Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 515 Tianshan Soul Wear [September Monthly Ticket 9]

Chapter 515 Tianshan Soul Wear [September Monthly Ticket 9]

But in Earthsea Lonely Castle.

Jian Zhiji, Yan Feihong and Miao Ruofan came together.

At this moment, Di Huyao stayed behind alone.

Soon it was attacked into the lonely castle.

"Where is my... mother...?"

Jian Zhiji lifted the long sword upside down and asked coldly.

"Hmph, trespassing on the lonely castle, save your life!"

Di Huyao snorted coldly, her eyes met Jian Zhiji's, disturbing Jian Zhiji's five senses.

However, this time, she used the wrong object.

Jian Zhichi was once controlled by the very king, lost his sanity, but did not show confusion in the chaos, but the sword moves became more and more fierce, and the murderous intent became more and more intense.

In order to save his mother, Jian Zhiji forced Lian Yun to injure Di Huyao in an instant.

Just now.

Puyang Widow Ming and Duan Qiongtu, who had already received the news, had also arrived.

I saw Puyang's widow's sword lifted up to the sky, absorbing the evil spirit of the giant, and attracting the tragic wind, making the world stunned.

Although it is said that Puyang Widow Ming is the most powerful among the three, but compared with Jian Zhiji who is the sword fetus of the sword family and trained by Yuan Wuji and Master Ming, he is a little weaker.

But the three of them worked together, and even the sword could not cross the thunder pond.

At this time, Yan Feihong and Miao Ruofan took the opportunity to sneak in, looking for Yi Qingtian and others.


The top of Tianshan Mountain is frozen for thousands of miles, and it is cold and snowy all the year round.

The monk who has always looked up to the sky now has his loving eyes lowered, as if the Blessed One is holding flowers.

And in front of him, above the ice and snow, was Ye Xiaochai who had no breath at all.

"The eyes are flying white, and there is a lotus flower in one stamen. Death is like life, and the chance of meditation has arrived."

Jian Chan put his palms together, sat cross-legged slowly, and then.

The lotus on the seat is born, the Buddha flowers reflect the snow, the past is due to the Tathagata, and the present fruit is the same as before.

Within Ye Xiaochai's body, golden Buddha flowers gushed out.

On top of the Tianshan Mountains, under the cloudy clouds, the golden dome is illuminated by thousands of people, which is a wonderful phenomenon and magnificent waves.

"Dharma is like water, it doesn't care about the past or the future."

"Om Mani Pad Moo Hum, Om Mani Pad Moo Hum..."

The six-character mantra, recited by Sanskrit voices, spread throughout the entire Tianshan Snow Vein.

I don't know when the Buddha seal left by the Buddha sword manifested, full of mystery.

"Ye Xiaochai, the time of day is approaching, bathe and flow, follow the seal of Buddha, go!"

At this moment, the time of day arrives, the fire of heaven appears, the flames flow in hundreds of miles, and the snow melts in thousands of peaks.

It is a rare phenomenon in the Tianshan Mountains that happens once in ten Jiazi——Tianyang Liuhuo Yaohongxue.

The ice and snow melted, and the snow-white mountain was now reflected in a blood-red color. The melted ice and snow left behind, like blood.

The sky is red and snowy, reflecting the Buddha's light of the mantra, and Ye Xiaochai's body also changes.

Golden lotuses bloom all over the body, and golden Buddha light flows out of the body, forming a wonderful scene.

Just when Ye Xiaochai's soul traveled through time and space following the seal of Buddha, suddenly, a stream of light flashed across the sky, and the next moment, it rushed into the seal of Buddha and disappeared together with the seal of Buddha.


Jian Chan Mixin raised his head in astonishment, then seemed to understand something, he couldn't help shaking his head, "Cultivator, even if you go back, what can you change?"

"If you change the past, then you in this life may also..."

Saying that, Jian Chan Mi Xin shook his head again.

And in the past time and space.

The same Tianshan, the same ice and snow.

Just from day to night.

The strange phenomenon reappeared, and the moon flowed with green flames, forming a strange and strange scene.

