Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 507 Swallowing Beasts and Swearing [The chapter number was wrong yesterday]

Chapter 507 Swallowing Beasts and Swearing [The number of chapters was dazzled yesterday]

Dark Truth's injury was unexpected.

However, destroying the Immortal Gate is not something that can be done in a short period of time. After Yu Tianzhe heard the news, he asked An Di to return to the Tower of the Three Realms to cultivate, and then decide on the matter of the Immortal Gate.

the other side.

How come the evil stream of black water rushes to become a waterfall, and swallows it into the mouth of a thirsty ghost, and it spurts like a demon's saliva, which is frightening to see.

Zonghengzi and Le Xunyuan came to the sealed place of Yan Luo Ghost Prison, looking at the scene in front of them, they were surprised for a moment.

It's not hard to find this place, and it's the only place with such a majestic ghostly aura within the Buddhist boundaries of Xihuang.

"Swallowing beasts is indeed extraordinary, but I don't know what the ghosts below can do."

Behind Le Xunyuan's hands, there was a grandmaster demeanor.

"The existence that can make both the ghost unicorn master and the extraordinary monarch fear, is naturally not ordinary."

Zonghengzi held the chess piece in his hand and said calmly.

"There is no movement, it seems that we still need to invite us out to see."

Le Xunyuan squinted his eyes slightly, and suddenly received Qi Jin in his palm, and blasted towards the black water in the torrent.

Just now.

A sudden burst of Buddha's light blocked Le Xunyuan's move.

Immediately, I heard the sound of Zen again, "Qingyun follows the Buddha one step at a time."

As the voice fell, a Buddha with a wide smile and blue relics on his head appeared, holding a blue jade bowl in his left hand, "What are you two doing here?"

Holding the jade bowl with one hand and the other in front of his chest, Qing Sui Fozi asked directly.

"Huh? People from the West Yellow Buddhist Realm?"

Zonghengzi frowned slightly, and said.

The only monks who can appear here at this time are the West Yellow Buddhist Realm.

"Yes." Qing Sui Fozi nodded, and continued: "Qing Sui Fozi, one of the Four Zen Heavens in the West Huang Buddhist Realm, has met two practitioners."

"This place is sealed by the ghost clan. I was ordered by Shengheng to be responsible for guarding here to prevent ghosts from appearing and hurting people. If the two cultivators have nothing else to do, it is better to leave quickly."

Qing Sui Buddha had a compassionate expression on his face.

"Oh? So that's it." Zonghengzi's eyes flickered, and then he said with a smile: "I was browsing the scenery with my friends, and I happened to come to this place, and felt that this lake is extraordinary. Don't bother."

After finishing speaking, Zonghengzi bowed slightly, and turned back with Le Xunyuan to leave.

Seeing the backs of the two people gradually disappearing, Qing Sui Buddha's eyes were gloomy, and he whispered to himself, "What's the purpose of them coming here?"

On the other side, Zonghengzi and Le Xunyuan walked leisurely, and not long after, suddenly, a cold wind blew.

Immediately, the grass and trees on Fangyuan's land turned into white ash, and the whole space fell into a deadly white and gray environment.

"It's the breath of the ghost clan."

Zonghengzi and Le Xunyuan's eyes moved, as if they had expected it.

"It's really surprising that the evil god's deployment will come here."

A cold voice came from the mouth of the Goddess of Death, her indifferent pupils seemed to have no emotional fluctuations, and her eyes looking at Zonghengzi and Le Xunyuan seemed to be looking at two dead people.

"It's not surprising. We are here to cooperate with Yan Luo Ghost Prison."

Afterwards, Zonghengzi started lobbying.

After hearing the news, the Goddess of Death and Silence moved her eyes slightly, and said to herself: I will report this matter to my mother later, so that I can put pressure on Mr. Xi, and let him understand that there is no Yama ghost prison and he can only cooperate with him.

Thinking of this, the Goddess of Death and Silence looked at the two of them again, "I already understand what you mean, and I will give you the answer in a day."

"This is a matter of mutual benefit. I believe the leader of the ghost prison will understand."

After speaking, the goddess of death and silence on the opposite side did not answer, people had turned into white ashes and dissipated, and the world returned to normal again.

