Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 514 Regrettably Ending the Curtain 】

Chapter 514 Regrettably Ending the Curtain 】

Yuan Wuji holds the Profound Vein Treasure Mirror in his hand, which is actually a thin book, but the paper is of special quality, and what's even more weird is that it can't be received in the space at all, so it can only be carried on his body.

This may be because there is still a consciousness and power left in Xuanzun Jiutian, which led to this result.

And this is also the reason why Yuan Wuji was robbed by Jie Hongyan. There was a special aura in the booklet, and even with his speed, he couldn't get rid of the pursuit for a while.

After all, Jie Hongyan is the master of an immortal lineage, and her methods are unknown. What was shown in the previous drama is only part of it. After all, this is a real world.

How can it be fully displayed in the play.

The next moment, Jie Hongyan attacked again, her palms linked together, and the strength of her palms made one dare not ignore her.

"You crazy woman."

Yuan Wuji obviously didn't expect that he, who has always used secrets to attract people's hearts, would miss Jie Hongyan and had to deal with it.

In fact, it's not that Jie Hongyan is not curious, if another time comes, Yuan Wuji's words will definitely impress Jie Hongyan.

But at this time, she urgently needs to save Jun Fengtian with the trick of killing the gods, but she dare not delay.

After all, Jun Fengtian is the only heir of the righteous brother.

As the two staggered, as Jie Hongyan condensed her palms into claws, she tore Yuan Wuji's chest, Yuan Wuji's robe was instantly torn, and the precious mirror of the profound veins in her bosom also fell out.

At this time, Yuan Wuji reached out and grasped the treasured mirror of profound veins, while Jie Hongyan's reaction was equally quick, the two palms faced each other, and between their palms was the treasured mirror of profound veins.

Yuan Wuji was furious at being forced by Jie Hongyan, so I just wanted to observe it, why bother to cling to him?
Following the luck of the two Hao Yuan, the Profound Vein Precious Mirror exploded in the palms of the two of them.

In astonishment, they saw bright rays of light erupting from the palms of the two, enveloping them in an instant.


And on the other side.

Yupo came to a secluded place with Jun Fengtian on his back.

Following Yuan Wuji's input of Yuan Gong, Jun Fengtian slowly opened his eyes.

"Jun Fengtian, how could you single out the evil kings of the heavens, what about the others?"

Yupo asked suspiciously.

At this moment, Jun Fengtian's state can't detect Yuan Wuji's difference, so he thanked him and said: "I don't want to involve others in this matter, and I should also solve the matter of heavenly traces."

"Hey, after all, Tianji did not escape this disaster."

Yupo sighed, pretending to be sorry, and then fell on Jun Fengtian again, even more dejected, "Jun Fengtian, you can break through the backlash of your true energy, even I can't do anything about it."

"I know, poof..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Jun Fengtian spat out a mouthful of blood again, and the evil kings of the heavens were not so easy to catch. The backlash of the extremely broken true essence in his body and the evil power of the evil kings of the heavens put Jun Fengtian's life in danger.

"This time, I didn't intend to go back alive, but it's a pity that I didn't take away the evil kings!"

Blood overflowed from Jun Fengtian's mouth, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

Yupo was silent for a moment, then suddenly his eyes moved, and he said, "Actually, I have another way to help you rebirth."


Jun Fengtian raised his head in doubt, but saw Yuan Wuji appearing behind him, pressing his palm on his vest, "Jun Fengtian, today I will help you to go back to the ghost prison to meet your mother and fulfill your childhood wish. "

Before Jun Fengtian could answer, Yuan Wuji vomited forcefully out of his palm, "Reverse Chaos Yin and Yang!"

The extreme change of the floating hand is also a killer move that Yuan Wuji seldom uses.

In an instant, Jun Fengtian's kung fu was out of balance, yin and yang were reversed, and the last vitality disappeared.

A generation of heroes has just fallen.

And at the moment of Jun Fengtian's death, a ball of light melted out, went west, pierced through the void, and fell directly into the mouth of the swallowing beast.

At this moment, in Yuan Wuji's mind, the sound of the system's improvement also sounded again.

Looking at Jun Fengtian's corpse, there was a hint of coldness in Yupo's eyes, "Jun Fengtian, you should thank me for giving you the opportunity to reunite mother and child, as for this body."

There was a flame in Yupo's palm, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I just don't know if you can return after being burned to ashes."

The moment Yupo Lie's palm waved, suddenly, Yupo suddenly felt a sea of ​​pain.

And at this moment, Yuan Wuji himself and Jie Hongyan were enveloped by the light that suddenly appeared from the shattered profound vein treasure mirror.

Following this tingling pain, the evil intention in Yupo's eyes disappeared and he regained clarity.

"Huh? How could I suddenly have such an idea?"

Yupo murmured, "I have no enmity with Jun Fengtian, and destroying his body does not do me much good. Just now, he was born with hostility, weird!"

Yupo's eyes flickered for a while, then he settled down, put away Jun Fengtian's body, and disappeared in an instant.


On the other side, Ji Xuangu finally arrived.

With a sword in the air, sweep away the evil atmosphere.