But at this moment, a figure with an imposing appearance stepped onto the summit, and opposite him, inside the iceberg, was a figure that had been frozen for 19 years.

His name is He Shaohong, a disciple of the legendary peerless casting master Xuanlong Ling Jueding.

At the beginning, he had a conflict with Ling Jueding, who was like a master and a father, and left in anger. He walked the rivers and lakes by himself, and forged countless famous swords, which he gave to famous swordsmen for use, to compare himself with his master.

Just once, when he went to Tianshan to get back the sword he forged, he unexpectedly encountered Changri Kunzhen who challenged the swordsman in the world.

He died under the sword with just a few strokes, and was finally frozen in the mountain, retaining the last chance of life, and entrusted the porter who carried him up the mountain to take his broken sword and return to Lei Ze, looking for his master Xuan Longling Jueding.

And that porter later had another name—Chi Yuan Hate the Sea·Love does not return, a disciple of Jian Zong Chang Ri Kunzhen, one of the three major sword clan leaders, and also the adoptive father and master of Qingfeng Bihe Department Xueyi .

"Heavenly sun, fire, and red snow? How could it be so long in advance? Even at night?"

Ling Jueding looked at the strange phenomenon in front of him with doubts in his eyes, and then looked ahead to the iceberg where the disciples were sealed.

At this moment, the Buddha's light reflected the glacier, and the ice gradually melted.


"This Buddha Qi is emitted from Hong'er's body."

The unexpected change made Ling Jueding's brows furrow tighter, and his eyes became more suspicious.

Immediately, Ling Jueding condensed his sword energy, and with one strike, the ice layer melted into powder. At this moment, a ball of light burst out of He Shaohong's body, and disappeared into the sky when he was caught off guard.

Ling Jueding only had time to send out a burst of sword energy, and then paid attention to He Shaohong's situation.

"What was that ball of light just now? It doesn't seem to be Chang Ri Kun's method."

A thought flashed in Ling Jueding's mind, and then he shook his head, "Forget it, it's important to save Hong'er first."

"The sword energy left by Chang Ri Kunzhen in Hong'er's body is frozen, it seems that there is really hope."

As soon as the words fell, Ling Jueding pressed his sword finger on He Shaohong's body, and immediately, Changri Kunzhen's unique and difficult sword energy was pulled out with ease.


And tens of miles away from the Heaven of Hell and Impermanence, a huge ball of light erupted between the palms of Yuan Wuji and Jie Hongyan.

The light engulfed the two of them in an instant.

The blazing white light made the two of them unconsciously close their eyes, and their consciousness was also in a trance for a moment.

Opening his eyes again, he actually appeared in a dark space.

But opposite him and Jie Hongyan, there was an extra tall figure.

The man was with his back on his back, but the shoulders and the nine candle holders around his collar made Yuan Wuji recognize him at a glance.

"Brother Yi!"

Jie Hongyan shouted with surprise on her face, she had already taken a few steps forward as she spoke, and she seemed to want to jump up.

Yuan Wuji at the side glanced at Jie Hongyan thoughtfully, and murmured: "It seems that there are many stories in it!"

At this time, the consciousness left by Xuanzun Jiutian finally turned around slowly.

Xuanzun Jiutian didn't look at Jie Hongyan, but stared at Yuan Wuji.

Suddenly, a bad feeling emerged in my heart.


Yuan Wuji frowned tightly, and his heart was already on guard.

In his previous life, he only knew that there was a trick to kill the gods hidden in the Xuanmai Baojian, and he also knew that there must be the means of Xuanzun Jiutian, but he was confident that a dead person could not pose a threat to him, but now it seems.

Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, "Although the affliction is strange and there are countless secret techniques, Qiang Wudi is in charge of the Three Realms, and he has cultivated countless talents, but no matter what, it is impossible to pose a threat to me."

"Furthermore, the technique of killing gods is originally used to cultivate people, to deal with future enemies, not to kill the practitioners. It is absolutely impossible for him to leave here enough power to hurt me."

Just when Yuan Wuji's thoughts were chaotic, finally, the legendary Qiang Wudi spoke.

 In the third watch, Calvin couldn't hold on anymore.sleep……

(End of this chapter)

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