Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 512 Ten Thousand Miles of Heavenly Sword Ends the Sky 【September Monthly Ticket 9】

Chapter 512 Ten Thousand Miles of Heavenly Sword Ends the Sky 【September Monthly Ticket 9】

On the other side, the roar gradually subsided, and the turmoil in Baili gradually subsided.

With the cloud of smoke and dust dispersed.

I saw a person kneeling on one knee, leaning on the ground with a sword, blood spurting out of his mouth continuously, staining the clothes on his chest red.

The indistinct divine emperor's aura surged outside the body, blocking most of the power of the ultimate moves of the evil kings of the heavens, so that Jun Fengtian would not die on the spot.But the true energy in the body was almost exhausted.

Although Jun Fengtian's body is weak, his eyes are still full of unyielding and firmness.

Even at this point, his determination has not wavered.

And in the air behind him, the evil kings of the heavens lowered their heads, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

At this moment, in his chest, a big hole pierced through.

But this blood hole did not bleed, but granulation was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then recovered inch by inch.

And this is the specialness of divine power, which has never been shown even in previous dramas. Losing divine power can make up for the defects of the physical body. If it is a real god's body, mortal moves can't hurt him at all.

After a long time, the evil kings of the heavens suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "This move is not enough to kill Zhao, you have failed!"

The evil kings of the heavens looked down at Jun Fengtian below again, even after this battle, the evil kings of the heavens were still as cold and arrogant as before.

Show the spirit of God.

cough cough...

Jun Fengtian coughed for a while and spit out the blood in his body. At this moment, his mind was full of thoughts, and he recalled the past.

The past is vivid, but it is so far away.

Sleeping in father's class.

Slipped into the world with Yu Xiaoyao to eat and drink, of course, he was the one who spent money, and Yu Xiaoyao reneged on his debts.

I thought of the side by side enemy in the Battle of Blood River, and the fading beauty.

"I'm not going to throw in the towel like this."

Jun Fengtian roared suddenly, propped his body up with the divine sword, and slowly stood up straight.

The brave are fearless.

There is no doubt that Jun Fengtian is also a brave man.

This is the second time Yuan Wuji saw a brave man, the last time was Ni Shenyang, but unfortunately he died and his remnant soul was used by him to recreate Yun Yichen.

It's just that Yun Yichen got lost on Shiliu Island.

And this time...

"A strong will doesn't make you change the outcome."

The evil kings of the heavens recovered from their chest injuries, and then raised their palms slightly, their backs were raised, their chests straightened, and a shocking force broke out again.

The gap between gods and humans is not only the quality of true energy, but also the quantity.

"This is just the beginning."

Jun Fengtian suddenly turned around, his unyielding eyes fixed on the evil kings in mid-air, "Even if he is a god, Jun Fengtian is fearless."

With a deep shout, a certain restriction in Jun Fengtian's body was broken, and immediately, a stronger and more extreme force broke out than before.

"Extremely broken true essence."

The extreme power directly penetrated the whole body under the acquiescence of Jun Fengtian, the hair ornament on the top of the head collapsed, and the long white hair fell loose, symbolizing that this battle has reached the final moment.

At this moment, the depleted zhenqi regenerated, but compared with the previous thick and long, it became more tyrannical, which was inconceivable for Jun Fengtian of Xianmen Kung Fu.

Breaking through the true essence is Jun Fengtian's last desperate means. This move is irreversible, and it also means that this body has become crippled.

Because this true energy is too extreme, as it is used, it will always damage the meridians in the body and swallow Jun Fengtian's life.

But correspondingly, it also gave Jun Fengtian more powerful power.

Although it is not divine power, its power is close to that of a god.

The majestic and domineering Zhenqi Supreme Jun Fengtian burst up in his body, like a pillar of heaven.

"Huh? You still have such a means."

The evil kings of the heavens felt the change of Jun Fengtian, their voices were condensed, and for the first time there was a touch of appreciation on their faces, "I have to say, you have amazed Zhao, but unfortunately, how can manpower be against the gods!"

As the last word fell, the evil kings of the heavens raised their palms angrily, "One evil from ancient times, the only evil in the world, defeated all the heavens."