"Build a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations. Confucian saints, Wugou, holy Confucians, unparalleled."

The moment the An Ran Poem sounded, a figure with holy aura descended from the sky, accompanied by a slash to the head, "Demon, don't be presumptuous."

With a powerful slash of the sword, all lights appeared, and only the evil kings of heaven were left around.

"Another person looking for death!"

The evil kings of the heavens snorted coldly, and raised their palms to shatter the sword energy. Just when the evil kings of the heavens decided to use the ultimate move again, they suddenly sweetened their words, and spurted out a gust of hot blood.

Obviously, Ji Xuangu's sword caused the injuries of the evil kings of the heavens again.

However, the evil kings of the heavens did not retreat half a step.

I saw his body leaning back, his arms slightly stretched out, as if embracing the sun and the moon, and then, a majestic force entered his body, and the divine power reappeared.

"Stupid, do you think Zhao's injury is something you can match?"

The evil kings of all the heavens showed cold eyes, turned their palms and used the move of destruction, "The journey of the evil star will destroy the world!"

Even though they were severely injured, the evil kings of the heavens still would not admit defeat, and their attack was a move to destroy the world. With the power of one move, the world was in turmoil, and everything collapsed.

Facing the killing moves of the evil kings of heaven, Ji Xuangu firmly grasped the Tianjingzi sword, his martial arts and the Tianjing sword seemed to be one, reappearing the divine power, "Five-color legacy move, Zodiac breaks dawn!"

In an instant, a beam of golden light pierced through the dark universe and landed on the land of Shenzhou, like a heavenly sword piercing towards the evil kings of heaven again.


The strong move collided, and a huge cloud burst appeared immediately.

After being baptized within a hundred miles, there are no stones left, only sand.

The two vomited blood one after another. The evil kings of the heavens fought with Jun Fengtian, and were severely injured by the forbidden move of Tianjian.

But Ji Xuangu had been injured a long time ago, and he came here just to suppress the evil and forcefully suppress the injuries in his body.

Now, the strong move collided, and the injuries of the two broke out again. The result can be imagined.

"It turns out that you are injured." The evil kings of the heavens snorted angrily, feeling that the other party had underestimated him and made him feel insulted. Even though he was also injured, he still felt that he was superior to others, that he was a god and not a human.

At this moment, a brilliant saber flashed across, slashing fiercely at Jixuangu.

At the same time, a long sword appeared behind Ji Xuangu, blocking the evil knife.

"A demon who only knows how to attack sneakily, don't even think about hurting Xuangu." Mu Lingfeng swept across with his sword, and with the sword energy, he forced the person back, and the person who came also showed his true face, it was Chi Luo, the Yaksha king.

During this period, Ji Xuangu remained motionless, still staring at the evil kings of the heavens. Obviously, he completely entrusted his back to Mu Lingfeng's protection.

Fully demonstrated the trust in his wife.

"The evil kings of the heavens."

Chi Luo took a few steps back and looked at the evil kings of the heavens opposite him, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, he noticed the state of the evil kings of the heavens, obviously he had just arrived.

"All the heavens, where are the Faru?"

Ji Xuangu ignored the killer behind him, and Tianjing pointed at the evil kings, asking coldly.

"No bones left!"

The evil kings of the heavens snorted coldly and said directly.

"Impossible!" Ji Xuangu knew very well that Jun Fengtian could do anything, and he had a face full of disbelief.

The evil kings of all the heavens narrowed their eyes slightly, and they didn't know what they thought. They turned into a stream of light and rushed directly into the gate of heaven on the sky, leaving only a lingering sound, "After seven days, Zhao will go to the Confucian sect in person, If you want to know the answer, ask for it with your life that day."

Obviously, the internal injuries of the evil kings of the heavens were not serious, but they did not show their weakness in front of others, leaving time for recovery and not staying any longer.

"Heh..." Chi Luo also laughed, and glanced coldly at Ji Xuangu and Mu Lingfeng, as if considering the strength of the two parties. After a while, Chi Luo also disappeared into the darkness, "Sage Ru Wushuang, this Good luck to you next time."

Obviously, Chi Luo was still afraid of Ji Xuangu, even if he was seriously injured, this person might not have no cards, so Chi Luo was unwilling to take risks.

Moreover, the killing of Ji Xuangu was done by the evil kings of the heavens, and he had other tasks.

And as Chi Luo left, Mu Lingfeng hurriedly turned around and circulated his true energy to heal Ji Xuangu's injured body.

"Xuan Gu, how are you?"

After a while, Mu Lingfeng hurriedly asked as he ascended neatly.

"Don't worry, Lingfeng, you go and look for Faru first, I'm not that weak yet."

Ji Xuangu gently squeezed Mu Lingfeng's hand, and gave her a reassuring look.

"it is good!"

Mu Lingfeng is not an indecisive person, knowing that since Ji Xuangu said so, he is confident, and then disappeared in a flash, wanting to find Jun Fengtian's whereabouts.

He has worked with Jun Fengtian for a few years, and he also understands that Jun Fengtian is not such a soft-hearted person.

However, Mu Lingfeng is doomed to be futile.

 Double the last 2 hours, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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