Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 513 Confronting Jie Hongyan again [Double monthly pass for the last 5 hours, ask for a month

Chapter 513 Confronting Jie Hongyan again [Double monthly pass for the last 5 hours, ask for a monthly pass from fellow Taoists! 】

[Thank you QQ for reading the 2 rewards from Taoist 'Yun Duo'! 】

All the evil kings of the heavens absorbed the power of the primordial primordial primordial energy of the heaven, earth, black and yellow universe, condensed the cross star arrows, and dissipated a blow from the sky.

Above the sky, thousands of sword qi fused together, like the sword of divine punishment, reproducing the power of divine punishment.

In the most extreme conflict, in an instant, the whole of Shenzhou was as bright as day, but there was darkness in front of all beings, because the blazing light of the sudden sword made people blind for a moment.

The huge fairy feet collapsed under the impact of the strong move, and the huge rocks had already turned into powder before they fell.

With the two of them as the center, a radius of hundreds of miles turned into an abyss of thousands of feet, as if a deep scar was imprinted on the land where the plight was intact.

With a strong attack, it will be crushed hundreds of miles away, and the earth will be cracked. I don't know how long it will take for the earth's energy to heal.

And in the center of the battlefield, Jun Fengtian has been swept out of the core of the battlefield by the majestic force, his whole body is ragged and blood is sprayed all over his body.

Even Jiyuan made him stronger, but under the impact of the two strong moves, the terrifying power of God's power broke out, as if to destroy the world.

On the other side, the Heavenly Evil Kings were also uncomfortable, and blocked the Heavenly Sword with one move, but at the last moment, the Heavenly Sword exploded, and then transformed into thousands of sword energy to penetrate through the body.

If the divine body is still there, this move is not enough to hurt him so badly, but although the body of the heavenly trace is extraordinary, it is still only a congenital man and not a god.

"I didn't expect that you could hurt Zhao so far."

The evil kings of the heavens spurted several mouthfuls of blood suddenly, their holy robes were torn, and there were hundreds of holes the size of pinholes on their chests. They only had [-]% of their cultivation left, and it would take a long time to recover.

Born in the second battle, he was severely injured before he could push the world across the world, which severely hit the pride of the evil kings in the sky.

Jun Fengtian didn't say a word, under the extreme essence, it was equivalent to a self-destructive foundation explosion, coupled with the use of desperate moves, and injured the evil kings of the sky to such an extent, Jun Fengtian had exhausted his true essence and was unable to speak.

In fact, if it wasn't for the remaining ray of divine emperor's spirit protecting his heart, Jun Fengtian would have died by now.

The aura of the emperor is very strong, especially Jun Fengtian's innate and acquired aura of the emperor.

But the divine emperor's aura can only be recovered in the holy place of Xianmen, and he has already entered the world, only the loss has not recovered, and it has been passed on to the Jade Lijing, which cleanses the blood and suppresses the ghost aura, so there is not much left.

It is already luck to be able to keep one breath under such circumstances.

But even so, if there is no one to rescue him, he may not be far from death.

But Jun Fengtian did not regret it. This battle was not only for saving the heavens, but also for the common people. He had heard the legend of the Underworld Emperor. The incident happened again in the land of China.

"Zhao will give you the honor that a strong man deserves, and die at Zhao's hands!"

The evil kings of the heavens dragged their bodies and approached slowly.

At this moment, he was unable to use his divine power to repair his damaged body, so he could only cultivate after this battle.

As the evil kings of heaven approached slowly, the palm around his waist swirled, becoming the last straw to destroy Jun Fengtian's life.

At this moment, a swift figure suddenly picked up Jun Fengtian.

The evil kings of the heavens snorted coldly, "If you want to save someone in front of Zhao, then you have to die."

Before the words were finished, a huge palm force was already attacking the black-clothed masked desire.

Seeing that Yupo Probe turned his hand, a yin and yang diagram appeared in front of him, covering his front in an instant, and turned back the palm of the evil kings of heaven.

However, with all the evil kings pointing out the yin and yang diagram, Yuan Wuji and Jun Fengtian have been lost.


The evil kings of the heavens snorted coldly, and the earth trembled. At this moment, a huge sword light came from outside the sky.


the other side.

