Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 509 The Empress of the First Meeting

Chapter 509 The Empress of the First Meeting

On the other hand, the West Huang Buddhist World has noticed that some unknown people have recently inquired about the situation of Jinwo Foshan, and the defense has increased, and the evil words of swallowing beasts have been handed over to Qingsui Fozi to follow.

However, they didn't know that Qing Sui Fozi was the traitor of Yan Luo Ghost Prison in the West Huang Buddhist Realm, and it was not only useless for him to follow him, but it also helped Yan Luo Ghost Prison to hide some things.

At this time, Mr. Xi also came to Swallow Beast at the invitation of the goddess.

The huge lake is like a ghost mouth opening its mouth to swallow the falling black waterfall. The sound of rumbling water, accompanied by ghost howls, shrouds the hundreds of miles around Tunshou Ekou in Yin Qi.

"Princess Guyue, it seems that the empress has agreed."

Mr. Xi said with his hands on his back, quietly watching the rushing waterfall.

And in the dark forest behind him, wearing a black skirt, the mysterious dead goddess slowly walked out, "Yes, the empress did agree to see you, but don't be too happy, now that the eight tribes have appeared in Xihuang Near the Buddhist world, I also desire to join hands with the ghost prison, and you are not indispensable."

"Hahaha!" Mr. Xi chuckled for a while, not surprised by the appearance of the eight tribes, because there is a dragon head in the West Yellow Buddhist Realm, and the eight tribes will definitely want to unite when they know the existence of the ghost prison. Of course, this matter It was decided that Yutianzhe gave the order, and the ghost unicorn master was not responsible.

Otherwise, with the Ghost Qi Lord present, this alliance will definitely disappear, and the hatred of extermination is not so easy to solve.

"why are you laughing?"

Hearing Mr. Xi's laughter, the Goddess of Death and Silence frowned.

"I laugh at you as the empress's daughter, but you don't know your own mother too well."

"What do you mean?" The goddess of dead silence stared at Mr. Xi with an unkind expression, as if she would turn her face in the next moment. The goddess of death silence respected her mother very much, and she was extremely eager for her mother to trust her and affirm her ability. Say, how not to be angry.

"Your vision is still too narrow. The Queen's ambition is to conquer the world. How powerful is the evil god of Baqi. Cooperating with him is like seeking skin from a tiger, and he is eventually swallowed. But this son is different. You and I are of equal strength, so we can start the most intimate relationship." Cooperation."

Mr. Xi looked confident, "Therefore, it is fine to use the help of the Babu people to complete the goal of the ghost prison, but to unite with the Babu people, hehe..."

Mr. Xi didn't say the latter words, but the meaning is self-evident.

The Goddess of Death was good at scheming, she understood the meaning in a flash, but her face still refused to admit defeat, she snorted coldly, and using a secret technique, a ghostly aura shot into the black lake.

A moment later, a layer of white mist rose above the surface of the lake, and soon after, the hall was reflected in the white mist, and an enchanting figure leaned on the throne.

"See the Empress."

Because the Goddess of Death and Silence is not allowed to call her mother, she has always been addressed as the Empress. Seeing the figure of the Empress in front of her, she quickly knelt down on one knee.

On the throne, the former Yan Luo Ghost Empress, and now the Lord of Yama Ghost Prison, did not enter reincarnation. The world did not pay attention to her daughter. She practiced the ultimate defense secret technique of ghost prison 'Forging Ghost Wuque Clothes', so it has long been cut off. Family, friendship, love.

As the empress slowly sat up from the throne, a strand of brown-yellow long hair hung in front of her body. The long hair on the top of her head was coiled up by gold ornaments, making her look noble and arrogant. The black tights on her body perfectly outlined her figure. The blooming chrysanthemum-like yellow gauze covered the towering lower part, coupled with the golden mask on the left face, it made her less sexy and charming, and more glamorous and domineering.

After all, this person's ideal is to let men have children!
She is indeed a woman with ambition, extreme personality, and strength.

"I have seen the beautiful Empress Her Majesty!"

Mr. Xi bowed slightly, with a calm face, neither fear nor salivation, only a touch of appreciation, obviously putting the two on an equal footing, even himself on top and the empress on bottom.

"You want to see me?"

Yan Tianxia spoke calmly, and his words were full of domineering arrogance.

"No, it should be the Empress who wants to see me."

"Oh?" Luo Tianxia's expression remained unchanged, but there was a touch of humor in his voice.

