Chapter 510
Inside the Defeng Ancient Road.

Xia Ru Wu Trace has returned.

Yu Lijing and the others intentionally avoided the pain of Xia Ru Wu Ting and asked what happened.

Soon he was locked on the ghost Qizhu's body, but this made Yu Lijing feel complicated.

"I will personally take charge of the ghost unicorn master."

Yu Lijing said in a deep voice with a solemn expression.

"Master..." Yun Wanggui was a little worried.

Yu Lijing also knew what everyone was worried about, he shook his head slightly, "Don't worry, everyone, I will not give him a chance to influence me."

"Besides the ghost unicorn, there is another person behind him who is scheming, but I still don't understand whether he is only targeting me or the world of elves, or Confucianism."

Xiaru Wuzong told the story, but ignored the misunderstanding with Master Shenhui. Everyone also believed in Xiaru's character, so they didn't ask more about it.

"There is also the figure of Mr. Yuan inside, Mr. Yuan is really indispensable everywhere!"

Hearing that Xiaru Wujing met Yuan Wuji when he returned without a trace, Yu Lijing and others said with emotion.

Even so, everyone will not let go of their guard against Yuan Wuji, and they are guessing what role Yuan Wuji plays in this.

After telling Yulijing and others about his experience, Xiaru Wutrace returns to Haozheng Wudao, where he meets Fengru Yingshuangqing who is guarding Jixuangu.

"Sister Feng, when can we add a little guy to Haozheng Wudao?"

Xia Ru Wu Ting's mouth was also unforgiving, but these blunt words made Mu Lingfeng, who had always been straightforward, blush. Fortunately, at this moment, she was transformed into Feng Ru, covered by a red gauze, so that people could not see her face. Beautiful and shy.

Afterwards, the two talked for a while, and Xiaru Wujing rushed to the depths to meet Huangru Wushang.

And after Xiaru left without a trace, thinking of what Xiaru said, Fengru ruthlessly touched his lower abdomen, with a hint of happiness on his face, but then, his expression turned into worry again.

Because Ji Xuangu is trying his best to suppress his injuries and recover his combat strength, which means that a new round of war is about to start.


In the universe, the primordial galaxy is manifested, and the divine power surges in it, washing the body of the heavenly traces, allowing the evil kings of the heavens to completely control this body.

At this time, a majestic voice spread into the universe, "Justify what is wrong with heaven and earth, what is judged as black and white is not judged, criminals are not committed by ghosts, what is broken by the sun and the moon is not broken."

The awe-inspiring sound of righteousness directly penetrated the gate of heaven and entered the ears of the evil kings of heaven.

For a moment, the huge ball of light flickered a few times, and then the ball of light stabilized, and a cold snort came from inside, "Xuanzun Jiutian, everything you did to me back then is now done by your descendants and disciples!" Take it!"

The recovery during this period allowed him to completely control the fairy body.

Although he lost his body close to the gods and his strength has been weakened by half, but the destiny of the cursed star allowed him to possess most of the strength in his heyday, enough to look down on the world.

If you get the ultimate Hades again...

But there is no rush.

The eyes of the evil kings of the heavens flashed, and a ray of light rushed out of the universe.

At this moment, under the feet of the fairy, Jun Fengtian bears the righteous law and descends with majesty.

The glorious light shines, and righteousness impacts all directions.

Just as Jun Fengtian was waiting in full force, the black cloud suddenly burst through, covered by a beam of white light, and immediately, a figure slowly descended in the white light.

"The three worlds are bright, and I give life to the best of my life. When one thinks of darkness, the whole world sinks."

Tianji's face has undergone drastic changes following the fall, and his black robe has also turned into white, which means that the evil kings of the heavens have completely controlled the body of Tianji.

His long white hair hangs down his waist, there are silver lines above and below his eyes, and silver vertical lines between his eyebrows. There are silver shawls and stand-up collars on his shoulders. Before, the evil color was thicker and the power was stronger.

"Huh?" The evil kings of the heavens hung high in the air, glanced coldly at Jun Fengtian below, and said indifferently, "The scorching sun, death and Zhao, people are not worthy of looking directly at them."

As soon as the lofty words fell, an invisible aura spread, and the earth turned upside down. The powerful aura seemed to force Jun Fengtian to bow his head.

"Jun Fengtian will never bow to evil."

Jun Fengtian shouted in a deep voice, and Zhengfa shot out from behind, and the sword qi crisscrossed and shattered in the midst of the volley.