"It seems that the difficulty of our mission will be reduced this time."

With the disappearance of the goddess of silence, Le Xunyuan also spoke again.

"Perhaps, no matter how the ghost prison chooses, the power of the West Yellow Buddhist Realm must take into account this place, so their combat power has been weakened, and I believe that the Ghost Prison will not miss this trouble that will bring trouble to the West Yellow Buddhist Realm." Chance."

Zonghengzi is still full of confidence.

He knew that the Yan Luo Ghost Prison had once invaded a difficult situation, and the people in power had great ambitions, so they might be afraid of the power of the evil god of Badari, so they would not cooperate with each other.

But they will not give up the opportunity to weaken the Buddhist world of Xihuang, and as long as Yan Luo Ghost Prison makes some movement, it will help their actions this time.


Before Yuan Wuji received the news of Jiuying.

With Jian Shangque on his back, Jian Langya broke into the Youjie with Gu Xinglei.

Jiuying wakes up from retreat.

Seeing Jianshang Que's current state, he couldn't help laughing, "Feng Mo, Feng Mo, you also have today!"

Thinking of the last time Feng Mo was aggressively trying to kill him, and now seeing the other party's miserable state, Jiu Ying was very happy.

"Jian Langya, do you bring him back because you want me to send him to meet the Demon Lord?"

Looking at the embarrassed Jian Langya, Jiuying said with a sarcasm.

"I want to see Yuan Wuji."

Jian Langya suppressed the annoyance in his heart, and said directly.

"Oh?" Jiu Ying took a deep look at Jian Langya and Jian Shangque who was unconscious, and he already understood something in his heart, but he snorted, "I'm afraid you came to the wrong place if you were looking for him. This is the Netherworld, and there is no The person you are looking for."

"I know you can contact him, but whether you see him or not, Jiuying, can you really make the decision for him?" In order to save the devil father's life, Jian Langya did not back down at all.

"Hmph!" Hearing this question, Jiuying's face darkened. As the Holy Mother of Youjie, once the highest leader of Youjie, it is really hateful that she is threatened in such a way.


As if thinking of something, Jiuying looked at Jian Langya with a hint of disdain, "So, Jian Langya, it turns out that you will submit to men too. If so, the Holy Mother will help you once, but you have to read it." How are you going to present yourself."

For Jiuying's cynicism and ridicule Jian Langya has no understanding, now she is always paying attention to the state of the devil father, and what she should give in exchange for the other party's rescue.

At the beginning, after she came out of the release of "Shimolu", she obeyed Jiuying's orders and did not do anything for the other party, so she knew that the other party was a profit-seeking person, and she had to pay the price to satisfy him if she wanted to get something.

And bringing the dead back to life, I am afraid that the cost will be even more expensive.

However, as long as there is hope, she must try.

Because she didn't want the demon father who had finally been resurrected to disappear forever like this.

Jian Langya is cold-hearted, but that's just an outsider. Although the former demon father has long been affected by the evil spirit of Baqi, and his state is not right, but for her, he is the best father.

As time flows.

Yuan Wuji finally returned to Youjie with the Suzaku clothes.

"Yi'er, you have to investigate carefully during this time to see if there are any clues left by Infinity."

Although Suzakuyi has never given an answer, Yuan Wuji believes in his own feeling that there must be something wrong with the current infinite, but he doesn't know the size of the problem.

And in his calculations, Ji Meng, Zao Sie, and Haotian are all dead, and now only the fairy trail Wuming in the Yan Luo Ghost Prison and Feng Jiyue in the Universe Prison are left.

But Xianzong Wuming cannot appear now, and Feng Jiyue is related to the body of Emperor Yao Tianyao, and it is even more impossible to appear here, unless Moshi's soul is more than that.


Suddenly, Yuan Wuji seemed to have thought of something, "When the evil spirits were encircled and suppressed, the tiger soul seemed to have swallowed only half of their souls, while the other half escaped."

"Could it be..."

Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, suppressing his doubts in his heart. At this time, he handed it over to Suzaku Yi for verification. His main target now is the second soul and the thunder of killing gods.

 Thanks: Gundam Throne's 1333 Rewards; Thanks: Taiyi Immortal Emperor, Dutianshensha Zhoutian Xingchen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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