"Since the empress has aspirations for the world, she can't achieve it with the power of the ghost prison alone. Therefore, the empress must be courteous and corporal, and recruit talented and strong people to achieve her goal. Therefore, it should be the empress who should see me!"

Mr. Xi can be said to be eloquent, much better than the deity's character of flipping the table at every turn.

"What a clever mouth."

Tian Tianxia clapped his hands lightly, with a hint of a smile on his lips, and waved his sleeves at the same time, "I have heard Anji mention Mr. Yuan's ability. If you wish to be the master of the ghost prison, I can accept both beauties and power."

"Hey..." Mr. Xi waved his hand slightly, and his face turned cold. After countless years of aloofness, he has long been used to flattery rather than rejection.

"Empress, how can ordinary vulgar fans fall into the eyes of my son."

Mr. Xi glanced at the dead silent goddess who was still kneeling on the ground next to him, and said pointedly.


Yan Tianxia's eyes narrowed for a moment, and after a while, he burst out laughing, "It's okay, I'll wait for you to accompany me to conquer the adversity, and those so-called chivalrous women and princesses in adversity will be chosen by the national teacher."

"Is this the only sincerity that the empress has?"

Yuan Wuji still shook his head.

At this moment, the eyes of the world are slightly narrowed, as fierce as a falcon, as if traveling through space, staring at Mr. Xi closely.

"The illusory promises can't move me, and the empress thinks too shallowly of me."

"That's what the national teacher meant."

The eyes of the world flickered, and it took a while to look at the goddess of death, "Dark Ji, get up."


The goddess of death bowed and bowed before slowly getting up with a solemn expression on her face.

"Mr. Yuan, if you want to get more, you can use your skills. After you personally unseal the ghost prison, I will agree to this marriage."

After speaking, the white mist on the lake dissipated, and the figure of the world also disappeared. .

And the goddess of death who heard this raised her head in astonishment, with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

Mr. Xi smiled slightly, and looked at the goddess of silence beside him, "Princess Lonely Moon, did you see that? This is your mother, and your value is just a bargaining chip for her to be a strong man."

The Goddess of Death quickly suppressed the strangeness on her face, and said indifferently: "I will do whatever the empress asks me to do, and you don't have to sow discord here, just complete your task as soon as possible."

The death goddess' love and respect for her mother is not fake. For the sake of her mother, she can even sacrifice her own life. Therefore, she will not be shaken by Mr. Xi's words.

"Oh? It seems that Princess Lonely Moon can't wait to marry me."

Yuan Wuji didn't care either, and teased, with a weird smile on his face, but he had other thoughts in his heart: Empress, Empress, you thought I was referring to the goddess of death, but in my eyes, you have more desire to conquer !
At this moment, in the huge hall, Yao Tianxia let out a cold snort, and spread out a roll of cloth on the table.

"If you don't value what's in your mind, how can I let you be presumptuous? If you can't prove your worth, I will personally take your life to let you understand that I am not someone you can bully."

The content of the book on the cloth is obviously the "Twelve Gods Anxiety Volume" published by Yuan Wuji as a chess player.

It records various secrets, including the existence of Yan Luo Ghost Prison.

In addition, there are also a few fragments of pages mixed in the cloth, which belong to the fragments of the real "Spiritual Anxiety Volume".

And the pictures depicted on the remaining pages are clearly related to the ghost prison.

And this is the reason why the world values ​​Yuan Wuji.

The spies in the ghost prison are not limited to the Goddess of Death and Silence, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

It's just that the others are just spies, unable to complete some dangerous tasks, so the main thing is to send all kinds of important news about the plight to the ghost prison, so that the world can control the situation of the plight.

As for these few fragmented pages, she had already seen a few of them before, and they contained some secrets of the ghost prison, which made her sure of the authenticity. That's why she was so magnanimous to Mr. Yuan, and even agreed to marry her daughter to him.

However, although she is ruthless, she will not arrange her daughter in this way, and it is unknown whether the other party will marry her in the end.

Perhaps, the opponent has already been exploited and killed.

The ghost family is an eternal emperor and empress, but a husband-killer and power-killer, he murdered his husband twice with a ruthless heart, but he failed the second time, so how could he be easily manipulated by others.

 The third update!Rewards and updates are completed!Do fellow Taoists still have monthly passes?Ask for votes and support!

(End of this chapter)

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