Yuan Wuji won the Xuanmai Baojian and Xiao Shulin hurried to find a place to comprehend the legacy of the heavenly world, Thunder of Execution God.

Just now.

"Infatuation is wrong, withered beauty, golden years. Prosperous dream, weeping in the world of mortals, one thousand years and one night."

I saw that the sky reappeared with colorful clouds, and Yun Kuijie, the lord of Emperor Wa's immortal lineage, descended with a beautiful face holding the human-headed and snake-bodied Chenmu Shuangwa.

"The caring person behind it, do you really want me to reveal your identity?"

Jie Hongyan waved her hand, and Chenmu Shuangwa disappeared.

Immediately, he put his hands behind his back and stared coldly, obviously doubting the true identity of the man in black in front of him.

After all, it was Yuan Wuji who told about the Thunder of God Executioner, and with his character, how could such a magical move be left to others, but he deliberately revealed it to the immortal sect before, the only reason was that he could not obtain the treasure of the profound veins, so Only then told Xianmen to use her to take it out.

"Ha! Yun Kui really has sharp eyes."

Yuan Wuji hadn't thought about how long he could hide it. The black clothes on his body burst into pieces, revealing his true face. Autumn."

The sleeves are fluttering, reappearing the style of the son.

"It really is you, Yuan Wuji."

Jie Hongyan snorted coldly, her eyes were not friendly, "You are really planning on this, hand over the profound vein treasure mirror, for the sake of ingenuity, I will forgive you once."

"Yunkui, who gave you the courage and strength to say this to me?"

Yuan Wuji sneered, and said flatly: "It seems that you haven't recognized your own strength and status."

In Yuan Wuji's words, he didn't show mercy because Jie Hongyan was Qiao Tiangong's adoptive mother.


Jie Hongyan snorted angrily, and suddenly moved her palms together, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth for use, "The first form of Wahuang's Heavenly Heart Art - Scar of Stars!"

The palm blasted out like a shooting star, and it was in front of Yuan Wuji in an instant.

"The prophecy will kill you!"

Yuan Wuji clasped his palm, reappearing the power of the floating hand. Under his deduction, the floating hand is no longer what it used to be. During the absorption, the whole space seems to turn into a vacuum. Controlled to levitate up, without a place to focus on, [-]% of the power of the palm has been lost.

With a pair of palms, Jie Hongyan flew upside down uncontrollably, retreating dozens of steps before standing still.

"Qiao Tiangong is right, you are indeed cunning."

Although it was a retreat, this palm could not hurt Jie Hongyan. The foundation of thousands of years had just been born, and it didn't wear much, so it wasn't that easy to hurt.

"Yunkui, after all, you are Qiao Tiangong's adoptive mother, and I don't want to hurt you, and I just take a look at the legacy of the heavens, and I will return you after reading it. Why do you have to press so hard?"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Wuji added another sentence, "As long as you don't bother me anymore, I will not only return your Xuanmai Baojian, but also tell you the whereabouts of your daughter Jun Shiyu, and who was the one who sealed your memory back then. You retrieve the lost past."

"I don't have a daughter at all, you don't need to show off in front of me, your words can deceive Jun Fengtian and the others, but Grandma Grandma won't believe it, even if I do have lost memories, I will look for them myself, and you don't need to intervene."

Jie Hongyan is unmoved, Jun Fengtian has a direct personality and doesn't like conspiracy and tricks, but she Jie Hongyan is not Jun Fengtian, not to mention, she is a descendant of Guhuoyu, a family of the wind, also known as Yuyihu, the fox of the fox.

The other party told him about the whereabouts of the legacy of the heavens, but he had other purposes. Who knows if he also had other purposes for meddling in his past?

 Maybe fellow Taoists think that I have overstated the combat power of the heavens. The main reason is to distinguish the difference between gods and humans, otherwise it will be difficult to write below!
  Thanks to: Q Yue Yunduo's 2 rewards; thanks to: Dao Dao Throne, Gods and Demons and Saint Kings are all occupied, Du Tianshen, Zhou Tianxing, Book Friends 2018... 803 and other Taoist friends for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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