"Then let Zhao see what you can do if you inherit the Nine Heavens Xuanzun!"

The heavens are against Fengtian.

This is the most extreme conflict between those who defy the sky and those who worship the sky.

It is also the official confrontation between God and man.

Before making a move, the confrontation between the strong has already collided invisibly, from intangible to reflecting reality, the surrounding hundreds of miles are shocked, and the sky seems to be torn apart.

Yinyue was stained with a layer of blood at some point.

It symbolizes that today's battle is destined to be difficult to solve.

Fengtian is happy.

The closest comrade-in-arms and brother who used to be, now have to make a choice.

"Tianji will not want to see himself become an accomplice of evil."

After Jun Fengtian murmured, there was only firmness in his eyes.

And at the same moment.

Inside the Yunhai Fairy Gate, Yun Huizi clenched his fists and stared nervously in the direction of Xianjiao, "Second Senior Brother, you will definitely be able to rescue Senior Senior Brother."

Yun Huizi whispered to himself, but in his words, he was a little less stable and a little more impetuous.

However, he soon thought of something, and his expression settled slightly, "I have sent a message to the Confucian sect, and I believe they will also take action. As long as we persist for a while, everything can be redeemed."

But within the Haozheng Five Paths, Ji Xuangu slowly opened his eyes from the state of concentration, and looked up at the changes thousands of miles away.

"Falunism and Confucianism are in trouble, common people are in trouble, and Ji Xuangu is obliged to do so."

Ji Xuangu stood up slowly, his holy robe trembling in the wind, his whole body seemed to turn into a beam of light, shining brightly in the world.

Looking at Ji Xuangu who disappeared, Mu Lingfeng who turned into Fengru also followed closely.

Only Xiaru and Huangru were left in Haozheng Wudao.

On the other side, Jie Hongyan stepped into the impermanent hell, experienced the test of the ice and fire double demons, and was about to face the ultimate demon.

At this time, Yuan Wuji also quietly left the Netherworld and headed towards the Impermanent Heaven of Hell; at the same time, a ball of light pierced the sky and flew towards Tianshan Mountain.

At the same time, Jianzong also went to Tianshan Mountain, not only to get rid of the trouble left by that person, but also to cut the cliff.

And Yupo, who was far away in the lonely castle in the sea, also left the lonely castle and went to Xianjiao.

Inside the lonely castle of Dihai, everyone was still imprisoned, Yiqingtian was corroded by poison, and it was difficult to gather merit, but outside the lonely castle, a sad figure of a swordsman ushered in.

Behind him are Yan Feihong and Miao Ruofan. At the beginning, Xi Duanhong was able to find Yusoul because of Yan Feihong's guidance. As the lonely castle in Dihai fell into calm, Yiqingtian and others had no news, so the two People understand that they must be lost in this.

Yan Feihong had already retreated into the Jianghu, but Yiqingtian was the benefactor of their mother and son, not to mention Miao Ruofan, so the two decided to explore Dihai Gubao, and they happened to meet Jianzhiji.

The three of them walked hand in hand, can the empty Earth Sea Castle really stop the single criminal?

In the battle between the two heavens, there are conspirators secretly watching, can Ji Xuangu really arrive in time to change the situation of the battle?
In the Nine Heavens Saint Realm, who will win the treasured mirror of profound veins?Who can learn the trick of killing gods?
Jianzong is facing the sword fetus, can he really take back his sword fetus as he wishes?
Xuan Min Hua Yuanshen, what impact will he have on the past during this trip through time and space?Will the future change because of this?

The atmosphere in the Buddhist world of West Yellow is tense. The Eight Tribes and the Ghost Prison join forces. Can the dragon head really be unsealed?

And within the stone lotus, who will win and who will lose, the devil, the ghost, or the Buddha?Who is the Lord of Blood Darkness?
Defeng Gudao, can Yulijing change the ghost unicorn master and find out the real culprit behind the scenes?

Inside Yunhai Xianmen, Yun Huizi was nervous about the situation of Xianjiao, but he didn't know that there was an undercurrent in Xianmen, what kind of blow this round of Yutianzhe would bring to Xianmen?
But on Shiliu Island, thousands of miles away from China, the evil king Ming finally came out, Shuangyue suffered a blood sacrifice, and the butterfly ran away. At this moment, Yuan Zheng was transferred back to Shiliu Island. Is the evil god hiding a conspiracy? Will his target be Yuan Wuji? ?
 Thanks to: Dao Throne, book friends 150... 059 and other fellow daoists for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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