No one can stop the path of the cursed star.

The evil kings of the heavens did not allow themselves to be defeated by the human beings whom he despised.

"Looking at the world and the world of mortals, the sword of the sky is as far as the sky!"

The time of Jipo Zhenyuan is limited, Jun Fengtian doesn't want to delay, between double pressure, opening and closing, he uses the strongest killer move, wanting to get rid of the disaster and save Yu Xiaoyao.

I saw Jun Fengtian suddenly knelt on one knee, pointing his sword to the sky, and uttered the last mantra, "Heavenly Sword Forbidden Moves Borrow a Sword from Heaven!"

Jun Fengtian broke the limit, and the mind and mind were in harmony, triggering the blessing of Wanjian.

In the distant sky, the huge Heavenly Sword Famous Peak above the cloud whale suddenly stirred, and immediately, sword qi burst out from the giant sword-shaped Heavenly Sword Famous Peak, shattered the void, and appeared directly where Jun Fengtian was. place.

Tianjian Famous Peak is a gathering of thousands of famous swordsmen in adversity. Once it is used, thousands of swords will follow. This represents the combined power of all top swordsmen in adversity, which can be said to be invincible in the world.

At this moment, within Yunhai Xianmen, Yun Huizi, who had been paying attention to the distance, saw the abnormal state of Tianjian Mingfeng, and his face suddenly changed.

"Second senior brother actually used this trick!"

Yun Huizi couldn't help shouting, the shock on his face was self-evident.

Because this is a deadly move of the immortal sect, and only Xuan Zun and the second senior brother mastered it.

Once used, the enemy will not die, and you will be powerless to fight again.

Therefore, with the use of this move, one can imagine how fierce and dangerous the battle will be.

Yun Huizi was a little restless, and wanted to move out to explore, but he was worried that the eight tribes would spy on him, and he didn't dare to leave lightly. With his strength, even if he passed, he might not be able to change the situation of the battle.

"Now we can only hope that the people from Confucianism can arrive in time."

For Confucianism, Yun Huizi still has some trust, because they are all comrades-in-arms of the second senior brother.


"It's this trick again!"

Feeling the powerful sword intent, the evil kings of the heavens changed face for the first time, not fear, but anger.

Because, after he was severely injured by the sword of heaven's punishment, he met the young Jiutian Xuanzun. In a fierce battle, he was finally defeated by Jiutian Xuanzun with this trick, and finally fell into a coma, drifted with the waves, and was finally rescued by Baqi evil god .

Because of this, there are now the evil kings of the heavens.

"Today, Zhao grants you death!"

All the evil kings of the heavens shouted angrily, and moved their palms together, converging their divine power in their palms, "Sigh from all directions!"

Invincible in all directions.

The two palms intertwined suddenly, as if the whole world was cut off, and melted into the depths of the universe. In the darkness, the stars were shining brightly.

Before, they had the mentality of playing games, but now the evil kings of the heavens are full of murderous intent.

At this moment, thousands of swords manifested in the sky, containing the sword intent of countless swordsmen in adversity. At this moment, the sky was densely covered, covering the sky and the stars.

The sword qi and sword intent of Tianjian Mingfeng are far from comparable to the Sword Sealing Pagoda, it is the best in the world, and because of this, it has created one of the strongest forbidden moves in Xianmen.

Using Jipo Zhenyuan and Tianjian forbidden moves represents the most extreme ending where either the enemy dies or we die.

As Jun Fengtian suddenly bent his fingers, the sword qi and sword intent suddenly blended together, as if stabbing down with the divine sword of punishment.

The void collapsed under the sword, and the stars burst, and the sun, the moon, and the stars all dimmed.

At this moment, all the evil kings of the heavens also broke out with all their strength. This sword was enough to hurt a close god. He who had been seriously injured was defeated by this move and almost died.

However, after receiving a sword, how could he be defeated by the same trick a second time.

The evil kings of the heavens no longer kept it, showing the power of gods, and at the same time blessed the power of the cursed star, wanting to kill with one blow.

 My hands are cold and numb, and I have to insert them in my armpits to warm them up before I can write, cry... Today is also the last day of the double monthly pass, please ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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