Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 516 The Purpose of Nine Heavens Xuanzun

Chapter 516 The Purpose of Nine Heavens Xuanzun

"I finally waited for you."

The first sentence made Yuan Wuji frown.

Afterwards, Xuanzun Jiutian's next words shocked Yuan Wuji even more, "Existence from a foreign land is a change in a difficult situation."

Hearing this, Yuan Wu was completely shocked, "How would Xuanzun Jiutian know of my existence?"

This was not mentioned in the original play.

But now, Xuanzun Jiutian knew this, and even found out that he was not in a difficult situation.

Yuan Wuji was in a state of confusion for a while, "Could it be that Xuanzun Jiutian is not dead, but has been hiding behind the scenes, and deduced something from my actions?"

"No." But immediately afterwards, Yuan Wuji shook his head, "Impossible, with the character of Xuanzun Jiutian, it is impossible to hide behind the scenes all the time."

On the other side, Jie Hongyan also understood that this was just a piece of consciousness left behind by her brother-in-law, and she had no sanity, so she looked at Yuan Wuji with a look of surprise.

Because, this is specially reserved by the righteous brother for this person, and it must be of great importance to let the righteous brother value it so much, and to listen to what the righteous brother says.

As for the foreign land mentioned by the righteous brother, Jie Hongyan didn't have much reaction, because there are too many foreign lands attached to the plight. People from similar places.

The only difference is that he received special attention from his brother-in-law.

But no matter what the two of them are thinking, they will not disturb Jiu Tianxuan's continuation, because this is just a leftover consciousness, following the rules of instinct, and has no self-awareness.

Yuan Wuji was not in a state of confusion, because he was also curious about what Xuanzun Jiutian knew. Perhaps, he could find out the reason why he traveled here from his mouth.

Returning to Earth, Yuan Wuji had never thought about this kind of thing before, because he knew very well that he did not have that kind of strength, but now, with the increase in strength and more methods, Yuan Wuji naturally had other ideas.

"At the beginning, the ancient prophet Jiuzhi Yitian sent his left eye to people in a difficult situation, and helped me create an apocalyptic opportunity with Taoist Emperor, Zun Buddha, and Emperor Confucianism to create and study the dark world. Due to an accident, I made the future eye The contact with the universe that retains the past of misery creates a strange picture."

"Although the two returned to calm later, there was no difference, but I understand that variables have appeared. In order to prevent him from going astray, I am waiting here. Now, you have finally appeared."

"Huh?" Yuan Wuji was silent, he didn't know if it was because of the change after he appeared, or because it was really as what Xuanzun Jiutian said, or because of other reasons.

But one thing is certain, that is, not only Xuanzun Jiutian knew of his existence.

Although Xuanzun Jiutian is known as being invincible, he is only the pinnacle of the world. Even he can know it now. So, what about the gods in the realm of the six heavens?

Thinking of the two keys accompanying the twins of dragon and phoenix that Hong Chenxue gave birth to, Yuan Wuji had to think more, because those two keys were called the six-day key.

From the name, it is known that it is related to the realm of the six heavens.

Difficult situation Since ancient times, talented babies have emerged in endlessly. Although Li Yu and Chen Yuan have extraordinary talents, special physiques, and are accompanied by magical weapons and unique skills, they cannot get the attention of gods.

Unless, the gods of the Six Heavens Realm have other purposes.

And that purpose is self-evident, and must be related to oneself.

Thoughts were running through Yuan Wuji's mind, but he wasn't worried too much. The gods of the Six Heavens couldn't descend to the Human Realm, not even Emperor Qitian, who had the most combat power in the Realm of the Six Heavens, couldn't come down, let alone other gods.

Therefore, before he became a god, the existence of the Six Heavens Realm was not a big threat to him.

As long as it is not a god, then other people, Yuan Wuji has nothing to fear.

Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes, looking at what Xuanzun Jiutian wanted to do.

What big waves can a dead person stir up?

Want to get everything back on track?

But immediately after, the words of Xuanzun Jiutian made Yuan Wuji a little bit astonished.

"Everything can't be changed. All I can do is to give you a chance. It will play a huge role at the most critical time. I hope you can lead the right way in the future, so that the suffering can truly return to peace and clear away all the sources of disaster. , no more disasters will come, so that the common people can live and work in peace and contentment.”

As the voice fell, Xuanzun Jiutian's consciousness burst into pieces, and immediately, everything about the "Thunder of the God of Punishment" merged into Yuan Wuji's sea of ​​consciousness.

It also allowed Yuan Wuji to have the first magic trick of self-control, but it was expensive.

Even with his current skill, he can only send out one move and has nothing left to spare.

However, this is a move of the gods, and it is performed by the gods, not humans.

However, what Xuanzun of the Nine Heavens said made Yuan Wuji a little puzzled. Considering that he could fight against the ruthlessness of Baqi evil god at the cost of destroying half of the souls in Shenzhou, it was really surprising that he was not eliminated.

"Perhaps, this is left before the fight against the evil god of Baqi, when he was not infected by evil."

Yuan Wuji murmured to himself, and then his heart moved, "Maybe, it's because he knew that he couldn't kill me at this time, so he hid the real killer move in the so-called chance."

"The so-called critical moment may be when I was the weakest, and finally broke out. The result can be imagined."

The more he thought about it, the more Yuan Wuji felt that it was possible.

Jiutian Xuanzun's character was not necessarily kind before he was not infected by evil, from the fact that he tricked his younger brother to kill him when he thought it would be a disaster, and he also killed him when his wife attacked him. It can be understood that from the beginning to the end, the Lord of the Three Realms has used extremely extreme and cruel methods from beginning to end.

Even his own younger brother and wife could be sacrificed at any time, so how could he hold back an outsider like him?
Yuan Wuji immediately forgot about the favor he had just had for Jiutian Xuanzun.

"Xuanzun Jiutian, I look forward to the opportunity you mentioned. Hehe..."

Sneering with disdain does not mean that Yuan Wuji will be careless, but that he will be on guard and make more preparations in advance.

There is a system, and everything has a solution.

What's more, it can be seen from the consciousness left by Jiutian Xuanzun that he didn't pay attention to Jie Hongyan before, he didn't know that Jie Hongyan would appear here, which shows that this was an accidental change.

Xuanzun Jiutian didn't have a complete grasp of everything at the beginning, at most he only knew a little bit, so he left some methods, but even he himself didn't know if they would work.

That's why they are so nice to persuade, not to threaten.

"Brother Yi!" Seeing Xuanzun Jiutian disappear, Jie Hongyan's eyes turned red, and she stretched out her hand to grab something, but it was in vain.

At this moment, with the disappearance of Xuanzun Jiutian, the dark and mysterious space was also shattered, and even Yuan Wuji's soul consciousness and Jie Hongyan's soul meaning were also shattered, and there was an extreme stabbing pain in his mind.

"Nine Heavens Xuanzun, you are a traitor, you really have other plans."

Yuan Wuji scolded angrily, but he was not afraid, because it would make him weak for a few days at most, and could not constitute a real threat.

Immediately, the eyes of the two of them went black, and they lost consciousness.

 Thank you: Yiqixing's Little Fox, Moon Night Siren, God Demon Saint King Are All Occupied, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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