mouth, but he still couldn't stop his excitement, "Fengmo, this injury is not enough. Take my life, but you use your soul essence to urge this sword, you will definitely lose your soul! Hahaha..."

The mouth and heart kept spurting blood, but An Di's excitement couldn't be suppressed.


Jian Langya looked nervous and urged Moyuan, but seeing that the body lacked on the sword was sometimes empty and sometimes real, and the soul was unstable, obviously, what Andi said was true.

At this moment, a voice of Lang Lang's poem came, "The jade tree melts into the immortal spirit, and the light is mixed with the vulgar as if it has no intention. The long sorrow suddenly flies away like a crane. Where can I find a lonely cloud?"

Above the cloud sky, a fairy shadow swirled in the sky.

Shocked to see a powerful enemy approaching, Andi suddenly shouted, "Let's go."

The three sects of Mianliu also knew that the coming person was powerful, and King Yuxie was seriously injured, so they stopped staying immediately, and the four of them disappeared directly.

"Feng Mo? What happened here?"

Yun Huizi noticed Feng Mo's situation, looked surprised, and asked at the same time.

He came here because he felt the eruption of demonic energy nearby at Yunhai Xianmen.

He didn't dare to go too far away from the Immortal Gate easily, but because An Di's target this time was the Immortal Gate, the distance was not too far, so he could move out with peace of mind.

Immediately, Jian Langya told the main story, and after a while, Yun Huizi also shook his head solemnly, "What An Di said is true, Feng Mo has long since fallen, and it exists by relying on the demon soul. It may be possible to stay in this world for a long time, but the more times you use force, the weaker you become, and now, he even uses the demon soul to urge the sword style, and the source of the demon soul collapses, and I have no power to recover."

"How could this be, Father Demon!"

Jian Langya only hugged Jian Shangque, but seeing Jian Shangque slowly opened his eyes, his expression was still calm, "I have pursued the pinnacle of swordsmanship in my life, and now, the only regrets are that I have not sought justice for the demon king. , and the second is still unable to kill An Di, ahem..."

While speaking, Jian Shangque's soul body became weaker and weaker. Jian Shangque looked at Jian Langya, his face suddenly became gentle, and he gently touched Jian Langya's cheek with his deep hand, and said in a low voice: "Langya, I have been a sword for my father all my life. , but let you bear a lot for me, I feel ashamed of your mother and daughter, but I don’t regret it as a father.”

"Father Devil, I understand, I never blamed you."

Jian Langya hissed and said, the devil is ruthless, but at this moment, tears are streaming from the eyes of this cold-faced female killer in Zhiyoujie.


Yun Huizi on the side also let out a long sigh, and after thinking about it, he said again: "I have a method here that can put Feng Mo into a coma and temporarily stabilize the speed of his soul crashing, but because this is the secret method of the fairy gate, it will definitely meet with the demon soul. There is a conflict, so it is temporarily effective, once it breaks out again, Fengmo will also..."

Yun Huizi didn't go on with the last words, but the meaning was self-evident.

"Please ask Yun Zun to cast a spell!"

Jian Langya suppressed his sadness strongly, and suddenly said solemnly.

"it is good!"

Yun Huizi agreed, and with a flick of the floating dust in his hand, Taos of celestial light shone and merged into Fengmo's body, and the weak Fengmo also fell into a coma, but the soul body also became real again at this time, no longer illusory.

"Jian Langya, what are you going to do?"

After performing this technique, Yun Huizi's face paled slightly, then he stabilized his immortal essence and asked curiously.

"Find someone who can save the Demon Father."

Jian Langya said solemnly, she knew that there was someone who might be able to do this.

At the beginning when he entered the Wonderland of Mountains and Seas under the Nine Infants Project, many people died because of it, but those people were rescued one by one afterwards.

The ability to bring the dead back to life like this is Jian Langya's last hope.

Yun Huizi didn't ask too many questions. Everyone has their own secrets. He could only exhort: "This method can only last for one day. After one day, if there is no solution, the immortals and demons will charge each other, and the front demons will be in a coma. Immediately, the soul flies away."

"I understand!"

Jian Langya picked up Jian Shangque and walked towards Youjie.

She didn't have a way to contact Yuan Wuji, but she knew that there was someone who could, although she was equally resentful about that person, but in front of the devil's life and death, it was nothing.

As Yuan Wuji traveled all the way, there had already been spies under his command passing on all the news to him, so the situation in the martial arts world was under control.

"Well... Tianshan's opportunity is approaching, and I wanted to go there, but I can only travel through time and space with my soul. If I want to go, I can't accompany my body. Wherever I am, I am afraid that I will die at any time without a body." It is dangerous, but if something unexpected happens to this soul power, the soul will no longer be complete, and my way to God will be cut off."

"So, I can't use the soul of this deity, but this matter is related to the complete Yin-Yang order. It seems that I should find an opportunity to use this thing."

In Yuan Wuji's hand was a dark green bead the size of a fist.

Xuan Mizhu.

The ancestor of the green robe in the Shu Mountains refined it with the Xuanmu Dafa, and it can be transformed into a second soul.

"This materializes the second soul, so that there is no need for a body, and I can directly travel through time and space with the help of Ye Xiaochai's Buddha relationship. Even if the second soul is lost, it will not affect my original soul."

At this moment, the jade pendant on Yuan Wuji's waist suddenly flickered a few times.

"Huh? It was Jiuying who invited me back. Has there been any change in the Nether Realm?"

Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he made a decision, "Go back to the Nether Realm first, see what's going on with Jiuying, and then check the situation in the Nether Realm carefully, and then complete the work of the second soul in the Nether Realm."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Wuji glanced back at Suzaku Yi who followed behind him, kicking stones while walking, with a sullen expression on his face.

"Yi'er, let's go, I will go back to the Nether Realm on behalf of my father."

Hearing this, Suzakuyi was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became happy, but soon there was a flash of entanglement, and he thought to himself: "Every time this guy returns to Youjie, there must be no good things, but when I go back to Youjie, there is the Virgin. It is impossible for him to touch me again."

Thinking of this, Suzakuyi heaved a sigh of relief. During these days, she was really afraid that Yuan Wuji's animal nature would become violent. Now if she returns to the Nether Realm, there is no need to worry about it with the Holy Mother.

Although she has some estrangement from the Virgin, but in this matter, she feels more secure with the Virgin.

 The third change, after speeding up the code for a while, I got a headache and cramps in my hands, especially the little finger!cry……

(End of this chapter)

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